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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lif setan

so i am staying in an apartment now. (sewa bilik jeee~)
and the one thing i don't like about staying here, is the Lift.


the Lift often makes me feel awkward.
when i'm all dressed up to meet my friends or Dato', then the people in the Lift would stare at me at the corner of their eyes (because i do that too sometimes at girls. guys memang sorry la. no way.)

however, the most persetan moments with the Lift,

i was already late for work one day, and i waited soooo long for the lift. i wanted to take the stairs but i don't like it when the moment i walk down the stairs, the lift would reach my floor. seriously, that can literally make me whip my hijab back and forth!
so~ i waited~
and when it reached my floor, i masuk je, i rasa cam nak tumbuk dinding!
some joker pressed all the floor buttons!!! KURANG AJAAAA!
i had to stop at all levels, and press the close button.
menyampah ok!
sampai office, orang tanya why lambat?, sebab lift lambat doesn't seem like an acceptable excuse. so i just shut up about it.

ok tu 1 case.

another case was when i came back late from chilling with my friends.
i think it was around 1am or 2am.
i was quite tired then, so i wasn't aware of my surroundings.
as i got in the lift, i realised that i was alone.
then suddenly,
one of the lights blinked off. then it started flickering.
"ya Allah, don't la do this to meee", i thought to myself.
masa tu la kannnnnnn all the stupid ghosts in the lift scenes started playing in my mind! i recited Ayat Kursi as steady as i could while staring hard at the level indicator.
but all the while, jantung i dup dap dup dap dup dap like crazy. i can't explain how scared i was...

when the lift stopped at my floor, i ran out sambil jerit (boleh tak..) and cursed at my wild imaginations. and of course i cursed at myself for being such a coward!
and that is why..


kadang kadang masuk public toilets pun i jadi takut. ugh.
oh and i don't like lifts.



ayu cheese cake said...

haha :D
kelakar lah.
mmg betul, kdg2 lift tu menakutkan.

Xyz said...

hahaha :D lawak

Farah Adilah said...

kite pun x suke not because takut ke ape,maslahnya nak jumpe lift pun jarang.hahaha


ahahaa..chill la kak maria..

Sheherazade said...

lift ca b a scary place

Yuyu said... cerita pasal seram pon lawak maria..ahha

stalker hebat ! said...


scary la sikit.

wiwie sazali said...

ngehehe...kdg2 bila masuk lift n ada tgn gatal yg tekan sume button floor tu mmg bleh darah naik tinggi oo.. lg2 bila nk cpt. hehehe

Cik Farah said...

hee..comel je kak maria. ehh, saya pun ske imagine mcm2 bila duk sorang2..habis semua cite hantu tu refresh balik..heshh, annoying kan? =P

Anis Shazreen said...

that was damn scared in blackout lift -.-

lizzieeee said...

ahahahaha oke nak gelak guling baca ni!!you just spoke it out for me!!i pun pernah kena kot!sumpah creepy lah lift hampeh cmni!haha love u kak maria!kbye ;p

Sebona said...

eh i do like HORROR MOVIE a lot....!

heh heh heh

Afifah Mohd Yusoff said...

cian u! tp u wt cter ne cm lwk.. cool! ^^

m said...

u r so funny,u knw that? hehe :)

Anonymous said...

lift in my hostel pun sama., always stop at every level..,and sgt lmbat! smpai class pun slalu sgt tlewat smpai lectrer igt I saje dtg lewat! fine! hahahha~

Cik Caah said...

argh...the lift is always freaking me out. especially when it come to the moment pintu lif terbukak. memang xblh nak stop imagine benda apa or siapa yang akan ada kat depan lift. seram....

Awan Network said...


Jom Tengok :

Sara Shaari said...

you're a coward too ! yeay ada gang ! sayaannngg kak maria ! hehe .

Pemilik Raksa Hati said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wanybunny said...

hahha penakut jgk maria elena eh.

lieya orange M.I. said...

mmg cerita hantu yg buat kita takut kat lift... :p

Izzati Tatie said...

haha ! lift memang menakutkan saye jugak.seriously..bile tengah malam jer.pas2,nek lif sorang2..memang boleh rase dup dap dup dap dalam hati..macam da buleh lagu tjuk dup dap dup dap daa..haha

penyisir rambut said...

lift kat spital lagi cuak kot...
sama jgk...
tak suke cite antu!!!!!

farhah dzarif said...

hee, comel je akak ni :)

▲DRI▲N ▲IZ▲T™ said...

one more lift yg berhenjut2!!

Malaysia hilang separuh!

korg nk share sharelah!

Anonymous said...


tp sometimes lift is the most thing we scared . mcm dlm horror muvee. -.-

Kc Kasedah said...

penah kene jugak! naik lif dgn sorang laki yg tak kenal then tibe2 lampu terpadam dan lif stuck. lutut da ketar gileeeee! seb baik laki tu tak watpe. kluar2 dr lif terus nanges. huhu T_T

Sugus said...

Hahaha sorry, patut bersimpati, tapi tak mampu nak tahan gelak.
Chill lah kakak~

Smilezurin said...

Hehe , awak ni samalah dengan saya . Penakut sikit . Lagi² bila dalam lif sorang :P .

Tehee ^_^ ..

If u free , feel free to read my blog kayy sis mariaaa ♥

ULtradya said...

hate lift that stop at one level like 'something' masuk...(pintu terbuka lama) and then it goes normal...selalu masa sorang2..ngeriiiii said...

bhahhaah!padan muke elena!kihkih

p/s: bila tengok nora elena,teringat maria elena~hikhiik

Xx said...

tebaekkkk~~!!!! hehehe but i LOVEEEE horror movies ~ hehe

Cik Nathrah said...

hahaha. maria sgt comel! i pon pernah rasa macam tu jugak. hehe

EnJeru Rashid said...

i hate when i in a lift alone too...
i feel like when the lift open there will be sumthing terkam i from d outside of the lift....
n believe me i always feel like been stare in it..juz OMG~!

Alin said...

hahaahhha lawak time keluar lift jerit :DD

Unknown said...

ahaaaaa. kenapa jerit keluar lif.boleh bayangkan.mesti kelakar!
nak jumpa kak maria elena..

Hanys Najib said...

'when the lift stopped at my floor, i ran out sambil JERIT'?!!!! what??!! jerit??!!! LOL~!!!!!

*gelak guling sampai pengsan*
ok, tipu

Miera Aziz said...

Hahahha! Maria Elena comell sgt! ;p

Aimi Rosli said...

haha, terus teringat kat peristiwa saya dengan kawan2 saya ter-stop kat floor yang tak siap and gelap gila kat building mana ntah dulu.

take care, kak maria (:

Puan Eka said...

kelakar...tapi kan maria eka penahmasuk lif hispital waktus enja..tiba2 jer nak nek tingkat 3 trus turun bawah tingat 1 bilik mayat,.eeeeeii takut..tekan2 takleh cm ada org men kat luar..lepastu larikkkkkkkkkkkkk cari tangga....grrrrr

:.syUe.: said...

hadoiiii..ur face nmpak brutal okeyh kak Maria :)

tapiii comel nye takot glap n scary movie lak.haha :D

afie afiqah said...

serious kte berkongsi masalah yang sama. Bukan rasa nak tumbuk dinding da, rasa mcm nak tumbuk terajang orang yang takde keje sngaje cari keje tu. menyusahkan! grrr

mushroom said...

erk?? alamak.. saya memang suka tekan sume button yang ada.. masa muda2 dulu lah hehe

Aida Arisya said...

mula2 baca cam kesian kat u..last2 tergelak....kelakar pun ada..hahaha u cerita menda seram pun i nk gelak..kelakarr laa, same with me..x suka cinta antu coz suka imagine pelik2 bila sorg2 & naik lift sorg2

Chybee said...

masuk lif mmg scary. xkesah la sbb org real ke sbb benda mistik. dua2 pon seram. hohoho

fatimahamin said...

Hahaha maria you never fail to make me laugh! i totally feel you because my lift kat umah sewa pon lembab mcm siput. i pon tkt naik lift mlm2 sbb teringat hantu2 lif dlm cite hantu. i pnah naik sorang2 ngan sorang bangla and tetibe he loosen his shirt button one by one, bile sampai floor i, i ran out like crazy like a mad woman.

Fatin Nadia said...

hahhahaa..lawak gilerr,, =)

Jαnnαhツ do not dwell on the past (hazan) and never worry about the future (hamm) - just concentrate on the present moment and be happy! said...

betul. lg2 kalu naik lif sorang2. scary dowh...

lady~yint said...

aku pun benci tgk cite hantu tp tetap nak jugak tengok...last2 tanggung la sendiri dok ostel sengsorang rasa nak nangis...hahaa

Anonymous said...

happened to me twice :D

Anonymous said...

hoho . mase foundation dlu . lift bole kua sore . memang lagi seram la nek sensorang mlm2

MySaRaH said...

haha chill la maria..

i dulu stay kt umah flat, tp 6th floor kalu balik mlm2 mmg i takkan naik lif sbb takut sorang2 or berdua ngn org lelaki, very the bahaya.. so i rela naik tangga turun tangga (sib baik umah i tepiiiiiii sekali dekat ngn tangga)

but now i dah tak risau sbb dah duduk kt terrace house hehe.. idup kene berani sket maria, walaupun kite takut..jgn tunjuk takut haha..

tak dpt bygkan u keluar lif sambil lari sambil jerit menyumpah2 kekeke

(still waiting for ur vlog) ^_^

iszura said...

salam also dont like GHOST MOVIES..huhu..especially malay movie..know y? dorang mekap tebal2 n buruk sgt2 n even dat movie is funny,i bole tutup mata..huhu..mcm cite NGANGKUNG..everybody in the hall was loughing like hell by i was just silent n n close my eyes :(

t e m b u m e said...

cari umah lain la senang. ehehe

miss jaja said...

kelakar.. i had the same stupid imagination like u jugak everytime dalam lif sorang2...tapi takut2 pun hari2 balik lewat.. huhuhuh....

Anonymous said...

cant imagine how ur look looks like,haha. funny.

masshie mastura said...

haha kelakarla:P

Anonymous said...

gagaga. penakot nk mampos (aku lagi power kepenakotannyer) tp lift mmg seram. lagi2 klu ader india mabok nek lift ngn kite. warrggghhh. rse nk tolak dier tendang2 kasi jgn masuk lift. shuhhhhssssshhh!!

Zaujah Miqdad said...

ok...seriously kelaka..hhehehe..kak maria try cari rumah teres la:)

Shahada Fauzi said...

ahahaha..serius kelakar oke!

pengajaran: sila jgn tgk horror movie..then, please do not imagine the horror scene in that movie..never ever do that..kui3..

Lola MK said...

take care naik lif!
me hate horror movies too..T_T

kuyam said...

suppose mcm horror kan?tp nape i rasa agak klakar..haha.kak maria kita ni!~

syuwai said...

seram gile kalau naik lift sorang2x kan??


Miss Emmi said...

shahrul said...

susah untuk dibayangkan cemane maria lari sambil menjerit tuh..haha.. :p

Kuey san said...

I laughed out loud at the part u ran out and scream! Ha Ha Ha!

Dark Water!

fiey ahmads said...


yg nih super duper funny

"when the lift stopped at my floor, i ran out sambil jerit (boleh tak..) and cursed at my wild imaginations."

ade ke patut..hahaha
buatnyer tetibe ader org jerit "hoi, diam lah" mau menang pingat emas sukan olempik nih..haih..haih..


Ferfarfer said...


Nizam Ijam said...

hahhahahaa... nak gelak jer boleh??heheh :P

Jemput join my segmen :)
”Nizam Ijam-Segmen Tempat Menarik di Kawasan Anda”

Teratai Ibunda Catering said...

maria xkena lagi ngn lif kt umah saya~

una said...

haha, lawak je kak maria tp cute :D

xxx ooo said...

hahha..funny la kak maria ni..

Afiqah / Cha'a said...

kak maria is so cutelah! my bestfriend pun tkot ngn bunyi flush toilet. lol. but dy hantu cte horor nih. o.o''

Maria Elena Zarul said...

my god i sendiri tergelak baca your share of experiences!!! thank you for sharing!! hehehee!!

btw i lupa nak sambung.
masa i ran out of the lift, my hands were up in the air tau! bila kat depan grill rumah, i was shaking bila kuarkan my house keys. hahahhaaha!! coward gila!!! =p

Nana Hussin said...

penah jadik kat i jugak .. tnggu bukan main lame .. i kat level 10 so lif brenti stiap level .. rasa nak maki je ..

APK (Anak Pak Karim) said...

hahhaha..ini imiginasi kuat...kalo malam2 syok kalo kena usik hahha

AziziBasyah said...

hahaha...kelakar siot....u've made my day la maria...Uuuuu...ce tgk blakang ko ade ape tu...???LOLs~

ScarfSweetHoney Team said...


Najmi MH said...

I dunno about your lif, tapi when that happens in my school's lif, you can press the floor buttons twice and fast to cancel the destination. try it lah.

when i say press twice and fast, macam double click if you're using pc mouse.

hope it works for your lif :D

syaf said...

ha3...funny funny funny,...

Nurul Atiqah -Nunu- said...

i punyaa apptment un ade lift , i lagi2 lahh ta suka n takut na nek lift . nseb bek i tgkat 2 jea . soo smetime jea i nek lift tuh slu nya i gtna stairs jea . if na buag smpahh jea i nek lift . tupun macam2 bermain kt otak i niy . hehe..

cici tembikai said...

babe , I got same experience . I nak cepat boleh pulak ada org tekan setiap level -_-'' biadab . jakun kot tak pernah jumpa lif -_-''

next, I balik around 3am , dup dap dup dap sbb I takut, tiba2 pintu terbukak ada something with longgg hair. okay fine actually tu negro -_-''

next , I jumpa Pochong on my way back ( for serious) sampai block I , lift rosak so tangga la until level 6. grrr

bunga13 said...

haha, sori2 just nk mngaku...
saya salah seorang yg suke press button tu.. sori2 again..

its just Me said...

hahahhah,,this one really triggered my first laugh for today,, i imagining you with your 'takut face' with vogue hijab style in the creepy lift.. beautifully frightened... hihihihi! love to read your blog btw. :)

Anonymous said...

maria maria. camni. i nak citer ni. kat itm ni ada 1 lif kat menara selalu ada citer menarik cam yg u slalu fikir. menara ni bangunan lama. bersejarah lagi penting pada institusi. jadi sebab dia bersejarah, dan ancient, maka mungkin sbb itu rmailah juga penghuninya.
citernya camni. ada satu mlm tu student ni turun dari bangunan tu. dan dia pun guna lah lif ni. mungkin dia x igt citer psl lif tu. bila lif tu smpai, n pintu terbukak, tengok2 dah ada sorang pmpuan dlm lif tu..jeng jeng! pmpuan tu senyap je, sambil tunduk. dan dlm tunduk2 tu dia geleng2 kepala dia. kawan yang baru masuk ni diam. wat2 rilek. mcm u buat tu. makin lama makin laju dia geleng. dia geleng geleng geleng lajuu lagi smpai la akhirnya kepala dia berpusing putus dari badan dia! warghh!!!

sekian. jgn marah ye ;p

ijat said...

sy kalu nek lift,sy akan sandar kat lift, so that i can see the whole lift :p