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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


and good day

how are you today?
may i say
'tis a lovely day!

saya tak pandai berpantun
saya tetap nak berpantun

awal bulan march 
sudah macam macam datang
featured in InTrend
and featured in Nuffnang

ku ucapkan kepada Tuhan
Dia memurahkan
macam macam anugerah

best ke banyak cakap
"macam macam"?
sikit sikit nak
"macam", "macam"

kalau in English
asyik nak
"like", "like"
tak boleh ke just say "for example"?

ok pantun sudah terlari
lari dari motif di hati
motif nya yang pasti
mengucapkan terima kasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-h

readers and followers sekalian
anda terbaik, tau kan?
kalau you guys takde jenguk blog ni
memang konpem saya tak blog lagi

eh ye ke?
sebenarnya saya akan setia
berblog sampai bila bila
sebab saya banyak idea

eh ye ke?
idea tak banyak mana pun
mulut je banyak cite
tapi jari pendek je pun

apa kes ni lari topic?
entah la si maria elena is greek helen
konon nak berpantun
tapi pantun takde makna

ok balik ke motipbimbo

i am March's Featured Blogger of the Month (click kalau tak caye)

my blog is Top 50 Blog Pilihan InTrend March Issue (beli kalau tak caye)

walaupun kecik je pun gambo kawe dale ni
kawe dop kesah
gapo gapo ore nak ghoyak
baby ni lagi cute dari kawe

sekian pantun
sonnet whatever-teen
told you i tak reti
tapi suka hati i la, hiiihiiii!

ok dah la tu
saya punya perut berbunyi "gruuuu"
coz i'm already hungry
so i'm gonna make maggi!

kalau tak jawab apa?
kalau jawab apa?
5 times square-root of 25 apa?
twenty five
itu bukan umur saya.
tiba tiba.



Lina said...

'macam' dlm inglis dia 'Like' jadi aku 'macam' la ini pantun! wuahaha..

Nani the Freak said...

congrats, kak mariaaaa!

myzaali said...


tapi pantun ni mmg tak leh blah :P

tyka chou said...


Yuyu Zulaikha said...

tahniahh yee ^^

Jeely jelly said...

kalau x jwb dosaaa..
kalau jawab sayangggg :)

Natasha MDG said...


atyqaismael said...

kalau tak jawab dosa...
kalau jawab gatal...
btw...congrats sist. !!!

Cik Nathrah said...

tahniah maria! i'm so proud of u! pewitttttt

Aida Arisya said...

kahkahkah you ni funny laa babe..
berpantun pun leh wat lawakk...
i likeee ilkeee...

congrattt maria..u deserve it

syahassan said...


ehem3.. reti jgk deh kecek klate.. haha..

Fateen Insyirah said...

Petang - petang beli halia ,
Wah tahniah Kak Maria .

Pagi - pagi beli tomato ,
Em Kak Maria jangan lupa kim salam dekat dato .

Hahaha . Amacam pantun ?

Assalamualaikum .
Jawab wajib , tak jawab dosa :P

izzah said...

wowww!congrats sis maria!!

Aishah Malik said...


Ili Naquiah said...


PrettySugar - cakes, cupcakes, cookies

cik gojes :) said...

kak maria the idoL !!
woot...sangat Lah !! Love ur styLe and Love everything yang peLing tentang anda...i want more videos yang giLa nak mati geLak guLing2 dari kakak boLeh ??
terima kasih...
kaLau tak buat tak peeeee....
kaLau buat sayaaaaang mucho2~

AYOI said...

bile mawu belanje nie.heee

Anis Shahira said...

Congrats Kak Maria :)
You're definitely one of the greatest blogger ever !

Syamira Ismail said...

dia macam merapu. ntah pape je bebel. tapi takpe! suka! bt gelak je u maria ;)

zee ong said...

auwww..congrats kak maghia XDDDD

Melin said...

Congrats :D

dilakochan said...

kalau x jawab dosaa, kalau jawabb saaaayang!

Loveeee aje ur trademark tu!

anyway congrats!

Anonymous said...

waa~ congrats!
featured blog in nuffnang..wooo~~
hehe..kak maria mmg sempoi je..

saya 'macam' blog ni!!!!!

'macam' = 'like' kn kn

nurul syazwani :) said...

cute gilaa your post :) HAHA

Unknown said...

kak maria, kenapa tak akhiri pantun kak maria dengan

okaylah assalamualaikummmmmm, kalau tak jawab dosa, kalau jawab sayaaaaaaangggg..

I LIKE! btw congrats yeah! MARIA ELENA rocks!

F Hzh said...

sis, i review ur blog in my entry!! :)

fizzahyahiya said...

COOL! Terus zazzzz utk beli INTREND semata2 gambar you ada kat dalam tu.. kalau tak, haremmmm nak membelinya.

syahirah shuairi said...

WOW congrats sis!

Myvitrd said...

Tahniah menjadi Featuredblogger di nuffnang

Farahiyah Jasmi said...

seyesly maria, ko da popular sekarang! as a friend, im sooo proud of u! bangge seyh bile orang tanye, "farah, maria tu kawan ko ke?"

semoga terus mendaki dan terus berada di puncak selalu. peace girl! (^_^)v

mizzura said...

hai your silent reader...suka baca your blog pasal you gile-gile. Congratz ya..!

p/s: dah jual pantun..nak kena beli ke?

Aida Arisya said...

special post for you

Unknown said...

Congratzzzz Bulan ni Flavour Maria Elena Zarul laaaaaa =)))

Anonymous said...

hahaha...walaupun xbnyik cm pantun,sokay kak maria..u'r the best n i like ur style..jd dri sndri :)
xpo la kecik pun gamba demo..comey sokmo doh :P

Ainee Cumi said...

Kalau tak jawap dosa, kalau jawap sayang.. See, i noe the answer.. Hheheheh!!

Syaby said...

ohhh like it when u post in BM ! haha
terimaa kassiiiii-h. ayat barruuu

MiszNoRuL said...

congrats..already noticed both issues..Intrend N nuffnang..

wah, pandai teacher speaking kelate..hehee..

lots of love

Apis Hilton said...

next challenge : make it to vogue kak maria!

cik beLLanan said...

wah! tahniah2. anda memang best!

cik beLLanan said...

wah! tahniah2. anda memang best!

Emilia Sarah said...

tahniah kak maria! first time i komen kak maria pnye post! ur blog make me smile n laugh everytime i watched ur video..
keep it up kak maria,i'll be supporting u! :)

Miss AZ said...

tahniah maria..
first time i datang blog u masa follower u 500 lebih.. dapat agak dah one day u akan jadi popular.. betul tekaanku.. hehe :D

Pish said...

u're the best sis maria!!! :D

aNNe DyaNa said...

u deserved it! u deserved it! patotnya u yg jadi gadis semasa hehehehe !

miss zizie said...

not bad lah ur pantun, haha! :)
macam cumil aje.

miss zizie said...

not bad lah ur pantun, haha! :)
macam cumil aje.

-ilyannur- said...

tahniah! =)

Orkid Edyliyne said...

kelakarlah kamu...

Cik Nurul Pinky said...

tahniah kak..bulu mata fuhhh meletopppp !!

Mira Amirudin said...

i would like to wish u....
a bigggggggggggggggggg congrats!!! ;D hee
suka sgt99 blog ni!superb!!

Nora Asyikin Ahmad said...

congrates sis !!!
u mmg cool..

Yaya said...

akakkk, pasni saya nak follow akak! :))


happy for you dear! btw my birthday is on march! :p

ahmad endo said...

aku dah lama baca blog ko...akhernya jadi jugak ko perasa nuff bulan march...congrats!!

noRa said...

wow..!! bestnye..!!! cograts maria... >,<

Maria Elena Zarul said...

terima kasih teramat sangat!!!! ='D
i wanna thank mah mama, mah daddeyh for being awhsome!
and i wanna thank erbody!! hehehehe!! =D

Nur Aliaa said...

akak.. sy dah baca dah reviewe blog akak kat dlm nuffnang tuh.! =)

Shahir said...

panda jugok demo kecek kelate :D

btw, tahniah!

Sakina Kushairi said...

yeay! congrate :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, congrats Maria. Memang dah rezeki you :)

Jelita78 said...

Just found out about this blog from yeah, so, i'm really that slow! bwahahahha what the heck.. pedulik..

wanna let u know your blog is serious best!

keep on blogging!

nuzurzaradeon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nuzurzaradeon said... cool..
kecik pun x per..asa masuk magazi..
jari pendek pu kalu pandai nulih gayo mu..kawe respek gilo arh..
tahnioh ke mu deh..laie kali kalu mintak vote..kawe vote mu..

Norasiah Nasir said...

cayalah..dpt masuk magazine..ok la..dari x dpt langsung kan..

p/s: mana dpt idea pantun gila2 tu..
btw all the best

akiss. said...

woohooo! congrats!

Anonymous said...

pantunnnnn ke hape tuhh. lawak2.

entry for maria elena :p
buat time tgh boring2. haha

Unknown said...

lol~ pantun camtaek!

Raden said...

in trend tuh bile punye keluaran?? nk beli kot.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lady dayana. said...

hahah tak boleh blaa pantun kak maria! XD

anyway congrats :D

Unknown said...

slh komen bwh tadi

superb here oke :)

Nurul Nadia said...

u memang gila2..i loooike..dear, i posted something about in my blog.come and take a look..takut2 marah plak nnt i curi gambar u..hehe

Mohd Saifuddin Ishak said...

just now i saw u at putrajaya..

Anonymous said...

alaa, even though you section is small. at least it's not as small as cik epal's aka munirah's section.

yaya salvatore said...

da beli daa.
yep u were there.
congratz !! :))
keep it up :D

tomato said...

we~kongrets..baru tgk kat nuff tadi..dorg featured u.. :)

cikmawar said...

hai wanita cantik.
ada hadiah utk u di blog cikmawar..
u make me chill in my hectic week.. tq !

Anonymous said...

lol. u have the same bed sheet as shazwani hamid's?

Izz Latif said...

blog u menarik!!
with all da videos...
kinda cool for a gurl blogger

izzy tarmizi said...

pls help us,
kitorang ade wt 1 blog utk assgnment kitorang, the title of this blog is, "weapon of heroes"
so,kalo korang ni jenis minat cte superhero, silelah follow blog ni ye, tp kitorang brharap sgt korang dpt follow blog ni,just tekan button follow shj pun xpe sbb assginment ni memerlukan follower yg rmai dan jumlah follower tu juga ade bg effect kpd markah kami,
so,pls help us,
ni link nye,

thank you so much..
hope to see u maria,

neverletmego said...

hye salam gorgeous ,

lihat u , remind me to my bestfriend .ada iras - especially dekat mulut ..:)
miss her :(

nice to know you and your blog ..(",)

apislerr said...

congrats2 :)

powluck said...

salam kenal..
lwt2 la blog sy..

Annisa said...

HAHA. senyum baca entri maria ni ^_^

Anonymous said...

i just want to say that i saw u on tv tadi!!! rancangan Safiyyah..u look so pretty..shea n yanny also there! =)

NisaAdnan said...

can't wait to blaja pantun with Maria Elena. hahaha

Cik Puan*PIE said...

salam singgah.nice blog.suka nk baca smpai abis...ada masa singgah la myblog...;)

Anonymous said...

seriously. stop with humiliating yourself girl. who are u kidding, they loved your blog so that u can be a laughing stop, one day when ur bf dumped u n everyone else is heading to the padang masyhar they will hunt u down like a dog!

Nazatul Anuar said...

best nye blog maria msuk majalah...
btw love ur style :D

amadshuqur said...

macam "rap" lah pulak....

Unknown said...

the best!! ^^

AIMAN said...

isk2.. hebat dan dasyat

Anonymous said...
