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Friday, December 10, 2021

Silat Cubit

 Once in a while (more like almost everyday...), i would ask my husband if he loves me. Like tengah sembang, and then bila ada that silence tu, i will break it with "yang, you sayang i tak?"

He will always answer in a way that will make me wanna cubit him 😂😂 And even though i know how he will answer me, i still ask it anyways! Macam dah habit kot hehe!

So, semalam tengah sembang sembang ngan husband, pastu sebab dah selalu tanya kalau dia sayang i, i decided to spice the question up a bit.

Me: Yang... you tak rasa cam.. bersyukur ke dapat isteri macam i? Rezeki you tu dapat isteri macam i tau.

Husband: Betul..

Also husband: Rezeki dari Tuhan. It has nothing to do with you.

AMBOI! I mean, yes! Memang rezeki tu dari Allah, but still! Hahahaha!!

And then start la my silat cubit dia 😝

Oh, and because i selalu cubit dia bila i annoyed ke, marah ke, my husband dah pandai block them. In case la anything happens kan... we don't know kan.. there might be a time or situation when.. i think my husband and i boleh guna silat cubit... to save the world....?

He will block and protect, while i attack and incapacitate the enemies.



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