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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

where my girls at

ok i'm not gonna write much, i'm just gonna let the pictures do the talking! 

oh if you ask, "you kisah ke if i/we want to ajak you guys lepak?" 
to that, we answer:

padahal it wasn't Yuna. 
we wuz here, at IAmJetFuelShop, in Subang Jaya.
to those yang malas nak google, you can click at the pictures below!

\monologue dalaman\
ok nak try pose maut like Hana Tajima.

and here's to answer your question, if you did ask. if you didn't, well, i'm still gonna tell anyway.
i was wearing Zara top, Topshop skirt (sale item!! woohoo!), Pastelina shawl, Maysaa snood.



Sura said...

nice and funny photos :D

Zehan Ilyana said...

nice pics!
and funny..

myracupcake said...

awesome entry !

all of you really gorgeous ! :)

Anonymous said...

I saw you ! You went to Empire right right :D

Najihah Shukri said...

super gorgeous!

mizzura said...

gambar last...chare argh!

.miradila. said...

kak maria sgt gorgeous..huhu..

ct ina said...

wahhhh..i hope i can meet u kak mariaaa...hukhukhuk~

miss cloudy said...

sesuatu ayat tidak buleh berakhir dgn preposition...(re:post title) erkk.. sekadar mencari perhatian.. hehe..

pink said...

haha korang mmg comel dan rawks !

Wan Azril Syazrin said...

:D :D :D laa blog die

Iliani Rahimi said...

akak hawt lahhh,,heee ;)

fifianggun said...


Wawa Abdullah said...

haha...sis maria really funny tau..i loike it!! :D

Syafiqah Hashim said...

sis maria!!

tgok blog ni:-

happy jumpa sis :D

Zaujah Miqdad said...

u guys so stunning!


you guys are amazing!! :p

xx Fatima

sniffa93_aznil4eva said...


semua sgt nice okay!

semua ada style sendiri. lovelovelove korg punya style.:)

L said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA. U buat i gelak sorang2 tgh2 pagi buta since im reading this post tgh2 pagi buta. i was wondering,kedai manalah yg korang pegi ni. sebab berdasarkan background mcm best. rupanya kedai Yuna! dah lama nak pegi,tapi tak pegi2. so lepas ni harus pegi. btw, i miss u! lama tak jumpa. waahhh, perasan kawan rapat. hahaha

Shahirah Elaiza said...

You girls look amazing! I miss you all!

Nsa Adenan said...

maria... i heart the skirt.. oh, i heart you.. nice blog. love all the photos...

Yuna Zarai said...

WITHOUT MEEEE?????? =(((

Sue Anna Joe said...

Bebeh I love your emerald green shawl. Mana you dapatttttt?!!

Sue Anna Joe said...

Okay ignore my question, just read that it's from Pastelina.


Btw. You girls so purdeh. Jelousnya asyik miss out on the outings. Boo.

Me As My Self said...

hahaha.... aneh oo muke tuh

storyfromme said...

hahaha...klaka la :)

Adriani said...

Bahahaahhah u said it girprennnnnnnn! ;D

mish u owedy :"(

Diah Dias said...

OMG ! good POSE Maria ! ^^,

oll gorged yewh !

Nazliah said...

gojes lah u ni!!

Anonymous said...

sume cntik2 except
1st n 2nd pic tu
wanita paling kiri tu (1st pic sblah maria)
OMAIGOD stiap pictureSSS dia adalah muka sama ok!!!!
kt pics maria sume muke dia sama hahaha
org lain wat mimik2 cute+gojes
dia wat muka camtu gak

btw yg laen ttp gojes!

kiranajoe said...

wahahaha kekamuan kegilaan la..

Unknown said...

semua gojes! and kak maria,pose hana tajima u memg menjadi..tapi hana tajima 2 comel, u cantik ;p

Nanie Hussin said...

maghia!!!! sronoknye tgok! anyway you all semua mmg comel n style tau!much love!;))

Anonymous said...

cantek!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

cik anon..

i must agreed with u(bugget cute kot)...juz nak sampaikan pendapat..i see that the rest pakai agak menurut syariah islam(aiseh!)

tak ketat sgt..elok2 saja..

but that gurl kenapa pakai skimpy jeans and then showing of her...adoi!

sorry maria...its juz..u gurls set some be fashionable and so on..

untuk bagi pendapat supaya sama2 kita jaga penampilan untuk jadi lebih baik kan...tak gitu..

apa2 pon..u gurls rock..

FazMelati said...

mariaaa =))

i adore youuu laa =)) i want more vlog please! =)

kekelip said...

heart ur last picca!. nice curve bebeh!.. =)

Unknown said...

seme nampak sporting n sempoi

edlina said...

omaigadd, u guys soooo stunning! :)

Cik Shyra said...

i've done this before..
but kt bundle jek..

Lunia said...

love d last pic! mmg ade gaya Hana Tajima! haha ^^

Fara Rahim said...

i like d last pic.
gorgeous u maria!


Cik Luna said...

simplistic is the key for muslimah fashion
liking your style here very much!!

Han Hanni said...

maseng2 gojessss je...


style.. lawa

murnimahyum said...

style la edit pic mcm ni~~

Suzie said...

..haha..comel la

sportingnya semua girlfriends tu :)

kuyam said...

pic last tu mmg lawa gila :D

Nazrul Ashraff said...

haha..sis..pic tells everything!! seronok!

cik chinta said...

fotogenik u ol..

Shurazirah Sukhur said...

sangat suke tengok korang pakai shawl..
sangat cantik+cun!
and korang punye dressup pun cantik jugakk..:))

Anies Wahab said...

ohh kak maria helena yang cun melecun , mcm mane akak pakai selendang cam gitu ea ?

suke layh .

Adahunny said...

if u don't mind answering my question, i wanna ask u. How old are u, gorgeous??

ayu cheese cake said...

awww. comel smuaa :)

Sara Shaari said...

Pic no. 3 paling smart and comel coz seolah2 kak maria terperangkap dalam kamera . hahaha ! XD


cantik sangat! I love the last pic. hilarious! :D

Ainee Cumi said...

Gila best hang out cenggini. Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! Love it

EydaSayyeeda said...

cantik la. sporting gila ;D

Nazliah said...

sekali pndang mcm u..
2 kali pandang mcm nmpk hindustan lah babe...

sehaa said...

kak adriani lawa!kak maria...all in one.ahak^^

stmrlyn said...

sis maria. kenape i suke sgt kat u ni ??? i boleh gile tgk care u. i likeeeee :)

Anonymous said...

u allzz gurlzz are coOL!! lov ya!

dib. said...

hoho ta tau pon subang ade shop ni :)

noa said...

memasing ada styleeee ar
*ni yg malu nak ajak lepak nih...

ENTRY HOT : Lucah Day :p

Anonymous said...

all cute...tapi ada sorang yang dlm pic tu ( yg pakai high waisted jeans) muke cam control ayu je...

nur hidayah abd rahman said...


Maria Elena Zarul said...

Teeheee!! Nanti jenguk2 la kedai yuna ni :D cool and the clothes r affordable! It was really fun main2 dlm kedai tu (sorry yuna! Hehe!)

To those yg commented abt my friend yang pakai high waisted jeans, dia mmg ayu. Tak control pun! And wat she wore, to me dah cukup bagus dah. Lain la kalau dia pakai short sleeves without inner. I think tu lg patut nak tegur kot. :) chill la k. We're still young n in dat 'experimenting' phase.

Oh and i pose tak segangsta hana t! She's waaaay better at that! Hehehehe!

Alli said...

Best la korang nie~ always have fun, im so cembuu okay~....btw like ur style Elena~

Diya's Look Book! said...

Hi Maria, just stumbled upon your blog and i think you are uber cool. Love your videos too, they are super fanneh! U are like charlieissocoollike tapi version Malaysia :)
Very refreshing to see malaysia now hv budding generation like you.
Makk vangga!

Firdaus Kasim said...

amboi.. bukan main yew.. hehe.. cantik2 akak2 nie.. hee

Tips Menghilangkan Rasa Takut Tengok Cerita Hantu

ghafur said...

peliks fashion..

Ili Naquiah said...

awesome pictures...!!
love all the fashion..!!

PrettySugar - cakes, cupcakes, cookies

bella YOYO said...

HAHAHAHA, serious pandai belakon xD

Anonymous said...

kak maria.
i want your help!!!
sy ada dinner next month at nearby hotel here.
Theme for that dinner is black and white. My officemate semua dah ada clothes yang suitable. I je belum lagi. I like your style. Pliz give me some great idea.

Kc Kasedah said...


Nurul Nadia said...

elena r sooo beautiful....mmuaaah!!!

Niya said...

I love all of these outfits! Your blog is really fun to read. keep posting!

fatian athiea said...

first time drop here after saw u at fb..

bdw, all ur pics are awesome dear..

keep it up!!:)

Halle Calypso said...

hahahaha..sakit perut tgk gmbar2. =)) best.

Anonymous said...

i think that this style cannot be considered as muslimah fshion..tight sna cni specially yg sorg tu...showing ur body shape.. is it muslimah? jgn la wt fashion muslimah yg bukn2 coz ppl will follow it jgn smp gla brfashion smp aurt ntah ke mn

penyelam_tempur said...

nak tanye sikit yg mane satu maria??

Meryem said...

U girl are so stylish!