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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Baby, best ke duk dalam perut?


baby, keluar meh!

"ok! jap ek!"

ok baby, umi tunggu sambil memakai chiffon wrap around kimono TheSut dari Fashionvalet, and handbag dari Lolalovelyshop k! ahak!

anyway, yesterday when husband came home from work, he noticed that i was a bit pissy.

"today you macam pissy ek? did something happen?"

"emmm.. entah ek.." i answered.

"meh meh talk to me"

"hmmmm... oh, mangga tadi i makan masam" i told him dengan sedihnya.

tergelak suami aku tuh!

"gelak la kau. gelak! mana you paham what it's like to be pregnant! hmphhh!" bisik hatiku. 
"tapi memang entahpape kot.." bisik hatiku lagi.

".....heheheheheee.." join gelak sebab tersedar memang kelakar pun my #firstworldproblem

ihik!! oh well =) 

being pregnant is one special journey and i'm so grateful for it.
and now being in this stage, i am very nervous and excited to welcome our baby into the world.
alhamdulillah, baby dah dapat rezeki yang banyak! (tapi dia masih nak stay dalam perut... motip?)

baju dia, kita tak beli pun sebab orang bagi and nenek dia (my mom) sangat excited tahap keluar je memana, balik mesti ada sehelai dua baju untuk baby. hahaha!
so far baju macam dah cukup. dah mintak mama to stop buying coz i don't want any wastage. i heard babies grow very fast. huhu..

Tommee Tippee Electric Breast Pump & Electronic Steam Steriliser, both from Mothercare

Silver Cross Pop Stroller from Mothercare

these stuff pun orang bagi, so dapat lah save cost. Alhamdulillah syukur =')

other than that, we bought the cot, the towels, pampers, swaddles, mattress & pillows, etc etc already. 
i think we've got most of the important stuff already.. but tu la.
being a first time parent, i always have this feeling like something's not done yet.
cuma tak tau apa!! wuwuwuwuw!! tunggu baby keluar kot baru nampak sket apa yang tertinggal tu..

i'm just praying that husband & i are prepared mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually for the baby. in sha Allah =)

am praying too that baby will be brought into the world naturally & safely.

baby, meh la keluar! banyak baju & toys waiting for youuuuuuu!! 

ps: hopefully next post, baby dah keluar. amiiin! hehehehheheeehehehehehehhehehehhe =B


aNna Lee said...

Woahhh, baby keluar elok-elok ok. Pray for both of u Kak Maghia! =)

ayuzan said...

semoga maria dan baby selamat.. :)

Mardhiah.ain said...

Insha Allah it will be fine. Have any idea about the naming thingy

SisFaana said...

Salam, hi Maria..tahniah tak lama lagi nak jadi ibu..kalau u nak beli fisher price rocker, I ada jual..RM155 only..+RM10 postage..

Untuk lebih detail you boleh tengok sini k:

Have a safe & easy delivery, InsyaAllah..aminnn :)

Unknown said... tak puas lg kot dok dlm tu kak maria..

anyway moga dipermudahkan semuanya ye..Ameen..;)

take care!

Anonymous said...

hikhik..harap baby tak gangster...selamat menjadi mama..:)

Teena Tna said...

Cepat lah keluar baby. Semoga dipermudahkan :)

Akmall Razlan said...

amboi.. lama la menunggu update entry ye... I read this from my cousin,

"Once the baby born, A mother is born too".

Syazwani Mazlan said...

tahniah kak.. semoga semua selamat ye :)

Shida Radzuan said...

wahhh best2 semua org nk taja..untung Maria Jr :)

Eimma said...

seronok tgk kak maria dah nak dapat baby ;)

Unknown said...

moga umi maghia sehat2 aje

DYatie ABakar said...

Alhamdulillah rezeki ur baby..
Btw, yes! B4 u deliver u'll still feel incomplete.
May Allah ease everything for you dear.
And may both of you safe.

nsadila said...

muka jepun + arab : mesti comel baby kan? semoga dipermudahkan urusan kak mariaaaa :D

mujagirl92 said...

seriously,, i really hope you will have a safe delivery. cant wait to see your child, know he or she,, hehe

panglima harapan said...

hehe...comelnya entry ni :D wahh... mcm2 yg kak maria dpat dr org. best2. save cost. :D

btw, moga kak maria dipermudahkan bila brsalin nnti. smoga kak maria ngan baby selamat n sihat :) amin...

anyswafa said...

i miss u kak mariaa

suhaila said...

gud luck dear! semoga dipermudahkan.. brg baby dah sedia..brg mak baby?? vitamin2 semasa berpantang?? bykkan selawat, zikir dan doa nabi Yunus dalam perut ikan tu ye :)))

Anis Shahira said...

gud luck kak maria, semoga dipermudahkan. amin... :)

Zharif Azis said...

semoga selamat semuanya kak maria =)

now baru saya nampak "kebuncitan" perut kak maria. selama nie mcm xnampak mcm org tgh mengandung pon =) said...

Salam akak, semoga beroleh anak soleh/solehah.

Unknown said...

tak sabar nyer !!!! moga baik2 aja utk kak maghia and baby :) Amin..

Salma Othman said...

semoga dipermudahkan bersalin..

edlidza said...

Good Luck Dear!! semoga dipermudahkan.... im so happy for you.. take care !!

Siti Asiah said...

Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya ye Maria...tak sabar nk tgok bb korang...;)

Mizz ErMa said...

wah, kiranya due k.maria da dekat la ye? hihihi semoga semuanya dipermudahkan..=)

Unknown said...

huhuhu sabar cik kak, baby nak rasa time2 terakhir kat lam perut umi dia, hehehehe.....

Filla said...

akak doakan semua dipermudahkan untuk Maria yer :) baby suka duduk dalam perot hahahha

Puan Eka said...

hihihih mangga masam ea.

adik eka plak, boleh menanges tak dapat kek coklat yang dia nak. tak nak yg lain. nak yg tu jugak.

jenuh la cari. Nasib jumpa.

semoga semua dipermudahkan ye kak maghia

siti zulaikha said...

waa.. waiting the precious moment... hipe bby dpt mate mama die.. mata bolat comel2 tu.. :) dtg sini singgah belog sis sambil follow mollow.. :) jmput singgah ke belog saye... :)

Sheila Salim said...

Assalamualaikum Maria. yeayy i know what you feel right now. heee. orang tak mengandung susah nak faham perasaan org tengah mengandung dan mengidam. heee cepatlah baby awak keluar! nak tengok... heee murah rezeki baby maria :)

hananinot said...

may Allah ease everything for u kak maria! Xoxo

Maliyana said...

kheir kulluha insha Allah!!! said...

enjoy your pregnancy time tau..
n good luck nanti masa deliver..
inshaallah it the best moment...;)

lepas pantang nanti mesti rasa nak beranak lagi..heheeh..

hamizah adam said...

alalalalala comelnya akak. got pissy just because of the mangga yang masam. comel teruk boleh tak ? time pregnant memang semua orang tiba2 comel ke apa ? ehehe. semoga akak n baby sihat selalu. ^_^

Miz Dayah said...

Insyaallah :-)

ryyhan said...

mmg akan rasa list brg baby cam xcomplete..esp 1st time parent xsure nk beli ke tak

tp skrg dh senang, sbb soping online je..

Ain Nabila Yussof said...

good luck umi to be :)

Unknown said...

X sabar eh nak tengok baby. InsyaAllah semoga Allah permudahkan.

Gadis Genit said...

whoaaaa !!! ritu ahkak datang UKM Bangi (untuk program ProCitra), selim melim lg .. siap melompat-lompat .. sekarang dah hade baby dlm piyut ... kalau saya jemput ahkak datang bwk baby skali and hasbeng, ahkak nak tak ? hewhew .. ok fine, tahu dh jwpn .. ahkak mesti la bz hewhew .. sy doakan segalanya selamat nanti biiznillah

Shasha said...

Assalam Maria. I'm an Ummi to a 1 year old. It's Uh-Maaaazing i tell yah and u're gonna love every nano second of being an Ummi trust me even when they poop just a second after a change of when they start to bite the nennen. Ahahaha...anyway(mukadimah panjang bebenor) imho, breastpump wajib ada! So go get one! :)

dew_miauw said...

Aamiin, hope everything is doing well kak Maria :)

dania afiqah said...

semoga dapat jadi bakal umi yang baik ;)

Siti Hajar said...

seronoknya jadi kak maria. Baby dah nak keluar.. wish all the best for you <3

.dida mumin♥ said...

Wishing u smooth & Soft & easy delivery then, it's a great journey to be experience. :) Good Luck!!

~fuNtaStY~ said...

semoga dipermudahkan segalanya...take care, kak maria and baby~..:)

Fatima Muhammad said...

banyak2 baca quran nt senang baby nk kluar =)

AN said...

happy for u. :)

Unknown said...

kepada uollsssss.. huhu..

NuRuL said...

when I read this reminds me during I my first daughter in my womb... semoga dipermudahkan segalanya yer Maria.

PeRdU cINta said...

semoga Allah permudahkan semuanya..amin *_^..tak sabar nak tengok baby..

fairousshukor said...

Asalamualaikum Maria :)
rasanya baby memang suka duduk dalam perut , right now im almost 34 weeks pregnant and the baby still enjoy berpusing-pusing , bersenam dan bermain bola hehehe saya doakan awak selamat bersalin ea !! doakan saya juga due 14/12saya dekat2 dengan birthday awak 15/12 dan birthday saya 16/12 hehehe

Good luck bebey :)

Adilah. said...

kak how can I get your email? :)

Unknown said...

semoga dipermudahkan segala-galanya maria...

jom tgk blog sy...masih baru didunia blog

Mira Amirudin said...

may everything is fine kak mariaaaaa :) amiinnnn

Unknown said...

semoga baby keluar selamat, dgn umi sekali..moga jd penyeri hidup maria..amin..

yupss, doakan sy dpt baby jugak eh =)

Anonymous said...

Aww..semoga baby keluar dengan natural, sihat & sempurna. Amin

Nadia Johari said...

bila due date die..waa mesti jangan duduk lama2 dalam perut tu..hehe

Nazrah Abdul Aziz said...

Dah bersalinkah? Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan.. :)

Karya Mahirah said...

Wah... seronok nak dapat baby...

Unknown said...

Iklan Percuma di
Iklan Mudah

amira baharudin said...

MiszA said...

Tahniah kak maria...can't wait to see ur baby..;)

Heiladies Co. said...


lamanya maria xupdate blog.rindu nak tgk gmbar baru. moga dipermudahkan dlm melahirkn baby nti. rabbi yassir wala tu'assir..

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum.. alhamdulillah..tahniah kak maria ...dh lahirkn baby girl bbrp ari yg lepas....:) I'm happy for both of u...(xsabo plk rasenye nk give birth, by d way I'm 7months preggy mommy)..hihi...have a gud rest ye kak maria...n jmpt la bace blog tinie - till new in blogging,....tata..

Sneakers Rare said...

stopped by. done click ur tabung.
now, jom tolong Dina click pulak :) TQ

Anonymous said...

Congratz kak maria on the birth of ur baby girl this post is for u! 5 Things New Parents should know.

Tim Cik KupuKupu Ungu said...

Hai kak maria ! Assalamualaikum ! happpy bila u akan deliver ur baby soon ! hehe. My baby dulu duk dalam perut 40 weeks 1day. 10 bulan huhuhu tamo kua dr perut smpai doc decided to induce.alhamdulillah now my baby dah 2 months hehe. sihat ! syukurrr.
btw kak maria, set berpantang kak tak beli ke? hehe. tahniah againnn ! hope dapat baby yang comel mcm kak mariaaaaaaaa :D

Izyan Masri said...


Unknown said...

tahniah bestnya nk dpt baby. semoga dipermudahkan..amin

Rosniena said...

tahniah dah bersalin

Monalisa said...

Alhamdulillah congratulations maria & husb.
Happy parenting! :)

Nisak Mazlan said...

Congratz sis.. mesti excited tak terkira tunggu baby keluar kan ;)

Unknown said...

Woahhh, baby keluar elok-elok ok. Pray for both of u Kak Maghia! =)
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