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Monday, December 12, 2011

Girl talk Part 3

Assalamualaikum wahai pembaca dan pengunjung Malaysia di bulan December yang awesome ini =P

ahak ahak ahakk!!

last weekend was my engagement with mr.asfirdaus asri and family. can you believe it?

i'm someone's tunang dah! hahaaha!!

syukur alhamdulillah ='D

on my engagement day, the baju kurung i wore was actually my mother's baju bersanding and it's 28 years old!!! it looks just as new and alhamdulillah i can fit in them. terror kan? so take note girls! make a real decent baju kurung (because it fits any occasion, in my opinion) on your wedding day or any special day so that you can pass it down to your daughters. i'll be wearing my mom's baju nikah on my nikah day as well. ahak! =D
and, subhanAllah, the hantarans.. my mom made them herself! i bought the gifts and she decorated it so beautifully, to the point that some actually thought we hired someone to do it. it's really that gorgeous!!

mom's work of art =')

mom's baju bersanding =)

my cousin, Faressa, did my make up and i loved it. it wasn't heavy and it was just perfect! you can check her out at her blog! i was wearing maysaa cream snood and Calaqisya shawl. have to thank Yana for making them specially for me. =D

as i was getting made up by faressa, and when i saw the watch was showing that it was nearing 3pm, i became ecstatic and restless! terus jadi hyper! kesian my friends, terpaksa layan i. hahaha!

while i was upstairs, preparing and waiting, my family were busy preparing as well to greet asfirdaus's family who some came all the way from melaka and seremban. bless them =')
when they arrived and when i saw satu group pakai purple gelap (their theme colour) terus perut macam buat somersault swimming freestyle flip turn. amboi lah. jadi nervous pulaaakk! hahaha! but it was only momentarily.

after hearing some snippets of balas pantun between my uncle, Babo and Asfirdaus's grandfather, Tok, i was delighted again. they were really funny! i missed the part where they discussed about the wedding dates, hantaran, etc etc but oh well. i was just eager to walk in macam queen towards the pelamin. hahaha! =p

asfirdaus's tok from melaka as his spokesperson =D

the guys in my family clearly entertained by his jokes!

my uncle as my family's spokesperson evidently making everyone laugh (tgk tok as!) hehee! thanks babo!

and so, after everything was agreed and settled, as's mom placed the engagement ring dan secara langsungnya saya menjadi almost-daughter-in-law beliau. teeheee!!!

oh joy ='D

insyallah soon, they will be my in-laws!

all in all, it was a pleasant day. cuma after the whole thing, i didn't mingle much with asfirdaus's family.. i feel bad about it still. i wanted to talk to them but bila dah depan muka, i jadi segan macam entahpape.
i was tongue-tied tak tentu pasal pastu all i did was smile macam kambing mintak penampar and then macam awkward sorang sorang. *facepunch*
i memang ada weakness tak reti nak strike a conversation with aunts/uncles yang tak kenal.. in fact, i memang tak reti nak small talk! if they're above my age group, i jadi gagap.
motif kan? haihhhh.. takpe. i have 1 year to redeem myself!! ahak!

so, all the pics here were taken by Udey and Mukhriz! they made everything look RM1mill worth padahal tak pun! hehe! so do check out their facebook page for more amazing photos and Udey's blog and Mukhriz's blog! strongly recommended!! =D

alhamdulillah, Allah swt had granted a lovely day! everything went well, the food was good, the decorations were amazing, asfirdaus and his family arrived safely to our house and back to theirs, and asfirdaus and myself are now happily engaged!

also, a HUGE thanks to my aunts and uncles, my cousins, my brothers and ultimately
korang memang terbaik!

nikah. a start of a new chapter in our lives. 

before i end this post, here's an AWESOME video which basically summarises the engagement!

Maria Elena Zarul & Asfirdaus Asri Engagement Ceremony from Shafiq Zamri on Vimeo.

thank you all for your amazing support and well wishes!!
i thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly. =')


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Kc Kasedah said...


elya sharmimi said...

congratsssss! :)

faqihahhusni said...

TAHNIAH KAK MARIA. Semoga berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu :)

Ayu Na said...

u look so gojes~ congrats Maria~ waiting for the next stage pulak..excited..same with me :)

cerkleng said...


Adibah Baharum said...

congrats Maria..! :D

mr_right said...

kelasss kau mariaa !! sepadan ! tahniah^^

Sunshine said...

tahniah beautiful!!! u guys look great together! soon u gona start makin beautiful babies..n n n...
;) congrats again love!

Apis Hilton said...


Judh said...

congratssssssssssssssss ^^

fathiyyahISMAIL said...

wah tahniahh :D

haha lawak lah gmbr family tuhh xD

sweet lah. kawin cepat2 yea ^^

Sya said...

congratulations kak maria! ;)

Nisa_Hardzir said...

congrate sista :)

Cik Nani Noraini said...

congrats dear! So terharu viewing all ur pics.. :)

Fztlmr.psl said...

congrtsss sis mariaa. <3

gds said...

congrats sis Maria dan tunang. :)

Anonymous said...

gojes laa akak niee... tahniah sis... sempga Allah satukan kamu saaampai syurga hendaknyaa... aminn... :)


congratzz kak maria.. anggun giler :D
sgt manes oke..^^

nurarinab said...

congrats babe! :)

Anonymous said...

congrets kak maria.. pheww.. pheww... jeles tgok kemeriahannya, err, sy msih kcik untuk semua itu.. :D

NUR AYNIE said...


jihah najihah said...

waaa congrats ! best nye! mcm i pulak yg tak sabar nii ^^ haha

Afifa Hussain said...

tahniah kak maghia :)

IM TYPING said...

congrats kak mariaa !
may Allah bless all of you :)

Anonymous said...

congrats! :D

cik gojes :) said...

ommo...ommo...ommo...ini adaLah giLa cooL...u guys reaLLy Look great together...dua2 pon sengaL...Loike...congrats and semoga kekaL ke jinjang peLamin yea =)

Ainaa Ramzani said...

Congrats Kak Maria!!! :D

Nanie said...

congrats kak maria :>

▲DRI▲N ▲IZ▲T™ said...

tahniah maria elena! semoga berbahagia ke anak cucu! :)) heehe

kutipan ombak rindu dah 9 juta:

normala_ali said...

congrats maria.. u are awesome.. :)

mujagirl92 said...

nak tunang sama tarikh ngan maria nanti,, kih3

ULtradya said...

congratz............ u look gorgeous!!!!!!!

haniko arihyoshi said...

hey...congrats n just love ur pics and the sweet

farah said...


Shafeqkha Lee said...

tahniah ^^,

mujagirl92 said...

btw.. congrates,, you both are awesome!!! <3 <3

cikDot said...

tahniah kak maria.!
that was an awesome engngament!
cantek seyh.. congrats akak :)

E F A said...

congratulation maria & datuk... semoga berkekalan sehingga ke jinjang pelamin nnt dan bahagia hingga akhir hayat...

Murni Ateerah [ MonTheAmomo ] said...


ayu cheese cake said...

Congratulations kak maria :)

-Azni Zuhaini- said...

congrets kak maria, may Allah bless both of u.

-Azni Zuhaini- said...

congrets kak maria, may Allah bless both of u.

dyLa aDiLa said...

tahniah..sweet la :)

Cerita Si Gadis said...

congratulation kak mariaa elena zarul ! hope u'll always get the hapiness life ever after with abg asfirdaus asri ! ;D AMIN~

Izatul Shafinaz said...

whooooaaa!congratss! :)

Izyan Balqis said...

so adorable.......

love it! congrates sis maria!!!

eNaL_WaNie said...

congratz kak maria .. im so happy for you !! tidur lena la dia eh .. hahaa tak sabar nak tengok kak maria nikah ... huhu

Teeha Mohd said...

congrats. wahhh , bestnyeeeee

syahassan said...


Anonymous said...

wahh hebat kak mariaaaa :) sukeeeeee. semoga ke jinjang pelamin dan kekal ke anak cucu...
aminnn .

Asyik Izas said...

congrats maria gorgeous:)

Hizea said...

congrats kak maria :D

Aimy Yasmin said...

AWHHHH Alhamdulillah~ & CONGRATS! So happy for you both :')

Fyqa said...

congrats sis !


Lalaa Ainaa said...

Congrats kak maria, you look soooooooo gorgeous! cantik sangat. gettin' married soon. amin ♥

bel and balqis said...

OMG!!!!~ congrtas ... you look sooo lovely!

Anyyss Shuhaimi said...

congrates kak! moga cepat kawin!

Makwe Kintan said...

Tahniah kak maria...awesome lah!! ^__^

Nana S. said...

this is beautiful. congrats kak maria. both of you sgt sgt comel seriously! =')

syaa said...

kak maria :)
congrats! haha u guys are just ADORABLE

Ainn Ismail :) said...

Congrats kak maria! sweeeeeeeeeeet je nampak! you look damn awesome! may Allah showering both of you with blesses <3

Unknown said...


SS said...

Tahniah kak! You're look beautiful in pink! hehe

Cik Emie said...

Congratz..sweet couple :)

May Maisarah said...


-edin- said...

tahniah for u sis ..

Putryy Nasuha said...

congratulations, soon u will be someone's wife, take a good care of ur family and u too. selamat yeah<3

ABOUT ME said...

congrates kak maria elena , both of u really sweet n cute :) moga berkekalan :)

Amira Jannah JF said...

ALHAMDULILLAH kak ena! Turut bersukacita, don't forget ucap syukur pada Allah..
Kak ena emang selalu best lah! ="]

salam to dato' and your big family.
[jolanda frisillia - your indonesian friend wannabe hehe :P]

laila enzai said...

Congrats kak maria!
jeles tauuu!! hehehe..

mane pic hantaran dan gift yg digembar gemburkan tu?

zira said...

congratulation kak maria !

Anonymous said...

congrats!!!! hope both of you akan kekal bahagia selamanya.

Nurul Jannah said...

congrates kak ! you look stunning in your mom's baju kurung ;)

Zizie LAM said...

woww! tahniah kak Maria... U look stunning with the baju kebaya.. *kebaya kan?


Maicher said...

Congratulationsssss Sis!


your family is indeed awesome. even your mom!

fara said...

tahniah kak maria! gorgeous sgt! :)

Unknown said...


I pulak yg rasa nervous!


syamimiazhar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cynthia Lee said...

Congratulation maria:D

Unknown said...

Congrats Maria!! Btw the baju kurung sangat classic.. n u look so sweet in it..

yurina said...

Congrate kaQ Maria . nanti kawin jgan lupe jemput kita . semOga akaQ and DatO' kekal bersama hingga akhir hayat . =) aMin

Juliana Razalee said...

congratulations :) that's all i can say . :D

Wawa Abdullah said...

so lovely! tahniah 1000x tahniah..hehehe jgn lupe jemput kawen..hehe :P

eiyzniey said...


Farah Suraya said...

kak maria dah bertunang !!!congrats to both of youu :)

Mien said...

Tahniah tahniah tahniah! Wish all the best for both of you! :D

Atiah said...

cograts kak maria..u look so beauty with bro asfirdaus..nnt kahwin jgn lupa ajak bloggie.heee

Unknown said...

tahniah kak Maria :)

Hudalatip said...

congrats maria..:) u look so nice..

Syuhada Nasya said...

tahniah kak maria..
anda sgt cntik lahh :)

zoeLa said...

tahniahhh kak mariaa ! happy for you. semoga berkekalan sampai akhir hayat =) untonglaaaa dapat dato' HAHAHA =P

AyiLarimA said...

Tahniah plus Congratx kak Maria.
Semoga kekal hingga ke jinjang pelamin, ke anak cucu.

*Cewah, beria ni :D

miss ida said...

sis maria...congrates ya!!!
cepat2 kawin nnt...heiheihei...
saya suka gambaq sis dgn asfirdaus...sweet la..

Anonymous said...


nadya said...

congrat kak maria..and u hv awesome family!!!

nurazyanatann said...

Tahniah Kak Maria ! ;) May Allah bless both of youuu

Asmi Asmidar said...

Kak Maria ! I love your outfit ~ It was so nice ~ You are so awesome and cute .Subhanallah ~

Tahniah ~ Semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan sampai jinjang pelamin sampai akhir hayat okay ^^

Amirah Syafiqah said...

rasa nak nanges baca entry nie. teheeeeee :D
tahniah kak maghiaaa :)

syamimihaziqah said...

OMG all of the decorations are beautiful!
And you're gorgeous laa kak Mariaaaaaa!
Much jealous! hukhuk

Wish you all the happiness! :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WEYH, PEHAL NAK SWEET SANGAT NI? hahaha, jk sissy. justtt, yaa, congrates! hihi. ehem lepas ni kena panggil Puan Maria lah ye XD

AmirahSM said...

tahniah kak maria, even rmai org x suke sy ske, sempoi n xhipokrit.thats u! cepat2 kawen yer =)

My territory said...

tahniah! :)

Riez Razali said...

the 7th pic... guy with dark baju melayu there... I know him.. haha... his mother is my mum's cousins... dr jauh la kan... hehe... so, we are family la..welcome2!!

hazirah kasimon said...

congrates 4 d engagemnt. both of u r too cute ~~~~ semoge sempoyyyy like tis even da kawen n ade kiddoes k <3

Anonymous said...

congratulations for the engagement!

emira said...

congratez!!! u guys are so sweeettt! :D

Unknown said...

tahniah kak maria!!! =)

Tukang Review said...

congrates kak maria for your engangement! :)


Congrates kak maria...cntek sgt..!:))

miSs sYiQa said...

i hope my memorable day nxt year will b as awesome as yours =)

emylase. said...

tahniah sista!!! ;) suka tgk those pictures! ^^

SyedGraphix Dot Com said...

Congratz maria! serious gmbar dia ohsem gila. sape photog??? >.<"

haasyaa said...

Congrats kak!!! You're so gorgeous to de max. Moga kekal ke akhir hayat :)

noNAME said...

akak, mane pics hantaran???

si bunga said...

Congrats :D

Farra said...

Congratulation Kak Maria! You're just sooo beautiful in that! Waah! bertunang pun boleh maintain muka happy jek an? :')

Eiqa Roslan said...

congrats ye kak Maria hope sangat berkekalan.. ^^

Unknown said...

Kak maria...??!! eeii~ baca la komen saya ne..hehe..gedik jap!! >.< CONGRATULATION sis..! :)

Halo Hasta said...

congrat mariaaaa :)))))

Cik Puan Tim said...

Congrates kak Maria & Dato =D

Muario said...

congrates sis =)

eykaa awiee said...

Tahniah Kak Mariaaa ! Curik gmba tau , nk buat entri dekat blog ! :)

LeenNajib said...

Congrates sis :)

Anonymous said...

hey MARIA SELENA GOMEZ dah jadi tunangan ASBIEBER dah.

tahniah maghia!

*spokesperson(your side),is he hunny madu's babo?

Wahidah said...

tahniah maria...its so classic..:)

Anonymous said...

hey MARIA SELENA GOMEZ dah jadi tunangan ASBIEBER dah.

tahniah maghia!

*spokesperson(your side),is he hunny madu's babo?

una said...

congrates,u r too gojes on the it ! :D

Qutiq Ishanee said...

congrats kak mariaaa

safiah sokher said...


Elyzatul Nastaysah said...

congrats k.maria.akk gojes sgt2 tau=)

Cipina said...

tahniah maria!

yana said...

Tahniah maria!!!

Jαnnαhツ said...

tahniah kak maria!!!

Unknown said...

tahniah *_^

Unknown said...

tahniah *_^

Anonymous said...

congrats! dah jadi tunangan orang dah cik maria kita nie. :)

laskar pelangi said...

TAHNIAH dear =)

Liyana said...

tahniah maria & asfirdaus~ :)

Siti Nor Hazeeliana said...

alolo. sweetnye. congrats !!

atenkure2 said...

Congrats Kak Maria :')

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

wahhhh super awesome sis mariaaaa, tahniah tahniah! lepas ni tunggu kahwin pula :') sweet sangat. awhh

mai said...

congratulationssss!! :)

masshie mastura said...

congrats sgt :):)

liyani rasdi said...

congratez maria!!
more pic pleaseeeee!!!
xpuas tgk sbb mmg AWESOME!!hihihi
semoga cpt kawin tau...:)

Anonymous said...

congrats! :)

mizwhatever said...

sweet couple :)

Surayah said...


fatinsyakira said...

alhamdulillah. congrates maria the cool girl :D

y i e n said...

congrats maria ... chanteq sgt combination kaler time engagement u ni ... n the best part is, u bole pakai ur mom baju kurung time sanding dulu :)

Yellow Chic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
asyraaf munshi said...

skung aku plak yang mcm nak tunang and khawin cept..heheh

Awatif Azizi said...

sangat sweet...btw..tahniahhhh...daa jadi tunang org..jap g bini org lak..hihi...

Awatif Azizi said...

sangat sweet...btw..tahniahhhh...daa jadi tunang org..jap g bini org lak..hihi...

v08 said...

you look great Maria!! congratesss :)

nasha sanza said...

congratz sis! you are so pretty! dont forget invite me for your wedding! hehe...

.miradila. said...

awwww congratz...terharu je tgk...rasa nak bertunang gak!!hahah

Ainn Rahman said...

Auwww, that was soooo swett Kak Maria ! And andf and ! OMG! You're sooo gorgeous in pink <3 Semoga bahagia and cpt2 nikah ;D

syafieyka_ff92 said...

tahniah !! u are awesome!!!!

wahida said...

Tahniah to both of you.. shomell je sume..

N u r A t i k a h said...

congrats Maria Elena (:
Lawa u punya baju tunang , aww*

farhana said...


MSS said...

cantik baju kurung..simple je..

Anonymous said...

tahniah kak. bila bersandingnyer? hehek. jgn lupe update aww :)

Saidatul Ashikin. said...

Kak Maria , congrats :))

De' Nurul said...

kenapa comel sangat!!! grr! tahniah. happy for both of u :)

Lia Hasty said...

congratz ;-)

Puan Eka said...

tahniah kak maria..

baju ibu cantik

mekap cantik..tak payah pakai bulu mata pelesu pun cantik..simple

pelamin cantik..

warna tema pun cntik.....

tahniah tau... :)

MamaTomey Touch said...


mysara ramlan said...


nurdani said...

seronoknya tengok!!! tahniah! semoga berbahagia bersama dato' sampai bila2

nur amalina athman said...

congrats kak maria..:)

annie abd ghani said...

Tahniah kat maria!!! Ble wedding?? owhh~~ x sbr!!

Nini Mohd said...

u looks pretty! love the make up, pelamin, & ur mom's baju kurung. sangat sweet lah. ;)

Aliff Haikal said...

comelnya kakak :)
congratssss , semoga bahagia :)

Nazrul Ashraff said...

oooooooo my. kerlas gilak!the video, the pictures. terbaik.

RB said...

u look so cantik in the pictures. congratulations on the engagement!:)

Ahmad Hafiz said...

tahniah maria :)

Mustika Hayati said...

amazing photos and congrats!

Call me, Eyka said...

ohh my dear! U post entry ni on my engagement day n i pun suprisee gila u dah jadi tunang org jugak.. ^__^
Tahniah tau! Mmg awesome lah video tuu... *touching seh :')*


p/s: semoga Allah permudahkan apa yg kita rancangkan......aminn..

chEntA said...

wahhh,bertunang dah ambk udey as photographer..tak sbr nk tgu kawen..cntik sgt..=)

Syamimi Rafee said...

Congrats! Semoga bahagia to the end :)

nonchae said...

huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa congrats ya! xD

AwatifChippe said...

congratz kak maria..may Allah bless both of ya :D
btw kak maria you look super gorgeous lahhh!

noyin said...

hahah comel lah u..tahniah

Unknown said...

both of u so gorgeous..
darah manis bakal pengantin..
semoga berbahagia hingga akhir hayat..Ameen

Unknown said...

goJes SgT!

Reflisia said...

congrats dear =)

Suraya & Story said...

Congrats...Kelassss u mariaa :D

cik ems said...

beautiful! congratsss! :)

Reensyarinie said...

congrats maria
wahh kelaaas ko maria :)

dilakochan said...

Finallyy, 1 step closer!

Congrats sis! :)

Unknown said...

tahniah maria..=)
sweet sesangt...hehe

Fika Karim said...

tahniah kak Maria!!! so gorgeous :)

atnur @ Iza said...

congratulations, Maria! :)

20 cent said...

Congrats sis..may Allah always bless both of you..

Mila Ahmad said...

congrate Maria,
darah manis nie...jaga²

a said...

Tahniah Maria..=)sweet jek..

ImaNajwa17 said...

tahniah sys :)

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