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Monday, February 27, 2012

what a week!!


fiuhh!! tiup nafas lega =D this past few days memang terror la! nak tau story? nak ke tak? tak kisah. nak story gak. hehe!!

firstly, to the lovely awesome girls who bought your awesome stuff from me, know that i have signed, sealed, delivered them to you!

pastu, i sprayed your clothes with my favourite perfume:

Lancome, Midnight Tresor!
 you can check this perfume out here!
i just love the musky and deep smell which really hits the mystery nerve! if you don't like the smell, sorry tauuuu! i hope by now you dah dapat la your stuff =D kalau tak, just drop me an email k!

muka penat lepas hantar all the packages! hehee!! 
tudung labuh from TudungPeople | Night Sky Pants from The Poplook | Bag from Club Mod

suka gila this bag. so practical and big! i can put my laptop and Quran in it, no probrem wan you knowww! hehee! kalau you all nak usha bag ni lagi, click sini jer! baik kan i tolong korang shortcut. hahahaha!

secondly, my cousin is engaged!!!
Optimus Abe! 
the engagement was on his birthday, thus the birthday cake and that..optimus..head. haha!!

the dudes before Abe got engaged. so sopan!! =p
hahahahaha! (there, right at the corner on the right side of the pic. can you see her =p)
thirdly, our Gadis Melayu, Rina Salleh sudah sah dinikahkan kepada Mr Afiq! alhamdulillah!! i went straight to Rina's house after work and salin baju kat rumah dia.. busuk betul perangai.. had to sebab tak sempat balik rumah.. nasib baik i memang standby baju kurung in the car. =p

this is too cute!!! and hopefully edible. i rasa cam nak dress si rina doll size ni for my nikah, boleh tak? haha!! comel gila la cake ni. *slurp*

i sat directly behind afiq and i was nervous for him! alhamdulillah, he only had one go =D

alamak, ni picture taken from my phone.. but you can't deny, SHE LOOKED GORGEOUS!!

i forgot what they were looking at. but i know Afiq was stealing glances at his beautiful wife =)

before the akad nikah, the ustaz described all the 'needs', 'do's' and 'don'ts' between a husband and wife. and when it was akad nikah time, after afiq lafazkan flawlessly, i cried macam baby okayhh!! sampai hingus meleleh leleh! bukan apa.. i was so touched!! =') 

to Rina and Afiq,
may Allah SWT bless your marriage and sends his barakah to you and your family. may your union brings more rezeki and happiness, may you both bring the best out of each other, may your children be blessed with your best attributes, and may your love will be till Jannah. =D

boleh tak.. can't wait for my moment.. hehehee!! =p

and lastly and most recent activity, i went to UIA for the Productive Muslim seminar =D it was a 2-day seminar, fyi. it's amazing being in this dewan with people who basically have the same problem. we all want to balance our life for dunia and akhirat =)

sebab the seminar starts at 9am til 5pm, of course i have to have my comfy clothes on!
Cardi from Gap | Burgundy shawl labuh from TudungPeople | Night sky pants (yeah, the same one) from The Poplook | Bag from Club Mod

Brother Mohammed Faris coaching us on how to be a Productive Muslim!! =D

cewah pose bahagia sebab nampak masjid UIA yang majestic. subhanallah! cantik UIA gombak ni!

on the second day (this morning), Dr Zaharuddin and Dr Harlina joined us at this Intellectual Forum and they really gave us an angle on how to view our problems. insyAllah will share the lessons i've gained from this seminar! several times i cried sebab i was touched tau selama kat seminar ni. i ni.. ball valve kat mata dah malfunction kot.. =p

us looking kinda tired but we were very pleased with the seminar =D

now, recounting back this week's memories, i realised that i dapat rezeki baru iaitu kawan kawan baruuuu!! and knowledge baruuuuuuu!! best best!
hopefully ada lagi these kinds of opportunity =D

thank you to those yang tegur saya walaupun saya belacan =B sorry if mata sembab i ni scared you off! hahaha! 

till next post!
salam =)


Nuruashia said...

u look nice systa!!!!
btw love ur pant :0

dayanaazhar:) said...

I like how the way you are wearing a shirt but still look awesome:)

Unknown said...

kak maghiaaa...bile mau ketemu lagi?hehe..if akk jalan2 alamanda sile singgah kedai Menara Optometry ye..miza keje kat sane pulaks...heee...

bukansiapasiapa said...

kak maria, is that hunny maduu in the picture? :D

robowtasmara said...

so your engaged cousin is Hafiz, ayte? looks very familiar! :)

zoeLa said...

semoga menjadi muslimah sejati kak maria :) doakan sy sekali :')

eena Amalina said...

kak maria apa jenama dari tudung people tu?numa collection?

H.D said...

hafiz rite??

Unknown said...


A.H.A said...

eh, cousin yg baru engaged tu 8tv showdown host tu ek? Hafiz Hatim, izit?

Anasyg said...

i loike diz post maria - eventho sangat berjela- oh oh, kasi tahniah sama u punya cousin- laf ur fashion !

Unknown said...

suke la ur pants! xketat

fikrahuddin said...

kek tu sumpah comel. haha.

sangat lucky dapat pegi seminar tu. SANGAT LUCKY.

(nak pegi! T____T )

Mek Onie said...

full activities :))

mujagirl92 said...

love you la!!!! rasa macam tak smpurna gak saya sbagai muslim,, uwaaa,,, :'(

Atiqah Wadiah said...

x saba nk tunngu wed kak maria :)

LydSunshine said...

Maria, u sangat sesuai pakai tudung kaler merah2 mcm burgundy, maroon mcm tu. Nampak terserlah.

Primadona said...

How i wish i could attend that seminar.Selalu baca dekat blog je.hee

kuyam said...

so canteksss!

najihahfara said...

adore with the way u wearing the hijab sis maria.

Wawa T said...

wah siap sembur perfume lagi.. i love your pants.. :)

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Tired is an understatement... haha, but the seminar was really good alhamdulillah!

Congrats to Rina (love her wedding cake) and your couz!

Cik tikah said...

you are so busy elena! hehe

baashah;D said...

waaa...teringin nak pegi seminar macam tu one day :')


sangat suka tengok akak. cantik sangat. pastu suka tengok perubahan akak dari semasa ke semasa. akak cool dengan cara akak sendiri.akak try to be better n better. proud of u. :)

Anonymous said...

I dah received!!! love you..

Hello Aai said...

Owhh coicidentally i baru nampak wedding signboard direction for Rina Salleh and Afiq Iskandar's around Shah Alam this morning..hehe I don't really know who they are until I read your blog..

mFiFo said...


I MISS UIA tahap MISS Giller yang giller pun tk mcm ni....sob sob...

Im a Sporean yg dulu blaja kat UIA.Graduated in 2007..So you bayangkanlah brp lamanya I da tinggalkan UIA...

Your post on UIA with the pictures and all, omg! nak nangis boleh tak..huhu..

Ada rezeki, nk dtg UIA thn ni jgk, tk kisah lah apa nk jd, jadilah..=)

Yang Merindu the BLUE ROOFS:

Anonymous said...

kurusnya kak maria! serius comel betul kek tu! :D

andinairvani said...

I love the bag from club mod

Rin Saharina said...

natural beauty!sgt suka tgk kamu :)

safiah sokher said...

Checking out the link. *wink wink*

miera myrofa said...

ingtkan dpt jumpe kak maria time reception kak rina...huhuhu ;)

Myra Abdullah said...


kek tu...

Siti Nurhuda Husna Zulkarnain said...

Kelakar la gambar potong kek pakai topeng. Nak buat jugaklah nanti! Hehehe.

Qa said...

keciknye kak maria, berat bape? =,=' hahaha :P

Aliff Haikal said...

superb <3

comel kek tuwww . ada link nak tempah tak :3

[wani_mn] said...

love dis entry much lagi2 part seminar tu. klu dpt join mst best! kak maria, cepat2 share the intipati seminar tau!!!

nabByla said...

sedih ngn tenet sy nie kdg2.. bila nak bukak blog akk jew msti dia nak loading lama giler. x dpt nak tgk picx2 akk yg awesome tue. tenet nie jeles ngn kite agaknye bila tahu nak bukk blog akk. huh! :(

rarizzar said...

oh maria... poplook sgt cool. i mmg tgh carik baju longgar, pelan2 belajar to cover aurat. thanks maria..

anakjaiman said...

i hope one day, i will be like you. nice with the tudung labuh. :)

'Ain Sazri Saifuddin said...
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fadila anindeta said...

always love your post maria,, *kissess and hugs*

really wanna meet you,, insyaAllah i'll go to KL on June ^_^

Lisa Ibnu Abas said...

Nice entry . Sungguh bz. Wah , Hafiz sudang bertunang ?

Farah Hanis said...

perfume wangi tuuuuuuuh =)

ReeneeRaaid said...

interesting blog u have there. nice to know u :)

Zaini said...

what what, that's my fren chiqie!

Hawa said...

Sis kalu ade new item update taw heheh

http://corakcorekwawa.blogspot.come blog

Zharif Azis said...

cemana bole tak tau pasal pos nie ? haihhh nak kene rajin bukak dashboard lah lepas nie >__<

awesome nya 4 language dia leh cakap =)

Qazfashop said...

nice post..=)

Nazneen Zainal Abidin said...

cantik the cake!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miss Anis said...

like ur style....

The Ordinary Lina said...

kek itu sgt comei!

sabasalbi said...

maria... u look different now. glow n b'seri2...

Amirah said...

byk story dalam satu post ye. hehe.

*u look gorgeous as usual sista :)

HS said...

like ur style lerr....sempoi mompoi need heavy makeup..

Unknown said...

kak maria my aunt works @ UIA GOMBAK