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Sunday, April 20, 2014



a lot of us say that we want to be in jannah, be together forever in jannah, be friends in jannah, be neighbours in jannah.

yes, our ultimate goal for the life in the Hereafter is Paradise.

"...until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself"

i want my family & friends to be in jannah.
i want all muslims to be in jannah.

i remember when i started wearing shawls, when i started to cover my aurat.
i wasn't really covering my aurat then. i was still wearing skinny jeans, 3/4 long sleeve shirts, my shawl didn't cover my chest, my neck was exposed.
ah, you name it la.

and gradually, an increase of comments from people requesting, asking, and advised me to take out all of my past pictures of me not covering up got my attention.

at first i was annoyed.
i thought that it's my right, since it is my blog and it's my life.
"my past is past la! why do you have to judge me based on my past? that's between me and Allah!" said the old me.
naive la kan masa tu.

in the end, i just ignored those comments.

and then, one time i went to usrah, and i asked the ustaz about aib manusia.

from what i understand about aib ni, we should do our best to cover it.
tutup aib sendiri. tutup aib orang.

sebab aib ni boleh timbulkan fitnah.

fine, orang yang fitnah kita la kena jahanam nanti. tapi, kita yang bagi diorang the reason to fitnah, then kita pun kira cari pasal kan.

that's why we shouldn't share intimate things or specific details of our household to others, lagi lagi dalam blog, twitter, facebook and all. sebab kena jaga aib keluarga. especially husband.

same goes to our friends and families.

our aurats are our aib too.
so kalau kita tak nak orang share aib kita when we've tried so hard to keep it hidden, then why should we expose orang lain punya aib?
walaupun orang tu kata tak kisah - itu sekarang. what if esok lusa dia berubah? what if dia dah berniqab before us?
what right do we have to show others (and strangers) our loved ones' aurat?
we don't.

if we truly love each other, truly want jannah together, shouldn't we protect each other?

so i've tried my very best to tutup aib diri sendiri, and even others. i've deleted from every source i can reach and even messaged and emailed people to get rid of my old pics. tapi tu pun, i don't know if i covered it all.
i know some people yang dah berhijrah pun ada this problem..

there are times i had to share pics of others yang tak tutup aurat.. sebab kerja la, kena tolong promote event orang la, and my cousin being in the entertainment industry, sometimes i terpaksa share gambar dia.. dia pun nak cari rezeki kan and i nak tolong.
tapi i delete after i feel people got the message. tu pun i rasa guilty sangat. and up till today, i don't know if it was the right thing to do. in future, what i should i do in this circumstance? any advice?

i still struggle with this. i sometimes have the urge to share pictures of me with my family and friends (yang tak tutup aurat la) and kekadang i hampir tak kisah dah pasal benda ni.
tapi kena jugak psycho and remind myself over and over again that i can't and i shouldn't.
not for my sake, but for theirs.

i ni takde la kuat sangat.
that's why i'm sharing this now.
because i hope you (my friends, family, readers) can help me and keep me on this path i've chosen.
and because i i truly want jannah for everyone.

ps: considering this to be a late night rambling, i hope that i got my message across.
this has been on my mind lately, padahal it's cerita lama. i actually needed guts to share this.
thank you for reading.
and thank you for understanding.


Siti Hajar said...

InsyaAllah. Step by step to be a better muslimah. I support u kak Maria ;)

Anasyg said...

kira draft lah ni ea kak Mar :) anyhoo..terima kasih sudi share. I bet my hat ramai akan moved dgn ur inspired entry kali ni :) jaga aib kita, jaga aib orang. :)

sobri yaacob said...

insaallah...sangat memberi inspirasi entry kali ini :)

Juju said...

Akak ada jumpa 1 gmbr maria yg xpakai tudung bila google. Yg rambut gulung2 tu.

Unknown said...

keep it up kak maria.. dr dulu lg sy suke dgn kak maria..sbb kak maria istiqamah.. semoga Allah permudahkan segala niat kak maria..semoga dikabulkan doa kak maria.. betol.. kite jaga aib org (i mean, org terdekat..especially family kite sendiri) insyaAllah Allah jaga aib kite jugak.. :)

~~DucKneSs~~ said...

I once heard that if we only doa for our own sake, it will not be a great doa, no matter berbunga macam mana pun ayat kita..the best doa is when we include our brothers and sisters in Islam..

I'm learning to change is a big thing now, so that I can stay focus in the changes I made..

And now I support you my dear friend..LETS CHANGE FOR THE BEST!!

DYatie ABakar said...

Thanks for sharing darls. Even I yg nobody ni pun rs susah nk get rid all pictures apatah lagi uols kan? But tak ada yg mustahil. As long as we do our best and Allah know, we did it.

Sheila Salim said...

Assalamualaikum ME, in shaa Allah. teruskan beristiqomah.. jangan putus asa ~~~

Zafirah Ishak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cahaya mata said...

inshaAllah sis.. moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dunia akhirat & meredhai kita selalu.. amiin... keep strong & istiqamah. *pray for me & family too* thanks! with love, ain. =)

nrlhfzhrml said...

yeah, i have been dealing with this jugak. i feel you

Raihanah Rozaimi said...

Mohon halal share.. i pun dah lama fikir benda yang sama.. thanx.. hope to be better day by day..


Wow. Masya Allah, this is growing up. The maturity to look at the perspective of the critics and to better oneself. May Allah guide you and your family to the right path. :)

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salawati Latip said...

sy alami benda yg sama dgn kak... dulu sy ada ilmu, but xda tjwb sbg seorang muslimah. now, bila nak buat bnda tu, hati btl2 kena kuat trutamanya bila org sekeliling 'terkejut' dgn prubahan ni... but, sy tahu Allah sudah merancang yg terbaek utk kita. Alhamdulillah, sudah tiba masanya utk sy mendapat hidayah. Terima kaseh Ya-Allah.. ^^ one by one and step by step. insyaAllah...

Unknown said...

I've seen numerous articles on this idea before. I haven't taken any of them serious until now due to the different and alternative methods you used to convey your thoughts.


Mujahidah Allah said...

go k.maria.!!! lets be better :D

p/s : siapa cakap muslimah tak boleh bergaya kan..cuma mesti patuh syariat ;)

. said...

akak..same la kite..but when i keep trying to be good people just dun believe it..stress!!! :(

SuzieaN said...

Amin... i will do like wht u do. We protect out aib n aib org lain.thnks for least someone must know this :)

SuzieaN said...


Unknown said...

in sya Allah.. entry yg bgus mars.. mudah-mudahan kite smue xterus lalai..

Unknown said...

kak maghiaaa sya pun mengalami masalah yg sama....

Unknown said...

kak maghiaaa sya pun mengalami masalah yg sama....

Glam & chic said...

Hi, this is joeyee here from glam & chic. We would like to invite you as our blogger to advertise our products (shawl) in your blog and social media. Are u interested? If yes, mind giving us your contact/email for further discussion? Or you can reach me at 0162635086 or send me an email -

Unknown said...

Sangat betul.. sampai da setengah gambar my bestie yg x cover their aurat i will struggle not to like the picture.. . Bukan kita sombong but i rasa kita pun tumpang sama mengalakkan maksiat yg berlaku andai kita like/uplod that those pic...walaupun kaadang2 lalai jugak seb teruja........ semuga kita semua dibawah lindungannya...

Aprimia ✿ said...

Alhamdulillah :')
Kak Maria !
Keep it up.
I'll support akak okay ^^
Semoga sama-sama sentiasa di bawah Rahmat-Nya. Ameen.

mazlina said...

i've been ur silent reader since before u become what u are today..and i proud of your hijrah and together let pray we will become a better muslimah..amin..

beauteoussa said...

Thats true kak maria, even me myself ade kwn yg sometimes ternampak aurat, sometimes it made me think twicw even triple to post or theirs pics. so when they still want, i tried to make their aurat close like what i did,i put icons yg comel2 for look like it just an editing. hehe. so, after i feel like it shouldn't be exposed for a long time, i will delete that. so kak maria let's strive the jannah together bcs everybody deserve that. much love, nisa. =)

PeRdU cINta said...

Assalammualaikum maria dan untuk nadrah juga..asal mana kita sentiasa berusaha untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih menghampiri NYA..yakin..pertolongan DIA juga kian merapati kita..dalam kita istiqhomah untuk berubah..kita juga sama sama doakan insan sekeliling kita untuk turut berubah..Allah sentiasa pandang hati kita..jaga aib kita..berdoa untuk mereka juga..

Unknown said...

nmpknye kita ada pemikiran yg sama kak maria. saya pun dah lama fikir psl ni , just haritu saya luahkan dan saya pesan pada kawankawan. saya katakan pada mereka, kita jgn jdi selfish . aurat sendiri kita jaga beriya , tapi aurat kawan kawan or family tak dijaga . tambah tambah di zaman instagram bagai ni . even if gambar tersebut memang best sgt sampai rasa nak share dengan satu dunia , tolong lah consider aurat sndiri dan orang lain . kalau rasa tak mampu nak cover , pilihlah utk tidak share . bukan apa , kita tak mampu nak suruh semua orang utk jaga aurat masing2 , tak salah kalau kita yg jagakan untuk mereka as in simpan gambar gambar mereka yang terdedah aurat . mana lah tau , one day mereka sedar apa yang kita buat utk jaga mereka dan moga mendapat hidayah , inshaAllah . thanks untuk penulisan kali ni kak mars :)

Jαnnαhツ said...

saya! atashi no namae wa Jannah desu! Hajimemashita!!!!

bel and balqis said...

Assalamualaikum ,
it is a nice one sis . you did your best to care bout others . sometimes it's not enough , seek for HIS forgiveness bout the past . Nevertheless , i;m not a good person too . I learn from what I've read , i learn from experience .
It is their choice , but what came from us will return to us eventually . InsyaAllah , DIA tengok usaha bukan hasil .

Anonymous said...

wahh..bagus nya entry ni..thanks for sharing..:)..
btw..done follow awk..#40947

Unknown said...

in sha Allah, Allah will always be near to help, have faith :)thanks for sharing anyway. what a great reminder for myself :)

Unknown said...

well said kak maria..
i hope i can be like you one day..
pray for me eh kak maria.
lots of love,

Eimma said...

bery deep kak maria :(

Hazeeha Ibrahim said...

I can relate to your story. I used to work for this one Chinese company. And they have two ambassadors. Both are women. So I have to design some promotional items that required both of them to be put in that poster as well. One is Chinese, one is Malay. My concern is of course for the Malay more, because she secara jelasnya Islam. And the other one even if she Chinese, still what if she embraces Islam one day. Same with your concern. So I make decision to resign. Because the whole things does not make me feel right. My friend always say to me, if things doesn't feel right, it is not the right things. And now I felt a lot better. Just for sharing, just do the right things, I know sometime we trying to help other, but kena ingat satu benda ni, matlamat tak menghalalkan cara. Yakin satu benda, rezeki Allah bagi. Insya Allah if we follow Allah rules, ada rezeki for both them and you as well. Yang dah lepas tu tak apa je. As long as we learn from it. Memang susah nak stop, dan nak berhenti lagi2 sebab yang mintak tu sedara mara sendiri, but then back to the first rule, tak semua akan paham why we do that, tapi Allah paham, tu yang pasti. Dan posting family members yang tak fully covered tu pun mcm tak sedap kan, so I think, kita pikir satu benda, mana lagi manis, posting the picture, or masuk syurga sama2. Just sharing. Hope it helps. Let's all be better. I'm sorry if it offended in any way. Assalamualaikum.

Time Traveller said...

Perlahan-lahan kita melangkah kehadapan menjadi seorang yang lebih baik .. teruskan usaha yang baik balasan yang baik tu pasti ada :D

phamminhloan said...

Love this, friv

Unknown said...

So cool !

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mujagirl92 said...

seriously sama dengan yang saya dok fikir selama ni. i wrote about this before >

selalu gak rasa sayang je nak content gambar yang nampak aurat tapi terpksalah juga buat untuk diri sendiri dan orang lain,, mmm

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Step by step to be a better muslimah. I support u kak Maria ;)here