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Monday, July 24, 2017

Am i raising a teenager?


I have no idea what is happening to my daughter.
She'll turn 4 this november.
But seriously.

Nadrah, are you secretly 14 years old?!

You know how teenagers, even us as teenagers (whadde i sound old denngiitt), we used to change clothes so many times because we couldn't find the right "match". So we keep changing and changing, and our clothes just kinda piles up all over the place.


I know you did that too! Jangan nak deny ekkkkkk!
Lebih lebih lagi bila nak keluar past crush pun ada bahahahahaha kantoi busuk korang.
Ok tanak ungkit kisah lama =p

Nadrah ni macam tu.
She keeps on changing her clothes, and then leaving a trail of clothes all over the house and I have to tell her off to pick up her clothes and put them in the closet.
While some clothes she did put in the closet, some she just throw into the laundry basket.



And then not just that.
When i tell her "Nadrah, do this this this that!"
She can look at me, cross her arms and tap her feet, LIKE A TEENAGER, and sighs before doing as she was told!
Sometimes, she has the audacity to answer me back "Ye la ummi! I will, i will! Ish!"



And there were times when i don't let her have something, like chocolate, and she can answer me back tau takkk!

"Why i always don't get what i want!"

Then i'll say "ok, if you want to have rotten teeth, then fine!"

And she'll ANSWER BACK!
She always have some kind of retort sampai i rasa nak nangis sebab penat nak kena menjawab la, pastu dengan isaac lagi, pastu dengan kerja lagi.
It's really really like fighting a teenager.

Usually when i'm too tired to answer back, i'll just keep quiet and ignore her.
But she will pester me, annoy me, disturb me until i break.

So my dear Nadrah, when you've grown up, and are reading this, i hope you know that as much as i love you, you can really really hurt me like nobody's business.
When the time comes, i hope you will never ever make me sakit hati again. Ummi kekadang rasa syukur sangat sebab boleh bersabar lagi.
And i hope and pray that i can be patient sampai hujung nyawa.

Isaac please jangan lah macam ni jugak please!!!

Pengsan ummi nanti X_X


Anonymous said...

Nadrah so cute. she's the same age as my youngest brother.. and perangai sama jugak!
Anyway, I pray that she'll grow up gracefully and listen to her ummi. tabah ye ummi mendidik anak-anak XD said...

Comel nadrah. Sebijak umminya. Ummi sabar eh. :)

eira hamzah said...

hahahahah. have tosis. budak tgh growing up. i pon tgh face it now with my 2yo lil daughter.

Wahidah said...

Cpt nya she growth...

but she is adorable n talkative like u la Maria..:)

Shahirah said...

its not just nadrah la lil diva princess also behave the same way. baju, make up or bergaya depan cermin, baru 4 tahun! eh apeni tahap diva letop sgt and kes menjawab balik tu pun amazed me, i was like eh mana belajar menjawab ni? menjawab dengan tone yang boleh mengguris perasaan tau. ke its actually 2013 babies nya trend . haha


mamapp said...

Haha comelnya nadrah. Gegurls mmg suka melawa

Wahidah said...

i think she heritage ur personality la maria... but she is so mesti kalo nk marah tk bole marah lama2...

HD said...

salam kak maria. do you know a Korean variety show called Return of Superman? there was an episode of the show where it mentions about "infantile puberty". kind of what you write about Nadrah. it says that this is may be just a phase in their growth. don't know if this will do you any good but hope it helps you in someway

Kak nad said...

kakak nia x suka changing baju dia.. tp, she will wear the pretty one je.. baju nak pegi jalan.. seluar tak nak, baju kurung (raya), baju gaun.. walaupun nak tdo je pun.. lastly ummie kata x nak kawan baru dia nak pakai apa yg ummie dia suruh pakai. sebab dia pantang kalau ummie x nak kawan dia.. boleh terbalik umah dia buat sbb hilang best friend dia yang satu ni... bab menjawab tu memang.. rasa nak jentik, tp, buat muka comel pulak... same as nadrah, dengan jeling silang tangan dengan "iiisshhhh" yg keluar dari mouth dia memang buat kita buntu. still cari jalan yang terbaik jugak untuk handle pe'el anak yang sorang ni. sama-samalah kite ye...

Jaja said...

Comelnya Nadrah. Semoga membesar jadi cantik dan solehahh ye!

Unknown said...

Wahhh... Nadrah... Cerdik sangat ni... Semoga Nadrah besar dapat tolong ummi jaga Isaac...

scarlet_nur said...

Hahhaa. I love the ways you handle your cheeky Nadrah and Isaac.

Nadya Heidi aka nadxoxo said...

Cutenya Nadrah. Cerdik sungguh. Semoga Nadrah besar dapat tolong ummi :)

Tengku Sofia said...

hehehe cute

eanaaziz1234 said...

ni mmg masalah budak skarg kot..

anak lelaki sy 5 tahun pun macam ni jugak la..menjawab pandai sgt..smpai kalau kita tanya dia byk kali jawapan dia " ibu, kan zharif dah jawab tadi..jangan la tanya lagi..pening kepala zharif"

kdg2 naik darah dibuatnya..

btw mmg perangai perempuan cmni la kannn..
selagi tak tukar2 baju 4-5 kali tak sah..hahaha

ummi qadeer said...

seriously same like my daughter. balik dari rumah sampi tido lebih dari 4pasang baju dia pakai. The reason is tak sesuaila,basah setitik air pun tak boleh or dia jumpa baju favourite dia yang pantang kering nak pakai je. Now adik perempuan dia pun macam nak ikut dah.

Iza said...

Maria y dont u follow fb maznah ibrahim someone yg really expert on parenting knowledge..really helpful 😄