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Monday, January 9, 2023

Lower Back Pains

 Is real.

Seriously. I never expected the pains to be this painful, but yeah. I'm in my 30s, my body *hurts* when i sit too long, *hurts even worse* when i sit on the floor a bit too long.

Just my back la for now, alhamdulillah.. Oh, and my feet too. Still, alhamdullillah.

So my advice to all young ladies, in your YOUTH, sit on your butt, not your back. Don't slouch and learn to put your weight on your butt when you sit, not at the pivot of your spine when you slouch.

Please read the article. It's from Harvard. (UUUuuuuuu~ fancyyyyy~)

My lower back pain started when i breastfed my kids. They took too long and you can't exactly sit up straight while the baby is dangling off the tits kan.. Lenguh la tangan tu..
So i used to slouch when i milked them and now, years later, my lower back couldn't hide its pain that it sometimes become unbearable. Not unbearable la.. Bearable but painful gila 😅

Whenever it hurts though, i always wonder "how do people get through this? Moms especially?". Me, only 2 kids and this i have to live with for the rest of my life. How about the moms with more kids? All those times i had to sit on the floor to fold the clothes while watching tv, or cutting my toenails, but then, those who had to sit longer because they have more clothes to fold? How painful their backs must've been..

So i try not to complain much. Even when my husband said his back hurts, i just gave a look of concern and gave some words of encouragement like "Yang... you dah tua..."..

But i can't bring myself to tell him about my pains.
It just felt unfair to those who have it worse.

It also reminded me of Victoria Beckham when she said she doesn't smile because she doesn't want to show how *good* she has it. It felt unfair to other designers.

I felt that. 

Let's put in effort to take care of the body while we're still young so that we can grow older gracefully and can still do fun stuff! 💪🙌

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