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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Baby, best ke duk dalam perut?


baby, keluar meh!

"ok! jap ek!"

ok baby, umi tunggu sambil memakai chiffon wrap around kimono TheSut dari Fashionvalet, and handbag dari Lolalovelyshop k! ahak!

anyway, yesterday when husband came home from work, he noticed that i was a bit pissy.

"today you macam pissy ek? did something happen?"

"emmm.. entah ek.." i answered.

"meh meh talk to me"

"hmmmm... oh, mangga tadi i makan masam" i told him dengan sedihnya.

tergelak suami aku tuh!

"gelak la kau. gelak! mana you paham what it's like to be pregnant! hmphhh!" bisik hatiku. 
"tapi memang entahpape kot.." bisik hatiku lagi.

".....heheheheheee.." join gelak sebab tersedar memang kelakar pun my #firstworldproblem

ihik!! oh well =) 

being pregnant is one special journey and i'm so grateful for it.
and now being in this stage, i am very nervous and excited to welcome our baby into the world.
alhamdulillah, baby dah dapat rezeki yang banyak! (tapi dia masih nak stay dalam perut... motip?)

baju dia, kita tak beli pun sebab orang bagi and nenek dia (my mom) sangat excited tahap keluar je memana, balik mesti ada sehelai dua baju untuk baby. hahaha!
so far baju macam dah cukup. dah mintak mama to stop buying coz i don't want any wastage. i heard babies grow very fast. huhu..

Tommee Tippee Electric Breast Pump & Electronic Steam Steriliser, both from Mothercare

Silver Cross Pop Stroller from Mothercare

these stuff pun orang bagi, so dapat lah save cost. Alhamdulillah syukur =')

other than that, we bought the cot, the towels, pampers, swaddles, mattress & pillows, etc etc already. 
i think we've got most of the important stuff already.. but tu la.
being a first time parent, i always have this feeling like something's not done yet.
cuma tak tau apa!! wuwuwuwuw!! tunggu baby keluar kot baru nampak sket apa yang tertinggal tu..

i'm just praying that husband & i are prepared mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually for the baby. in sha Allah =)

am praying too that baby will be brought into the world naturally & safely.

baby, meh la keluar! banyak baju & toys waiting for youuuuuuu!! 

ps: hopefully next post, baby dah keluar. amiiin! hehehehheheeehehehehehehhehehehhe =B

Friday, October 11, 2013

South Africa - Cape Town


sorry.. rasa cam nak habiskan je cerita travel ni cepat cepat biar hati tenang. hehehe!

so after our adventure in Joburg, we took a domestic flight from Joburg to Cape Town. it was about 2 hours flight (i think).

check out our ride yaaawwww! Air Force One!
ok just kidding. when we were in Joburg, Pres. Obama was there too. ada some campaign and to visit Nelson Mandela. coincidentally, obama & his crew were in Cape Town the same day we arrived.
ain't nobody wanna miss out hangin' with the Peliks!

Cape Town is super duper GORGEOUS!
it's clean, green, and so peaceful! and it was still cold. heheee..

i'm gonna share the places i find most interesting =)

1. Victoria and Albert (V&A) Waterfront

we stayed in an apartment, which to our surprise was so cool! the interior was nice & minimal and we had ample space! a lovely balcony too which overlooked the harbour.

pakai berlayer layer okay! sejuk gilos!

belakang tu apartment kitorang! hehee =D
good thing about V&A Waterfront is that kedai, mall, and the tour companies are all there! senang sangat =D

as usual, the first day is the day we spend to take a tour around the city, and try to cover as much touristy place as possible. we chose to get on the Hop On & Hop Off bus tour coz it's cheap and yeah, we get to cover the touristy stuff.

at one of the stops.
Cape Town is so beautiful, have i mentioned that?
orang duduk sana memang dapat the best of nature and civilization!
kat sini memang windy gila gila windy sampai i was shivering! had to peluk hubby or adik a lot to warm myself down. *alasan untuk mengada dengan hubby. hihihi =p*

they take cleanliness very seriously!

subhanallah, tengok tu.
the picture doesn't do this place justice! depan mata memang CANTIK sangat sangat!! bila dalam gambar, kurang menyerlah sikit.
papepun alhamdulillah sebab dapat tengok sendiri ciptaan Allah. =D

"eh bang, awak comel la"
haaa ni la Cape Malay zaman duluuuu!
sekarang, diorang dah mixed dah.

we met several cape malays there, but they don't call themselves that of course. most are muslims, with names like Haris, Ahmad, etc. they speak little malay though. oh, and we met one of them yang memang macam mat salleh tanned. blue eyes, brown hair, tall and tanned skin. coooooool~
jakun kan? hahaha! =p
because we knew there were malays there, we thought that there'll be like a 'little Malaysia' or something in Cape Town. unfortunately, takde pun. kita je high expectation. huhu.. 
nonetheless, it was interesting to know that there are generations of malays there. =)
even if they're mixed. heeee.

ni kawasan perkampungan cape malays, can you believe it?
so colourful!! geram je tengok!

ada banyak lagi places we went to, but as usual, it was all touch and go stuff, so nak cerita macam takde benda sangat la. 

for the next few days, we rented a van and GPS coz it's easier and more cost saving.

abang Ike paling banyak drive. =) thanks abang!

2. Robben Island (only for those who loves history & Mandela. otherwise, errr.. up to you la!)

we went to Robben Island because.. 
i don't remember. i think one of us wanted to see where Nelson was kept prison.
i wasn't interested in this kinda stuff, to be honest. but i enjoyed the view!

angin kuat gila!! tapi takpe. dapat mengada dengan suami. nyahahaha! =p

"mana Nelson? how come dia tak tulis 'NELSON WUZ HERE' coz i totally would!"
ni lah nelson mandela punya cell. small but the tour guide said he had a reading table, a bed, books, etc because he was good with the wardens. dalam penjara pun kena pandai politik uolls. huhu..

isn't it obvious he was getting bored?
eh, itu adik aku.

3. Table Top Mountain

we wanted to go on top of Table Top Mountain.
tapi sebab it was super windy, it was unsafe to ride the cable cars. sedihhhh!
Alhamdulillah though, we get to see the amazing view.
sunny and windy at the same time.
gila kan? hehee!

tangkap gambar pun nak tutup mata.
tengok tu si suami! kalau bergambo ngan i mesti buat muka takleh blah! cis.

masa ni tengah rehat jap kat kedai stall tepi tempat cable car.

ha ni ada satu cite ni.
as i was walking around the area, (there are some souvenir shops) a black girl with turban bigger than Yuna's from one of the shops said
"Masha Allah girl, i like yo skirt!"

i was so shocked and excited because, i love 'em blacks, ya know?
dalam my head, i was running through choices of replies like 
1. "yeah girrrllll, thaaaankkksss!"
2. "thank you maaaynnn!"
3. "yo girl i like yo turban!"
and more.
in the end, i said "errr.. thanks!" with a stupid smile and walked away as fast as i could. chicken.
ooohhhh i was so upset with myself that day coz i got tongue-tied. hahahah! kelakar gila bila ingat balik!

4. Boulders Beach

penguins? in Cape Town?
heck yeahhhh! 

kat Boulders Beach ni dapat tengok penguins! they're so cute!!!

tengok penguins kat belakang kitorang. bersepah!
semua tengah chilling and sunbathing. 
and us, still unable to open our eyes for a picture. =\

kelakar la diorang.
this was the first time i've ever seen penguins up close and personal.
cute tu cute la, tapi macam ganas pun ada gak diorang ni.

this one was threatening us. i could feel it then.

ni masa nak jalan balik to the car. windy sangat sangat!!! and the green of my tudung nak sama ngan the plants there. ihikk!

5. Cape of Good Hope & Cape Point

tempat ini agak mencabar nak pergi.
first, kena line up untuk naik hill railway (ala ala kat penang tu).
second, kena bersempit sempit dalam the railway.
third, lawan angin kuat gila bila keluar from the railway.
fourth, berlawan angin kuat gila sambil climb the stairs yang agak steep.
fifth, pregnant. ihik =p

kena tahan jacket sebab it was flying around like crazy! i felt like batman tengah terbang kot!
and behind me is the Cape Point's lighthouse!

so yes, i succeeded climbing the stairs and keeping all my clothes together (my jacket, skirt & scarf was flying like mad! nasib pakai seluar panjang underneath my skirt.)

see the edge of that cliff?
kalau tengok map Africa, yang hujung tempat pointy tu, ha sini lah dia!
the end of Africa!

we weren't fortunate enough though, coz they said there's a season where the whales will be chilling around this area. we didn't see any. wuuuuu...
so dah settle kat Cape Point, turun balik the stairs, the hill, everything and went on to Cape of Good Hope! 

ko excited sangat apahal?

my heater. *sayang dia*

can you see my brothers? diorang pi panjat sampai ke sana and ada hati nak panjat lagi!
i lak gayat tengok diorang.
there's actually a rainbow, just in front of them, but tak nampak sangat dalam gambar!! sad.. 
oh well. Alhamdulillah nampak dengan mata sendiri =)

the end!
to squeeze 4 days of sight-seeing and people watching in one post memang terpaksa panjang dan tak cukup detailed.
sorry ya! hope it's useful anyway =)

here's a couple of tips if you're planning to go to Cape Town:
1. Halal food, don't worry, there're plenty of restaurants there that are halal. you can find mosques too but they're not like our masjid, they're like a building je. 

2. souvenir shopping is ok, not too expensive, not too cheap. i bought most stuff at the V&A mall than at the streets coz i find that the qualities are different. shopping in general, emmm.. i think Malaysia lagi best. and lagi murah.

3. people there are very very nice & friendly. it's safer in Cape Town than in Joburg, and if nak mintak directions ke apa, they're ok =)

4. don't talk to the beggars, because they might follow you back to your place or hassle you some more with money. the tour guide told us so. we've experienced it too, where this beggar, came to me and said "assalamualaikum sister, bismillah hiehrakamajldkal;ala (he started reciting a surah which i've never heard of.) and he followed so closely sampai i jadi takut gila. good thing there was a patrol police and he took the beggar elsewhere. bukan kita takmo sedekah, tapi like in Joburg, they might use the money to abuse themselves. which is why kalau nak sedekah, baik pi kat organisations yang betul, not to the beggars personally.

rasa nya tu je la. 
the rest, sama je tips macam nak pegi Joburg. =)

Here are the links to my other South African posts:

Thank you so much for reading this super long post!
memang selies, wa lespek sama lu! hehe!

have a good weekend everybody!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

South Africa - Safari weee!!


Kehadapan kita memandang, buat apa pandang belakang bila berjalan? Unless ada orang panggil dari belakang la.

ok, terkeluar topik habis.

sebenarnya nak bagitau...

sayang ketat, erat, dagu berlipat ngan all of you =')

ok kakton  kakmars will keep on blogging until the day when i have no idea how to use the internet anymore. ihik! in sha Allah =)

so.. i hope it's not to weird for me to continue on my travel story at le Johannesberg.

boom. SAFARI. yea.

 fuyoh, mata merah uollssss! ahahahahhaaakkk!

the first safari we went to was the Pilanesberg National Park. concept dia cool. duduk dalam van or car, and drive around the national park and then, play 'i spy with my red eyes'.
siapa nampak animals, mata dia paling merah. (ya Allah. lame gila lawok. pssshh!)

the road was bumpy (duh) that i kinda hurt my back. had to sit on a pillow throughout the whole ride. but it was not a big deal.
we were all just excited to see the animals in their natural habitat. aaaaand, as close as possible!

amboi elephants! nak beromen ek? tunjuk sket kad nikah!

we saw loads of animals of course, tapi sebab camera tak canggih sangat, so the pictures weren't so clear. sorry!
oh!! we were told that we might get a chance to spot a lion or two!

see any lions? yeah, i don't either. muehehee =p

i like this giraffe. 
he's like
"what social standards? what class? colours? shapes? height?
apa aku kesah! aku nak lepak sini gak!"
kata beliau kepada kerbau kerbau.
i loike your spirit giraffe! we can be best friends! hehe!

zebra zebra. of all the animals in the park, they're the flashiest! and they know it!
they walk as close as possible to the road, and show off their sexy backs, just coz they know we want to see them. 
yeaaahhhh giirrrrlll, i like yo sexy bottom, can i slaaaap 'em?!

punya la kitorang jakun, tengok taik putih pun boleh excited.
ni taik hyena ye rakan rakan. it's white because they eat the bones of the carcass.
in other words, diorang la DBKL kat park ni. bagus bagus! keep up the good work!
tapi berak bersepah. oh well.

this safari adventure took the whole day, and when we arrived home, memang letih badan sangat sangat! it was fun, but guess what.
we wanted more.
bila lagi mau pigi Johannesberg kan? so might as well enjoy to the fullest.

the second safari we went to was the Lion Park. concept a bit same, there's a drive-through-but-not-as-big-as-pilanesberg's-park and there's a walk-through. kat sini, let the pictures (and captions) speak for themselves!

ya, masih sejuk 

encik suami memang tak suka selfie. 
hey, mata tu tengah bukak ke tutup?? *sepet problem* muahahaha!!

dear anak, ini la parents awak yang comey gilows!

this park takde la besar macam Pilanesberg National Park, but it was (to me) more fun sebab...

1, 2, 3.
i got to gomol lion cubs!!!
*maaf jakun, tapi tittewww memang camteewwww ihiks!*

he loves me.
he really loves me.
dear anak, nanti umi nak gomol lion cub lagi. jom?

"hey jangan buli adik laaa!"
ada gaya mak marah anak tak? 
seriously, these baby cheetahs are the cutest!!

*heart melts*

ohh. camni la incik suami. 
bila bergambo ngan isteri, muka takleh blah.
ngan giraffe ni lak.. senyum kemain lebar! ceittt!

check out the toungue yaww!!
geli guliban kot kena jilat camtu!
masa ni tengah bagi dia some treats. i have no idea what it's made of. looked like compressed hay..
but the giraffes and the ostriches super love them!

ostrich ni sambil makan treats dari tangan abang, sempat nak main mata ngan iolls.
iolls pun main mata balik la.
tak menggoda langsung.

teeheheheee =p
dapat pun tengok lion sedekat mungkin. we were in our van, of course.

siang siang tido.
malam malam baru diorang active.
we didn't stay for the night time safari. huuuu..

all in all, Johannesberg was all about Safari for us.
it was fun! 

here's a couple of tips if you're planning to go to Johannesberg.

1. we rented a van with a driver on our first day in Johannesberg because we weren't sure of their road rules. they are right-hand drivers, like us in malaysia (fiuhh!) but their road rules are sort of different and needed a lot of getting used to. example, at the traffic light, the lane that turns to the right is almost in the middle of a T-Junction. tak reti nak explain.. but memang different la! then for the Safari at Pilanesberg, we had to rent the van and driver again because the place was far and quite off grid. but the rest of the days, we just rented a van and GPS to take us around. cheaper that way. but then, because there're 6 of us, so it was worth renting a car rather than following a tour group. kena calculate betul betul la kalau nak save cost.

2. food wise, Halal restaurants can be found almost everywhere, alhamdulillah. but they're quite expensive. since we stayed in a homestay, we cooked most of our meals. mom being awesome and all, packed us sambal kering, nasi impit, maggi cups, maggi goreng, bubur instant, even kurma instant! we also bought some groceries there. so, save cost disana.

3. internet is not free at most places. so bila dapat internet tu, find what's important first, like directions to whatever place, etc. 

4. shopping? not so cheap unfortunately. but you can find cheap and bigger range of souvenirs in Cape Town.


that's all for Johannesberg, South Africa!
next update will be about Cape Town pulak. heheeeee =B

we cannot open our eyes so we act gangsta.
eh wait.
we are gangstaz.


thanks sebab baca sampai habis!
wa lespek sama lu!!