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Saturday, August 6, 2011

would you like to Iftar with me?


caps lock tanda excited.

i am excited, very very excited~ lalalala~~ lululuuu~~
can you tell?
i don't know, but i'm excitedddd~~

ok ok.

maybe most of you don't know, i've started wearing hijab last year, on the second day of Ramadhan. believe it bebeh! it has been a year already!! wooottttt!!!
i bet some of you don't understand the big deal of wearing tudung for a year. kannnn?
well, it is for me because, considering my lifestyle, how i was brought up, my environment, everything about myself even, have not been encouraging for me to be hijab-ed and covered.
being able to stand up against the negativities, learning every step of the way to be a better person (amiiinnn!), potraying a muslim woman boldly, changing my lifestyle, and so much more, these are my accomplishments! 

and it all begins with a niat to wear tudung.
alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah..

so in goodness of the month of Ramadhan yang best best awesome awesome ini,
i'd like to invite 15 people to berbuka puasa with me!
because it's sponsored. hehe!!
it's all thanks to ODISI STUDIO who has been kind enough to offer not only break-fasting feast (cuba cakap laju laju: break-fasting feast), but photos, videos and such! cool kan?

and because i've asked on my FB page about this, many have responded kindly and exceeded my expectation!
thus, i'm hosting a contest, a real simple contest, for you to be one of the 15 people! over kan nak buat contest =p sorry, i just want to be fair! heee..

picture of me 'floating': credits to SimplyEvents! =D

so there! easy kan? OH!! forgot to mention that editting is not an issue! be creative!! and the most 'likes' will win!
=D and remember, email your picture to and vote at Odisi Studio's FB Page!
i look forward to meeting you people!

You're all awesome, and may Allah SWT bless you =)


Akue Achik said...

semoga dpt jd muslimah yg sejati..insyaALLAH..=)

Zharif Azis said...

nak msok =D

faqihahhusni said...

HAHA. Mata akak, bulaaat :O geram!

Akak try baca entry ni. Bertudung VS tak Bertudung.

Yuyu Zulaikha said...


atai said...

nak joinnn! tapi 20/8 tu tak cuti!!! kena hantar assignment. :'(

oh btw, alhamdulilah!!! i can feel ur excitednessss kak maria! :D

KhuJa KhuZa said...

nak join ..
jauh nya nak turun kl ....
btw , nice contest !!

azwanyrazak said...

nak bukak puasa ngan maria elena tp 20hb dh blek kg.. x dpt lar nak join.. huhuhu

farra said...

mak aii!!best tuuu...will join:)

iRdina Qistina Boutique said...

maria,aien suka katun 2..comel ok..=)

khansyaa' al khairiyah mohd ujang said...

ehehhe. menarik ^_____^

nuraien said...

maria,u memang comel..serius..sangat sempoi..terbaik..katun 2,comel sgt2..aien suka..;p

Nurul said...

aaaaa...too bad nurul da balik pahang da time tu nak cuti raya..enjoy !! ^ ^ selamat berpuasa

Unknown said...

bestnya sis maria!!! :) tapi jauh sgt tu...hana stay kedah.

$H said...

sis..kita sama la..almost a year wearing tudung.. :)

The-only-syafiqahosman said...

Okeh, Ika sgt teruja 0.0

cumigd said...

congrats da setahun ek...hiks~
nk masokkk!!

ainaakz said...

salam a'laik kak maria elena. alhamdullillah, akak dh b'tudung. tp just sedikit teguran la, kita b'tudung ni bukan sbb style, trend o wtv. Ni mmg tuntutan Islam. Then, kita juga kena la jaga tingkah laku. Tau akak gila2, tp ada batasnya kan :) N kita suka juga akak bentuk2kan tudung. Cantik, simple & smart. Akak tunjukkan pakai tudung ni boleh b'fesyen jugak. BAGUS! tp plsplspls labuhkan. tutup dada. kita nk ikut fesyen akak, tp xblh sbb atas dada :( boleh eyh? akak kan creative :D

lynnlola said...

alhamdulillah Allah berikan kekuatan tok sis berhijab:) tahniah! tapi jgn lupe menjage tuntutan islam yg sebenarnye ye, bertudung haruslah menutup dade dan tidak menampakkan belahan leher :)

salam ramadhan dear sis maria! ;)

zara said...

Aaaaaa, I would LOVE to berbuka with you sis maria but it seems impossible to me right now. Anyway salam ramadhan sis maria :)

ZarethAtiqa said...

alhamdulillah akak dah ade ramai yg adore tau include me!

farahinrazak said...

ala.. takde fb x bole nak like like. huhu ;(

Puan Eka said...

alhamdulillah..yeyy dah hantar gambar dah..hehehe

Maria Elena Zarul said...

AInaa n lynn, thanks for ur teguran! Of course i wanna improve myself, but change doesnt happen overnight. It takes a while. For the past 23 years i camni, mmg susah lah i nak change 360degrees in a year :) please understand and i really appreciate your support! Insyallah, yang buruk dibaikkan, yang baik diperfectkan. Heee..

miZz_nizZ said...


ave the strange said...

alah.. i so want to enter~ but I dah balik kampung by the 20th. hopefully everyone will have fun without me :') (poyo je) >_<

eightDesigns said...

congrats dear for the accomplishments! may Allah bless you always :)

Nina Athirah said...


Sasa Samsudin said...

maria !!!i dah join dah..ngee..hope you tengok gmbr i and like it ae ;)

Yasmin Khairani said...

nak join tapi kena banyak LIKE pulak dah... xpelaa kak maria, nanti I belanja you je eh... kite dating sesama :)

A I N A said...

teruja baca perubahan sis maria ! :)

Anna-Maria said...

Allah makes it easy to us to follow his way.. take care! (and pleeeease, write mor ein english to make this sister in Sweden understand! :D)

y i e n said...

wahhh~ u r so great ... dlm mase sthn ni jew since u wear hijab, u've become icon for all of us *wink wink*

Anonymous said...

naaaak!teringin nak jumpa kak maghiaaaa ^_^

Bashtiah said...

I just wrote a lengthy comment but suddenly the internet disconnect. -.-"

The point is I understand why it's a big deal to you as I just started donning the hijab too.

I'd very much love to have Iftar with you but I have a curfew. Yeah.. at the age of 22 pun padahal~

Anyway, selamat berpuasa!

Anonymous said...

I just joined that competition n like srsly bapak ramai hilang harapan. I put 2 picture, one me n my sis and the other one is just my sis so this is like, our 'siblings competition. it is fun.meh join meh

Raihan said...

OMG~ it is soooo cool kak.. but, i can't join it.. i'm sorry but it is nice kan dpat jmpa fans and make new friends.. :D

Aneeza Tajudin said...

Salam Maria Elena :)
i really know how do you feel
berjaya bertudung setahun memang kejayaan besar for those yang dibesarkan dalam family you-know-how :)
sebab saya mcam tu juagk>
Alhamdulillah sy dah officially bertudung for 9 months :)
goodluck Kak maria!

nora helena? no3 it's me nora. said...

memg nk join but i can't coz dh fly>>srwk 17hb...bez nyer lau leh join.. emm :(

shahniefa said...

well done maria! proud of u!! :)

ahmad endo said...

ko awesome lah!!...hehehe

tyra sopian said...

Maria Elena ! hehe cube tengok post ni

:) like sampai untah :D

Cikrosecute said...

Follow sini...Thanks!!!

Awan Network said...

terbaik!!salah seorang blogger yang sentiasa bz tapi pelawat sentiasa bz nak masuk blognya..hehe

Entry Terkini :
Bersama DRAMA BAND......!!
Motor Masa Depan Yang Bergaya !!

Unknown said...

aku takder gambor bertudung

Dunia Mommy Comel said...

bagusnya syukran2..masih menanti seru untuk bertutup litup nih

Farah Jasni said...

Congrats Maria Elena!! Proud to be Muslim.. :)

amirulhaizad said...

alhamdulillah...chantek bertudung..keep it like that

LUNA LANUN said...

jauh sangat...

1. Identiti PEREMPUAN "Muslim" Menghina Islam di Facebook Akhirnya Terbongkar!

Anonymous said...

vote me, it is not about I want to sit and eat with maria on same table,but having chat blogger chat with maria as well !

Saiful said...

sape2 area kl yg nk cheese cake murah2 je, tp rase saling xtumpah mcm secret recipe, visit link ni n contact me k ;)

pelangi chenta said...

semalam i nampak u.u park tpi jalan sebelah minlon.u nak pergi bzar ramadhan.rasa betul ke u?hahahah.rasa nak tegur jek tapi sebab i dlm tgk jelah

1st time i jumpa u..time u hang out wif ur frenz kat mines.time tue u beratur belakang i kat mesin atm.nak tegur.tapii takut silap orang.
tunggu kali ke3 baru i tegur u

Cik Seri AshNied said...

1st time join contest!! sbb sgt teruja nak jmpa Maria Elena Zarul!! wahai Maria Elena, tahukah betapa diri ini sgt teruja giler okeh!! -_-" murah rezki, insyaAllah dpt kot jmpa u..

echa takashimaya said...

i love you mariaaaa elenaaaaaaa!

Hunny Kitty said...

teringin jugak..but 20/8/2011 tu outstation la pulekkk

mizan said...

kawan Kuchai ka cik maria elena nih rupa2nya..

lynnlola said...

hihi i know my dear sis. bukan senang nak berubah. janji kite ade niat untuk perbaiki diri kite. that's a very good thing already :-D

i'll pray for u. i like ur sengalness! <3

Puteri Nurul Syifa' said...

hebat nye , cmne la bole tlepas , kalau tak lame dah join ni . huhu . lame tak 0n9<<< bole join lg ke ?

mamat said...

klo sy dtg nk tgk jer tapi tak mkn sama leh tak? sy dtg nk tgk jer sy bawak bekal mknn semua sendiri leh tak cik elena? *_*

"i know u but u dont know me"

Maicher said...

i think i get it how u're feeling.
btw, congrats sis.
wish u istiqamah in wearing hijab and live as a better muslimah. same goes with me.

p/s:it's going to be awesome to iftar with youu!


Jαnnαhツ said...

mana post baru kak mariaelena???

لورنس said...

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