Dah 2025…
When i was younger, a year felt so loooonnnggg! But now... it feels so brief, a blink away. Macam mana i dah ada kids?? What??!? Me? I have children!?! I’m married?!!? And i’ve been living away from my parents?!!? I’m not under my mom’s ketiak!?!?! When did that happen!?!?
Ya naur? Ihiks! Anyway…
Alhamdulillah for everything that has happened in 2024, alhamdulillah too for everything that has not happened.
Alhamdulillah Allah has protected us, provided us, and allowed us to do what we did in the last year. Also, for allowing us to live on to this year.
Siapa sangka, sebab i sendiri tak sangka, yang i dapat unlock some jumprope skills? I wasn’t even planning to learn so many things pun bila my friend ajak join her jumprope gang. When my friend ajak i earlier last year, i thought “oh! I used to skip all the time when i was younger! Baiklah!”.
Terkejut aku bila this jumprope gang was like… the libas-libas type, and twisting, turning, ke depan, ke belakang, type of jumps, ya naur?
I thought it was the skip-skip-skip-to-the-loo type 😂😂 So memang mengah & semput la aku nak catch up! I love it, though. It’s a challenge, a workout and a good lepak time with friends too 😆
I am so very grateful that the gang pun sangatlah Pro-Palestine so we can talk & share about it.
Now that i mentioned Palestine, i am grateful too that i got the opportunity to go to one rally at Bukit Bintang, thanks to my friend. Even though it was once (i wish i could go more often), but it was great.
To see so many passionate people, believing in the same message: Palestine deserves to be free.
To those who are already moving on, to you i’d say, it’s ok. You can move on, but at the same time, remember to do at least the bare minimum, which is to boycott.
Boycotting doesn’t seem like a big deal, a big form of jihad, but do it anyway.
Be conscious of where and to whom your money goes to: the people serving/supplying to the child-killers? Or to our own people? Support local is better than supporting genocidal companies when it comes to purchasing your wants. Your needs tu… try to research as much as you can la - if ada better alternatives or not…
Also, overconsumption is a problem. In every household, since the rise of online shopping, have boxes, plastic wrappers, bubble wraps, and whatever packaging that’s really just adding to trash.. My goal is to recycle as much as possible, reuse what can be reused, and try not to feed the nafsu so much. I try not to buy sangat, tapi of course i ada buy also 😑
Oh ya, i also finished my first book kan. Hoho! I didn’t check up on it since i “published” it, and if you’ve read it, Thank You 😊😊 Whether you liked it or not, still, thanks for reading.
I’m planning to write another one, but i’m not sure whether i should continue it or make a different one altogether. Thoughts?
Apa lagi ek. Entah la.
I go as i want, and inshaAllah, along the way, i try to learn as much as i can, try new things, and to be able to teach good things to my kids (i have kids?!?!).
I haven’t done anything that can change the world, but my hope is that my small actions can give that butterfly effect. Maybe i’ll see that effect, maybe i won’t. But inshaAllah.
Hope your 2024 was meaningful, and may Allah bless our future with barakah, rezeki yang halal, kecukupan dalam segalanya, silaturrahim yang baik, kesihatan mental, fizikal, emosi & rohanian yang baik, kemampuan untuk melakukan kebaikan, kemampuan untuk menolak kemungkaran, moga Allah melindungi kami semua dari perkara2 yang boleh menyesatkan kita, menggoyahkan keimanan kita, mengaibkan kita, dari kerosakan atau bencana yang tak dapat kami kawal, dari orang yang tidak berniat baik, dan sebagainya..
Selamat tahun baru. Semoga tahun ni lebih baik dari tahun2 yang sebelumnya ^^
I'm excited about the upcoming Hari Raya celebrations and have been searching for the latest trends. I recently came across a stunning Baju Kurung Moden with Minimalist Details from Carlanisa's 2025 collection. The designs are both elegant and contemporary.
bab nak lebih reduce, reused and recycle tu memang la menjadi keazaman ku juga utk tahun ni. bermula dgn gi Mr.DIY beli tong aesthetic.. hahahahha..!! :p
You wrote a book?? May I know more about it plssss
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