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Monday, April 11, 2016

Silent battles


I mentioned in a few blogpost ago that imma try blogging everyday but obviously that didn't happen..
It's because, on a daily basis, things that i do or go through is too personal to share. So now i think its best to update the blog in my usual basis; which is bila i rasa patut je. Baahhaha =p

Today's story is really something to me..

Semua orang ada 'battles'. Sama ada pasal pasangan hidup ke, pasal kerja & kerjaya, pasal anak, pasal penyakit, mental/physical/emotional problems, pasal kewangan, anything kan.

I have a friend yang ada penyakit SLE.
Dia ni, kalau orang luar tengok dia, memang TAKKAN langsung suspect dia ni sedang fighting an unseen battle.

Dia memang salah sorang manusia paling kuat i pernah jumpa. Muka senyum sokmo, takde nak complain, takde nak heboh heboh hal dia dan sakit sakit dia, tak pernah nak cite masa dia kena warded kat ICU la, operation bagai, takde nak cite pasal struggle dia nak mengandungkan dan melahirkan anak, takde murung murung, ajak orang menangis dengan dia secara berjemaah - tapi serious, bila dengar cite cite dia, i sendiri tak tau nak senyum ke nak nangis! Nak gelak, rasa cam tak betul.. Tapi kalau nangis, macam over pulak.
Tadi i tahan je air mata masa dia cite padahal muka dia relax je! Paham tak confius kita camane! Hahaha!

She had struggled so much but the best thing about her is - she doesn't give in to negativity.
She's like "Okay, i ada SLE but so what? Life still goes on and i want to live!".
Dia yang banyak gila ujian, tapi DIA PULAK MOTIVATE I!

"Maria! You boleh, you tau tak!"

I rasa macam nak lempang muka sendiri sebab kena uji sikit je dah fikir bukan bukan pastu nak give up.

So.. bila dah dengar her stories tadi, apart from feeling guilty, i felt so much admiration for her.
Here's a girl, whose life story can be one of the most best selling non-fiction movie/novel, 'Based on true story' kinda thing, and she's the most positive, strong and funny person i've ever known, AND she doesn't show it! She doesn't make people weep for her or feel sad for her. She's just.. Happy =)

How many of us really keep our battles silent? I pun tak terkecuali. Wuwuuwuuuuu..

Kat facebook, jangan cakap la. Cite sedih sedih je nak share, walaupun benda tu macam takde pape sangat. Pastu tibe2 jadi viral, pastu tukang keyboard warriors sume pun nak share masalah masalah diorang pastu compare sape punya kisah lagi teruk..

I really think the strongest people are the ones who doesn't talk about their struggles or pains. One of the reasons probably being because they don't see their ujians as some kind of punishment from Allah. They see it as something they have to go through, just like everyone else does.

Hebat betul mereka mereka cam ni =')

I hope that Allah SWT showers His Blessings and blesses her and her family with a bright and happy future filled with barakah. I hope too that Allah permudahkan segala urusan kawan I and her family. May Allah SWT jadikan anak dia anak yang solehah, yang berjaya dunia dan akhirat, menjadi pejuang agama yang membawa manfaat kepada ummah, menjadi anak yang menjaga ibubapanya dan membawa mereka ke Syurga Firdaus.


*I hope that i can be as strong as her too.. InshaAllah =)*

PS: Beb, if you read this and yes, it's about you, i love you so much tau. =')


Jocelyn Lum said...

Inspiring Post.

She inspired me :)

Diyanah said...

"I really think the strongest people are the ones who doesn't talk about their struggles or pains. One of the reasons probably being because they don't see their ujians as some kind of punishment from Allah. They see it as something they have to go through, just like everyone else does."

Love, just, love.

panglima harapan said...

sy sniri tringin nak jadi orang yg kuat mcm kawan kak maria tu. full of positive aura.
betul tu kak maria. even me, kalu sedih mesti nangis2, share story dengan sahabat baik. pastu, post caption sedih kat ig, wechat. seriously, i am not too strong to be mcm kawan kak maria tu.

sweet tooth said...

betul kan kata2 'what doesn't kill u will only make u stronger'. Everyone has their own battle. Smg ujian kita tu menjadi mahar utk kita ke syurga Nya nanti.... amin...

Abang Mohd Allif said...

Respect! Terima kasih share cerita.

Faten Nurhidayah said...

I am now struggling Kak Maria. Tiba2, terbaca post akak ni. So hopefully, InsyAllah.. I akan try to be strong. Thank u for sharing this akak. Semoga kita semua kuat menghadapi ujian masing2. Amin. :)

alma said...

Kawan saya ada SLE juga,and she is 18 years old.dia macam hilang semangat nak hidup,ignore all people,tak nak makan ubat and so on..saya,kawan2 and ummi dia dah tak tahu nak nasihat macam mana sebab semua tak jalan, dia bila sakit macam zombie..terbaring and tidur sepanjang hari.dia selalu berdalih bila kami cakap pasal sakit dia ni,bahayanya SLE ni tapi dia tak pernah nak dengar.kenapa dalam dunia ni takde jual serum-dengar-cakap? Kalau kita tag dia dekat post pasal SLE pun dia akan balas 'ok,dah baca' pastu itu jek. And bila berkempen 'jagalah kesihatan anda' , suruh makan ubat.. dia akan diam and buat tak tahu..what should i do?����

alma said...
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syasandeul said...

Kak maria elena yg kiut miut, can you write a post on how to overcome emotional stress or atleast how to stay +ve when coping with emotional problems? Ily <3