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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

case compare dan complain


i don't really remember where i saw this, but a while ago, i macam ternampak (again i forgot where) a group of girls comparing themselves with random people.
"cantik nya maria selena gomez (pun boleehhh).. untung lah.. dah la boipren asbieber (pun boleeehhhh)"

"untunglah husband hot"

"untunglah dia kaya"

"untunglah ni.. untunglah tu.."

- these are only examples ok! =p

so back then when i saw these kinds of comments, it's like.. men-downkan i.
i lak yang down! padahal diorang duk sibuk nakkan apa orang lain ada. motif kan?
but see, i rasa sedih tu, sebab we shouldn't compare.

rezeki diorang camtu, nak buat camane?
so what if we don't have their rezeki. we're all blessed anyway!!
we can read right? else you won't be reading this.
we can see right?
we can eat, taste, drink, talk, we can do so many things!
whereas there are people who are less fortunate than us. some can't see, some can't hear, some don't even know what internet is!

we are blessed.
we are fortunate enough.

it's time to stop comparing and complaining. i've made a video already about it kan? 'who wins' tu.
and here, i nak relate kan ngan bloggers. (and i'm sorry i bring this up)
a few times some people tag me on their blog posts, and some posts are about the number of followers on blogs. pastu duk compare compare. honestly, i rasa itu tak perlu.

anyway, when you compare, chances are; you'll become competitive for no good reason, you'll forget the rezeki that you already have, you'll become spoil in your own world, wanting and craving for something only you know, and because you can't get it, you'll get depressed. and when depression looms, negativity will become part of you.
when you complain, you're just wasting your time! lagi lagi when you complain and do nothing about it.
you can compare and complain, but there has to be a limit..

and we can't wish we're someone else or live someone else's life because it's not possible.
someone once said to me
"susah tau jadi i.." pastu ada sadface.
and i thought, well, it's never easy for anyone.

Allah swt has given us life, the life we're living, and is it 'nice' of us if we wished we can have another person's life?

be grateful. that's all it takes.
not confidence, not arrogance, not make up, not clothes.
nothing of the sort.

just be grateful.
maybe it's time to stop all this 'untunglah' thing. kita lebihkan 'alhamdulillah'. =)

if you really cannot get through the toughness in your life, you can't stop wanting something you don't have,
then here, let the words from Allah SWT guide you:

taken via phone (instagram)

and so much more =')

life is amazing! we are all amazing!
it'll be a waste if you can't see how amazing it is (because you're too busy comparing and complaining =p)!

if you can, take some time in a day to read the Quran. =)
insyallah you'll learn new things everyday. and together, we share la ya!

حي على الفلاح
"hayya alal falah"
marilah ke arah kejayaan.

ps: sorry if i offended anyone. just want to give a friendly reminder =) sometimes we need that right! ahak!


buSuk said...
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buSuk said...

sadly..most people do this. i myself sometimes ter'compare' jugak..aish

saadah azmin said...

bru je hlg smangat berblog

LittleGurl said...

you are right sis. 100% agree with you. tak perlu nak compare to others pon, sebab rezeki masing2 berbeza. just be grateful for what we have ;)

Shazwan Azizan - wanblur said...

ada batu warna merah
ada batu warna biru
ada org tak suka org len bahgia
ada org tak suka org len lebih.

yg penting, be yourself.

suzialfredshin said...

kehidupan smasa di akhirat nanti adalah berkekalan, bukan di dunia sekarang..tengah muhasabah diri nih..thank you my dear, for reminding us as saudara seagama =)

Penulis Biasa said...

Thanks for sharing. Semoga Maria Elena istiqamah dalam segalanya. Amin.


yah.. thats true.. f0r me just enjoy n syukur apa yg kita ade..
Allah lebih tahu apa yg terbaik utk kita =)

Unknown said...

org lain takkan brhnti brcakap.

Asma said...

great entry. like seriously. i couldn't agree more with you!!!

we should all feel greatful with what Allah s.w.t has given to us :)

Amirah Marliza said...

Compare n complaine just make us hurt. haha ! so, bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada.

fifie said...

I always do this, but lately I started to feel that I had to be grateful. syukur dengan apa yg ada.

jibangyeon said...

seriously, it's true. sometimes, i don't realize, and i WAS just among the girls who really love comparing things that were not important. You had made me realized about the REZEKI we already have and ,, the REZEKI that is waiting for us :) Thanks kak Maria !

cik beLLanan said...

well said ! but its true thou. people kdg2 tak sedar dia compare2kan org buat sesetgh pihak sedey n terasa.

Nisa_Hardzir said...

biarlah kak..mulut org kann..
semoga berbahagia..semoga dipjng kan jodoh :)

yui said...

sometimes they only compare and nothing more.. so that's fine lah...

comparing and being ungrateful at the same time... haaa yg tu masalah =p

ASH said...

It's weird when people do that. It's like, what do you blog for? Yourself or popularity?

Aiman Ariffin said...

Thank goodness you are not any of those typical bloggers who LOVES counting their number of followers, traffic and yadida yadida. I hope they will get the whole point of all this from ur blog! kudos to u!

Amierah Nabillah said...

omg you actually said what was actually on my mind! i have always thought that it sounds rather ungrateful when someone says "untunglah...". and as a matter of fact, it does make people feel quite upset too.

you go sis! :)

Siti Zulaiha said...

look up for inspirations...

look down for satisfactions....

Fiq ツ™ said...

Thank you Maria! That's a clear example given. Well, sadly but this is a reality- people are living based on other's expectations :( Alhamdulillah your entry awaken me and I will InshAllah, learn on how to be thankful for what I have :)

S.H.Y.R.A said...

yeah..betol.. i also hate the words "untunglah" yg lately rmai org sebut2 kan..bkn nk bg smgt tp sbliknya..ntah ape2 lah..

cik chinta said...

suke nya entri ni...alhamdulillah. share mende yg bagus dapat pahala

Halo Hasta said...

ahaa, and I realized the best way to out from that stupid situation is just remember that all people is blessed by Allah (:

pAri-ParI tErbAng tiNgGi said...

ska entri ni...

OMR (Rose) said...

very well said!
"Allah takkan menguji hambaNYA di luar kemampuan mereka". Whatever happens, be thankful/grateful for who u r & what u have. Coz most often (even though u want something else entirely), what u have is THE BEST for u, sebab ALLAH KNOWS WHAT'S BEST FOR U. Bersyukurlah...sebab ALLAH sayang mereka yang bersyukur.
Nota kaki: 'Rezeki' tu datang dalam pelbagai bentuk. Harta benda, rupa paras, kesihatan yang baik, sahabat, keluarga, followers...huhuhu...but jangan lupa yang kesusahan, sakit, kesempitan juga 'rezeki' because HE wants us to learn from it. Sabar & bertawakkal.

Sofea said...

compare & complain for a good reason, tak pe kan..

contohnya macam mak mak selalu cakap:

"Kau cuba tgk anak si polan, rajin belajar, sekarang sambung study doktor"

so kalau compare & complain like that, take it as challange.

ahmoi_chanteq said...

u r right sis ... =]=]=]

Unknown said...

that's right...ada org kdang2 tak nak kite lbih dri dye.. dasyat kan??

ainul.zmrs said...

nice post sis:)

Primadona said...

yeah.First time drop comment here and this is the first time agreed with you.Stop compare with others.Kita tahu kelebihan kita masing-masing.So belajar bersyukur dengan kurniaan dariNya. :)

Cik Puan Tim said...

Untunglah i like this post...hu2...

well its true kak maria. btw reaeki org biarlah diaorg dgn rezeki diorg. Bt pe kt nak compare2 kan. And kita must try to be better lah ..=D betol x kak maria...brulah ade kepuasan tersendiri ...ngeeee =D

Jαnnαhツ do not dwell on the past (hazan) and never worry about the future (hamm) - just concentrate on the present moment and be happy! said...

totally true la this post. the untunglah trend will bring us nowhere. erm, yg complain but do nothing lagilah useless. bkan bleh improve pun. remain in stagnant state ada la.

i used to be like that fyi kak maria. i complain bout my neighbors again and again but failed to take action and at the end i become angrier and angrier since there seems to be no end to it. phew.

saya pun suke compare diri sendiri ngan org lain and at the same time, i try my best to improve what's lacking in me. cemburu tidak salah. malah ia jadi medium paling baik utk kita improve. kalau kita dengki apa yg org ada pastu nak usaha jatuhkan orang tu, tu memang betul2 tak patut and berdosa. ni yg paling ramai kita boleh lihat dalam komuniti kita hari nie. sedih2.

anyway, thanks for sharing such a lovely post. all in all, be grateful. baru ALLAH sayang kita semua. AMEEN~

p/s: mariaELENAgomez and asBIEBER sounds good what? hehe XD

Mek Onie said...

u are right sis... be urself

Nuruashia said...

alhamdulilah...thanks for sharing systa.!!

Ana Farhana said...

bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada kn.. but,comparison tu mmg sllu kn

aishah amin said...

i always used to want more in my life and was always complaining(dlm hati)

then one fine morning when i was heading to work, i saw this group of bangladesh workers on their bicycles meredah jalan raya yg sgt bahaye just nak cross ke tempat kerja diorang. and there i was before wishing i had a better car. *slaps myself*

what i'm trying to say is, while some people are struggling to make ends meat, we complain about not having a luxury car, not having designer clothes, or what other people have etc. it's true that everyone has their own set of problems and tests in life, i personally think no one has it easy regardless rich or poor. Allah tu maha adil. But at the end of the day, we should always be thankful for what we have, because no matter how hard the challenges we face in life, there will always be someone who has it harder.

Sentiasalah bersyukur sebelum nikmat tu ditarik balik.

'izz said...

alhamdulillah .ad jgk org yg sudi bg peringatan pd semua. thanks so much sis :')

'izz said...

alhamdulillah .ad jgk org yg sudi bg peringatan pd semua. thanks so much sis :')

Shay Suria said...

well said..100% agreed..

bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada.. tak salah comparing untuk majukan diri kita sendiri,dan bukan just angan2 kosong. NO complaining

Unknown said...

yup aggred..thanks...muhasabah diri sendiri...coz b4 slalu gak compare n complain...alhamdulillah...

ereenmrcn said...

terima kasih diatas peringatan ni sis,ia amat bermakna untuk saya.thax

GadizGula said...

thanx for reminding us... ;D

Unknown said...

siapa kita nak compare and complain. rezeki masing2 tuhan yg beri:)

Zarif Shuhaimi said...

nice. alhamdulillah. :)

fana said...

bersyukur seadanye dgn apa yg ada

Raudhah Hayy said...

i recommend you to view this blog

then you'll know, why i recommend this to u ;) tq

Unknown said...

totally agree dgn kak maria..
no need to complaining itu ini..
bersykur apa yg ada..
and if people keep jeleousy, just say alhamdulillah...^^

cik RaRa said...

yeah , betul tu . we should say Alhamdulillah more then merungut kan ? :)

Sachia86 said...

MARIA ELENA, you never fail to amaze me with your words of wisdom..Thank you for this entry, Alhamdullilah.. Allah bless you for reminding us..

loVe puRpLe said...

Rezeki Allah Maha Luas.. rezeki masing2.. jalan citer masing2 =D jange tgk ape yg kite xde.. bersyukur dgn ape yg ade... =D

sehaa said...

yup kak maria, those 'untung lah' are so annoying. for me, they just want to hide their jealousy maybe. anyway, your words are so inspired.

ParkHawaBom said...

hehhe sis maria..untunglah..lebih kpda jeles...hhhehe anyway..i pun teringin nk jd cm u sis..

MARIA LIZA said...

bersyukur dgn apa yg ada..setiap orang ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya...just be urself rite???

hareez mad isa said...

Thank you so much for reminding us all :') This is a huge wake up call not just for me but for everyone else. Yeah I was ungrateful before until now, after reading this :') Thank you so much.

nam said...

We would never feel satisfy if we kept imagining something that we don't have. but, we would feel 'we are the richest person in the world', if we keep thinking and take care of everything that we have that Allah had gave us. So, keep thinking of what we have now and say 'Alhamdulillah'... =]

nurnuha said...

nothing much i can say except that i agree with u totally. :) and yeah, its good if we could practice "one page a day" thingy with the quran (tafsir) so that we know and learn, how meaningful the khazanah is. Insyaallah.

mayadebee said...
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mayadebee said...

agreed 110%

Ainalista said...

agree with this entry....200% agree...

Athirah Tieramiessyou said...

i selalu kot down tgk org cantik2 haha :p n now ok dah n mkn ok pas bace blog maria as usual 'ok' saye sekejap je esok2 down blk. uhh.teruknye saye....nganganga..

papepon this entry best.inspired me a lot.t bila down nk bace post ni again hehe

Izzati Norzlan said...

betul lah.. nasib lah baca entry ni sbb dapat sedarkan diri sendiri. lagi2 sekarang ni mmg tgh down.. and one of the things yg membuatkan keadaan down tu is about comparing with the others. kak maria elena! thanks for giving the good information to the others.. =) thank you..

Puteri said...

Hi babe,

Can't help but wonder, the copy of your Quran, where did you get it..
and its possibility to purchase one

I like its version of translation..

Anonymous said...


i rasa perasaan ni ada pada semua orang..dan semalam baru diskuss pasal 'compare' ni dengan dak opis..

yup betul tu...kita harus bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang...

yuyu aziz said...

Read thru words by words and

"and we can't wish we're someone else or live someone else's life because it's not possible."

"be grateful"

setujuuu sangat. :)

NurFatin Izni said...

well said.
we should be grateful of what we have instead of complaining,

astaghfirullah.sometimes,people only sees what they don't have rather than what they already have.

kadang2 ap yg kta ad tu dah ckop baik dr org yg xde langsung.
no offense people,kate dkt diri sendiri jgk.sbg peringatan.

Nurul Huda Mohd Rislan said...

xbagus lah compare2 ni as if u x bersyukur with what u have been granted. rezeki masing2 kan.,dah ditentukan.

rarizzar said...

tak baca post smpai abis sbb ngantuk.. heheh tp nak share sesuatu. seorang ustaz pernah kata begini "jangan bandingkan kebahagian org lain dgn kebahagian kita, kelak kita takkan rasa bahagia smpai bila2"

aiENn cHAm said...

thanks for make us feel more better without comparing 2 others,may ALLAH bless u sista ;')

eightDesigns said...

it's good to read something like this maria :) should always remind ourselves to be thankful. bersyukurlah kan :)

Unknown said...

jom layari dan follow saya...

wAnIe said...

true maria..thanks for sharing and remind about this things!:)

GoodMindGirl said...

Salam...Alhamdulillah...Always be greatful for hidayah yang diberikan. Semoga perkahwinan dirahmati selamanya.
By the way, would like to invite you to my blog; InsyaAllah, you may find something for you and your DH..:-)

anna2rai said...

btol2..simple reminder wake us up from these sub-conscious habit yg kita buat :)

zool sudani said...
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wan said...

toksah complain

slip disc
slip disc
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angin ahmar
sakit tapak kaki
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