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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Girl Talk part 3 1/2


so a lot of people have been asking pasal TARIKH kahwin iolls and dato'olls.

it's actually very near. 

i am sooooo excited to share with you our teaser video!!

it was shot few weeks ago, it took about half-a-day (which was quite surprising. i thought it would've been longer) and it was fun!!

i asked long time ago about videographers kat twitter, and i surveyed a lot of videos.
many responded to my tweet to get CST Breed as my videographers.
and yeah, now officially, they will be documenting my nikah & bersanding sessions!!

ok ok. mesti takde orang nak baca anyway kan.

here's the teaser!!

*Click gambo please!*

and this is the Behind The Scenes!

The Awesome Duo
ahakk!! *Click gambo please!*

can't believe after a year waiting, the day is finally near!!!

thank you CST Breed for the videos!!
CST Breeders are seriously fun and cool people to work with =D

and to my readers, friends, families,
we appreciate them all =')
may Allah swt reward your kindness!

ps: my cousin will be giving birth today in sha Allah!
on a beautiful date too!! 12/12/12.
and no, i'm not getting married today =)
have a good day everyone!


*screenshot muka lagi lagi menjengkelkan dari "taraa"*



shuhadah Zainol said...

tahniah !! :)

Unknown said...

xsbr nk tgk yg full da tgk teaser...sweet uollss :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations to both of you. You deserve each other. May Allah bless you guys :)

sakuraadibah said...

pheewit!!! tahniah. tak sabau la nak tau tau full version.

Unknown said...

Congrats! :)

Anonymous said... sweet :)

faa.rosli said...

tak sabar nk tgk yg full..congrats!

Arisha NONOI said...

Tahniahhh :D

LeenNajib said...

Yey ! congrates. cant wait to watch ur full video :)

mujagirl92 said...

cant wait to read the upcoming entries!!! i am over excited. haha,,,

DYatie ABakar said...

tak sabar jugak nak tengok full nyer! :D

Nurul Affendi said...

wee wee wee wee weee

superb! gojes! ohsem!

and..may Allah bless u, him, us and every muslim!

~cik atin~ said...

tahniah akak. 6t cepat cepat sket upload yg full version punyer :)

a said...

what a lovely couple, thanks for sharing this with us and I wish you both eternal happiness^^

Nur Izzati Nadiah said...

ta sabarr mau tunggu yang full, hope ur duo akan bkekalan hgga ke akhir hayat. amin.

Wani Mohd Zuki said...

taniah kak Maria!! May Allah bless you and him!! =D

Afsar said...

kalau nk invitation card boleh ke?

Dib said...

Tahniah akak ! whoa esaited gito yoo , hihik :D

amira_hasrori said...

congrates :D

krunch2sa said...

TAHNIAH kak Maria!!!! tak sabar nk tgk full vidz XD

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

sweet !

youall punya wedding buat kat mana?
kitorng nak pergi jugak :)

p/s: TAHNIAH ^^

Luqman Zakaria said...

tahniah cik maria yg bakal jadik puan!

kim said...

cam x caye je maria elena nak kawen da...huu~ tahniah!

whdxnue said...

congrats !..semoga kekal sampai ke jannah ya uolss :D

NANA said...

you have a joy full of life,and loving family around you..

tak sabar eh..nak tengok gambar kawin nanti..

sama cantik sama padan.:)

Fairuz Aqilah said...

AWESOMEEE!!! Congrats ya, kak maria. :D

Unknown said...

kak maria seem so loving wit future kinda like ur simple..kak maria xpkai any mekap kn..during d video=)

Ila Aqilah said...

tahniah kak! excited for both of you :D

Ms Yunis said...

I will pray for your happiness..


terharu melihat kisah cinta maria+asfirdaus

HaFizaH aYu said...

tahniah kak maghia =)

byF.N.zieH.R said...

Aaaa..Can't wait!! :D

Jαnnαhツ said...

nice one. hope to see you two on real pelamin soon.

nurdani said...

tahniah kak maria! semoga bahagia selamanya bersama dato

fifie said...

Tahniah k.Maria. Hope will received full update about your wedding soon. Hehe

mira@mia@yong@kakya said...

aahhh..dua2 senior idols :DD congrats to both of u !

نور شازا اميره said...

Alhamdulilah..congrats my sis maria..semoga bahagia dunia akhirat..Hope uolls ceria2 selalu,iolls pun happy tengok uolls nanti weeeeeeeeeee... me love you so much kak maria ...

Mek Onie said...

barakalllah sis

Datinserimuaz said...

gelak sampai menangis..
dasyat lah uolllss

Tsaqib Al-Hasawi said...

Love the videos!

syahidah abdul hadi said...

so sweet.. tahniah sis..

aNNe DyaNa said...

Congrat maria.

aNNe DyaNa said...

Congrat maria.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Congrats Kak the teaser video very much

Zharif Azis said...

tahniah kak maria =)

Chomey2u said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chomey2u said...

tahniah akak!! =]

Unknown said...

congratulation to both of you!!! so cute!

Ayumieka said...

Tahniah... :)

Hana said...

Kak Mariaa ! Congratulations ! ;)

Unknown said...

congratz kak maria :)

@ttymatsoot said...

Tahniah to both of you..

The video was did very nice.

Save the date to watch uols nikah.

anaattafufa said...

sempoi couple of da year neh :)
moga bahagia hingga akhir hayat :))

nurhawahaider said...

tahniah . semoga diberkati Allah. adore u! >,<

blue rose said...

tahniah maria!! ntah date kawen u same dgn i kot? 21.12.12 & 22.12.12 tak??? hehe. happy wedding ya! :)))

Farah said...

Ya Allah sweet giler video u sis. Tahniah ye =D

Unknown said...

Congratulations sista! May Allah bless both of u..amin :)

Unknown said...

congrats..i minat u maria..

Halo Hasta said...

congratulation kak Maria :)))

balqisfz said...

kak, sungguh maniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssss~ :B

Unknown said...

can't wait to see the video!

Hafiz Hafizol said...

Khelas kau Maghria.. !!!!!!

Unknown said...

tahniah maria..wish everything goes well.
follow me :

neesa_jun said...

tahniah maria n asfirdaus! =) semohga bahagia hingga ke syurga...amin....

Unknown said...

sangat sweet okay!!!

Unknown said...

You guys are so sweet and look perfect together, looking forward for your reception video soon :) barakallah.

Puan Eka said...

congrats maghia..

cute gilerrrr

wisata bakti alam said...

kunjungan gan,bagi - bagi motivasi
semoga bisa jadi semangat
Hal mudah akan terasa sulit jika yg pertama dipikirkan adalah kata SULIT.Yakinlah bahwa kita memiliki kemampuan dan kekuatan.
ditunggu kunjungan baliknya yaa :)

AmirahSM said...

kak maria merajuk!!!!!

Zhi said...

Nice one ...congratulations to both of ya ..! (^_^)

Unknown said...

You both are so sweet !!! >_<
I watched the videos for so many timessss .. omg !
congrats anyway !

laskar pelangi said...

congrats maria :)

Unknown said...

you guys..ya Allah.. tak tau la nk ckp apa.sgt2 cute.hope u guys slamat diijabkabulkan, hve some babies n live your life together till jannah!!insyaAllah. p/s: bila dah kahwin, bnyk2 brsabar in vrything tht u guys do,decide or dscuss.ok?may Allah bless you both n may peace b upon you :)

Malissa Ali said...

Bile ni kak weeeiii. Lambat bebeno lar.... Nak tahu!!!! :P

tza said...

tahniah kak maghiaa!!

you two get married, i plak yang excited! wootwoot

all the best!


#iwrite said...

HAPPY WEDIING DAY!!! tahniah...

Precious gem said...

akak!!! tahniah..baru je lepas tengok gambar kat CST Breed....
sangat comel lah anda berdua ni
moga kekal hingga ke syurga..ameen.^^

MisEyz BLurz said...

Tahniah kak Maria!!!^_^

Unknown said...

congrats sis! semoga kekal sampai syurga. In shaa Allah :)

LaLa mhdnor said...

selamat pengantin baru kak maria and ur husband =D

Eyka Zueyka said...

tahniah kak maria da kawin...semoga kekal hingga anak cucu..cpt2 lah dpt baby...msti comel kan??mcm akak..heheh said...

sis tahniah tau

Tak perlu tahu. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tak perlu tahu. said...

congrats Puan Maria :)

miera maira said...

k. maria ur wedding pic look so awesome! luv it

Sasha KLfaraway said...

Attended your wedding juz now.. a beautiful event. Congratz. Next wk Seremban..

NONIE AZIZ said...

tahniah..semoga kekal hungga ke hujung nyawa...

sohoque said...

slmt pengantin baru in advance

Sheila Salim said...

Assalamualaikum. taniah dear!


kak maria dulu waktu sklh amik LK eh? patutlah jdi engineer... komen skit =)

Unknown said...

maria elena memang annoying pun

wan said...

cerita yang menarik