I haven't been to the museum in agessss!
Actually... i think i've never been there. But then, maybe i did cuma i don't remember.
The other day we went there, though, and nothing was familiar to me. So... entah la ek 💁
Tiles from goverment of Pakistan <3
Nak masuk museum was only RM2 per adult. Kids free.
It was ok la. Banyak history Malaysia (duhh kan), artifacts, but it was smaller than i expected. It looks huge from outside kan, tapi bila masuk, secubit je rasa haha =p
We went there pun sebab i nak rasa adventure sikit with the kids. We got on the MRT, and then turun kat museum, jenjalan sikit, and then went to the opposite of the museum, which is KL Sentral.
Asyik pegi shopping mall je kan... sekali sekala do something different, but still convenient enough heeheee 😋

It was a simple family outing tapi penat la jugak jalan banyak. Good thing the weather was good that day, so when we walked around, it was comfortable enough.
Though.. from the looks of my kids, i could tell they weren't that excited to go to the museum. They're not interested yet, is what i think la (hopefully in the future, they'll come to appreciate the country's history). But they enjoyed the process of going there; naik train, jalan-jalan and exploring.
Till next outing. Entah ke mana pulak ek...?
pernah pergi sekali. masuk pintu belakang keluar pintu depan. eh dah habis rupanya. kejap je. tapi okay la for experience hehehe
pernah singgah sekali masa 7 tahun lepas.
itu pun sebab nak menunggu kawan tak silap.
best juga la...
Next, Pusat Sains Negara pulak
My last visit was like 20 years ago. Luls.. I think it's time to upgrade our museum to something more interesting. Make it more Instagramable maybe to attract youngsters yang skg ni suka bergambar dan berOOTD. Management kena creative kalau tak, tak lama lagi tutup la museum ni and bertukar jadi Digital Museum je. Hmm ..
Hi from Pakistan :)
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