wanna see something cool?
iolls know.
i'm cool liddat.
apart from my awesome change-able expressions, it's Malaysia's Independence Day!
yes, i love my country and i am happy to be a malaysian, where the food is amazing, people are amazing, life is amazing, everything is just amazing =')
Love you Malaysia
and Love our fore fathers who brought this country to independence 55 years ago.
alhamdulillah =D
let's just remember the good things about our country and whatever's in it.
nobody's perfect, so we can't blame the country for not being perfect.
we just blame ourselves. ahahahahahak! =p
hope everyone get their much needed rest on this holiday!
at the same time, jom semarakkan cinta kepada MALAYSIA TERCINTAAAAAAAAAAAA!
apart from my awesome change-able expressions, it's Malaysia's Independence Day!
yes, i love my country and i am happy to be a malaysian, where the food is amazing, people are amazing, life is amazing, everything is just amazing =')
Love you Malaysia
and Love our fore fathers who brought this country to independence 55 years ago.
alhamdulillah =D
let's just remember the good things about our country and whatever's in it.
nobody's perfect, so we can't blame the country for not being perfect.
we just blame ourselves. ahahahahahak! =p
hope everyone get their much needed rest on this holiday!
at the same time, jom semarakkan cinta kepada MALAYSIA TERCINTAAAAAAAAAAAA!
dah la tu la ek?
eheeee....kak maghiaa cumillllll... happy merdeka jugak. ^.^
i want one of ur bags too!
Arghh baru beli smlm alexa purple. Xdapat rm10 voucher. Btw beg tu sgt ohsemmmmm
Hehehehe. Amboi! Sakan borong beg! hahahahha. Happy #Merdeka55 cik mariaa!
p/s Eh. kenapa tak warna biru pun hashtag tu. :p
haha :D
wah,, sume tu beg kak maria ke,, hehe,, selamt merdeka,,, ti orang yang tak puas2 hati tu rule the country in the future la k so that it becomes closer to the word perfect,, kih3
ohsem picture. i like ur 2nd pic there...
happy merdeka day
comel je tgok expression kak maria tu.
btw, selamat hari kemerdekaan.. :D
wahhh byk bag maria..bg satu hehe..salam merdeka for u :)
yeahhhh~i luv u n ur bag <3
Selamat Hari Merdeka kak Maria~~
cool photo kak mar
suka tengok semua espresi muka maria.. comel je walaupun buat muka buruk :)
wowowoo!! it cool mulut muncung! kehkeh
iluvmalaysia, can i get da bags at ten off if that's da code? haha
tertiru semua expression muka u :)
jom kita semarakkannya beramai2
kak maria cool dgn muka cool macam tu. haha. yes! bangga jadi rakyat Malaysia :))
beg akak ni Universal ke idak ?> gagaa
happy merdeka eid kak marrrrrriaaa! :)
selamat hari merdeka (: appreciate what we have now.
salam ziarah.. ^_^. Boleh tempah MyQalam Quran Read pen di sini dengan kualiti yang terjamin. http://muslimbazaar.mnmall.me/
selamat hari merdeka
Maria Maria Ohh.. Maria... Sudi2laa Maria Singgah blog saya jgk yeee. :D~ kongsi2 petua... :D~ http://kisahkitaber2.blogspot.com/
ahahaha so funny la you. im always entertained. brava sista! come to upm again ok?
one day nak beli handbag ni.. heee
haha,,,different la dia ni
semangat betul kak elena.. hehehe.... selamat hari merdeka...
Kak maria, please blog on how u mke the pic moves. It so does rmind me of HARRY POTTER
so cool la Maria Elena. I always love to read this blog =)
Ada lagi , kak maria ?
maria, where did u get ur tudung? so nice...
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