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Thursday, May 10, 2012

i is blushing, you knoz!

i went to KLCC the other day with my bestest best friend looking out for potential hantaran (for me. whoop!)
we sort of know what i want, but nak jugak check it out.
and then biasa la, bila dah tengok tengok benda yang perlu, kita jalan jalan la and window shopped. i loike. haha!

as we were walking, we went pass by this shop which played Justin Bibir's song very loudly
"i know you love me, i know you apentah, blablabla..."

and then best friend ni pun got into that boy-band move where he just took one step front and did that jambu-hand thing (pretty hard to explain really, but one can imagine bibir's move style la) and abruptly stopped. i was entertained but tak syok la baru satu step dah stop!

i asked la
"eh, apasal stop? sambung la!"

then dia jawab
"tanak, nanti flash mob kuar!"

ahak ahak ahak!! it was so funny! i never expected that kind of answer!

and then at one floor, where the hallway was clear, dia buat lagi move camtu!
and then he stopped abruptly, again!

i of course urged him to go on lagi but he said "takleh, i tanak bagi flash mob kuar. see, ada orang kat belakang. baru nak join la tu", which was hilarious coz memang ada 2 orang behind us and i didn't even realise!

aduh! kelakar la mamat ni ='D
usually people would answer "eh tanak la, malu." or "you la buat!"
but this dude, no.

and last night, he called me right before 12am, and when it was midnight, he said "jap jap.... Happy Anniversary"
eventhough i couldn't see his face, i knew he was smiling that cute smile of his sampai tak nampak mata and muka banyak smiling keduts. heeee =) i is blushing, you knoz! (buat tangan sotong sekali)

ini lah dia. my soon-to-be other half.
he's creative and he's always cheering me up when i'm not feeling so great. he's the only one i truly trust and rely on. he's my dictionary, my banking advisor, my therapist, my happy bank, everything!
our love story is a real long one and it didn't start out as flowery as people would imagine. it was tough, but alhamdulillah, look at us now =')
we took a 180degree turn too when i started hijab-ing, but it's all good. he's been taking care of me (and my aurat) very well!

this is a declaration of heartful feelings towards my bestest best friend.
thank you for standing by me all these years and encouraging me towards becoming a better person (for Allah's sake).
most importantly, thank you for accepting me =)

today marks our 3rd year of knowing each other (yes, baru tiga tahun. hehe!) and i'm grateful to Allah swt for introducing this awesome dude into my life.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.

love always,
maria shmaria <3


lindaoff said...

Suuuwit banget.Moga berbahagia sentiasa sampai syurga!Amin..

lindaoff said...
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Aima M said...

semoga kekal selamanya..
aminnnn ^^

Unknown said...

huwa!! love till jannah ok !aminn

FiQa said...

semoga kekal ke jinjang pelamin, ke akhir hayat dengan restu ALLAH insya ALLAH...


Tumpang hepi untuk akak dan dato'!


Bella Azman said...

so sweet. i love seeing you both (although tak pernah jumpa depan-depan kan). Semoga u both live happily ever after. Insyaallah. Amin.
excited pulak tengok ! HEHE

Rara said...

ololooo~ sO suwitt!! ^^'

Unknown said...

semoga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat maria & bakal suami :)

Riena Haiqal said...

semoga berbahagia sampai ke akhir hayat... :)

Eiqa Roslan said...

so sweet ! jealousnyer dgn kak Maria .. hope happy always okay =)

me suya said...

baca ni rasa cam nak kata, tapi takleh kata. sebab me pun baru pas tulis dedikasi for him, sbb anniversary ke 3 tahun.. insyaAllah, mcm u.. it wasn't easy at all pass few years, but we make it. insyaAllah gonna be my other half this Oct. Pray for us, bebeh~


Suke tengok both of you:) Sweet<3

cici tembikai said...

atoto omey angat . hikhikhik. tak sabar nak tengok wedding sis Maria

ascil.punye.lah said...

sweet! moga berkekalan. ^^

Aalia Shahira said...

sweet kak maria..hope you will together wif him till jannah.insyaallah :)

faraherda.razalan said...


Unknown said...

ohmaaaaaaiii! so sweeeettttt kak maria . :))

joenyz said...

*super duper wide widey smileeeeee*

ogyep yummy mellow said...

Let's pray for d best ya... InshaAllah..

ShaRina NiNa said...

comelnyeeeeeeeee congrats for the anniversary ^^,

eira hamzah said...

blushing tgn sotong..bhahahaha

cik gojes :) said...

my oh is the most awesome post i ever read !! in the name of ALLAH, semoga barakah ya hidup kaLian :)

Murni Ellyfiesya said...

U are so sweet dear~


What a cute pic :)

Sheherazade said...

lots of love :)

tiatyot said...


zainatul abu bakar said...

so sweet...semoga segalanya berjalan dgn lancar dan dipermudahkan Allah :)

Jocelyn Lum said...

awesomely sweet

e_darel said...

i is jealous :3

si gadis said...

really sweet,,=D

Dayah said...

dato' maria..of koz he loves to be w you ^^ smg cpt naik pelamin kekal bahgia ok

ZAELIS said...

=) suke story you nih..semoga berbahagia selalu dear...AMIN

Ardini Izzati said...

So sweet :)

@Sue Rais@ said...

Yours 10th May...mine is 11th may..;))

Aliff Haikal said...

ya Allah kakak , sweetnyeeee :) ALhamdulillah ALlah pertemukan jodoh kakak dengan dato' ! :P

hani sabri said...

Reading this, I hope I'll be the datin to my own dato' one day. :')

bel said...

kak marriaaa,cite la pasal story korg..ahaks..

fenny abdullah said...

salam kak'maria
selamat milad :}
..wooww happynya semoga kakak bahagia selamanya hingga dunia akherat bsamanya...

Syafiq Rosli said...

hehe..sangat klakar lah nk flash mob bagai..haha..nice 3 years..dont forget to invite me..hehe

Zharif Azis said...

sweet banget deyhh pokoknya kak maghia ^^

RIMA DANIA said...

True love stories never have endings =)

Nuratiyah said...

Awwww just Awwwww Semoga ke anak cucu :)

lobby hobby said...

Salam..hye elena..i dari fb "lobby hobby"..i nak tanye u dah start beli barang utk hantaran ke?especially perfume la coz i nak sponsor giftset perfume utk wedding u blh cntct saye?blh bincang balik nnt ;) viber/whatsapp/sms/call me at 010-7661761

lobby hobby said...

Owh lupe..sape2 yg tbace komen ni tlg inform kat maria ye..mekasih smue ;)

halimatun taha said...

Maria! if you happen to jalan2 kat KLCC again, ring me a bell! let's catch up :D

Wani Tralala said...

awwww so sweet! mmg dy senyum cute habis, memang sesuai la korang bersatu hihik :D

Zaimin said...

comel la kak maria ngan dato'

miza&tummy said...

Woman just fell for man with those natural stand-up comedy talent...

Share something,
My bf advice me to eat plenty of raisins coz he claimed that i was kinda noob!LOL...

n I answer back,It wont work,I was born with no brain...

Mikah Lurima said...

hahahahahaha... i can see that he's cute. untoooooooonnglah uuuuuu... btw, happy2 selalu okey. semoga kekal ke jinjang pelamin bagai sehingga ke anak cucu segala. amin~