
Surah Ali-Imran, ayat 8:
Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower.

Surah Ali-Imran, ayat 147:
Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the excess [committed] in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.
2. Islamic World
here's a video by a lovely sister, Najwa Latif with a song that's so simple yet so menusuk kalbu! hehe!
i love it, and i hope you do too =D
have a good day everyone!
Thanks for the reminder sis!:)
tq for this sharing,,, kawan muja dah addicted ngan lagu ni,, huhuu
first time dengar maria.suka jugak=D
thnks for the meningful og sharing...
kak maria!! semoga kita semua umat islam sama2 mendapat hidayah dari Allah..
thanks for sharing ! laviu <3
tq 4 sharing . really love this song <3
thx for sharing =)) gud song also,
interesting! thanks for sharing maria! :)
Follow me & be fren.
lagu tu memang menusuk.
terima kasih untuk perkongsian tu. sama2 lah kita amalkan
thanks for sharing sis elena... betul tu, iman kita ni turun naik, tak tetap.. namun, semoga kita masih dlm landasan yang betul...
Tq for sharing Sis... My first time listening this song, I'm fall in love with it..
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Astagfirullah halazim..I pernah hampir putus asa..iman ku x cukup kuat hanya kerana sekelumit dugaan..
Thanx kak maria..I akan cuba kuatkan iman dgn amalkan ayat2 ni...
salam alaik k.mar :)
subhanallah, nice post <3
jazakillah for the sharing .
btw akak ,
bila nk get married [OME - Oh My English XD] ni ? hew hew . .
nnt dah smpi seru dgn dato' akak , jmput kte tau :) :)
may Allah bless you and all your deeds. semoga kita samasama masih ad pluang utk balik pd Dia . woot woot .
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