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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Demi Palestine

 I wanted to say that "I've stood with Palestine since 2012", but it's not something i could be proud of. 

As much as i had put in my effort into talking about it, donate or whatever it is, Palestine is still not free.  

I don't know if anyone feels the same, but i had felt so helpless sampai tak tau apa nak buat. Depress sorang sorang. While we're here worrying about where to eat, and how much prices of food have gone up, they're worrying if they can see their kids grow up safely.  

It is sad and heartbreaking to see those videos and pictures of the Palestinians. It was never easy to look at, because it is real. Sometimes i feel so guilty for being so carefree over here in Malaysia, that i don't know what to do with myself. Nak trade places with them? Maybe I'd say "Yes, i'll trade", if Allah did ask me if i wanted to, but if i really really have to go through it, i think i pun tak mampu... I probably beg Allah to put me back where i came from. 

I had wished to be the richest person in the world so that i could just buy off Palestine from the Zionswines. I had wished to be so fearless like John Wick so that i could assassinate those musibats. I had wished i had the ultimate power that i can just telangkupkan every single swine so deep into the earth that nobody could bury them out.

I wanted Power. I wished for it. Because it had been years. Years. And it's like there's no improvement. 

So rasa cam, there's no end to it. There's no end until i become The Hulk. 

I was wrong. I am Powerless because there is the Ultimate Power that we need to turn to: Allah. 

From the wise words of Angeline Tan, "Allah tak pernah abaikan kita".

Apatah lagi mereka yang di-oppressed. Mereka yang dianiaya. Mereka yang dizalimi.

Allah tak abaikan mereka, and as helpless as we feel about our lack of influence, effort, ability and money, Allah's Power is All Encompassing and Knowing - melitupi segala-galanya! We gather together, and collectively send our prayers to Allah to save our brothers and sisters in Palestine, and for Him to deliver His Ultimate Judgement and Justice upon the evil, that is Power. 

We should not underestimate the power of our prayers, and we should trust Allah because His Plan is the Best. 

If you're in that phase where you feel like giving up because it's too frustrating or depressing, i urge you not think of the future (when will it end? who will step up? etc etc), but do it with the thought that Allah's Power and Knowledge is beyond our comprehension, and when He wills it, Palestine will be victorious. In the meantime, let what ever efforts we put in be counted for something in His Eyes. 

Nanti bila dah mati, Allah can say "You did so-and-so for the Palestinians. Here's syurga for you". Wahhh.. Amiiin!

That time will come when Palestine will be free. For their victory, for their families to be able to return to their rightful homes, for them to live safely and freely, for them to have abundance in food and water. They deserve the world.

I know this post isn't much. I can't articulate much about the evilness of Israelis and their mental defects.. i only want us to not give up and continue to support and fight for Palestine. 


amirakhaulah said...

I feel the same way to. Helpless. Tapi saya ada ternampak, tweet Dr Haifaa, "We ask when will victory come? It will come according to His wisdom and knowledge. But He will never let you down. Have this faith and never let it go"... Idk somehow her tweet, comfort me... Knowing "Allah takkan abaikan kita" just like you have mentioned. Your last few para also very comforting me. Let us keep our fighting spirit alive, give our very best efforts... Insha Allah one day Palestine is free... Al-fatihah buat saudara kita yang syahid dan moga Allah angkat ujian ini, berikan ganjaran pahala dan gantikan apa yang lebih baik dari kehilangan mereka... Dan moga Allah terima dan redha dengan usaha kecil kita dan semua. Amin.

Maria Elena Zarul said...

Amiiin... =)

Sophia said...
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