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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A book of Mine



For 2 years now, i have been writing and editting a book. My book. A book written by me.

It started because... Saje je. I had an idea and i wanted to go with it. And i went with it until recently.

It was an arduous journey. I had no experience in writing a book, but i have been an avid reader, a blogger, a caption-er (i used to write lengthy captions on IG...), so it shouldn't be that hard - was what i thought. Until i did it.

It is definitely not easy. It is so tedious, requires planning, plotting and everything i never knew!

But alhamdulillah, i think it's ok la. Kot.

My daughter did the illustration heheee 😁

Like i said, this book was in the works 2 years ago, a year in writing, a year in editting.
Gila la.

If you're bored, and want to read this amateur's work, please go to this link.

It's free, and i will be uploading a few chapters at a time.
If you want to leave a comment, sila kan. If not, it's ok also 😌
So nervous uhukkkkkk

As always, please keep Palestine in your doas, boycott all you can, and donate if you can.
I hope Isnajis and their supporters and providers will face their consequences asap.
The ongoing genocide needs to end and the occupation needs to be demolished!
I don't believe in 2 state solution. Not with crazy psychopathic isnajises who are worse than animals.
Palestine is the only state we all recognize!

May Allah grant the Palestinians liberation, accept the dead as syahids, give strength, resilience, comfort, support and more to the survivors, and destroy the enemies, humiliate and expose everyone who were directly involved in the genocide.

May Allah forgive us if ever we were complicit unintentionally and intentionally, may Allah accept our doas and the Palestinians, the orphans, the widows, the ones suffering and losing spirit. 

May victory be for the mujahids, for the Palestinians. 


1 comment:

Kevin Saenz said...

Could you clarify what DomaiNesia you'd like to know or discuss about your book?