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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Kisah descaling cerek

 To be honest, i tak pernah basuh my cerek bersungguh sungguh sebelum ni.

Basuh gitu gitu je sebabnya nampak ok je kan.

Until haritu i saw macam white-ish crystals at the side of the corong mulut. It was limescale. Dun Dun Dunnnnnn...

So i googled on how to clean up limescale~

Banyak je cara dia. Ada yang suruh scrub pakai baking soda, pakai ini pakai itu, i mean google je la if you need it hehe.

But i used the coke way.

My husband ada beli sebotol coke pastu dia tanak habiskan sebab "dah tak gassy so tak sedap", which is true btw. Takde gas, coke tu hanya air + gula je..

So my advice kalau sesape yang wondering if you should de-scale your cerek: yes, you should especially when you see the white stuff forming on the bottom of the cerek, at the corong, at the coil. And all you have to do is boil a bottle of coke in your cerek, pastu dah siap boil, bukak top dia tu and let it be for about an hour. After dah buang air coke tu, basuh betul betul dengan sabun and inshaAllah your cerek will look good again. 

ps: yes, menjadi heheeee tapi still kena basuh la cuma tak perlu sental sental. Normal wash.


eMBAh DUKUn The BlOG!! said...

Siyez la smpai mcm tu πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ dh tu menjadi x ?

aswaleyla said...

boleh cuba nanti.

unknown said...

uishh thanks fr sharing this.