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Friday, December 7, 2012

zaman dulu dan zaman kini

because of my blog's unfortunate incident of losing all of it's (my) pictures, i actually took the liberty to re-upload some of them back. 
those yang on the sidebar la mainly. senang sikit ikut categories. 
anyhoots, i was looking through my old pics, and i reminisced those days when i was in university =)

in university, my girlfriends and i did loads of things together, and how i wish i could share the crazy fun things we've done in my blog, but we were younger those days.. and we didn't cover ourselves well. so all the memories are in our minds and only be revisited when we meet again, when we whatsapp each other about it, or when we look back at our old pictures..
and it's all good =')

and i had just as much good memories with my girlfriends as i had with him, my future husband =)
we met in our third year, and got on till today!

what interests me most now is how different he looks everytime!!
he's like a.. like a.. chameleon? tapi dia change ikut suka hati dia, bukan ikut background. hahaha!!
let the pics speak for themselves heheeee


muka gangsta gila (dah la kurus..)

macam budak indie siot (sebab rambut panjang)! and that katana, still have it! =p


masa our final year dia banyak main football. he was in the UTP league thingy, so skinny gila jadi. haha! CHECK OUT THE CHEEKBONES!!!

after grad, jalan jalan gi bukit tinggi. wahaha!! =p
he fits the japanese look so well!! crocs comel please.


dah keje dah weolls =)
and he looked so manly masa ni.. i cair la u knozz! haha!

masa naik plane, and he was wearing my ranban shades that i won. coz it looked better on him, i pun bagi la kat dia =)
gaya yakuza betul la dia ni.. dah berisi sket masa ni.

beraya kat rumah kawan. we matching matching first time wannn! hehe!! masa ni kurus balik. aiseh.. 

eh eh? dah berisi balik?!!?
dah bertunang daaahhhhh =)


he sent us of to Umrah earlier this year =') short hair dah. 

mata makin sepet. eh ye ke? tak tak tak.. eyebags je makin tebal akibat rajin bekerja =)

and this one, very recent. =)
all the time, short hair dah skang. no more long hair. and always wearing smart casual clothes. jarang gila tengok dia pakai shirt biasa and slippers.

he's changed physically a lot.
i still look the same. hehe!
but we've changed a lot since we first went out together. characteristically, i mean.

he said, from the time he fell in love with me, he wanted to marry me.
of course i wanted to marry him too.

and alhamdulillah,
we honoured our promise to each other (about being married to each other of course) and with Allah's permission, tak lama lagi dah kita akan di ijab qabul kan.


so adik adik sekalian, kalau nak kahwin, jangan lah kerana gatal, nak tangkap gambo sweet sweet bagai.
nak kahwin kerana it's right di sisi agama demi Allah swt because once married, it's all about responsibilities.

may Allah swt tetapkan jodoh yang terbaik untuk anda semua =)



Huzniey Saad said...

Oh so sweeeeettt. haha. Semoga hubungan kalian kekal hingga ke akhir hayat. Amin....

Gucciey Lavender said...

assalamualaikum .. sweet lahhh ... jelesnyeee ! hahaha

Natasha Saharrudin said...

sgt comel la sis..suka semua entry u...(oppss terover)hehehe

Hanna Nabiella said...

sweet islamic couple ever la kak ! huhu.. i like :D, moge berkekalan..aminn

nur amalina athman said...

Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah, tahniah ya kak maria. Dah nak kahwin pun. hehe.. Semoga kekal till Jannah :)

FarahPingu said...

gula-gula ! :))

❤~Emma Abduh~❤ said...

waa beznya tgk tem mula2 cinta smpai skrgkan??mst bnyak jg masam manis tem 2..pa2pun moga kekal smpai akhirat sna k n x sabar nak tgk korang kahwen!letak pic bnyak2 nnt kayss??hihi

mira aziz said...

sweetnya sangat ! jeles tahap takleh ckp. Tahniah akak :) moga hapy selalu yew :)

dilakochan said...

Very sweet both of you!
Semoga selamat ke jinjang pelamin sis,
dan kekal ke akhirnya..

Insyaallah, aminn :)

Bubu said...

Aww, so sweet :D

Unknown said...

wow , sweet gila. melting . semoga bahagia :)

Anonymous said...

wow! seriously sweet!
hope both of u happy ever after ..
and thanks for the best advice :)

Anonymous said...

Tak tahan baca, comel nya korang berdua. Semoga hubungan berkekalan hinga ke Jannah :)

yui said...

selamat selamat semuanya.. semoga dimudahkan urusan.

nabila azmi said...

lovey dovey...sweetla..=)..

i wish to be happy n found the right one like kak maria ni..=)

insyaallh..semoga dipermudhkn membina 'masjid'=)..

Hana said...

kira akak dengan dia dah lama la eh ? wow amazing ! hope sampai ke akhir hayat jodoh akak and abang >.,<

Syamimi Hazirah said...

Kak Mariaaaa! Nak kahwin nanti jangan lupa jemput saya jugak tau. Teringin nak jumpa akak :)

hazanis said...

so sweet. :))

Uks world said...

ah~ seriously sgt jelous.... moga slamat ijab kabul kak maria.. :-)

KHALID said...
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KHALID said...

love ur blog + u guys are soo sweet gilak! btw one of the reason i start blogging this year becoz of this blog. peliks right :)

Nur Izzati Nadiah said...

so suweettt

Farah said...

Sweet la sis =D

Adib said...

ololo sweet. hahaa

Hanim said...

Memang terindah...saya paling suka pic akak yang bertunang tu...u looked awesome...and kelakar la buat muka macam candid!(^_^). May Allah bless both of u all the way.

kak mok said...

Hai Maria! So sweet both of you..i like..and i really2 know this guy. He was my classmate in F4&F5...He was basketball player (terror die main). Pendiam dalam kelas but very SMART/INTELLIGENT one. I think i just only once spoke to him coz he was too quiet. Hopefully, you nikah cepat2...hahaa...^_^

Halo Hasta said...

sweeetttttt :*

|wawa| said...
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Unknown said...

As salam..both of u re' simply sweet...May Allah bless u..amin :)

|wawa| said...

semoga Maria Elena & Asfirdaus berkekalan sehingga ke akhir hayat. Amin

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum,kak mariaaaaaaaaa...sweet sangat.sayang akak...ahakks

ayunidati said...

sweet nyerr.... semoga berbahagia di hari itu... dan semoga berkekalan bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat... aminn....

ct cheery said...

aloh..sweetnya..hope uolls happy sokmo..

cinda said...

yeyyy...tomei tomei..nak kawin dahh...sooo swettt.

Biqque said...

hokeyyyyy dia sangat comel dan hensem! cepat kawin tauuuuu! :)

Shazwani Ramly said...

semoga kak maria akan happy ever after dgn bakal suami :) may Allah Bless both of you sis. too excited about your wedding.

Felis Domestica said...

waw.... semoga kebahagian adalah milik kamu.

amira_hasrori said...

awww, kak maria so shuweet~ wish you'll happily ever after with him :D

oshinz said...

dedua memang suka buat muka ya? ehehe. comelsss uols!

Unknown said...

love seeing you sweet...semoga berkekalan

EG said...

Best and sweet.

Unknown said...

MasyaAllah so sweet lah Maria..:)

fidayu mohd shobri said...

alhamdulilah.. Allah bagi kebahagiaan dunia, jaga kebahagiaan itu sebaiknya, seikhlasnya. bercintalah hingga keakhir nyawa..kerana itu juga dikira sebagai pahala bagi seorang isteri.


Miz Dayah said...

seriously entry ni sangat2 sweetttttt.....macam sebuah cerita comel....tahniah both of you....semoga kekal sampai akhir hayat...amin :-)

Unknown said...

chumels sgt both of you...God bless u dear Maria n can't remember your future husband name...hihi

Unknown said...

Too sweet!

krunch2sa said...

alahai~comelnye!!! kak maria punye love story ni patot dijadikan contoh la d^.^b

Ordinary Girl said...

awesome kak maria :D

LeenNajib said...

Sis! sweet gile both of u. love this entry. congrates once again sis. May ALLAH bless both of u. and inshaALLAH till jannah :)

Aida Jelita said...

why you so kelakar?

funan said...

u two are very sweet
semoga kekal sampai ke akhir nya.

funan said...
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Fara said...

hesh.. nasib ler dah kawen and ade anak.. tunang awak ni sgt c.u.t.e plz.. sile jauhkan gbr2 nye dari saya.. hahaahaah...

hope you guys kekal ke akhir hayat.. insyaAllah..

Maicher said...

Oh utp jugak yg future hubby.

I pray so that both of you kawen and dapat anak² yg soleh solehah gittew.

big fat fan of yours.

Unknown said...

sweet sangat2...but i after married baru nak buat mcm nie jugak.hurm.aminn..

sakuraadibah said...

sweet december. Hhehhehe... semoga berkekalan selamanya untill jannah. Amin! >3

Nabiha Zaidi said...

Handsomenya dato' . Haha.

cikghah said...

waaaau! Dato' and datin. sepadan sangat la uolls. May Allah bless your relationship, and may your marriage till jannah. Be his bidadari dekat Syurga nanti yek Kak Maghia. :)
I'll pray the best for both of you.

a said...

What a lovely story told through those pictures, you can feel the growth within them, I pray Allah will grant you a happy life together^^

Nurul Nad said...

kak maghia, apsal sweet sgt?!?! happy for u. smoge berkekalan! :)

haz said...

aminn. mudah-mudahan :)

Syahzani said...

Sweet gila!

ibuhebat said...

Aww.. So sshweet!!! Akk doakan korang berdua bahagia hingga ke syurga ;)

Cik Gempal said...

salam kak ! semoga bahagia hingga ke syurga :)

aishah amin said...

can't wait to hug you in your wedding dress a week from now!! omg dah nak dekat!!

all the best love<3


Unknown said...

M.E , congrat for both of ur relatioship. feel happy for you. weeh, so romantic. :D hahaha.

CikguShasha ^ ^ said...

congrate :) semoga berkekalan k, amiin

Puteri Panda said...

sweet! semoga berkekalan. AMIN. ^___^

ratna said...

Sweet & i like 1000x. Saya doakan both of u berbahagia hingga akhir hayat.

pink said...

Awwwwww so sweet kak Maria!!!
Semoga kekal hingga ke akhir hayat.Amin!!! ;)

balqisfz said...

kak maria....bila harinya??? :DD

Admin said...

zaman berubah :D

merapu said...

Sweet................. Tak sabar nak tgk photo wedding korang, huhu

Nur Syabila Zabidi said...

oh maiii!sangat sweet sis.xoxo!!!

Cik Gempal said...

I don't know why, but I was dreaming about your wedding last night ! weird, right? but hopefully, it's a good sign for both of you :)

Unknown said...

sweet sgt!! u.all the best.^^

Syamimi Rafee said...

Kak Maria, may you both bahagia until Jannah. Was very touched by this post, thinking about me and my special someone too and the road we're gonna take together after this in sha Allah. The future is indeed a mystery. Tak sabar nak tgk you kahwin :')<3

Nur Farhana Aminuddin said...

i like how u creative in covering ur aurah! mashaAllah keep it up sis. barakallahufik :)

zainatul abu bakar said...

so sweet :) semoga bahagia selalu

Malissa Ali said...

Oh sweet rase nak menangis bace. Mesti rase macam miracle gile, sebab da stick lame, review balek, eh eh, nak kawen da kite ek? :P

mulya raisa said...

terharu lah bacanya kak maria ,
mudah mudahan jadi keluarga sakinnah mawaddah warrahmah , amin ya Rab :)

Jenny Pa-un said...

the real love story :) nice.. semoga bahagia :D

ImaNajwa17 said...

so sweet both of you. moga berkekalan ya? thanks doakan kami semua dapat jodoh yang baik :)

Azyyati said...

waw .. so sweet .. Mudah-mudahan cinta tu bersemi hingga ke akhir hayat .. INSYAALLAH =)

Ms Yunis said...

awak inspirasi saya..

Ainur said...

so sweet... like adam and hawa.. but in your own version....

Unknown said...

moga kekal hingga akhir hayat ya

Anonymous said...

tak lama lagi je maria. moga kekal hingga akhir hayat :)

Unknown said...

Aaaa! So jealous!

Amirah Shaharuddin said...

sweet! tapi ayat last to its all about responsibilities agak takut.rasa xnak kawen sebab tanggungjawab berat.btw congrats maria in advance! love ur blog (minus the advertisement).hehehe :p

Akmal Khalidah said...

so sweet kak maghiaaaa :D

Be a good wife nanti! :)

Oh, cantik header. Dah tukar ;D

Femmy said...

wahh..sweet couple.btw, saya sedang mencari kawan-kawan blogger. kalau sudi,datanglah ke blog saya dan jadi salah satu follower.ini linknnya

AmirahSM said...

sis maria... tahniah sbb akan berkahwin hujung minggu ni.. moga bahagia hingga Jannah =)

Unknown said...

awwww *love . sweetnya kak maria suka sangat.

Mek Onie said...

nampak perubahan dia tu :D

lillyashiqin said...

kak maria!! be a sweet wife until Jannah. aaawww... comel sgt. :D may Allah bless you, kak.

Wan Atikah said...

sweet nyer pasangan ni . me doa smoga bahagia hingga akhir hayat . said...

kamu berdua sama cantik dan sepadan

Amirah K said...

now u r already married sis,
hope u enjoy ur married life ;)

SiS NaD said...

Salam Maria...

Jealousnya tengok u all... Jelaous yang amat, ok! And now, you are marrying him... Congrats anyway, my super duper crazy face sista... Wish U live happily ever after with him... :*

Unknown said...

sweetnye >_<

kurus said...

setuju dgn ayat akhir tuuu !

& soo sweet !

Eintan Nurfuzie said...

alooo.. sweetnye!

Unknown said...

Congratulation on your wedding :)

Khaleeda Yusri said...

Kak Maria .. sweet sgt2 ..

Unknown said...

dah kahwin dah dia sekarang.. ^^

Unknown said...

awwwwww sweet sangat relationship kak maria and him :D May Allah bless your relationship until Jannah :)

Wan Munira said...

conGratulations ~(^_^)~

Sheila Salim said...

Assalamualaikum. sweetnya! alhamdullilah dah selamat nikah. semoga bahagia hingga ke syurga.

iamfrhnblh said...
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iamfrhnblh said...

seriously comelll sgt
mcm dlm drama
mcm dlm novel pon ada
btw i wish ur marriage will be blessed by Allah
and may last till jannah

edayu nurdin said...

waa..utp! sme mcm my abg!:).