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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

hey baby, ngorat boleh?

assalamualaikum peliks!

truth be told, it has been a while since i've been personal with my blog.
been doing reviews a lot..

and truth be told, i am pregnant!

say say say whaaaaaaat??

oui! alhamdulillah i am pregnant!

dah a few months dah actually =p

it was a very... challenging first trimester.

hmmm nak story ke tak. 
story la sikit. 


ok so i imagine the experience back from a third persons' view and it looks funny but the experience on me, it was soooooooooo harrrrdddd!!!

1. i had to eat all the time. i must have biscuits with me at all times. hunger will cause me to vomit.
2. i couldn't read. reading made me dizzy. dizziness made me vomit.
3. i couldn't stay vertical for more than a few minutes. sitting or standing for too long made me vomit.
4. i could only eat seciput nasi and 1 jenis lauk. watching others eat made me wanna vomit. having too much on my plate made me wanna vomit. eating too much made me vomit.
5. i couldn't drive. driving made me dizzy. refer to no. 2.
6. i have to be in a quiet place. noise made me dizzy. refer to no. 2.

oh the list goes on.
so as you can imagine, i was bed bound for the longest time, for the first time!
i ni dah la memang jenis takleh duduk diam. i was a workaholic.
i jenis yang memang kena buat something. free time means opportunity-looking time.

oh ya. i'm not working anymore as an engineer. i'm working on a project which i hope will be successful when it's done. in sha Allah.
and i'm still studying heee.. tak sabar nak habis!!! aaahhhhhh!!!

ok back to being bed bound.
i had accepted to do some product reviews (before i knew i was pregnant) kan... tapi body tak larat... i pernah sakit hati sangat sebab my body tak boleh nak cooperate with me, sampai i nanes nanes..
i told my hubby about it of course, and he was being very supportive cakap i can do it, and i have to do it sebab rezeki, blablabla, pastu i marah dia lak.
i cakap "u cakap macam senang je! cuba you pregnant!"

emo gila =p

biasa la orang pregnant kan. hormone and feelings macam gila sket. off-tune.

yang kelakar nya, i can get easily emotional by songs.
i heard lagu Yuna - Lelaki.
kan dia nya chorus, it goes "lelaki tak guuuuuuuuuuuuuuna, etc etc"

i loved the song, but the song made me so emotional, bukan setakat emo je, tapi nangis nangis and geram nya emo tuuhhh! sampai i muntah and pening pening, and every man yang i rasa tak guns sume goes through my mind and the 'tak puas hati' feeling tu stayed on sampai i lupa lagu tu ok!!!

sakit pale tul. even PRU made me sick!

and then, there's me being on my own with nothing to do. body and mind nak rest tapi jiwaku perlukan fresh air, perlukan jalan jalan, tapi apo nak buek.

i even had plans for my semester break. i wanted to go bungy jumping and skydiving, roller coaster riding, knee boarding, and more, tapi again. apo nak buek. tunggu baby keluar, and then i ajak dia buat skali with me. nyehehehehee =p

so being on my own was tougher than i thought. i was tired all the time.
but for the first time, i was able to rest all day!
i think for years, i have very seldom had real rest.
rest pun boleh online lagi. dulu la.

but this time, i was really resting. all my gadgets i letak tepi. (i hated my phone =p sebab it always rings. ada je keje kena buat. i ignored a lot.. huhu..)
and rasa best pulak. just chilling and talking to my baby. and just picturing of what i will do when the baby arrives.

there are times (present tense ya) when people remind me of things i wanted to do but couldn't (due to pregnancy opkos), it wasn't easy to.. accept? is that the word? ha camtu la.
it wasn't easy, but i know Allah is the best of Planners, and He planned this for me and my family.
there has to be a reason why He chose me to carry a child now kan =)

keredhaan & keikhlasan has been said to be the 2 hardest feelings to summon when we're not emotionally stable.

so apo nak buek? tunggu emosi stable la pastu panggil la itu perasaan! hehee!

i think for now cukup la i nak berkarang pasai pregnancy ni.
ponek pulak. heheee =p

hope you all can forgive me for my carelessness when i blog these days. i can't always jaga your hati, therefore, i ask for your cooperation to at least be tactful with mine =)
kalau request ni macam berat sebelah, alamak, sorry la ya!

to all experienced mothers, i'd love to hear your advices!! and you're so awesome! sebab now i know what it's like to be pregnant, and most of you have done so much better than me!
may Allah reward you for your strength and patience! =D

ok la itu je =)


ps: thanks for reading this super long post! love you lillahi!


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the babbler said...

kak maria, tahniah! soon to be mother! :) Allah bless your family forever :'D

Pencinta Fotografi said...

Wahh..!akak da pregnant la..
tahniah.. Take care tau..

Unknown said...

kak! tahniah! :D

Anis Sofea said...

Congrats akk !! :D

AthirahAziz said...

Alhamdulillah Kak Maghia ! Excited pulak dengar kak maghia pregnant ! Wuhuuuu tak sabar tunggu maghia junior. haha. May Allah swt bless u and your family kak maghia :)

MIA H said...

Tahniah kak mariaaaaa! alhamdulillah (: May Allah ease you in everything

nhdaughter said...

tahniah akk ! :)

Anonymous said...

congratulations kak mars!! i have been waiting for this seriously,, alamak, saya lak yang excited lebih. do take care of your health and your hubby jugak,, hehehe,, hope for the best of you sis!!! :D

Unknown said...

Memang panjang... Apepon tahniah ye kak maria... Follow la blog sya pulak ye...

Unknown said...

Alhamdulillah . Congrate Kak Maria .Dah lama tunggu, bilalah Kak Maria nk pregnant . Akhirnya, sampai juga masa itu :) May Allah Bless You

~cik atin~ said...

wah. tahniah akak. enjoy the moment :D

Farhana Hameed said...

congratz kak maghia~ hee. =p

Unknown said...

congrats sistaaaaa! may Allah bless your family!

★Nurul Nadhirah Norsalim★ said...

Tahniahh kak maria. Semoga Kak Maria ngan baby sehat dan sentiasa berada dalam lindungan Allah. Amiinn. May Allah bless both of you :)

Mysara Ab Rahman said...

kak maria!! congratz!!! take care sis!:)

raihan706 said...

assalamualaikum kak maria! congratulations! pray that you will deliver the baby safely. inshaa Allah.

btw, how about the BEING ME (sisters only conference) kt putrajaya tu nanti? kak maria tetap ada or not?
that's all. assalamualaikum :) may Allah grant you health.

N.M. Noor said...

congrats maria! take care!

R.A.I.N.B.O.W said...

kak maria, tahniah! soon to be mother! :) may Allah bless u... JAGA DIRI!!!

Farah said...

Tahniah Kak Maghiaaaa. Alhamdulillah :)

Hana Soffelia said...

Congrat Maria. Always sediakan kurma dalam handbag. Boleh elak mual.

Unknown said...

Alhamdulillah. Tahniah. Semoga semua dipermudakkan Allah. Amin. Sending virtual ♥~♥~♥s for you and the baby. (^_^)

nurul fatin che zahari said...

hello kak marrrrrrrrrrrrrriaaa .
waa I m so glad u re pregnant now . I hope you ll always be happy . and emo2 . seriously , it s so funny when u said u re quite emo . and I know u re trying so hard to face it . no worries . ok bye take care :)

Shahada Fauzi said...

tahniah maria dan hubby..alhamdulillah..rezeki anak dah sampai..semoga dipermudahkan segalanya..take care ok!

iameunicegm said...

omo! congratz! try to stay happy yea? ti baby kuar muka masam je law momy asik nganis. =P

cant wait to see him/her! =D

Unknown said...

TAHNIAH akak!!!
jaga kesihatan...
tgalkn sume keje2 berat tuh...
semoga semuanya bjln lancar...
semoga menjd ibu yg mithali...

Amaliena Ros said...

tahniah ya kak maria..nak jadi ibu dah..:)

Hanim said...

barakallah kak maria (^_^). Semoga bertambah sinar kebahagiaan dalam hidup kak maria sekeluarga..aaminn~

vanillasnow said...

Tahniah Kak Maria =)
keep calm and be strong~
nanti baby dah keluar citer la kat blog ..huhu can't wait! :D
love u too :)

panglima harapan said...

wahh!! our kak maria dh pregnant! Alhamdulillah n congratz kak maria :D so, be strong, be patient. i know kak maria can do it, right? :) take care kak maria. bykkan berdoa, bykkan baca Quran. insya Allah...segala urusan kak maria akan dipermudahkan :)

Unknown said...

tahniah kak maria ! rindu nak dengar suara aqk kat utube :)

but i know, u're dizzy all the times, even tgk makanan byk2 dlm pinggan pon makes u dizzy apetah lagi nak ddk dpn camera mcm dulu kann . hehe !

Take care aqk. :)

Miss Moon said...

tahniah Mariaaaaaaaaaaa

jom sama sama kita maju ke depan ( perut maju ke depan )

Unknown said...

tahniah maria, semoga ibu dan sihat smpi saat kelahiran :)

Unknown said...

Adik maria,
congrats dh preggy! best tau nak2 bila dh scan nampak baby dlm tummy nnti mesti excited tau. akak tgh pregnant 1st bb jgk tp now dh 26weeks. wish u all the best...sume yg adik rasa x sdap badan tu mmg simptom akak pn kena jgk..serba tk kena rasa makan lapar, kalau makan plak rasa menci sgt sbb x sedap at least kita dpt merasa preggy...alhamdulillah kan...tata

Shi'a said...

Congrat....hehe...tumpang gembira...

Unknown said...

congrats maria! :P

Wafa Aznan said...

Conratulations Kak Maria :D Hope Allah will make things easier for you and your coming baby . Amin ^_^

Al fageerah said...

Salam Hi Maghia!

MasyaAllah. Lepas I baca status wanie rosli and baca your blog. Baru lah lega hati sangat!.

I am now at my 1st trisemester like u.. tapi i baru 9 weeks. Last Wednesday, I ada bleeding since stress kejer dan naik turun tangga kot. So pergi jumpa doc and she gave me 3 days mc. Alhamdulillah. But then, I start bleeding balik last Sunday.

Yesterday - Monday, I hadapi morning sickness yg teruk lagi. Well.. nak buat macam mana kan.. dah biology badan interacts that way. (Some ppl especially the boss tak faham). So i ponteng kejer..
Actually bukan saja2 nak ponteng kejer.

But they were times kan I selalu datang ofis lambat. Yer lah just imagine, I live at KL and my office is at Glenmarie.. mana nak battle through the terrible morning sickness, bersiap... tempuh jem dan sebagainya.. it really2 menguji tahap kesabaran. So ended up akan datang lambat dalam pukul 9 lebih. But still, kita usaha juga datang. Tapi my boss has never understand me. Dia siap cakap... "I had 2 kids but my wife had never experienced as such. And if u were working in a Japanese/international company like my wife, you'll be in a deep trouble u see." So u bayangkan apa perasaan i? I tahan nangis saja. Dia mungkin fikir semua wanita sama agaknya. Dan paling tak best, dia selalu tanya i bila agaknya i boleh gi outstation. Bila i cakap most prolly after my 1st trisemester, he will gif me 'that' annoying look. Geram sungguh. Tuh tak kira lagi bila dia advise i supaya berlagak tak macam pregnant dan even kalau i vomit.. kena berlakon macam tak vomit. I rasa duduk office macam sayur. Seriously.

I feel like quitting my job jer tau (T_T)

ARAYANA said...

kak maria congrats!!

Unknown said...

Alhamdulillah..congrats kak maria..happy utk akak..take care urself..

bayu said...

congrats maria!! Oh My Baby.^_^

Ezzanyy said...

Tahniah kakak! =)

Kekwa said...

wanna cry ! hopefully , kak maria and le baby in good condition . love you kak maria ! <3

Cheida_Mymee said...

teruk juga alah tu...
tahniah.. doakan selamat dan permudahkan semua

sitirohaida said...

tahniah maghia...akhirnya...

outofstylesx said...

Congrats kak Maria ! Jga baby tu elok-elok k :)

a said...

take a good care of yourself dear, both u & baby :)

Aisyah Assiddiqah said...

tahniah kak maria yang cantik <3

Unknown said...

akak! tahniah :) take cre (^_^)

Unknown said...

So SOOO happy for you mashaAllah! :')) *nanes nanes happy*

Jαnnαhツ said...

tahniah.... jangan emo2.. sian cik abang tu haha..

Wany Territory said...

Congrats kak maria!
Waiting for ya next post bout!
And yes tak sabar nak tengok your baby haha!

Sabrina Tajudin said...

alhamdulillah!!! masya Allah! tahnia! excited nyaaaa!!!! jaga diri baik2 ya!!! <3

hisham daughter's said...

tahniahh akk!!!!
tetiba xsaba nk tggu baby tu kua..wahaha
semoga semuanya baik2 sehingga selesai semuanya...

norasiahnasir said...



cik ketenangan said...

tahniah kak maria! seronok bila dpt tau kak maria pregnant :)

Gan said...

taniah taniah taniah !!!

Carlos Santiago said...

waaaa... dah nk jadi madam maria.


Unknown said...

congratulations:)semoga jadi ibu yang terbaik:)

♥ Izni ♥ said...

Congrats sis !!

hanani fiee said...

tahniah kak maghia ! heehe. nanti mesti comel perut tu ^^

@ttymatsoot said...

Tahniah maria...muga sentiase positif dan enjoy kebahagiaan pregnen.. doakan saya yg teringin nak pregnen & ade baby..

Mieza Everdeen said...

yeayyy!! Kak Maria jaga diri n baby baik2 tau ^_^ tahniah to u and family, tak sabarnya nak tgk baby nanti <3 <3 <3

pelangi chenta said...

congratz.memang 1st trimester ni penuh dengan challenging.tapi enjoy it.saya dah masuk 2nd trimester kekadang rindu zaman 1st trimester sebab waktu tue memang mabuk dan alahan teruk.sampai nak g keja and buat benda lain pun malas.lelagi duduk asing2 dgn suami.time nak balik semula kl mesti "menangis" dalam bas.

ereenmrcn said...

Walaupun dah ramai yang ucap,tapi saya nak jugak, Tahniah Kak Maria! Semoga Allah permudahkan segala-galanya buat kak maria,suami,baby dan keluarga.=)

Unknown said...

congrats maria! jaga diri ya..i just delivered my 1st baby 9mei n trust me..despite my ridiculous morning sickness(being an architect with not so understanding lady boss insist of attending site mttg really mencabar kesabaran),twice urinary tract infaction(please take care when using toilet cuz its really painful to have UTI),rashes all over body until i scratch using sikat,sembelit,my 12hours labour epic history(normal,to induce to 7 dose of epidural to c-sect),n now my daughter very own botol-susu-bergerak..i love n missed being pregnant n getting a lot of the attention especially from dear husband..if u ask me,do i want to be pregnant again? yes i am!! ^_~ the experience is so worth it when u hold ur child..dulu i ate everything pun muntah..but my husbnd selalu bagi semangat.."its least dah makan sket untuk baby.." so always try to be positive for ur baby..rasa nak muntah,muntah je,but always pray n doa the safety of ur baby..InsyaAllah, ur kekuatan will come n u won't think about the sickness or emotion rollercoaster..^_~ happy pregnant and congrats!!

nurhanizajohani said...

Congrats Maria!Now times to imagine Maria Junior's!Heee :p

No name said...

Yeay tahniah. Waktu entry Samsung tue u dah pregnant kan. Tapi takut nak tegur. Memang jelas perut muncit di situ.

Unknown said...

alhamdulillah..semoga segalanya dipermudahkan dan diakhiri dgn kebahagiaan..doakan utk sy dapat baby jugak eh =) jaga diri maria tau, jaga diri + baby + family..

akmahika said...

Syukur Alhamdulillah...finally akak pregnant jugak..jaga baby baik2 taw..jenguk dtg my new blog..engkaulah wanita berharga buat suamimu dan anakmu...

balqisfz said...

wahhhhhh. i am so shocked sis! congrates! and stay young! hihi!

Puan Eka said...

tahniah kak maria.. ha po nak buek kan. sabar yo kak.

mogo baby kuar dgn selamatnya nanti

A said...

congrats kak maghiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

balqisfz said...

wahhhhhh. i am so shocked sis! congrates! and stay young! hihi!

Eina Sakinah said...

congratsss maria elena :)

Siti Nurhuda Husna Zulkarnain said...

Alhamdulillah. Tahniah kak Maria! Seoga segal urusan dipermudahkan Allah. InsyaAllah. :D

Comel je baca cerita kak Maria pregnant. Hehehe.

dilakochan said...

alhamdulillah. congrats sis!
Take care :)

Sarah said...

tahniah Maria sayang!
take good care of yourself dear.. can't wait to see your little ones. <3 <3 <3

Filla said...

salam adik maghia! haha.. first of all congrats dari ahkak yer.. seronok dengar orang pregnant, soon baby pon keluar.. tapi masa pregnant hormon tak stable.. sebab tu emo kita terlebih, takpe, tu normal ;) pejam celik je tu.. kena sabar sikit... take care ye :)

aishareoils said...


Biey said...

tahniah..selamat menempuh fasa baru. :) hepi for u

Amir Aidid said...


mc laa said...

yeay tahniah akak maghia .. finally maghia junior akan muncul <3

chiku the chucuru said...

maria!! congrats!! happy for you.. semoga tabah menjalani pregnancy period.. Banyak pahala... :)

Ameh Wahab said...

Congrats Maria~!!!
I have 2 kids and every child is a different experience yg 1st x de alahan yg 2nd I was terribly unable to manage myself...hahahaha..bukan ape frustrated I can't manage the thing I use to do by I know how do u feel now...apa2 pun take care yer...insyAllah semuanya ok nanti...hehehe...

Teena Tna said...

Tahniah sis ! Jaga diri baik2, jgn lasak sgt taw..

notti netti said...

congratulations dear.....

Yee Nunaka said...

congratulation kak maria. take a good care of yourself k. =)

Anonymous said...

congrates kat maghia ;D

Cik Pinat said...

tahniah sis :)

Hus said...

tahniah kak semoga akan terlahirnya mujahid/mujahidah soleh/ solehah

Norhazlinda Analinta said...

yeahh...! tahniah kak maria :)

N.I.A said...

Congrates Kak Maria.. Take care of yourself and your baby. Okey.
Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan..

Farah Waheda Wahid said...


Nurul Nad said...

tahniah kak maria!! alhamdulillah rezeki :) am happy for u n take care of yourself... jgn nanes nanes tau. ngeeee

Unknown said...

congratz :)

Myrafiqa said...

tahniah kak maria !

Dyea Intan said...

Tahniah Kak Maria :) All the best and Jaga kesihatan both of you ^^

Felis Domestica said...

Tahniah, kami boleh kamu pun mesti boleh.... tanamkan ayat tu dalam diri ye...

n make this time, adalah time yang best.... menggandung is seronokkkk..... (but masa nak bersalin, seram sikit)


Unknown said...

Congrats and hope everything will turn well for you. :)

Anasyg said...

:D Tahniah kak Maria :)

Fifieyqa said...

congrats akak!!take care n rest a lot okeyh.. >,<

mira aziz said...

congrat akak !! you will be a mommy !! Tahniah !!

shida idris said...

congrats maria,

lain orang, lain pengalamannyee ye dok. shida dah 9 bulan, tggu waktu nak meletop.

enjoy your pregnany journey sebb Tuhan nak suruh u rehat la tu, banyak sgt keje sebelum ni.

apa pun u just have to bear this first trimester :)

Dina said...

Congrats akak! Take a good care of your health akak!

Anonymous said...

Mengandung ? Alhamdulillah ~ Moga ALLAH melindungi baby kat dalam perut tu yea. You're the greatest idol I ever had. Tak sabar nak tunggu baby kak maria lahir :)

Siti Hajar said...

Omg akak. Congratulations! Alhamdulillah ;)

Ein Farah said...

kak maria!!! :D congrates!! 'm happy for you :)

Unknown said...

congratulation akak maria... take good care of ur baby yaa... :-)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
weird girl said...

congrats, akak. take care, be healthy

Unknown said...

maria elena ! congratulations. imma happy to hear that you're pregnant. :)

Anonymous said...

hari tu tgk gambar,dah tau dah ni mesti pregnant hihi..tahniah n semoga semuanya selamat..amin.

Miz Dayah said...

tahniah maria! take care and jangan nanes nanes tau...haha :-D

Miss Nea said...

Congratulation kak maria! been following you since like forever and actually been waiting to hear the great news and it came at last! Have a blast during your pregnancy! Hopefully the soon-to-be khalifah would be as bubbly as you are!(=^-^=)

Anonymous said...

tahniah sis maria... cant wait nak tgk maria&hubby jr =)

promo BBpluc Collagen Mei-Oktober

Izzatiii said...

and your baby is going to be peliks like you! hahaha. congratsss kak mariaaa! :)))

She Ain't You. said...

Tahniah Kak Maghia and husband, the Parents-to-be! :)

adda said...

congrats kak maria :)

adda said...

congrats kak maria :)

Gadiss Kecil said...

tahniah kak maria..:)

sufie said...

tahniah kak maria. take care~ jangan stress2 okey. ^^

YMC said...

Alhamdulillah kak maria ! Rezeki dari Allah untuk kak maria :) Tahniah ! take care

bel said...

Anddddd FINALYYYY! Kak maria is PREGNANT!!!

I am truly happy for you and even my mom cried knowing you're pregnant.

I don't know why. :D

And tahniahhh!!

May Allah bless three of you.


mysterissgirl said...

Alhamdulillah syukur. Congratualations kak Maria!(:take a good care of yourself and the precious baby okay. Keep us posted about the baby. Love you Kak Maria Elena<3

Jela Janela said...

Tahniah kak maria. May Allah protect you all day ahead. keep strong sister !

Meimei said...

: waaa! Congratulations on your pregnancy Kak Maria! :D <33

Munirah Rafiuddin said...

Tahniah sis...take k urself & baby =)

~Admin : QasehMuslimah-Munirah~

Unknown said...

kak maria ..tahniah ..mesti baby tu pun cumell mcm akak juga

Unknown said...

Alhamdulillah. tahniah :)

Lady D'yot said...

alhamdulillah..tahniah maria!

Biqque said...

congrats! i lost my twins at 3months, so pls take care ya :) vomit ke pening ke apa, let it be :) enjoy ur pregnancy! :)

Ija Zamri said...

Congrates kak maria. May Allah bless ur family and especially ur baby. Make sure comel sama level mcm Juna anak kak fynn. Hehehehe

NyssaSaad said...

tahniah kak maria elena..mommy-to-be yay!!!!..jaga diri baik2 and stay positive oke..:D

|wawa| said...

alhamdulillah. tahniah pn maria elena zarul.

Nur Amira Z said...

tahniah kak maria!!

Maria Elena Zarul said...

thank you, terima kasih semuaaaa!!!
semalam menanes baca komen korang.

tapi serious terharu tak terbayang!!
amin amin kepada semua doa yang baik2 belaka! thanks a lot!!
and to Mrs Rashdan,
i don't know how to help you in that situation..
men don't usually have strong empathy like women..

i pray that you'll be able to be strong throughout this challenging time and in sha Allah kesabaran tu akan berbuah! =D
kalau betul2 tak tahan, buat solat istikharah. in sha Allah the right thing to do tu, boleh nampak clearly =)

all the best to all pregnant mummies!!!
love love!

Fairuz Aqilah said...

sayang kak maria!!!! alhamdulillah, dah pregnant. semoga kak maria and baby sihat selalu, and sentiasa di bawah perlindungan rahmat Allah.. insyaAllah, amin... take care kak maria! :')

Anonymous said...

tahniah kak maria ... hope sihat always ..jaga baby tu :)

Zharif Azis said...

i knew it !! tahniah kak maria =)

didie said...

congrats maria!! lepas ni pegi shopping bawak anak dan bapak..tapi bapaknye selalu akan merayau tempat anak ler peneman setia.

baby zidan & mama :)

myfara FLK said...


Unknown said...

salam , mabrouk kak maria . hehe , semoga senantiasa berada dalam lindungan Allah , minum susu bnyak2 , biar baby putih tembam ye ! kih3

mimiEhalim said...

congrats sis maria!!!! take care

Akmal Khalidah said...

Yeayyyyyyy kak maria pregnant! ;D

Tahniah ;D

Anonymous said...

yeay!!! alhamdulillah, congrats dear...

Eray Majid said...

tahniah maria, yes its a long journey, but the worth one....nway bila due?

take care :D

ikinj said...

apo nak buek. haha. kahwin ngan orang stay nogori. terus apo nak buek. btw congrats for the news :) hihi

سيتي ساراه ازالن said...

Congrats kak Maria.. tak sabar nak tgk baby kak maria..

fatenamera said...

congrats kak maria! i hope u get a baby just like you! superb one,peliks one! mihmihmih

ena meina said...

kak maria!! tahniah :)
take care ;)

Blog mama said...

Alhamdulillah, tahniah, emo tu normal, jgn lupa ambil supplement utk maintain HB.;-)

Najeera Ali said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

well. lepas ni kena la panggil mummy maria. tak gituuu uolssssss. jaga diri ye maria :) i love to hear your pregnancy's posts!
Sebagai seorang muslim, tak salah kalau kita saling mengingati antara satu sama lain dengan tujuan mengingatkan seseorang. Jangan terlalu katak dalam tempurung sangat lah ye sampai sesuatu perkara pun terlupa.

syahassan said...

Ya Allah...glad to hear that.. congrats dear.. take care of urself and baby.. tak sabar nak tunggu klon maria elena..hehe

Unknown said...

congrats sister! may Allah bless u! *hugs*

dalila said...

congrats dear..take care..

cinta said...

jangan terus emosi tau..nanti anak keluar pun ikut mummy dia..huhuhuhu..
aper pun kesihatan penting. jaga diri, jaga kandungan. :)

hAziaNisya said...

alhamdulillah. happy for you. congrats :)

zeera lily said...

congratulation maghia..
take care~
happy for u *_*

Mirza Rohizat said...

taniah and take care^^
happy to hear that=D

Atie said...

Tahniah Maria:)
Jaga diri & kandungan baik2..Makan seperti biasa saja..berhenti bila kenyang..jgn biar berat badan melebihi sepatutnya..nanti takut masalah lain timbul:)..

Tengkubutang said...

tahniah maria..! bestnya nak jadi mama dh..

Nurul Ezatee said...

Tahniahhh Kak Maghiaaa . :D

Unknown said...

Kak maghiaaa ! :) happy to heard that u gonna be a mom soon . Enjoy ur life to the fullest k. We still love n pray for u. Congrats !

Unknown said...

Kak maghiaaa ! :) happy to heard that u gonna be a mom soon . Enjoy ur life to the fullest k. We still love n pray for u. Congrats !

Unknown said...

Kak maghiaaa ! :) happy to heard that u gonna be a mom soon . Enjoy ur life to the fullest k. We still love n pray for u. Congrats !

Ayumieka said...

Tahniah maria.. jaga diri baik2 jgn lasak2 layan je segala pening dan loya2 itu... seronok tau pregnant ni..

shhh. said...


immature said...

~congrats kak!
you're going to be the cool-est mom
good luck with their morning sickness

Qeela said...

Congrats dear mommy to be! Pregnancy is a fun, adventurous and just so various thingy ever in life! still, it's the best state ever for a wife and a mom. congrats again :)
anyways mind if visiting and following me back here?I'm just a newbie though. *greetings* :)
thanks! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats Maria! Be strong. Inilah cabaran nak jd mummy

Nur Hidayah said...

Alhamdullilah tahniah ye.. Bakal jadi ibu lah akak nanti hehe

Belle Oz said...

Wah. I baru je terfikir bila Maria Elena nak pregnant ni. Then buka your blog terus baca perkataan "pregnant" tu! Congrats!! Happy for you and your husband. Mesti cute baby korang nanti :)

Unknown said...

Tahniah kak!,,semoga dapat baby yg super duper comel and bijak..:)

Anis Hayati said...

huhuhu, lmbt wish
tahniah, kak
akak bakal jd mama lah nie

ezzat hachiko said...

kak maria!!! tahniahhhh!!! moga baby sihat dan soleh @solehah ! jaga diri. jaga hati kak!

Nadia Dscarnia said...

Assalamualaikum kak Maria. Tahniah! Jaga kesihatan ya. Jangan tension2.. santai2 je. Saya doakan semuanya selamat. Tak sabar nak tunggu kak maria update lagi. Next fasal mengidam pulak maybe? Hehee take care sis :)

LaLa mhdnor said...

Alhamdulillah kak maria, glad to hear that. congrats kak maria, take care of u and baby =D

Ika Ika Faid said...

kak maria tahniah..syukur atas rezeki Allah.da jadi madam preggy ye.btw,jage diri kak.makan,minum,kerja etc must beware.x sabar tunggu maria junior.heeee =)

nabila azmi said...

tahniah kak =) take care =)=)

Rosniena said...

Tahniah MAria..Alhamdulillah.tak semua orang dapat merasai nikmat mengandung dan u berpeluang merasainya.For ur info ramai diluar sana yang susah nak dapat anak dan berusaha mendapatkan anak.You should bersyukur kerana Allah berikan nikmat begini.Apapun, ikhlaskan hati dan fikir positif, be happy.Jgn emo2 nanti anak lahir pun emo ikut perangai mak dia..hehe

Diana Abdul Molok said...

alhamdulillah, tahniah maria :-) seronokkan perasaan bakal jadi seorang ibu.

izni nakatsu said...

tahniah sis!! welcome to our mom-to-be club!! hehe

nurdani said...

alhamdulillah tahniah!!! seronoknya. rezeki dapat cepat. jaga kesihatan dan diri :)

Jocelyn Lum said...


It's hard when pregnant. That's why we must love our mother;)

When the baby sudah keluar, kamu akan rindu dia tendang dalam perut kamu:)

A said...


Hidayah Taufik said...

assalamualaikum kak mars,
tahniahhhhhh!!! Alhamdulillah akak pregnant, i pulak yg rasa excited semacam, anyway congrats and take care k. May Allah bless you always. winkwink^^

latifah maisarah said...

waah! congrats! baca surah Yusuf, spy ana jadi comel, handsome or cute.. ^.^ mesti excited :'D

Miss Chocolate said...

tahniah... to be mom :)
hope ur'baby will be cute as you and your husband :P

Unknown said...

Assalam, congrats kak Maria. Dah lama tunggu saat nie. #Eh kite pulak yg exicted sgt. Hehe, may Allah bless you and your family. Stay happy always :)

Lelaki said...


Unknown said...

I've always been an avid reader of your blog and dulu of course avid viewer of your vlogs!

Followed your life (haha mcm stalker), dari you masih in Uni, tunang, kawin and now dah nak ada baby. Congratulations, you are truly an inspiration to all young women out there.

Semoga your pregnancy berjalan dengan lancar and dipermudahkan segalanya. InsyaAllah

Much love from Brunei. :)

wani syazwani said...

salam maria.Im 6 months pregnant at this being time,my first prgenancy,i went through all the ups and down during my first trimester,siap masuk spital sebab severe vomitting and gastric..such a painful frequently but in a small quantity..jgn mkn masam2 sebab nanti akan lagi nausea..i think kurma works for me..lgpun kurma sedap and healthy :)
me and husband pjj since im doing my master at the north part of its quite challenging travel ke kl setiap 2 minggu...alhamdulillah Allah protect everything :)
Dont eat spicy foods,makanan berlemak ke,thats what have been told by nurses yang i buat check up..make sure ur stomach tak empty,pity to the baby nanti..takpe,once u dah lepas all those critical stage,normally after 4 months,u'll be back to normal,inshaAllah:) enjoy your pregnancy ok!keep praying ya.

Unknown said...



Alhamdulillah Kak Maria!! Congratulations!!!! Akhirnya, Kak Maria pregnant juga =) So, akak jagalah kandungan akak baik2, jaga pemakanan, pantang larang time pregnant, then, bila dah lahirkan anak tu, didik anak baik2 okay =) Saya doakan agar Kak Maria menjadi ibu yang baik, tegas, bertanggungjawab. For the baby, InsyaAllah, akan jadi anak yang soleh dan solehah... Uncle As, menjadi suami yang soleh juga =) Amin~~

Dina Zakaria said...

congratulations maria! been reading your blog for years and this is the first time writing a comment here..

banyakkan sabar dan doa semoga Allah permudahkan..i'm 3 months preggy for my 2nd baby now and still having all those symptoms too..kalau ikut my 1st son, it ended when he turn 6 months!

take care and good luck!

Unknown said...

tahniah kak maria..

Noorshella Jaapar said...

salam n congrats maria ^_^ rehat secukupnya k n i understand apa yg u rasa coz wen i peknen dlu pun mcm tu la rasa dia, solution?? juz follow apa yg hati nak buat tyme tu ngeee n jauhkan siap2 dri dr benda yg blh buat kta rasa dizzy coz dizzy tyme peknen ni lain sket rasa keDizzyAnnya dr dizzy-dizzy yg biasa tu hihihihi


all the jerih payah, vomit & dizzy bagai = PAHALA! motivate urself with it k... LOVE,X0X0

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum maria,
tahniah,jaga diri dan jangan lasak sangat.

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