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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Ummi the Cheap Threatener

 So in my family ni, i'm the disciplinarian.

Yes, i am the garang one but at the same time, i ni very lemah jugak.

What i mean is, i would be the one raising my voice when the kids won't listen to me, and i give out these cheap threats like "oooohhh, nak kena cubit?", "nak kena sepak?", "i'll take away your XXX (fave toy of the moment)", but in the end, i won't do any of them.

I'll be threatening them, and kalau ye pun, i cubit bontot diorang, cubit macam massage tu. 😅

That's why the kids are not scared of me. 

Unlike my husband, he is very soft with the kids but he has the 'voice' that when he commands, the kids terus takut. Padahal tak buat pape pun. Instead of my cheap threats, he'd go "nadrah" or "isaac" in his low boom voice and the kids would immediately do what he says. Other than that, he also nags. He nags way better than me.

I bising gak, tapi i tak relentless and heartless nagger like him haha! And the kids know when their dad is gonna nag, it's gonna be a looooooooonnng one.

So me being the cheap threatener, i would sometimes threat my kids about telling their dad, and their dad will nag them to no end.

However, Isaac, being a 5 year old boy, still lacking some vocab, doesn't know what nag is....

One day, isaac was stubbornly refused to mandi. I suruh, dia jawab balik! Kurang asam kan.

Me: Isaac, you better mandi. haa.. Nanti abah will come back home and see you stinky stinky.. haaa. And then he's gonna tell you things, and he's gonna ask you questions. haaa..

Isaac: ......

Nadrah being the witness to the conversation was laughing out loud!

Even i burst out laughing because of how non-threatening my threat sounded 😂

Eventually he just gave in and went to shower. Not threatened at all by my stupid threat. Just by my persistence. 😂  Now we all call nagging as "talking".

Like, "If you don't do xxx, then later abah will talk to you. hhaaaaa..."

The threat is so cheap yet so fun to use 😝

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