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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


assalamualaikum wahai orang orang yang awesome belaka

how are you?
im fine thank you.

ok, i'm going straight to the point.

Masjids in Malaysia are, masyAllah, beautiful!

i've been to Istanbul and seen their majestic mosques, but the unique thing about Malaysia's mosques, is that every mosques have their own identity.

alhamdulillah, i've had opportunities to pray in some mosques. ye la dah duduk bujang, sometimes on the way back from meeting or whatever, i'll just go to the nearest masjid to pray since i have nothing to rush home for.

don't get me wrong (due to the title), i love going to mosques!
it feels amazing to pray in a jemaah.

but i just don't get how they're quite unfriendly towards women. i don't mean the mosque itself, but the architecture of it.
i went to this one mosque, and tempat ambil wudhu for women is further than mens'!
i went to a this other mosque, and guess what, tempat wudhu is outside, and it doesn't have a door! just a shower curtain which starts from the knee up. lagi best kan, TEMPAT WUDHU PEREMPUAN IS EXPOSED TO THE MEN'S PRAYING AREA!
you get that?
the tap is at waist height, so i thought "takkan nak cangkung amik wudhu? kalau diri, nak kena angkat kain tinggi-tinggi.. kalau cangkung, silap silap my tudung slipped and then gelabah pastu habis basah baju.. kalau laki lalu kat luar.. &*(&$*()" 
what i did then, i angle kan my body (konon so that men won't be able to see my exposed arm, hair and ears) and sacrificed my kain when washing my feet. i was on the way to a wedding. huhu.. 
and then sarung tudung basah basah and lari terkedek kedek into the prayer area. i think it was a good 2 meters kot. 

at first i thought "takpe la.. redha la.. maybe this is a test for all women"
but now, i think it's not right.
this is not a test made by Allah SWT. this is the problem with architects or contractors or engineers who did not take women's comfort into consideration.

apart from tempat wudhu being a tad bit far from the prayer area, i have been in masjids that provide a really small confined space for women to change!
some women have to change into telekungs.
some have to wear their hijab.
some women have the habit of taking of their pants or skirts when wearing the telekung.
some have to wear makeup after praying. (maybe ada event?)

if there are 50 women in the mosques, and all they have is a 4ft by 6ft area to change and stuff.
it's uncomfortable.

also, a few times i've seen mothers with their young children sit outside by the road coz there's no proper waiting area for them. i know some of them don't wanna go inside the mosque because they don't want their kids to disturb the jemaah's concentration. 
not all mosques though. some je la yang takde area for mothers and children.

think about it. 
whenever there's a majlis ilmu, whether it be in a hall or masjid, paid or free, women have always dominated the majlis.
then why won't the masjid architects take women into consideration?
is it really hard to extend the water piping to a place nearer to the prayer area?
is it difficult too to build a proper room for women to change?
im no architect or civil engineer, but im imagining a linked closed hall from the wudhu' room to the prayer area for women.
i don't know if it's feasible but i am positive that there are ways to make women feel comfortable taking ablution, change and setting off to pray.

come on la. dah how many years dah ada women pergi masjid, takkan la still takde orang sedar? dah berapa tahun dah we acknowledge Malaysia as a muslim country and still you cannot remember ada women beragama islam kah? orang duk bising pasal women tak jaga aurat, tapi masjid pun dibina without making it easier for us. how?

so, you future masjid architects, TOLONG LA. make it more women friendly!! family friendly! 
boleh kan? kan? KAN?

glad i got this out of my chest. im hoping to see some improvement. old masjids yang tak consider women, can start doing something about it. probably longer shower curtains, or a door.
please try to cover the ablution area, not just leave it exposed.

help us cover our aurat, please =')


ps: the name of the masjid is not as important as what i'm trying to convey. please read through thoroughly before jumping into irrelevant conclusions. i ask for bigger and more covered room for women to change, not a bigger space to pray. astaghfirullahalazim.. 


Lula An-Nada said...

betul tu...more friendly....

Nor Azira Mohd Yunus said...

Maria dear....yg atas tu bukan ke Masjid Shah ALam?

Nor Azira Mohd Yunus said...

Maria dear....yg atas tu bukan ke Masjid Shah ALam?

Aida Jelita said...

human sensitivity makin berkurangan nowadays. there's a lot of thing that people doesnt care but its actually a very important thing. i'll tell my brother about this cause his is architect to be

Nazrul Ashraff said...

masjid negeri kak maria. heh. tapi tak kisah la. itu bukan topik utama.. sister! u r correct. btw, u r engineer right. cuba la cadangkan kertas kerja ke apa ke. heh

Maria Elena Zarul said...

wopps! thanks, typo error.
wah, itu lagi u nampak ek?
ahak =p

yatyatay said...

buat mcm masjid utp, tmpt wudhu kt dlm aite?

cik hidayah said...

yup2..atas tu bkn masjid negara..tu masjid negeri selangor..msjd negara kat kl.

Aiman Malizi said...

haha maria..elena or anything people used to call u,,just to inform someting.the first picca actlly representing Masjid Sultan Salahuddin abdul Aziz shah a.k.a masjid negeri selangor lah.every week perform jumaah prayer there.masjid negara a bit difference dia punya it have only 1 menara azan.u may google it back :)

nurdani said...

sangat betul tu. bila masuk nak solat di beberapa masjid, benda macam tu la terfikir tapi tak suarakan. hehe. harap arkitek reka for muslim womens yang dapat memudahkan. harap2.

sopiah said...

dulu ingat lagi masa kat sekolah lama, tempat wuduk tak berapa "women friendly". tapi alhamdulilah, hari tu bila balik kejap sebab nak ambik sijil spm, tempat wuduk tu dah siap berbumbung apa semua.

maybe certain architects and engineer tak terfikir pun untuk memberatkan isu ni sebab most of them are guys. that's why girls pun kene involve dalam bidang architecture and engineering and show em some girl power!

hihihi ;p

profmie said...

As slm..yg kt ats tU bukn Masjid Negara tp msjd kt shah alam...

btw,sama2x lah kita m'imarahkn masjid & surau di Malaysia..
suka jg g solt kt msjd Putrajaya t'utme stiap kli g pUtrajaya..huhuu

Poppy said...

Salam.Good stuff you got there!I definitely agree!Also,the women's praying area are usually very small and stuffy which makes praying very uncomfortable!You pray while your clothes still damp from the ablution, drenched in your sweat,hearing the kids play/cry because their mums need to pray as well.sigh.InsyaAllah perhaps things will be better in the future.=)

Judh said...

betul ! same situation with u maria ! selalu solat kat masjid mesti habis lenjun baju .

Farah Liyana said...

agreed!! Plus area solat utk muslimin pun kadang2 tu xde divider/tirai pun from man area. so we have to took out our hijab dalam telekung (selubung) to cover our hair masa nak pakai telekung. Boleh ke macam tu? sgt uncomfortable.

Syed Khairi said...

thanks, an eye opener for me as a future architect insyaAllah.

puteri cahaya said...

betul3... pernah pegi masjid yang mana tempat ambil wuduk dia belubang n open up to school kat sebelah. haper dia ingat kat sekolah tu takde ustaz ngaja ke haper. aiyaaa.... so sad. banyak kali tepaksa tunduk2 n cover2 nak ambil wuduk. SANGAT TAK SELESA! >.<

Syuhada said...


Opss sorry for the caps.

Setiap kali solat kat women-unfriendly-masjid je mesti sedap kan hati macam ni:

"Setiap susah payah untuk ibadah Allah akan bagi ekstra pahala."

Kalau tak cakap macam tu kat diri sendiri mesti rasa bengang je nak solat. Isk isk.

ary_lee said...

never think about it..
Btw, nice entry^^

YaNa said...

so true maria...i've been to a mosque that the ablution area is very far form the praying area and yet we have to cross the men ablution unfriendly...

Nadia Shalahuddin said...

I truly agree with your opnion.but,here in Egypt.lagi sstgh mosque xde pun tuk prmpuan or the space for women sooo small..Actually,once ad org bgtaw sbb sebaek2 tmpt tuk prmpuan solat adalah di rumah..klu xclap nie adlah hadith..thts y it is quite unfriendly space for women in mosque..even nk kuar mlm,kne ad men to accompany..:)!but,sory I barely able to remember the sanqad n matan for that hadith..:)

Nadia Shalahuddin said...


skulluv said...

kadang-kadang tu ruang untuk solat perempuan pun kecik je.

hasnizahamdan said...
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Fazlinil Irma said...

sy penah pegi masjid dkt spore. tmpt wudhuk dia siap ada pmgg tgn dan tmpt letak kaki utk senang wudhuk.

dkt turkey tmpt wudhuk dia jauh di bawah tanah. plus sama dgn spore. ada tmpt duduk,. senang nak wudhuk.

msia sy x jumpa lg atau sy tak habis jejajah masjid. :)

eyjalukman said...

kak maria , sy sngt2 stuju dgn akk . bkn stakat masjid kt luar2 je . even ad jugak masjid yg dlm skolah even ablution area for girl students tu pn still boleh nmpak org amek wuduk kt dlm tu . hope they can make improvements :')

Nadia Shalahuddin said...

Setuju dengan komen kat atas. Kalau tak clap..mmg most of middle east or arabian country mcm tu..mcm kt cnie,kteorg da dilatih untuk sentiasa dalam keadaan wudhu'. So,xde prob klu tempt wudhu' jauh..n bju pun sume,xde msalah nk solat tanpa telekung..n xperlu la nak cabut hijab pkai telekung sume..cume kt msia..bnd nie x dibudayakan..dan yes..hal ini sama ada kita yg ubah..or nak ubah bnd yg lbey besar mcm construct blik mosque sume..its up to us..fikir2 kan la..:)!

[wani_mn] said...

saya bercakap mengenai sesetengah surau. satu hari sy tumpang surau yg TAKDA pintu sebaliknya LANGSIR. pulak tu sblh 'pintu langsir' tu tempat wudhu'. cant u imagine mcm mana gaya nak berwudhu' lelagi 'pintu langsir' tu dok gatai bergerak ditiup angin. terangt2 dari dlm boleh nmpk org awam lalu lalang dari luat. 1st time dlm hidup sy rasa pnglmn ni. pasraahhh hahahaha

Hawa said...


Aliff Haikal said...

ya Allah :"(

Aien Zainal said...

Salah satu masjid yang memang sangat memudah kan kaum hawa yang saya pernah pergi, Masjid Negeri Songkla... Mungkin Masjid tu boleh di buat contoh untuk pembinaan masjid akan datang...=)

Islamic Inspirations said...

Asalamu alikum, interesting read about Masjids. JazakAllah for sharing. What do you think of mylatest post.

Pinkwatch said...

betul tu.. nak tambah baik mmg bagus.. tp have you been to masjid in the uk built or prepared by bangladeshi or pakistani.. lagiiiiiiiiii teruk.. langsung x de women area.. kalau ade pon pondok kecik asing kt luar masjid dan air sejuk xde heater... lagi diskriminasi tahap ntah apa2... kita pergi berjalan singgah, tempat perempuan selalunya adalah tempat budak2 mengaji... men area siap ade dapur.. konsep dia lelaki je gi masjid perempuan duduk rumah.. kalau berjalan tataulah, perempuan solat dlm kereta kot.. hehehe tp masjid kat edinburgh cantik ade pt perempuan semua... maybe prepared by arab? i also donno.. hehehehe

muhsin.aminudin said...

woman-unfriendly mosque? please. don't ever think about it. to people who read, please don't say anything bluntly. Women are allowed to go to masjid, and better with her mahram so, fitnah can be avoided. that's number one. #2, perempuan ni, sebenarnya lebih baik dan banyak pahalanya untuk bersembahyang dirumah. you can see the logic in it when women's area is smaller than men's area. about the structure that are considered women- unfriendly facility, reconsider again because masjid is not built to discriminate people.

balqisfz said...

yes, thats true. aqis terpk ngan waras lepas baca. take note for architects. :)

Puteri Gunung Ledang said...

Salam. Try pegi mekah. Mana ada tempat laki or perempuan. Tempat wudhu' pn trbuka. Tak pernah teringt pn ambil wudhu kat c2. Semua dr rumah. Try pergi bangladesh lagi r masjid or surau bukan utk perempuan so terpaksa ketuk rumah strangers utk solat. So para2 arkitek pe kata wat buku manual building a masjid. Padtu leh jual kat obesi.

Glosses Galore said...

And to muhsin aminudin, your point for number 1, has nothing to do with the "issue" here. and your point for number 2, you can probably quote some hadith here to justify your statement. you have sort of contradict yourself you see, saying that masjid is not built to discriminate, yet you are telling the woman to only solat di rumah.
(and perhaps, your own blog is somewhat contradicting). Then again, I can't simply judge you don't I?
And I would also like to point out here, if you were to tell a woman to only solat di rumah, what about those who do not have any roof to live under. Are you saying they don't get as much pahala then? Take some time to ponder upon this.

cydayf said...

true, ai sokong glosses galore..

ask said...

Nowadays, more and more people are travelling thus masjid has been a place for women to perform their salah. It holds true in times where most women at home and don't have a job that masjid facilities don't have to be spacious. In todays world men and women do have jobs and travels. These growing numbers should be compliment by uptodate facilities to accomodate this situation. Bigger space, covered ablution area should be in the majlis perbandaran masjid designs guidelines. As much as the middle east don't care about this situation, it should not concern us. We do something for greater good. Not for sake of following other countries. But rather the well being of our own fellow muslimah. Masjid wasn't built to discriminate. Never was. Architectural flaws is the issue here. What is the point of having a lot of professionals in architectural field if every single one doesn't strive for better designs instead being a textbook architect.

Unknown said...

Yes, agree with Glosses Galore..
experienced this kind of things before..
Please read carefully and understand what Maria is trying to say..

Unknown said...

surau n masjid sama je . huuu ~~

miss.polqadot said...

saya sgt setuju dengan you...its so so TRUE... kdg2 tu, mcm terganggu bila nak berwudhu or sembahyang ... sb byk gangguan , strategik lokasi ye macam tak masuk akal ...

lynnlola said...

Setuju sgt kak maria.aritu lynn ad pegi ke 1 masjid dkt kl, nk masok tmpt smyg kene go tru tmpt muslimin semayang. Tempat amek wudhuk nuuuuun jaoh disana. Besides muslimin's prayer area. Terpaksa tebalkan muka g sane sini cri ruang solat for muslimah tengah2 lelaki rmai dok semayang kiri kaman ruang masjid tu. it just felt uncomfortable and i started to marah2 dlm ati. Then menyesal sbb marah masjid. Huu. Its not the masjid yg i blamed, but the one who designed it. I'm glad that there r other people who feel the same way s i do..


Bila Kak Maria tulis pasal masjid, terus teringat kat satu surau dalam hypermarket di melake. Boleh pulak diorang letak CCtv dalam surau kt hypermarket tu.. Memang takde privasi kot.huhu. Orang yang jage Cctv tu for sure boleh tgk aurat kite mse nk ambil wudhu'. (geram)

Shima Azreen said...

kak maria status about mosque very the best thing as a muslims.maybe boleh menarik perhatian person non-muslim juga kan?

nurarinab said...

can't agree more.but some masjid oso frenly for women mcm msjd dkt upm.tmpt wudhu' wanita dlm women prayer area n luas sgt tmpt solat n tmpt amik wudhu'nya.siap ade space untuk wanita bermekap or bersiap2. Rasanya patut hire the architecture for future masjid2 nanti.

Reen Tart Nenas said...

penah juga jadi begini. ntah la kenapa kan. kena jalan jauh sket, baru boleh ke tempat solat.
tak tau kenapa mereka tak boleh buat mcm konsep kat petro pam tu. tempat ambil wudhu' di dalam area nak solat. maksud saye, amik konsep begitu la, xsemestinya begitu 100%.

akuiwana said...

saya pernah pergi satu masjid ni.yang pisah kan tmpt solat lelaki and perempuan cuma bidai kayu.bidai kayu yg ada ukiran lubang2 tu.cantik memang cantik but then imagine how we have to strugle bila nk pakai tudung.terpaksa berebut sembunyi belakang tiang utk avoid jemaah lelaki nmpk.and worst part is bidai tu tak fully covered pun.jemaah lelaki kalau masuk boleh nampak jemaah perempuan directly..haihh..

Tsaqib Al-Hasawi said...

That's exactly the same thing me and my family are fighting for. They'll make women as a second class citizen. One big thing I think is that, not enough women in the mosque community to give some ideas about doing something for the women.
May Allah bless you for sharing your expression and feelings for the right thing to do. Peace. :-)

Ana Farhana said...

kak ena,. i agree with u

alia zainol said...

ya Allah...exactly! setuju sangat..jenuh cover nak amek wudu' nyee punn

chiku the chucuru said...

yup2... sangat setuju... ada yang kena turun tangga tingkat bawah, lepas tu, naik semula ke atas untuk solat. tapi most yang mcm tu is masjid yang besar2...
ada certain surau/masjid kecik yang saya pergi, tempat wudhuk + persalinan wanita ada dalam area solat wanita itu sendiri. giler..

pssttt... cuba try pergi u8 space Mall kat Shah Alam. situ surau dia terbaik...

Misz @remoi said...

salam sis...i hv d same idea with u, but thank God, that u putting it here.. at least everyone know and take note for it..Kudos for u my dear..

yang sengal itu aku said...

yup!! stuju sgt dgn anda, sbb tu la agaknye ada makcik2 g masjid siap pakai telekung teros..siap ambik wuduk teros..kena lak time subuh ke maghrib ke..mau kecot perot law tserempak dgn makcik2 nk g masjid.. oooooOoo..scary! tu kena consider gak tu! Ahakss!! but yes! i agree with you! plzz...women friendly.. help us!

-Sara- said...

betol...setuju sangat2..haritu skali i solat kat 1 masjid ni, ruang sembahyang tu tak tercover langsung..dindingnya ukiran kayu,berlubang2..n cermin-cermin...takde tutup langsir pon..memanglah cntik tp kita jemaah pompuan ni nak solat pon tak selesa sebab jemaah laki mmg nampak kita kat dalam tu..tah apa2 jelaa..

PutriesNoora said...

sangat setuju...even masjid2 kat area kampung pun macam tu..sampai kadang2 pas ambik wuduk kena lari highspeed supaya tak bertembung dengan lelaki...hohoho

Zie. said...

Mr Muhsin Aminuddin had miss the whole point. or maybe because he is a male that he doesn't face this situation thus do not understand this scenario? Maybe he can ask opinions from his female relatives? Be sensitive, that is what lack in men nowadays. Wallahu'alam

Kak Ezza said...

bukan takat masjid je. surau kt tmpt study saya pun sama. so called bilik dijadikan surau is oke, tapi tmpt ambk wuduk kt luar. bila orang lalu lalang nk pegi kelas ke MEMANG NAMPAK la kan dengan takde langsir ke hape.

Hanis Mohamad Din Yati said... last! Someone has speak up...Thank you Kak Maria..May Allah bless you and everyone that you love :)

Ain Ramli said...

Yes, surau dekat space u8 terbaik la setakat ni dari lain2 mall. susah nak jumpa dekat mall lain

Cik tikah said...

tu la. kadang2 dorang buat surau / masjid trlps pdg bnda2 mcm ni

✿INA AINAA✿ said...

btl juga tu... mybe yg buat masjid tu fikir orang lelaki je yg pergi tak boleh la buat macam tu, sebb masjid untuk semua jntina di atas bumi ini... hurmmm

aqilah ilham said...

muhsin aminudin, setuju dengan kamu yg perempuan lebih elok solat di rumah. tp contohnye kalau perempuan tengah dalam perjalanan ke mana mana dan rumah tu jauuuh lagi, khuatir kalau nak teruskan perjalanan balik rumah, mungkin akan terlepas waktu. so, kene solat kat masjid kan :)

banyaaaak masjid kat malaysia ni memang beri dugaan yg besar utk perempuan tutup aurat. im sure kamu pn ada adik beradik perempuan and ibu n u can ask them perhaps.

brilliant entry maria :)

Unknown said...

ni semua salah kontraktor dan arkitek la ni. tkkan la dorang tak boleh nak fikir..

mujagirl92 said...

maybe architects yang bina tu non muslim kot,, mybe dia tidak tau,, kalau muslim,, maybe he does not care,,,

rAIHan said...

yes. sometimes i face the same problem too.

lemon melon said...

SETUJU!!! Tapi bukan tu je, ada sesetengah masjid, x concern pasal orang tua. Buat tempat solat tinggi2 (kena naik banyak tangga) bayangkanlah orang tua yang sakit lutut, kaki, pinggang bukan senang diorang nak panjat tangga tu. So, kepada arkitek2, engineer segala bagai kat luar sana tu, pikir la banyak aspek sebelum plan/luluskan/buat sesuatu projek. Sekian :)

shah_irah said...

Salam, as someone who studies Interior and Architecture, I think this is very very true and I experienced it myself at times in different masjids. I think guys will never understand the problems a girl has to face and the insecurities she feels when we're 'exposed' when taking wuduk, or when its too far and just not user friendly for women. Not saying that the mosque design is discriminating to women, but i have been to mosque where the toilet, tempat ambil wuduk, tempat pakai telekung and prayer room is all connected(Masjid Kampung Siglap in Singapore) and no chance of men accidentally looking in and such, and its very selesa to pray. I think Maria made a very good point here, since Architects and designer's jobs are meant to most importantly satisfy users needs and not only build beautiful buildings. Therefore, i greatly applaud maria for bringing up this issue, and i hope it gets hyped enough that practicing architects detect this problem and improve on it in future mosques. Though i know there are countries that are even harder for women to pray in the mosque and we should bersyukur, yes we bersyukur, but at where were living, where money in terms of building is not an issue, why not just make it user friendly kan? So i really hope practicing architects chance upon this! thank you maria for sharing your thoughts on this! Sekian. :)

amnas! said...
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amnas! said...
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amnas! said...
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amnas! said...


Though not all masjids are like this, I agree with this article. Sometimes I feel like Muslim women have second class status or something, you know? Sometimes...

Here's an interesting article. It doesn't really relate to this topic until the last paragraph though. Some points; I don't overly agree with but the article has many good points.

But it doesn't mean I'm being overly-feminist. I believe that there can never be equality between men and women, because, just plainly, we aren't the same. There are multiples of races, but gender is the greatest segregation in the human species. There are bound to be differences. I just want fairness, that is all :) Wallahu'alam.

*I agree with a commenter saying that most Arabs are trained to have wudhu' at all times. It's a good practice. :)

Haryana Sidin said...

once went to masjid wilayah and the ablution area for women is sooo far from the praying area.i even got lost there.
went to a small masjid along mrr2 opposite simpang to ukay perdana.i LOVE that masjid.the toilets,ablution area and praying area are all linked together!genius!i thought.
masjid wilayah.
small masjid along a highway. they paid a whole lot more for the architects who did the masjid wilayah kan?

mrs.syediz said...

i agree with u esp part family friendly. how about make a room for children. kan yg dtg masjid bwk anak2 boleh dok kat bilik khas so the children wont disturb org2 yg nk semayang.

haniko arihyoshi said...

sya setuju...mostly mmg tmpat berwuduk sgt x strategy ....wonder why architect dia design mcm ni....mmmm

lilyerliyani said...

saya setuju jugak...rasa tak selesa dan membuatkan kita lambat bersiap. sedangkan solat tak la amik masa berjam-jam.

Hazwanee Hashim said...

agreed. some surau even locks the women area, cos dgn alasan it's not being used frequently. and u r right pasal tmpt amik wudhuk, tak mesra aurat wanita. kalau masjid shah alam, u have to naik tangga. if my late mum still ada, she would hv problem goin up from tmpt wudhuk to tmpt solat cos she's on wheelchair.

Khumaera Ismail aka Mariam Ismail said...

sy setuju dgn entry nie. kadang2 tak seswai letak tempat wudhuk stakat cover sampai paras dada.kalau bdiri terus nmpk kalau tak pakai tudung. haish..cabaran muslimat utk jaga aurat sgt sukar..moga kita selalu istiqomah. =)

Lizan said...

eh termengumpat lak pasal blog awak..

apricot pie said...

mungkin sbb arkitek yg buat ni bukan org islam kowt..;p

ayut said...

Maria..ur entry ni buat i terfikirla..memikir setiap masjid yg pernah pegi sblm ni mcmne keadaannya.puas fikir.ha..ada betulnya jugakla.ada tmpt wuduk tu yg jauh sgt.dh kna lari tkedek2.haha.but nnt kalau gitu ckp kita tak reti jg aurat fitnah plak utk lelaki ni...mmm.pmpuan jgk slah.nak solat kot.adehh.mgkn tu la mmg kna ubah.sbb skrg kat malaysia pmpuan dh rmai keje and travel.kena adjust mana yg ptt utk lebih women friendly :)

Miss Syida said...

btul tu. tempat wudhu jauh. pastu kena lintas kawasan lelaki solat.

Kekzamanis said...

Sokong! Selalu bila singgah solat kat masjid mesti akan ada masalah macam yang Maria nyatakan kat atas tadi.. Kadang2 rasa kurang selesa dengan kekurangan yang dorang sediakan untuk muslimah.. Hope there'll be some renovation for these probs..

Mohamad Azri Bin Tukimon said...

aah la..baru perasan

ezza haniza said...

thumbs up for this entry!

Izyan Kaher said...

All in all, Masjid An-Nur UTP friendly sepanjang zaman. =D

Unknown said...

Setahu aku, kebanyakan masjid tak ada masalah macam yang diceritakan. Eloknya, dinyatakan masjid mana yang demikian rupa. Senang orang selesaikan masalah. Apapun, jarang-jarang dah perempuan datang masjid. Bangga aku rasa bila ada blogger macam kau. ^_^

Anonymous said...

that's right...saya tak suka kalu masjid tempat perumpuannya bau hapak..tak kusyuk solat

IbnMustakim said...


Entry anda telah di panjangkan ke pihak yang berkenaan untuk tindakan penambahbaikan... TQ atas teguran

Nas Lie Yan T said...

Assalamualaikum. Salam perkenalan Maria!!
1stime kenal Maria apabila beli Hijabista!! Barulah tahu apa itu blogging & vlogging.

Nas Lie Yan T said...

Assalamualaikum. Salam perkenalan Maria!!
1stime kenal Maria apabila beli Hijabista!! Barulah tahu apa itu blogging & vlogging.

Hansyirah Takezur said...

so true
cannot agree more
hopeless taw klu duk dlm condition cmtu.

NurNa NiZaM said...

agree kak maria ! hehe

Sya said...

yeah so true! setuju setuju setuju ;)

Unknown said...

I like the way u write so much- funny ada ,suka bace blog awk

Unknown said...

I like the way u write so much- funny ada ,suka bace blog awk

mummy_icha said...

exactly! sbb itu bila we all jalan2 nak singgah solat, i suruh hubby tengokkan dalam masjid best ke tak. tp ada satu masjid kat depan pulapol semarak tu memang fair sangat, sebab masuk je, ada 2 bahagian, kanan lelaki, kiri perempuan.start dgn toilet, lepas tu tempat wudhuk, lepas tu terus masuk prayer room. memang comfy... :-) yg lain2 tu takleh harap...

The Fakhirin said...


- said...

Maria, same goes to Masjid Negara, tempat Wudu' perempuan punyalah jauh, macam marathon naik cepat2 lepas berwudu' to tempat sembahyang sebab kena lalu tempat lelaki sembahyang. acane?

Unknown said...

Well then, that's because girls are supposed to pray at home. We girls aren't actually supposed to pray in the mosque unless the prayer is about to finish.

amywammy said...

good point. maybe we should also highlight certain commercial areas, like malls. Sometimes the wudhu' area terbuka, ataupun betul2 depan pintu, so bila ada sisters nak masuk surau, terbukak luas pintu, and nampak sisters lain tengah amik wudhu' :(

IffahRosdi said...

totaly agree with u sis.from my xperience b4, there's many surau/masjid like that. i remember when my friend n i have a trip at A Famosa Water Park (don't really remember the exact place's name) the wudhu' area at the surau is tersangat2 open,xde langsung tutup2. we all really2 shock at tht moment. sgt2 dissapointed,dahlah kt tgh2 public.tapi ktorg decide utk cover our fren rmai2 bila dye nak amek wudhu'.huhu mmg sgt mengecewakan bile pihak2 b'kaitan amek mudah je perkara2 camni.

Anonymous said...

U probably havent gone to surau seksyen 3.. they renovate it very well.. trust me..
and Masjid Sepang? near F1 circuit and LCCT.. you should travel more girl..

لورنس said...

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dizzy said...

Mustafa Kamal: It's not that women-friendly mosques don't exist AT ALL, it's that mosques DO exist with layouts unfriendly to women compared to men. And some of these mosques are very big, very important mosques.

But many thanks for pointing out a mosque and a surau that are exceptions to this scenario. Inshallah will be able to check these out. And sure, everyone should travel more.

Unknown said...

D last time I been to a musolah dat puts its females into consideration is my high school's surau! Which wuz like ten yrs ago. Sigh....

diDie~inn0cence~ said...

yup. totally agree with the issue pointed out by u sis.
for other commenters, please read the post throughly. it's NOT ALL mosque, but only certain which are not women friendly.
hopefully future architects and engineers will have the conscience to consider the women when they build the surau and mosque to be more women friendly :)