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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Kuala Lumpur

Assalamualaikum =)

ini pagi i ada sesi bergambar for Women of Malaysia (insyAllah will be featured for February issue) and it was at this awesome place which my noobself and my mom (i had her come with =p) didn't know about.

"apa ini tempat?"

hoooo yeaaahhhh, Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur. 

i only know National Library, tak aware pun ada library lain.. and this library is the one dekat Dataran Merdeka. CANTIK OKAYYY!! and sooo clean! reminds me of Harry Potter for some reason. nampak sangat i bukan orang KL. ye adik adik kakak abang aunty uncle nenek datuk sekalian, saya orang selangor. peace. mueheheee =p

so after the interview, my mom and i apa lagi, jalan jalan la!! it was such a lovely day for a stroll anyway =D (and because we don't really know what was around that area.. guilty of being kl-noob)

Galeri ni best!

the gallery is small, simple and quaint, and the best part is that it's free! takyah nak bayar entrance fee kejadah. masuk, tengok, tangkap gambau, and... tangkap gambau. kalau ada duit lebih, buy some souvenirs la!

ini memang awesome.

ini juga.

tudung kelepet terbaik. hilang terus effect 'bawal'. tut tut tut.. =\

Arch woodcraft = maximum coolness

after checking out the gallery, kita pun keluar la to get vitamin D. and of course to check more cool things out.
Restoran Warisan! nak masuk but tutup.. sad..
maka i pun buat peace.
ini macam. ahakkk =p

bebehs, you think Rome je ke ada fountain fountain?
pffft! Malaysia pun ada ok! and it's way awesome-r! coz Malaysia memang awesome.

ada gaya macam baru menang olympics tak?

KL at its best. 
clear sky, clear roads, clear dataran merdeka, and me showing off my kungfu skills. terbaik.

setelah puas berjalan, we went to chill la. guess who we met?!

PITBULL!!!! best gila ok Pitbull join kitorang makan tutti frutti. hahahaha!!

kidding la. that's my dad, mentor to Pitbull. unbelievable? don't believe it. hehe! 

by the way, for the interview, was kind enough to lend me their jaw-dropping-eyes-watering-gorgeous jubahs! 

absolutely stunning choices i was given, and with the help of my lovely mother, this was what i wore:
the theme was Beauty of Knowledge, so i thought i want to potray a muslimah yang knowledgeable. hahhaha!
at first wanted to go for "YO, I'M AN ENGINEER DUDE!" look, but then, tak semestinya engineers je yang pandai kan? (if that sounds poyo, sorry!!) that's why i thought of jubah. universal sikit =) i sure am nervous about the outcome of the interview. hopefully it'll be ok.. we'll see la next month camane.

so okay okaaayyyyhh.. i know i'm a kl-noob. when it comes to KL, i think shopping malls and masjid india. kira shopping areas la. i never thought of checking out the original KL buildings from colonial times sebab.. yeah, tak terfikir la kan. takde orang pun ajak "Maria, jom gi jalan jalan kat KL tengok buildings old school!". 
korang memang.

so apa lagi? if you people nak do something different for a change (since shopping malls can be boring), ajak la your friends or family to go around KL and really explore it!

to everyone who's celebrating chinese new year, GONG XI FA CAIIIII!! pili pili pala paaaa~ (lagu pasal mercun). and to those yang balik kampung bercuti, drive safely and have fun!



AISHAH SHA said...

bestnyer dpt g jln2

apricot pie said...


LOCKED said...

ni dah mcm bukan orang yang dok dekat KL..xD

IM TYPING said...

jubah tu cantikk ! :D

nasha sanza said...

have funnya kak maria..cantik la kak marai baju tu suka tengok!:)

Ainn Rahman said...

Auwhhh ! Kak Maria always gorgeous + slumber je . HAHA, ily kak Maria <3

faqihahhusni said...


puteri cahaya said...

jubah tu sgt chantek okey!! *eyes watery more*

anak ayah said...

u lo0ks so cool la kak...
kat dlm stiap gmbr!

antynachuleena said...

saya suka jubah hitam. boleh beli kat mana ye maria?

una said...

just wearing anything and everything, always, u look beautiful *envy* :)

AyuAdzum said...


Tulus Sweet said...

napo akak tak singgah soromban, nogori sombilan? buleh singgah umah sayo makan cendol! apolah akak ni...

Unknown said...

you look stunning, maria... bagus la dapat manfaatkan masa dgn parent... nmpk menar1k aktiviti korg... great:)

Cik MiraMew said...

Love your makeup Kak Maria XD pretty!

Nazrul Ashraff said...

tak pernha bayang yang KL ada somethin diff macam tu, its outstanding somehow.


when people always talk about KL, yeah, i'm just like u. KL just BB, Low yat, TS, pavi bla bla bla dengan KTM yang lembab lagi panas serta sampah sarap dan setinggan yang stingy.

heh. btw, you show coolness of KL in a way that I really not expected.

well done sis :)

Enna M. said...

halusssss...itu kepala Pitbull.LOL..

Shima Hishamuddin said...

seriously nmpk mcm kat overseas je ! tak sngka kl secantik ni hahaha

m said...

Ohhh I thought I was the only one yang KL-noob hihi. I rarely go to KL too cos' my dad doesn't like the jam there but well lepas dapat sekolah kat situ dapat jugak lah 'selalu' pergi KL but just to go to school and terperap kat sekolah for months baru dapat balik hahaha tapi that's just memories now since I've finished school :'( Sheesh sorry for talking so much :'( Dah lah tak ada kaitan with your post! I memang banyak cakap so yeah, SORRY AGAIN :'( AND AND I live in SELANGOR tooooo :) Selangor ROCKS :) HAHA

K O R I E said...

wah, teringin nak kluar dekat sys maria :)

Biskut Cookies said...

rajen jalanjalan :)
promote KL ...

Kayun said...

mesti ramai org akn mengunjungi tempat ini selepas ni sebab sekarang pun sudah ada rasa nak ajak kawan pergi. hehe

btw,kak maria, when u mentioned "pili pili pala paaaa", it reminds me of chibimaruko ending sound laa! mcm lebih kurang jaa. ekekeke xD

nia.zwani said...

MALAYSIA memng ohhsseeemm,,<3

Unknown said...

i ike ur celak tu sis! hehehe

mrs him said...

bhahaha maria elena still rock uhh ;p

Myra Abdullah said...

KL memang best kan.

Laila said...

REally beautiful! I want to go there!

Amierah Nabillah said...

hehe so funny!! :P i like the pitbull part :D another great post from maria! :DDD

fenny abdullah said...

malaysia The best,,,dapat tuan blog yg okey lagi.....

Anis Tasnim said...

haha.. seriously,, hari tu nampak kak maria posing depan menara kl.. masa tu menjerit 'MARIA ELENAAAAAA'. haha. seronok dapat usha kak posing. and lagi seronok sebab dapat jumpa orang yang superawesome macam u. haha

littledolphin said...

wow cool gila. there is a perpustakaan kuala lumpur?!! oh my oh my,i wanna visit there! kuala lumpur city gallery too! oh my oh my both of that place is definitely in my list. :D

and that jubah is sooo cantik!

p/s malaysia memang proud to be a malaysian!

Jet said...

I never knew such thing exist AND Maria, that was some hardcore eye lining going on. HEHE.

Alif Farhan said...

Setuju . Kuala Lumpur ada manyak bangunan santek-santek ! Sejarah gila ! HAHA

Yusoff Maulana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

bahahahhahh!! sempoi semput haaa sis..haha!! admire u lah!haha

QAS said...

kak maria: i wrote boud u: plis see click this link:


QAS said...

kak maria: i wrote boud u: plis see click this link:


Cik tikah said...

tebalnya celak :)

Atiqah Wadiah said...

cantik k.maria pakai jubah tu :)

Anonymous said...

kak maria, the one yang u kata your mum nak buat hantaran tu banyak dekat melaka lah i rasa,my mum pernah beli buat souvenir; dataran pahlawan tempat souvenir yang ala ala bawah tanah tu

.miradila. said...

saya pun taktahu kewujudan tempat semua tuh..padahal selalu gi KL...ntah pape..sep!! kita orang selangor juga..

Anis Bux said...

i can see the difference in you now kak maria in dressing. dah makin mature gitww. tulaa dah nak tawin kan? hihi.

Anis Bux said...

i can see the difference in you now kak maria in dressing. dah makin mature gitww. tulaa dah nak tawin kan? hihi.

misskellyazhar said...

kak maria boleh ajar tak cmne nak pakai tudung mcm kat gambar ni?

Hafizmasri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

sis..pegi lar library PPAS plak...kt shah alam...lg oohhhssseeeemmmm...hehehe =)

PemilikCahaya said...

i think u r super duper crazy girl..untong asfirdaus

Aisya Ibrahim said...

wow! tak pernah tahu pulak tempat ni selama membesar di kl. mcm best sebab saya boleh dikira sbg ulat buku jgk lah. suka p library. time skolah dlu lah. heee. maria, i adore u so much since 2009. ini lah kali pertama saya memberi komen di blog anda. jom lah tengok blog i yang tak berapa nak sempoi mcm blog u. please...

akmahika said...

cantikla bju jubah yag akak maria pkai 2...

Izzah | zulkifli said...

lawa lah sis paai jubah tuh. jelous!. =P



Ayu Barbydol said...

Terbaik... ^^

justmeAIN said...


1- suka tgk u bergambar.. bersahaja je...

2- Your mom mmg super duper sporting... u so lucky...

3 - jubah tu mmg santek.. suka sgt, tp tak smua org boleh pakai dan nampak lawa dlm itu jubah kan? Tp u nmpk cantik je.. rs mcm nak jeles, tp tak baik plak.. hehe.. tp seyes, u mmg cantik bila pakai jubah tu..

4 - i suka bc ur blog.. sempoi..

5 - tu je lah... tata!

Anonymous said...

kalau nak jalan kt kl lg, leh g tmn burung, muzium kesenian Islam..area tmn tasik perdana n parlimen tu mmg byk tmpt nk jalan2..asyik2 shopping mall, boring kn..-otai jln kl-

Unknown said...

ha'a betol larr kak maria,, slalu kalu sara pg KL pom kompem tak jln-2 punyer,, asik dok g shoppng joo,, tak tau larr tang mana yg mnrik sgt dgn shoppg ni smpai fmly asik-2 pg mall.. pdhl takde ah shppng like an americans ~ jlan-2 jew pom. kalo tak ikot pg mall mesti teperap dlm hotel joo. dem! boring ah ~_~

AmirahSM said...

u sporting kak maria!!
i like ur style seriously! hahahha..

btw..jubah tu mmg cntik! ble kawen?? hee

LiYa_Ex0ra said...

wahh xpenah pegi lg tempat neh.. thanks maria elena. Post yg sgt menarik!

e_darel said...

ok tak tahu pun ada KUALA LUMPUR LIBRARY XD

LeeYana said...

Maria.. I'm the girl yg keje kt KL City Gallery a.k.a the receptionist girl and ask u to wrote on our guest book.. Still remember..?? :p

Chere Moineau said...

SubhanAllah, KL is soooo beautiful! I shall have to visit some day, know just to get away from this snow. :(

BTW, you look absolutely stunning in your white jubuh! Masha'Allah!

kudozu said...

gile awesome rupanya Malaysia ni. Thanks! Eventhough duk KL da dekat 20 tahun, tak tepergi pulak jalan-jalan kat sini hoho

Azza Azman said...

hai nicky minaj malaysia huhu!

beruang diabetes said...

cantiklah baju hitam yg 1st tu!

Norma Jean said...

saya perasan Maria Elena bgambar kat Logo besar "KUALA LUMPUR CITY GAL" :P

taiptaipletter said...

cantik kak maria pakai jubah tu . totally awesome ! heee =)

naif said...

u looked lovely in that white jubah..

Aimie Anuar said...

kak maria ...PKL tempat sy selalu study sebelum spm dulu ...(study lah sngt) ahaha ...rindu sngt ,,btw u look so FABULOUS :)

Nabela Libna said...

waw , it's awesome, sista :)