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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunat Anak Lelaki

 di Selangor - was what i googled for.

Alhamdulillah my son dah sunat dah earlier this month, and we did it at Putra Medical Centre in Bukit Rahman Putra. They have a panel doctor to do it, but from my understanding, this doctor has been sunat-ing boys for a yongyong time.

FYI, it's RM280.

And alhamdulillah, he was very thorough and gentle when doing the procedure (he used laser saw thingy). My son pun alhamdulillah sakit masa kena bius je, and while the sunat-ing was happening, hubby & i were next to him. One was holding up a phone to his face with youtube kids playing to block his view from the procedure happening at his lower body, while the other was holding his hand and patting his chest.

He didn't cry during and after it was done.

During 'The Happening'

Because he didn't have kain pelekat kecik, i brought my daughter's kain telekung and kain swaddle baby, and just in case, my kain batik 😂

Wore his kakak's kain telekung because it's loose & cooling and just the right size 😂

I chose to do it when it was not cuti sekolah or anything because i wanted to avoid mass-sunat timing. The doctor pun said that during cuti sekolah, sehari around 15 kids kena sunat. 
Fuh! I thought that having lots of kids around would make my son feel more anxious and stressed. Ye la kids kan. Their fear could be escalated by the surrounding. So it was a good choice to have it done when it's not a holiday time.

Plus, the doc said it'll take around 2 weeks for it to heal and him being able to move around as usual. 

Here are my tips for mommies yang nak sunat anak.

1. Do it when it's not cuti, if can.

2. Bring kain pelekat/kain lembut to cover the bottom part after sunat.

3. Jangan kenakan air at the area, so for a few days, kena mandi lap je. There won't be ubat sapu pun so takyah buat pape. Just make sure your son take the antibiotic given by the doctor so that there won't be infection.

4. It will take about a week for the antibiotic to finish, so after that, tengok keadaan bawah tu camane. Kalau ada darah beku, let it fall off itself. The thread pun will fall itself. Also, after a week kalau your son tak rasa sakit bila kena air (kena try test sikit sikit), then try to attempt mandi as usual. Kalau still sakit, then mandikan without touching the area. 
I after 1 week, i try to mandikan my boy, but i will tell him to cover the part with a small towel. A few days after that, he's able to mandi as usual by himself.

5. Monitor your son so that dia tak lasak sangat lepas sunat tu. My son, the next day tu main game nak lompat-lompat! Hubs and i had to stop him and warn him. Sebab tanak the part tu bengkak lagi teruk.

6. There's no pantang makan. Boleh makan pape, as long as makan the ubat sampai habis.

Because my boy is just at home, he went bottomless 😂

He also only skipped 1 week of school. Lepas 1 week tu he was ok with wearing pants already and he wasn't feeling any pain, but of course i told his teachers about his condition and to look out for him, if possible.

Sempat join school dia punya sports day 😄

Don't worry much. InshaAllah it's all ok 😊
All the best!

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