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Friday, January 27, 2012

Maria Elena | Peliks | Shortnap | Greek Helen


my name is Maria Elena. today, i shall be talking about myself because.. i don't know. i just feel like it.
MAHAABAHAHAA! gelak terabur please. AMARAN! ini post panjang gila. kalau anda ada awesome, anda baca sampai habis. hahaha! =p kidding!

first things first.
"maria, apahat lu pakai itu nama peliks untuk lu punyat bloggerisme?" tanya beberapa orang. 

peliks just came to me when i created this blog (2008, ehem) sebab masa tu 'mariaelena', 'mariaelenaisawesome', 'mariasharapova', 'marsupilami', 'batumarmar' dan sewaktu dengannya dah taken. sedih bangat itu masa, maka i thought, apa satu word yang paling senang mau diingat, senang nak recognise and unique?
OUGGHHH! BEBEH! tapi tu pun taken.
so i thought.... peliks la ini macam. dengan selambanya i typed it out, tengok tengok available! wahhh! manyak how liau!! so that's how my peliks got it's name. brahammaaahahaha! gelak terabur again please.

second things second.
"mariah carey, vhy iz your vizeo chanel (yes, i'm talking about the brand) iz shortnap?"

shortnap was easyyyyy. i ni the kind of person who can take naps easily anytime, anywhere. i can sleep standing up, sitting, in awkward positions, and i sleep comfortably. terror kan? not scary, but hebat. jahaujaahaaa! gelak terabur again lahai.
so masa i nak create my youtube account, again all the names i wanted to use all taken, so i thought...stress la ini macam. i vant to take a short nap la.
but that sounded very odd. so i pendekkan to shortnap. myeheuheuhiaaaaauuuuuu! gelak gelak terabur tutup mulut please.

third things third.
"maria, ko nye pesbuk page pahal name maria elena is greek helen?"

ahhh~ itu a bit the long story wannn.
masa tu (2008, and i was 21years old) i tengah kemaruk tengok anime and i masa tu tengah adore gila Belldandy. kenal tak beliau? barangsiapa yang kenal, meh high five sket sebab kita goddess wannabe. hahahahha!!
belldandy is a character in an anime called Oh My Goddess! so yeah.. i wanted to be like her: cantik, lemah lembut, penyabar, and kuat. and so i googled for some greek-ish character i can use for myself and i found Helen, daughter of Zeus. so bajet-ing goddess macam Belldandy punya pasal, i pun guna lah Maria Elena is Greek Helen. coz i bajet-isme. know what i'm sayin' dawg?
namun, hakikatnya i memang takde sifat macam greek goddesses. kasar, gangsta, flying-kickable, and so much more. mostly, i am only human. =')
but oh well, a girl can hope and change is permitted. mana tau one day i'll be in the best form i can be? insyAllah~ =D

fourth things fourth.
i am Maria Elena, the only girl among siblings of 4 and my brothers have implanted in me to be as gangsta as i could for safety reasons. one time, masa taekwondo dulu, Sir pernah buat adegan rogol, and since then i memang PHOBIAAAAAA dengan being too soft. takut men would take advantage of that and i'd be too helpless to defend myself. scary isn't it? and my bros helped me to be gangsta-ish by bullying me and fist-fighting with me as if i was one of them. =\
i am currently working as an engineer di kilang sebelah sana. malas nak pingpongpingpong (normally people would say pumpangpumpang kan? tapi that sounds like kompang to me. haha!) pasal kerja saya sebab nanti nampak macam boasting lak. a lot of people have been asking:
1. engineer apa?
2. kat mana?
3. senang ke?
4. best ke?
5. belajar utp camane? senang ke?
6. kena result camane nak masuk utp?

please see below for the answers:
1. process engineer
2. kat kilang
3. biasa je. keje pape pun ada time senang, ada time tak senang. kalau nak berjaya, kena lah tabah face kesusahan.
4. biasa je. keje pape pun ada best and tak best. kalau nak berjaya, kena lah tabah face it all.
5. belajar utp sama je macam belajar mana mana. cuma it's environment is very conducive and it's terletak kat tempat yang tak senang nak get entertainments. which is good in a way =)
6. i pun not sure sekarang camane. i got my scholarship masa kat matrix on 2nd semester. so i tak gi educamp. after matrix straight masuk utp. sorry... tak dapat nak tolong.. please google it yourself k? jangan malas.

a lot of people have been pressing me about videos too, and to that saya jawab "saya keje dek. kalau saya takde keje, memang saya buat la. kot. sebab kalau ada free time, saya nak belajar masak sebenarnya." means to say, making videos is not my main priority. blogging, to me tak susah sebab i just typeeee je. videos kena edit edit and sebab i sorang je feature in my own videos, it takes double the time to shoot. sadderisme. sometimes i just wish someone can just do all those editting and holding camera stuff for me. myeheeehebeeleheee! gelak terabur keluar hingus please.

i love my family and i try to spend time with them whenever i can. my mom and i sangat close and some weekends, we'll try to go out and do something. mother daughter bonding la =) my family lak memang suka chill ramai ramai. that's why i am close with my cousins, aunt and uncles and grandmothers. love them long timeee! when it comes to friends lak, i ni memang tak reti nak keep in touch through social networking ni. i prefer jumpa lepak. sebab online lepaking is not real enough for me. =p but i do keep my close friends in mind and heart. i may not contact them always, but i always think about them. sweet kan? hahaa! =p

on life matters, i have my principles and disciplines which i stick to. and i definitely realise now that i have no problem admitting my weaknesses to the public. partly because i know i'm not the only going =) i love traveling (sampai i kena take up part time jobs to support this love of mine) because i get to see Allah SWT's amazing creations and how i always find similarities in some things. i started wearing the hijab after i got back from my first ever eurotrip with my friends! hehe! =)
i saw His Mightiness and i saw His fairness. i fell in love with other countries, but my love for my country and religion deepens and i'm grateful for the experiences.
sometimes we need to compare ourselves with those who have lesser so that we truly appreciate what we have. syukur.. =)

on public attention, fame, popularity, whatever you wanna call it, i honestly don't want to care about it. i do appreciate the many supports and all of you who have been encouraging me, sharing with me, teguring me and being really really cool with me!
but i'm still a pemalu and muka sombong kalau jumpa orang tak kenal. =p

pasal all this modelling and stuff, i admit that i still do it. but only for fun and as a side income. told you i want to travel =p i do try not to go overboard with it. i'd rather be a good role model than a model. know what i mean? haha! i'll try my best la k adik adik =)

from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for supporting me all this while! 
my friends, my family, my readers, my viewers, may Allah swt bless you =)
kalau ada salah silap, buat you terasa ke tercirit ke, buat you rasa nak menampar muka haku ni, buat you termuntah hijau ada sayur sikit ke, sorry sangat sangat..

kalau ada you terserempak ngan i, pastu you thought "eh, maria shmaria ke tu?" pastu bila nak tegur takut sebab muka i macam gangsta, sorry ek.. muka i memang macam tu sebab kata dah.. my bros dah cukup train i baek punya. hahahaa! just tegur je. =)

peace =)

ps: this was a lunch hour post. so excuse my grammatical errors and loss for words moments. and extremely sorry for much poyoness here. just wanna clear things up.

pps: for your information, Asfirdaus Asri (tunang saya) is not a Dato' and not a son of a Dato'. i saje je bagi dia that nickname sebab dulu, dia selalu ada this laugh when talking to his customers (dia buat business dong) which was, to me, very Dato'-ish. kalau korang tengok malay drama yang ada character dato' yang gatal ngan dia punya secretary pastu dia gelak "ehek ehek ehek" konon macam macho la kan, that was the laugh. but now dia dah tak buat dah. hahaha! but still he's a dato' to me. =p <---another thing i have to clear up. so excusez moi ah!


x said...

I saw you a couple days ago at mid valley! you and you're friend are so pretty. but I thought you're a bit taller x)hee

Wadi AR said...

haii kak maria

*dah tego dah

Unknown said...

because i'm awesome i bace sampai habes. teeheee.

sis maria elena u're awesome!

Judh said...

nanti jumpa jerit dari tingkat atas ke bawah , kak mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . err boleh ? :P

Ariena Hisham said...

You rock Sis Maria. Keep it up :)

mr_right said...

okey, baru tau apa maksud di sebalik Greek Helen tuh~ haha

Anasyg said...

^^ Motivated btui dengan entri ni ^^ keep it up kak maria

DIDI said...
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DIDI said...



Cik Nathrah said...

keep it up maria! just be urself. love u :)

Ked said...

sis maghiaaa!!

my fren jmpe ur mom tyme kenduri aritu pon dah teruje giler dah..blom jmpe u lagi..hehehe

Aini Azman said...

be ur self kak maria ooowwwssoomee!!hahaha

Mie Hishamuddin said...

love this entry..just be yourself sis...
nanti if terserempak mie panggil sis kuat2..^_^

Ms Yunis said...

You're so entertaining :D

Anonymous said...

dont be what others want to see u as,just be what u want to be...:')keep it up dear kak maria:)

Jαnnαhツ do not dwell on the past (hazan) and never worry about the future (hamm) - just concentrate on the present moment and be happy! said...

stress la ini macam. i vant to take a short nap la... haha, ini serius kelakar...

Dayana said...

I have read somewhere that if you scared of being called 'riak', that in itself is already riak.

Just reminding. :)

Farah Azurah said...

fara awesome sebab baca sampai habis !hehhee..maria elena is greek helen !yeah !! :D

Unknown said...

love your blog so muchh!! <3

Unknown said...

Yay! Saya awesome!hua3
-Sis Maria mmg super cool larh,.

Lady said...

now i'm realised , saya awesome sebab habis baca entry ni hehehe,gelak tersusun please. 8p

Sue Anna Joe said...

You've always been yourself, since I knew you, in real life, in ze blog, in ze videos. Zats what we love. No plastic mastic. Purdy, intelligent and funnneeehh. Eben dah glamer pon still I see no changes to ala selebets. Change for the better adalah. Keep it up bebeh. Miss you much. <3

Jet said...

sokklan lagik:

1) ngelat x cakap umooooo! haha
2) asyik2 post lunch hour. x gi makan ke? dietkah anda? hehehe

Fuadah said...

We love you just the way you are :)

All the best!

Yuyu Zulaikha said...

nak tau umurr!!!! ^^

Cik SCC said...

you are superb lah maria ! =D

a girl with brain and natural talents !

keep on rocking babe! =D

cikLah said...

i'm awesome... cuz i bc smpai abes..
n rasa awesome jgk sbb bc peliks//....



just like the way you are. xtau kenape, tapi memang suka. :)

Faz.M said...

suka dan baca sampai habis..seronok dgr Maria bercerita.. :)

ascil.punye.lah said...

ya saya awesome sebab saya habis baca.gahahadahaaaa*gelak terabur sambil tercirit.

Cipina said...

I adore your hidung. Boleh gitu?

apricot pie said...

AHAHA...yeahhh...jd diri sndiri.!

Aida Asyikin said...

fav ! :)

khainisa said...

saye awesome sbb hbs bace. kehkeh. ;)

aliaashameem said...

saya one of the awesome people sbb bca post ni sampai habes..bess...!! :)

Fatin Fathanah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amalina Lee said...

Hye kak Maghiaaa :D

Nur Syabila Zabidi said...

im awesome too dats y i read post u smpai habes, kak maria, u r gorgeous, sweet but gangster2, tu yg suke gler tuu,bg tips nk write post sket then cmne nk tgktkan follower,hee

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum?? yo yo wassup2??!!! hauhauhau!!!

just be yourself...people will love it

Unknown said...

Hai Maria!

Seronok dpt baca entry ni which I think kinda recap your life before this hehehe....keep blogging (I mean working!)

sue perbs.. said...

baca sampai habis sbb suke sngt u..

una said...

yeah ! finished my reading. so saya awesome lah kan kan :) btw, u pretty !

Unknown said...

akhirnya, tahu pun rahsia di sebalik nama:D

wah gitu! :D

Amierah Nabillah said...

suka! i read it sampai habis :D sayang maria! :DDD u'r the best! >.<

mujagirl92 said...

alamak,, terdatang sini lagi,, tq sebab tak marah pasal entry your engagement day tu,, hehehe

Ultraman Dyna said...


Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum, kak M.

teringin nak borak bersama wlupun tak tau benda apa nk ckp :) but at least, a comment has been published here. and now you're reading this comment. stay smile because u're pretty with it. may Allah bless you always.. amin (:

Anonymous said...

suka baca entry kak maria...
oke i'm one of the awesome person here...*wink*
keep smile sis...


Ainn Rahman said...

Kak Maghiaaaa ! Ohsemm gila . Auwhhh , I just loved you (:

Rosniena said...

just be urself and good luck

Riena Haiqal said...

assalamualaikum Maria... hah, kan dah tegur tu.. hik hik hik. :))

Halo Hasta said...

because you are so cute and funny as you areee :))))

Noor Najwa bt San Sudin said...

okay. now i'm awesome cos dah baca sampai habis :)

AnakAyah said...

Ahlan Wasahlan and Assalamualaikum kak Maria , . okay , sekurg-krgnyaa fiqa dah dpt lgi info psl akk coz you're my inspiration ! Remember that ? I Love youu Kak Maria Elena yg Gila-2 , I love that 'gila-2' Haha Xd.

shazatul shifaa zulaikha zulkifli said...

salam , kak maria (:

i'm not ur bestfriend . jumpe pun tak pernah . cakap apatah lagi . but , i boleh kenal u via ur blog . maybe bukan kenal sedalam dalamnya , but 4 me , u just being urself . yes , sometimes bukan semua orang akan suka dengan kita , dengan cara kita . but , it's better than u jd hipokrit , rite ? one thing yg i sgt salute dgn u , u never kontrol cantik walaupun u mmg totally cantik (:

#godblast , my dear (:

AnakAyah said...

Hrp akk terus blogging , sbb fiqa akn terus mmbaca . Betul ckp akk , just be yourself . Kan lgi baik ? Haaha XD . Kak Maria , I'm just proud of youu . Ohseeeeemmmm .

~falia~ said...

harituh terlepas nk b'gmbr dgn akak time wedding 2nd cousin sy kt springhill. darn it. haha. okay2, keep it up sistah. love being yourself :D

Cik Patin Cantik said...

kak maria..suke your gelak terabur keluar hingus ;D

fenny abdullah said...

mariaa awesome....sooooo ttp beautiful...Sooo sukelah datoo tuuu hehehhehe

whatevergirl said...

if u say i rather be elvis, means u rather be dead, no i rather be alive..haha..

Unknown said...

fly here. wah, cantik nama tu. (: hehe. baca2 jga sampai habis. ncie blog!

Lucien Abdellah said...

Am I the only guy who read this blog? -..-''

Nurul Jannah said...

imma awesome. saya baca sampai habis, hehehehehe *muka selenge* ;)

Syairah said...

love xoxo <3

PN.SaL said... 2 mcm 2 nk2 ms org tny keje ape...keje kat mane...buhsan2...jom tgk2 n follow me...

Qa said...

kak maria! awesome!!

Cik Rai @SeriGala said...

im 27300 =)

Zharif Azis said...

wohooo best plak baca post kali nie =) hewhew

muntah ada sayur hijau sikit <--- part nie xleh nak berhenti ketawa . hahaha

Teratai Ibunda Catering said...

Come and vote for us in this awesome award...

KL'ians said... =) this is new. bdw hye greek helen love you n the way u swing there u girl =) applause. plz do drop by.

Farra said...

Seriously, you rock ! :*

Niaa azhar said...

kak maria , i love you style jyeaahhhh (Y)

.miradila. said...

this post really explain alot bout you!!!semua soalan tuh mmg i ada terfikir nak tahu pasal you tapi takkan la nak stalker je..ahaha..btw lep you sis!!!!

Hafiza Yunus said...

yeah awesome.baca sampai habis. btw, like this entryyyy :D

fatinsyakira said...

yes muke gangsta ! i saw u hanging out with ya friends at sbux melaka just now and mule2 x nampak you then my friend was like "eh ! tu maria kan? yg famour blogger tu ?" and i macam 'eh ! haah laa' dalam hati nak je berlari keluar pergi tangkap gambar dgn you then masuk bar balik sambung kerja. but so saddddd :( customer macam semut bawak balik makanan dalam sarang. non-stop. so x dapat nak tegur u. sedih sesangat.

p/s : i saw your camera baru i cam thats you :P

hateprejudice said...

maria....suka betul la nengok ko...gaya mengada yang aku adore... anyway love u maria :P

Unknown said...

hey sy bace sampai abes...tapi sy skip kat tengah..hehehe

secret lover said...

adore u :)

ur blog simply make me happy :)

Anyes said...

Hi kak maria! I love your post. Semua posts cun habis ;) Keep it up.

bella YOYO said...

ha'ah, hari tu saya ade jumpe kak maria, and rase takut nak tegur. sebab kak maria macam gangsta. haha jkjk

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

gangsta is 'natural' dgn satu-2nya badik pompuan dlm family...and u were so rite kak maria..

ps:pengalaman as the only daughter. :P

Nuruashia said...

u make me adore u so much systa!!!! :)

Lysa said...

you are just yourself :) sis tak hipokrit even dikenali ramai :)

Unknown said...

when it comes to friends lak, i ni memang tak reti nak keep in touch through social networking ni. i prefer jumpa lepak. sebab online lepaking is not real enough for me. =p but i do keep my close friends in mind and heart. i may not contact them always, but i always think about them. sweet kan? hahaa! =p

sangat setuju! jumpe dpn mate lg bermakne. diam bkn mkne sombongn lupe rite. frens always in <3

Nia Sillent said...

wooo...banyak persoalan sy akak da jawab. ngahaha... thanks la. macam lain2, kalau jumpa kamo memang aku jerit pakai mikropon corong panggel "KAK MARIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" then surely u'll say i'm crazy n terus buat2 x tau n trus blah.. kahkahkahhh

Diana said...

so sempoi la u ni maria..hehe..

aqilah madihah said...

even lambat tp still baca smp abes la
so im awesome!!

Nursyairah said...

yeay! saya ohsemmm xD

NisaAdnan said...

haiyooo sangat seronok baca ini entry maaa. ayat manyak sedap ^^ love u much more laa kak. heee

Martika Diyana said...

all this while (mule2 tgk video) kite ingat awak lagi tua dari kite. wargghh kah kah.. perasan mudanye akuuhh...

tak la.. ekceli pasal awak mcm sesuai jadi kakak2. sbb banyak nasihat berguna. and i like ur style. tq sebab make all things clear. heee... take care.. :)

ps: kalau jumpe kat luar n ajak 'free tak? jom minum2' leh ker? hee :D

Myra Abdullah said...

hehe. kak meh high 5~!!! hehehe
tak sngke akk dpt inspiration name from belldandy.huhu..
hihih..dulu suke lah berangan nk jd cm die.hikhik..
while,myra pulak get inspired by her costume..nk mendesign punye cer.hehe.
anyway..akk the best laah!

lompangfamily said...

salam kak maria!x jawab dose,kalau jawab sayang.hehe review sket video ni.promote la sket :D tq in advance.