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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Haji Abah and Hajah Mama

ibu dan ayah sudah selamat pulang ke rumah!! dan saya kini bahagia kembali kerana tidak perlu selalu was-was bila di rumah berseorangan di waktu malam kerana abang-abang mempunyai hal sosial tersendiri dan adik menonggeng dan makan dengan tiada limitnya di rumah nenek comel di damansara perdana!
ayah pulang dengan berita yang menggembirakan (bagi dia sahaja kerana kami sefamili tidak begitu kisah.. kasihan dia.. haha!)
ayah, kata ibu, selama melakukan ibadah haji di Tanah Suci, sangat bahagia!
beliau gelak besar, senyum lebar, berjenaka sentiasa, kadang-kala berjenaka bersama orang-orang yang tidak dikenali (tetapi melayu la, obviously (apa obvious in bm?)).
ibu pula, kata ayah, sentiasa hilang dari pandangan ayah!
ayah saya 6kaki tinggi, dan ibu 5kaki 3inci tinggi.
kerana height difference yang agak ketara, ayah saya selalu tidak dapat men-detect isterinya sendiri.
kadang-kala, kata ibu, i was just standing in front of him, looking at him, but he would look around for her with that look on his face! (okay, have to write in english.. much easier.. heee..) he looks for her at his height level instead of my mom's. duh..
my dad said that his theme for haji is "where's mama?" coz my mom always went missing. up to the time they had to board the plane!

my mom ni wanderer gak la.. she'll be in her own world, walking here and there silently, and my dad is always with his Blackberry, blackberry-ing with other haji-to-be's.
so at the airport in Jeddah, while waiting for the boarding time, they promised to meet each other at one place in how-many-minutes-i-forgot and then went separate ways. when it's time to meet up, my mom was not there. and dad went "where's mama?"
so he blackberry-ed his new found friends asking them to help find ibu.
one of them said, she's probably in the plane already.
and my dad went in the plane.
tengok2 takde!
and another friend blackberry-ed, saying he found my mama. she didn't even know the plane has arrived!
so the friend and ibu went into the plane together. oh and she was pissed at my dad for boarding the plane without her.
they're so cute la.. ='D

shadows: left dad on Blackberry, right mom taking this picture (apa yang fascinating sangat with the camel's ass?). haha!!

that's my abah! bahagia (and berjambang) as always

konon camera trick: mom kissing the camel. she was not happy with the picture coz its not centred. abah is kinda noob at picture taking..

best ke jadi ninja~
(arief thought my mom was wearing a bra on her face..)

itulah alkisah mereka melakukan ibadah Haji. alhamdulillah mereka selamat pergi dan selamat sampai. as you can see from these pictures, they were enjoying themselves! and of course they wished they could stay longer.. but then, home awaits! when is it gonna be my turn~~

enjoys people.


woody said...

malay pls~ :D

ask said...


Maria Elena Zarul said...

dear woody woodpecker, yeah, my malay tak sehebat my manglish la.. =p
dear ask, i know. haha!

mudslinger said...

your parents are so cute! said...

ha3...bestnye tengok your mum and dad....