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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

My Weightloss Journey: A Year In

Alhamdulillah syukurnya dah a year dah since i started on this journey.. =')

It had been a tough one, however! I persevered, i persisted and disciplined myself!

So far i have lost 13kg, but i have not reached my weight goal yet. I didn't set on when i should reach it. Just taking it one change at a time.

Masa raya haritu... i knew i was going overboard with the food, and i tried to compensate with more exercising.. it became too hard for me that i actually gained a bit in the last 2 weeks.

Openhouses, home made foods, i mean, how can one say "no" to that?! Especially when we know the effort poured into making a dish, we tend to want to appreciate it. By 'appreciate', of course that meant eating with gratitude. And by 'eating with gratitude', of course that meant eating a lot. Fufufu..

You know kan? Kalau you dah penat penat masak, you pun nak tengok orang enjoy your food kan? I'm like that nyehehe

A month before ramadhan, i started intermittent fasting because i wanted to get used to not eating in a long period of time and to adjust my workout times to find out which works better sebab tanak body terkejut bila masuk bulan ramadhan. 

And then... raya came~~

Because of raya, i realised that i've been restricting myself from a lot of stuff subconsciously. Like eating nasi lemak in the morning, eating kuih muih, kopok lekor, pisang goreng, all that good malaysian yummies. In a way, it's good, although.. i don't want to maintain that restrictive diet. I worry i may just go on a revenge eating spree or give up on this lifestyle i've been trying to sustain.

That said, i had been rebelling with myself by eating whatever the heck i wanted but still taking into consideration on its nutritional values and quantities. Also, instead of doing more exercises, lately i'm trying out a new regimen where i put on more effort in the early morning and take it chill in the evening.

Just an experimental thing. Frankly, I've actually grown bored of my old ways & routine. Fufufu.. Anyway, for anyone who is trying to on to your weightloss journey, i have some stuff i can share with you.

I have shared some tips on my blogpost before: here, but here are some more.

1. Cut down something you won't miss, or something easy first. For example, you could replace your drinks with plain water. You might need your morning coffee/tea fixes, but i think you could manage drinking plain water throughout the day kan? No need for that ice lemon tea, or latte at 2pm kan? Paling paling la, drink teh o and kopi o. It might taste disgusting at first, but after a while, you'll develop your taste palate and that teh o or kopi o will taste delicious over time.

2. Don't cut your staple food. Makanan ruji kita nasi kan, and you can still be in caloric deficit even when eating nasi. Just kurangkan sedikit demi sedikit. Thing is, carb is carb. Makan nasi, makan mee atau roti atau wheatmeal bread ke, in the end, carb is good for the body. Lebih baik choose which carb yang boleh memuaskan kelaparan you at the moment, and watch out on the portion you eat.

3. Wastage is one of the most sensitive part of dieting.. I paling tak suka bila ada lauk lebih atau nasi lebih.. kalau boleh bungkus, bungkus la lebihan makanan tu. Kalau tak boleh, habiskan je la. I always have some extra food. I'll eat it the next time, or when it's appropriate, i bagi kat sesape la, macam pak gad ke, and when it's not, i try to segregate what i can give to animals (monyet & ikan kat park) and so forth and so forth.

4. I see a lot of tiktok videos that talks about weightloss in such a complicated way and it could overwhelm you.. So my advice on what type of exercises to do, what kind of food to eat.. first things first, exercise 10minutes and above daily pun dah a good start. Always start with something you can do, that fits your life. Walking is the best start. Once you are used to working out 10mins a day, then you'll start to realise that you can do 15mins. Then 20mins, then 30mins~ Don't put a limit to yourself, like saying "i sakit badan", "i takde time", coz seriously, we can make time for something if we really want to do it. Plus, there're sooooo many types of workout you can do. Tak suka jalan kat park? There's walking workout video on youtube for you to follow along. Takde duit nak join gym? You can do bodyweight training kat rumah je. Youtube tu belambak je video. Tanak peluh macam gila, ada je low impact exercises. 

5. So no excuses la kan. You nak bagi excuse kat orang lain, go ahead! But why are you giving YOURSELF excuses? Why are you trying to convince yourself not to do something you know you should be doing kan? 

6. When you've taken that step, try to stay consistent. Make it into a habit so that you don't have to think pun about it because your autopilot mode moves you. Tak sempat you nak "mala-", your body dah gerakkan you towards your exercise mat atau your workout area. Gitu!

It actually sounds difficult than it actually is. Am i saying losing weight is easy? Theoretically, yes. But practically... not really. It requires a lot of self-discipline. If you don't 'show up', then forever you're gonna be stuck in your current situation.

Telling my son to stop taking pics of me. You know, the burst kind. 
Just a random pic...

I hope i can continuously live a healthy life. And i hope i can somehow encourage others to also embark on their journey to getting better, whether it be physical, mental and spiritual.

Take care, drink lots (sekarang tengah panas ni!!), and be consistent.
All the best kita semua!

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