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Friday, October 28, 2022

White Sorrow

 Long time ago, when it was still Internet Explorer, Microsoft Windows, and the teee-nooo-teee-nooo-neeeeeettttt internet days, i searched for the meaning of my name: Maria Elena.

I'm sure this goes the same to anyone. We all are curious what our names mean, and those days, our parents don't google meaning of names, or have little care about meaning, as long as it sounds good kan. My name stems from my mom, who is also a Maria. There's always a πŸ’•patternπŸ’•. Macam cool la kot zaman tu, nama nak ikut set la, clan la.. Alhamdulillah la i ni pun tak terlalu taksub to the point of naming my kids Hermione Azzahra and Harry Ashaal πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Back then, the search wasn't as vast as it is now, and it takes a long time to load into a website, so i settled with what was the first search result of my query. 

My name, Maria, means sorrow or bitter, and Elena means white or bright.

I remember i searched for the meaning again when i was in uni for my blog, and i did end up with something similar. Which was why i named my facebook page Maria Is Greek Helen. Maria was already a super common name, Maria Elena combination was ALSO super common since there's an instrumental song called it:

So how do i set myself apart from all the other Maria Elenas' in the world? I make up weird names, that's how. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Sometimes kan when we're in the dumps, our mood is not good and we're upset and sad for no reason (ada la reason, tapi the reason not good enough), and all we want is to be dipujuk & dimanjakan kan.
Even i can't explain this phenomena to my husband. 
Kadang2 tu i cakap things like, "I think somewhere in the world, my soulmate died" sebab i have that unexplained sadness. I don't mean it seriously thoughhhhh! It's just a bad joke 😝

And that's why my husband also calls me White Sorrow. 
"Kenapa ni White Sorrow?", he'd say.


If you have a child named Maria, or planning to name her that, it's ok!
Now internet lagi best dari dulu, more information are coming out, and i found what my name means!

Maria: Elevated, Sharp (in urdu)
Elena: Tender, Delicate

Maria is also a derivation of Mariam, and was also the name of Nabi Muhammad SAW's wife. 

Nowadays, among friends and families, i notice people kalau namakan anak, dah ada intention behind it. They may have like the same front letter, macam Khayra, Khairil, Kisya, or maybe tokoh yang digemari etc etc. Thus far, i haven't seen any North West, Elon Musk's child's name, Pilot Inspektor, Morrocan (yes, it's a name, not a nationality...).. Maybe the westerners have a different idea and approach to naming their kids. 

Yang i tau, Malaysians ni namakan anak macam as a doa that the child will grow as what the name means.

On that note, the other Maria my husband knows (other than me & my mom) is Maria Chin Abdullah and Mariaman.


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