although our states is next to each other, but hey, the fact is, we're both working means we're always tired after work.
but once in a while, we do meet up for dinner or just jalan-jalan.
last time i saw him, i was having my menses.
so yeahhhh. i was feeling quite insecure about myself. but then he, being a Dato' kan, tak reti nak make me feel awesome pun! cis cis!
1. me: aiseh, i rasa i buruk laa..
Dato': sebab i handsome sangat kan?
2. me: i rasa cam peha i besar..
Dato': sebab i kurus kan?
3. me: datuks, ok tak? (referring to my tudung yang gila out-of-place)
Dato': okay je. (without looking at me pun)
haih.. sabar je la. he is one of those yang bila malas nak layan, memang malas nak layan.
despite all that 'malas-nak-layan', for him to be able to tolerate me at times i lose my temper, when i fall asleep while talking to him and then suddenly say the most random thing, for him to come all the way across the state to see me even for a short while, for him to listen and support me, and a lot of other things, makes him the best Dato' i've ever had. =B
moral of the story?
menses sucks.
sorry ter-cheesy.
wa suke tgk lu 2org.. sweet kapel owhh.. smoge b'kekalan eayhh.. aminn!! :)
sangattttttttttt comeyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!! suke tgok uols :))
Maria Elena rocks.
n datuk sgt cool;)
whatever it is, both are so cute!
haha..caner agaknye datuk vs peliks in reality...
agree.menses sucks!love your "PMS" video..awesome.. (:
sweet! :)
lol awwww i get you! sometimes i feel like saying to people "i have my menses omg cheer me up!!!" LOLZ
nice GIF btw!bahaha. do make more videos of the two of you xD
omagod ! i pun sama alami sume nie macam u ! bf i memang cool thp ape tah , and i banyak cakap . sampai kadang2 cakap sorang2 :p kalo tny pape , 10words from me n he was like, "huh? haah. oke la tuu" =.= kesian . but it sweet kan :) lepas tu gado2 manje ;p
bf i pun kdg2 cam tu =_=
rilex...biasela tu just b open so will happy for ever =)
ala comelnya. sama la nasib kita sis
suka entry ni!!!
saya pernah kena2..especially yg 1st tu..^^
x try upload kt photobucket @ image hosting lain dulu ke gif tu?kot2 la kalo click kt situ pn jadi..
btw, korang bedua couple yg sweet+cool ^___^v
awww maria so sweet :)
ingat kan lu punya sugar dad...
okkeh so sweet ^^
hahahahah.... chooomel~
mgkn sbb u save as .png n bukan .gif kot..anyway,u guys mmg comei sgt²... :)
haha..terima la kenyataan yang lelaki sememangnya romantik..haha :P
sometimes maybe in a pelik way..hehe
so sweet both of u.likesss~
gurls always byk cakap dari laki,.. kita cakap byk dia jawab mcm ape2 jer... menyakitkan hati.. bila kita nak attention... hehehe
sweet ! :) da penat bekerja. biasa la tu LOL n sbb tu kebanyakan ank2 suka ckp/luah dkt mak dia dr si ayah =) sweet!
tp kan maria, even kadang2 ur bf buat macam deep in your heart you know die sgt sygkan u kan kan..
it's just his style right.
both sgtt cute
suke korg
cute gila! hahaha
so sweet....happy for you!~
u lo0k great each other . ble nak kawen?! =D
asfirdaus & maria =)) i love you both laaa! best =))
semoga happy selalu! :)
sweetness la you two :) him not complaining all the pelikness u are much more appreciated kan elena?i wish i have the same tolerable partner like u do..(Dato' ade tk kawan2 hensem+kaye+baik hati)
moga jodoh berpanjangan you two ;) amin
So sweet both of you <3
Sweet Like a Lollipop yeahh !
very sweet la u all....jeles :(
sweeeeeeeeeet !
sweet la:)
ohh..dato' dan bakal datin yg handsome. haha
bile nak buad vid dating lg sis ?
in my case, slalunye i'm the one yang akan buat perangai macam dato' tu. haha
but korang memang awesomely sweet la.
ade video ke? xnampak pon..
nak tengok jugak :(
comel nyee kak maria ni..rasa mcm na tarik2 pipi kak maria..ehee ^_^
weeewwit..sweet couple.
nice picture! :)
sweetnya u all.:)
skeeee sgt tgk korggg.=))
sweet gule2
hahahaha!! u all ni kata kitorang sweet la. i yang sweet. dia tu kurang asam sket. hehe!! =p
burok gile muke maria... haha... camne ade org ckp comel? xphm..
burok gile muke maria... haha... camne ade org ckp comel? xphm..
burok gile muke maria... haha... camne ade org ckp comel? xphm..
burok gile muke maria... haha... camne ade org ckp comel? xphm..
burok gile muke maria... haha... camne ade org ckp comel? xphm..
same la macam i juagak.. kalo cakap dgn bf mesti malas pandang la malas layan laa..
tapi dia tahu yang i mmg akan cakaaaaap je xberhenti..
suka tengok korang 2..doakan bhgia..amin
anonymous! woohoooo!!! jealous muchhhhh?? hahahahha!!
sebab diorang awesome la duhhh. orang buruk je panggil orang lain buruk. =p
terima kasih kepada anda yang cakap saya comel. hahaa! oh and amiiiiinnnn~ =D
oh oh and nanie! heheee.. i know =D
oh oh kembali senyum, tak tau la bila nak video dating lagi. susah nak jumpa maaa.. huhu..
nak correction boleh? pasti lah boleh. blog sendiri kot. aiseh.
actly anon, memang boleh tahan buruk gak la gambar tu kan.
so i guess in a way, you're right. =)
but takyah la sound like a nangka busuk ek =D
peace peace peace y'all.
(tgh stress di opis)
aritu tengok maria elenaaa dekat saffiyaaa. auwww. comelnyeeee.
sweet cpl enuff :)
just ignore the anon sayang :)
knp terlalu sweeeeeeeeet sgt kamu berdua ni...
arghhh..menjeleskan sesiapa saje yg melihat...
ngeee~~ hihikk
anon jeles sbb die xbest cm u lah! ;p
go maria go! heeee
cute r korg berdua........
sweet sgt2.........
You know Maria, the one thinkgs I wonder buat you, you just be yourself.
Its cools and look damn beautiful desirable. Btw, Im excited to read your next post~ cNc (Cun N Cau)
LOL! i think you're naturally funny..nice blog u got here..enjoyed reading it..:)
Have a nice day! :)
maria, u r urself.enjoy reading ur blog.
err asfirdaus ni kan? sori la tertinggal die abg@adek kepada fatin liyana@hanis zalikha eh? sorie la tertinggal..sebab macam pernah dengar and pernah tengok die..hemm
jangan berehat blogging lama-lama sangat ye datin ;p
Maria! just for your info! you're publish in Singapore's Berita Harian Today! :D about Pastelina (; on Page 19 :D Check it out!
haha...klaka tp best...ade gak lelaki type cam datuk aku..kdg2 malas nak layan...:p
happened to stumble upon your blog and I would say ure probably the best malay blogger ive ever come across.
Mygod ! ;) sweet gile korang . I dunno why i suka sangat baca entry ue . i like your all video . :) keep it up ! ;)
ni anon yg lain..
tak rasa pun anon atas kutuk maria.. dia just makes joke mcm kwn2 selalu ckp.. *bek up tibe2*
kwn A: "weyh aku xphm r org ckp ko comel.. tang manaaa deyyyy..haha"
kwn B: "vavi lu... yg fenting xseburuk kau..haha"
but, bila strangers(anon) yg ckp cmtuh..tu yg nmpk cm kutuk kn..
i like the way u smile maria.. and i like the way ur bf smile too. haha..kem salam bf ^___^
and i like u sbb u tak kaver2 cun wlpn u mmg super cun!
kak maria pakai ape pn look stunning and swet. btw , kte pn ade 1 shawl sejibik cm kak maria. ;)
wau! cute!
ohoh kak maria, kita sama je huuu :(
omg:) so hepi for u, he's really cute!
gila butt kisser korang ni -.-
aku knl dato' ni...
weh as.. giler berisi.. da gemok... huahhahaha
sy krm slm pd abg as firdaus..
he is my senior at STJ
akak best laa...
that exact shawl. hi 5!
read your post before. i have huge eyes and hidung besar la jgk, kira family jackie chan but not as big.
used to not like it but seeing you are confident with it (nose) makes me feel blessed sbb kita semua cantik in our own way. thak you maria :)
setuju sgt..selalu je kena mcm tu...sakit hati kalau lyan ayat dorg 2..ngee
Yah totally agree...
u are soooooooo funny and cute
inlove reading ur blog ^^
cumil :)
i'm mesmerized just looking at the gif. LOL!
both of u r soooooo kawai~
maria, siyes bf u cam xbf i dlu...if tanye pape msti x pndang muke or pndang sekilas je then ckp "hurmmm.." je...hhahaa
wow, i like u all
Asfirdaus tu muda lagi.kenapa panggil dato'?takde persis langsung gaya spt dato'.mcm budak remaja je..kalau benar dia bkn berpangkat dato' jgn panggil dato' sbb u dah buat org lain panggil u future datin.ohhhhhh please lahhh...tak payah berlagak ter over sgt...kalau kaya sgt pun tak bawak ke kubur.u sendiri pakai tudung tutup dada tu ye...jgn berdating.harammmmmmmmm
salam maria... i adore ur blog...i adore u...i adore ur r/ship wit dato'...evrythin is just sooo perfect and sweet...haha
yg penting, i tak boleh tahan gelak setiap kali baca post u n tengok gmbr2 u...seriously u both can make it to MLM (Maharaja Lawak Mega) i think even AC pun boleh pengsan tgk blog u ni....totally hilarious...
thanks 4 making my day :)
salam maria elena.
this is my first time here.
sorry im so out to date tatau ur blog before ni.
tapi now i think ur quite awesome.
kip it up :)
u know what.. u r lucky!!! all of us is envy how lucky u r... =}
mens mmg mcm tue, so don't bother...diorg just can do 1 thing in 1 time, so bila diorg stay in calm box, diorg akan stay calm all that time. but, don't let them stay in empty box, susah nak kluar...
jangan lupa update your nikah's pic nanti . hee . may God bless you kak maria :D
ha3... pening mata aku nasib xjuling... but so sweet..... :p
wow!pakai dirham ka dinar!
Hmm, apsal la familiar sgt masalah ni.. cik abg saya pun macam tu la jugak ayatnye bila kita tengah2 insecure tahap dewa raya la dia buat lawak@buat boduss.
Anyway, seronok la baca blog kak maria, tergelak sensorg di kala ofis kesepian . (oppss kantoi encik Boss)
btw@kitahamba, suka hati lah dia nak panggil apa kt AsFirdaus tu, Dato tu pun gelaran yg manusia je bagi kat manusia. I even called my dad Dato' since he acted like one.. and now He GOT that title from Sultan Pahang. He's a Dato in IC now. So, what's the big deal? Itu kan Doa, untuk kejayaan dia.. mana tahu nnt En. AsFirdaus pun dapat title tu krn Doa Kak Maria? So stop hating, and start be happy for others, PLEASE.
awak sgt best ! feel like, wah .. awesome giler minah ni !!?*lpas tgok ur wedding video* :) tahniah sis, moga cepat dpt baby nnt, hukhuk :p
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sweet je tgk. huhu
tp mmg ta dinafikan lelaki mmg romantik <3
Lol I realise, malas nak layan is kinda normal for guys. We, women, just need to understand that. It's not that they don't love you. They do. And they also tolerate with all your tantrums haha
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