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Friday, March 23, 2012

I must remember

it has been 2 days since i've arrived safely home tapi rasa cam surreal je. the memories are still fresh but it's as if the memories are dreams yang real gila. does that make sense? entah la. that's what it feels like.
maybe it's my hormones. =p 

remember mars, remember when you first saw Masjid An Nabawi. remember how you thought it is the biggest masjid you have ever seen. 
remember how you couldn't believe your eyes when you were in the van on the way to the hotel. the glimpse of the Masjid took your breath away, and how you couldn't believe that you're actually in Madinah, looking at the Masjid.

Masjid An Nabawi.
remember how it's made of marbles and stones and how it's beautifully designed inside and out,
how the masjid was brightly illuminated that night when you first walked in.
remember how much you cried that night.

Family picture near Masjid Quba.

remember how mama took care of all of us, making sure we had the right clothes on, that we are well fed, we are well, and how she held us all as a unit.
remember you always lost her bila nak bagi dia air zamzam, padahal she saw you looking for her!
remember how in Masjid Al Haram, you lost her after taking the air zamzam for her, and how you turned 360degrees tapi tak nampak nampak jugak mama, then she just went "sssssttt!"
and when you saw her, that look on her face, remember that!
remember that muka "what are you doing? and where are you going?" REMEMBER THAT!
and you just cant stop laughing because it was too funny to you. =p

remember mars, remember when you went to Raudhah, 
remember the anticipation before you did.
remember how everyone rushed in to go through the doors to Raudhah when it was opened,
but you and mama just stayed back and waited until it was really our turn,
you waited with mama, and while waiting, remember how you fought hunger and tried to stay patient. 
remember those other women who are older than you, who also had fought their hunger to be in Raudhah,
you are fortunate that you're young and you can handle all of that.. mama had to struggle with her back pain and hunger.. good thing you had snicker bar with you =)

remember how you and mama finally had the turn to pray near Raudhah,
how you felt so close to Rasulullah SAW,
how you were tongue-tied when praying because you were so nervous about being heard.

i do hope i was heard.

remember the story of this place. Jabal Uhud. 
remember how these brave men berjihad with swords and weapons, 
how Saidina Hamzah RA stood by Nabi Muhammad SAW till the end. 
how brave they were.. you tu pengecut. tengok trailer cite hantu pun tutup tutup mata and telinga.
you should be as brave as the soldiers at least. 
be as brave, faithful and strong.
try ok. just try your best. =)

remember how nervous you were being in Ihram for the first time.
remember how you kept reading the panduan coz you were worried you might forget how to do umrah,
and how you kept fighting back tears on the way to Makkah.
remember how you fought back tears when you said "Labbayk Allahumma abbayk. labbayk laa shareeka la ka labbayk innal hamda wanni'mata laka walmulk, laa shareeka lak"

and then, remember when you first saw Kaabah.
you couldn't believe that the Kaabah which you've seen so much on sejadah and tv is really in front of you.
you were so amazed and so grateful that you forgot to close your mouth =p
remember when you tawaf the Kaabah, how you kept looking at it, wondering how you ended up there, in front of it,
and then you observed the people around you and felt how insignificant you are to Him.
"yet, You allowed me to be here. with my family. means, i'm not insignificant to You.."

remember mars, how fortunate you are.

during Saie, remember how tiring it was going from Bukit Safa' to Bukit Marwah.
tapi you muda, so takpe. remember how the older ones did it without complaining.
be like that too when you're older. be as passionate as if you've never aged physically.

My brothers and Abah. 

remember how Abah provided us with food, medicine, and making sure we get to visit Madinah and Makkah. if it weren't for him, we wouldn't have the opportunity to go there. 
thank you Abah =')

remember how Azry protected you during Tawaf and Saie and when we climbed Gua Hira'
remember how he was always looking out for me when i'm left behind.
he is such a lovely brother.
remember how Arief made you laugh with his faces and his jokes.
remember how he always held your hand in Istanbul to keep you warm.
such a thoughtful brother.
remember how Ike was always in the front, leading us all and making sure he knows it better than any of us so that he can guide.
such a good leader.

remember the steep steps to Gua Hira'. 
during mama and abah's time, there were no stair steps, railings and resting areas. they literally had to hike.
remember how you were actually sick at this time but you just went on anyway coz you don't want to miss out on seeing the place where Nabi Muhammad SAW terima wahyu.
it was worth it =)
but then, remember how dirty it was.. how people just leave their trash behind and makes this place as if it's a picnic area..
hope there are some people who clean the place up.

Jabal Thur.

remember how hot and dry it was, but Alhamdulillah, it didn't bother any of us. 
we didn't feel hot even though our body reacted to it, and Alhamdulillah, you were not once kena kacau or grabbed or whatever! =D
remember how amazing it is to see air zamzam to flow non-stop for how many thousand years and it's so fresh and cold, ALL THE TIME!

doakan my brothers jumpa jodoh yang ditentukan Allah swt soon =)

remember mars.



Mek Onie said...

semoga kalian dipermudahkan,amin~

nabilah saraf said...

oh, how i missed the holy land. InsyaAllah ada rezeki ke sana lagi. Rasa macam nak pi every year kan?

Syira Lokman said...

subhanallah :) seronoknyee
alhamdulillah ^_^

Ardini Izzati said...

Subhanallah :)

Zehan Ilyana said...


sebak baca ni..

Ana Farhana said...

besttt nye.. :)

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah kamu selamat pergi dan selamat balik :)
semoga diberkati oleh Allah SWT
harapan untuk ke sana belum tercapai lg buat masa ni harap dapat pergi with my families ^_^

Unknown said...

alhamdulillah :)

Siti Hajar said...

rilly wish to be here :)



Semoga ibadah awk sekeluarga diterima Allah dan moga diberi rahmat!

profmie said...

semuga ibadah kamu diterima oleh Allah...

Siti Fatimah said...

oh what a great opputurnity did you have! i hope that one day , i can reach this holy land. amin ya rabbal alamin :)

khainisa said...

Seronoknya kak mars...;))

Ms Yunis said...

I wish I can go there with my beloved mum. Hoping Allah akan masih memberi aku peluang untuk hidup untuk bertaubat dan melakukan suruhan-Nya.


Dari sudut Hati kecilku said...

Ya Allah..seronoknya Maria..
i can feel that...hummm..sebak baca.
Hopefully one day akan jejak ke sini. Insha Allah..Ameen

Mikah Lurima said...

SubhanAllah, subhnaAllah & SUBHANALLAH! I'm so jealous but at the same time I'm proud of u. Congratz sebab dah pernah buat umrah. I belum lagi. Doakanlah ya... semoga u boleh dtg sana lagi utk ibadah Haji. ~amin~

p/s: Sangat cantik pemandangan Rumah Allah... depan mata macamanalah ya?

Anonymous said...

your post about umrah is so inspiring i couldnt resist to drop a comment.
sebak dada.

feeQajamal said...

i cried buckets reading this post. hope to be there one day, insyaAllah. :)

[wani_mn] said...

tringat cerita pengalaman cikgu saya,
dia kata even kat sana panas sgt tp kaki yang memijak lantai tu terasa sejuk. badan tak rasa berpeluh. allahu akhbar.

Anonymous said...

Kak Mariaa :) i went there too ! but i didn't had chance to see you, i went there from 5th mac until 17th , i felt really peace there. Semoga kak Maria dapat umrah yg mabrur juga :) Amin.

nabila azmi said...

subhanallh...cntik sgt....really wish to be there..pray in front of the kaabah..really hope...

must be really calm there

nak copy gmbr kaabah tu ye kakak.nk simpan...sangt cntik.....tau=)...hope xkesah.....time kasih...=)

Halo Hasta said...

subhanallah ;)

nabila azmi said...

really like this picture.amik buat desktop picture=)...amik gmbr ni je..hope xkesah =)...tq..=)

picairin said...

To be honest... sangat jeles.. huhu

Kak Bell said...

Alhamdulilah,love to read your story.Its make me cry,really.Wish i will be there someday.If u dont mind,i want to keep the last pic as my laptop background,boleh?Same like nabila azmi. =)

Nonny said...


MusfirahAhmad said...

Subhanallah, dengan melihat gambar2 dari blog awak pon sudah terkilan hati saya sebab teringin saya nak pergi kesana satu hari :')

Anyway, walopon ada satu picture you look like a woman who're from 80-an. Awak stil gojes! HAHA xD im not joking or kidding or perli-ing *lol

Tapi memang cantik! Gambar yg awak pakai tudung putih. Even nampak macam ustazah,tapi cukup cantik! :D Suka suka! ^^b

Cik tikah said...

u look so pure! :)

dayah said...

memori ini..alhamdulillah :)

~farah~ said...

tenang je tengok gambar semua:)

namasayatihah said...

I remember, tq for making me cry pg2 buta in ofis...1 day again insyallah to perform Haj'


maisarah sarah said...

seronoknya.doakan kita juga dapat kesana.insyaAllah

Anonymous said...

indah nye rse klu dpt gi gak.
klu diberi kemudahan.
alhamdulillah :p

Rezduan Bakar said...

Semoga saya sekeluarga dapat ke sana dalam masa terdekat......Insya Allah. Amin

Anonymous said...

Ya Allah..tersentuh hati baca entri ni. mudah-mudahan sy pun dpt ke sana jugak satu hari nanti. :')

7767 said...

sis, it such a beautiful story to read. Now, feel ashamed of myself and hope I can be there too. and may I copy the last picture? Its so meaningful instead =)

Anonymous said...

teringin sangat nak pergi Makkah someday . insyaAllah :)

nurfadhilah :) said...

maria elena.its a gift from Allah for yr family that u could be in that place once, even for Umrah, not Hajj. but still, u had been in that holy place.Barakallah. I wish I could be there too, least-Im afford to sent my parents there..sigh =,="

Noor™ said...

Nice pics.
Marry me :P

Farah Fauzi said...

what a beautiful journey ;') Hope that I could bring my parents one day :)

Nur Adibah Md Azman said...

Alhamdulillah. Mmg seronok ke sane. Nak pergi lagi!

me suya said...

alhamdulillah.. amazing story from amazing girl like u sista.. InsyaAllah, u will remember it forever :) U need to...

...miSS fAi... said...

subhanallah... moga diizinkan untuk ke sana... aminn

myebutterfly said...

I miss this place tOo...very peaceful place..=)

Anonymous said...

Subhanallah cantiknya..kak Maria muka kak maria mcm org arab :)

A.J.A said...

i want to go there someday also..

Mira Masri said...

My blog posts on my journey in performing my umrah :) but I really understand the way you felt, Maria! While I was there, I felt rather ashamed and embarrassed asking Allah swt for so many things yet I am still in search for true faith. I am not the best Muslim out there (no one is except for the Prophet), but I have to say, after praying and telling Allah swt my discomfort and worries in life, there's this feeling of reassurance that He will always be with me, and He will always protect me :) But nevertheless, I pray that both you and I will get a chance to be a guest of Allah's Holy Land once more. Jazakallah Khair!

amal said...

really touched when read this entry :")


saywho said...

subhanallah. I can't wait to go there on May! Insya-Allah :)

Nana Tarmizi said...

maha besar allah..selalu berharap boleh jejakkan kaki depan kaabah

Nana Tarmizi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NadyaBubble said...

Subhanallah :') Insyaallah, one day, I'll be there with my family.

munamuni said...

MARIA, bergenang air mate kite bc ini entri !!! terkenang sye mase kecik darjah 5 blur2 g sane

!~ Dolly Auliya ~! said...

subhanallah... i'm touched and cried while read this entry because felt ashamed with myself... may Allah bless us... really want to go there with my family...

m a r i s s a said...

MashaAllah.. cantiknye..
everything look so serene.. including u n ur family.. there's inner peace whenever u're in a holy ground kan...
hope kite semua akan dijemput Allah ke sane jugak.. amin..

Kayun said...

indahnya perasaan itu apabila ke sana, tambah2 lg bersama keluarga tercinta .. :')

Unknown said...

I wanna go to the Holy-Land in the future amin ~

Jet said...

I wanna go there again insyaAllah. I agree with you. You felt the closest to Allah when you're there beribadah. It makes you feel like you wanna stay there forever right?

BTW, just my 2 pennies. Maybe you should change your title to "I want to remember" because "must" sounds like it's an obligation to remember it ;)

'Ain Sazri Saifuddin said...
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jibangyeon said...

i wish to go there one there :')

desperate ruumate said...

one beautiful story (':

you portray image of a good muslim. they way you remind yourself, touched my heart as if i was there.

may Allah bless you, ameen.


Hajar Salim said...

Assalamualaikum Mars. I'm a silent reader on your blog for a long time, its not that I'm stalking or what. Its just that, its good to see someone's life is better than yours, without saying anything (leave a comment is not a necessary I guess). For me, it makes my spirit become stronger.

When I'm reading to this entry, when I'm looking to your pictures above, I cried as if you grabbed my dream. But actually, you are lucky to be there in the early age(I know its everyone's dream). If you want to know, this is the only place I wanna be. Since I was young.

Remember Mars, your life is just full of barakah. Remember to say Alhamdulillah, Mars. Salaam :)

safiah sokher said...

Alhamdulilah Kak Maria :)

May Allah bless you!

cikkie said...

tahniah kak maria...
serius sy ckp sy jeles dgn budak2 muda mcm kak maria da dpt pegi sana..ase mcm nk nangis je tgk gmbo2 kak maria,sume tmpat dlm gambo 2 penah dipijak oleh kekasih allah..teringin sgt nk pegi sana...:)

Martika Diyana said...

Masya Allah, sebaknye.. insya Allah awak selalu akan ingat. thank you for sharing. semoga dibuka jalan utk saye plak ke sane. amin..

naj said...

kak mariaaaa! i saw uu. dekat dekat ngan bin dawood :D

Anonymous said...

Maria, last 2 entries really touch my heart.


Alhamdulillah, syukur for the rezeki to be there.

Btw I save one of your pictures nak buat wallpaper, eh?

Anonymous said...

Maria, last 2 entries really touch my heart.


Alhamdulillah, syukur for the rezeki to be there.

Btw I save one of your pictures nak buat wallpaper, eh?

Anonymous said...

Maria, last 2 entries really touch my heart.


Alhamdulillah, syukur for the rezeki to be there.

Btw I save one of your pictures nak buat wallpaper, eh?

Haiqal Qadrini said...

Assalamualaikum Mars bebeh, construction depan MasjidilHaram dah siap ke belum ? Sebab masa I pergi dulu, belum siap lagi.

dayanaazhar:) said...

a good one, nak nangis, sbb nak gi sana jugak

Maria Elena Zarul said...

salam =)

the title "i must remember" was chosen simply because being a forgetful person that i am, this is the only journey (to date) that really matters. so many things happened to me and my family and i must remember it as i believe, those experiences have life lessons and some of which i have yet to understand. that;s why i must remember. =)

for those of you yang pernah pergi and experience, thanks for sharing! and insyallah we'll go there again =D

for those yang jealous and stuff, i'm really sorry if this post puts you in that position. consider it as a driving force. =D
everyone will have their time insyAllah. don't ever underestimate the power of doa.

Jazakallah khair!! =D

ps: sila lah ambil gambar Kaabah tu. i pun am very grateful i got this shot!

anakjaiman said...

salam kak maghia! can you teach me how to keep on that track? betul-betul hati kuat utk bertudung dan hati yg suci? please please

Leny said...

You're so much cuter with glasses, Maria :)

justmeAIN said...

Untung bagi sesiapa yg dapat menjejakan kaki kesana seawal anda... Sy pun tingin nak g sana.. tp belum ada rezeki lagi...

mrs. daydeck said...


Saripah Selamat said...

alhamdulillah,kak maria have done ur umrah >.<

Norsyafiqah Saiful Anuar said...

subhanallah! :) May Allah bless us :) ♥ ♥

jiha ismail said...

salam.i love this post.the description about madinah and mekah is the best that make me missed both barkah place a lot. i've been there last year during ramadhan.miss this place a lot

Dipo Dwijaya said...

Wah, senangnya bisa langsung melihat Ka'bah dan berdiri disampingnya. Semoga membawa berkah. Dwijayasblog.

IjA said...

Yes, it such a memorable, unforgettable and life-changing experience. Jika sudi read my journey I was there performing my hajj last year..menjejakkan kaki di mekah dan madinah perasaannya tak sama dengan menjejakkan kaki di tempat lain..

Zikay said...

I just came back from umrah too. I didnt know you were there but i assume i was in madinah when you were in mekah. Huhu. Definitely reading your entry bringing back all the good memories in baitullah. It was a such peaceful places you cant find in any other places on earth. Subhanallah. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki untuk menjejakkan kaki ke sana lagi. Aamiin :)

shuhadah Zainol said...


RIMA DANIA said...

rasa mcm next time nak bawak beg plastik sampah..otw panjat sampai atas tu kutip segala sampah... tapi amazing jugak kat atas puncak tu ada org berniaga! dah mcm kedai runcit celah bukit pulak hehe=)

mcyah_vespa said...

alhamdulilah diberi kekuatan untuk buad sume ni...teringin jugak nk smpai cni :)

already follow u...follow me back dear :)

Hawa said... so touched with ur pic..i hope i can be there wiz my family too.thanks for sharing this awesome pic..May Allah blessing u & ur family~amin

Sheherazade said...

masyAllah envy sgt,semoga dpt jadi tetamu Allah pd usia muda

Aliff Haikal said...

Alhamdulillah akak :)

nana said...

I know u dah balik dr umrah but tak berkesempatan nak bukak entri u. Dapat juga akak baca hari ni. Sangat tersentuh hati ini. Moga akak juga diberi peluang utk jejak kaki ke sana nanti..

jessica said...

Beautiful mosques i have ever seen. Inshallah Islam will be the moste popular religion around the world. Hajj and umarh are most beautiful part of Islam, love to offer umrah package 2012 in this year.

saywho said...

papa pernah cakap yang kat around kaabah nampak panas tapi subhanallah, xpernah panas. lantai pon xpernah panas

Nur-nba said...

Terharu dengan entri ni.. Mengimbau kembali kenangan ketika di sana.. Alhamdulillah, Maria sekeluarga dapat menjadi tetamuNya. Tq for sharing..

sopiah said...

tak pernah berpeluang lagi, insyaAllah, satu hari nanti.

i cried reading this entry. :'((


juz read it...
and i'm crying..start from the time akak see the kaabah. how i wished i'll be there one fine day. pray for me!

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Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Mars. I'm a quiet peruser on your blog for quite a while, it isn't so much that I'm following for sure. Its simply that, its great to see somebody's life is superior to yours, without saying anything (leave a remark is definitely not a vital I presume). As far as I might be concerned, it causes my soul to get more grounded.

At the point when I'm perusing to this section, when I'm looking to your photos above, I cried as though you snatched my fantasy. However, you are fortunate to be there in the early age(I know its everybody's fantasy). On the off chance that you need to know, this is the lone spot I wanna be. Since I was youthful....


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Abdullah Saif said...
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