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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Makeup Story

recently i went to a Maybelline New York Fashion Week Workshop and had the opportunity to meet really awesome people and importantly, i've learnt new looks we can make with makeup!

i know myself well enough that i'm not a makeup person.
i do wear them, but only at special occasions or events.
tu pun depends on my mood.

so at this workshop, i was taken aback with all the makeup, and for the first time in my life, i was actually excited!
ask Nisa and Cik Epal! i was sitting next to Nisa and practically ask her about all of Maybelline's products because.. let's face it. i don't own much makeup.
my basics are foundation, face powder, eyeliner, lip balm.
but at the workshop, i was introduced to many more products which rupanya ada properties yang good for the skin! and from the workshop, tau la sedikit sebanyak techniques to wear them. myehehehe =p

anyway, more about the workshop, you can read them at Nisa's and MadamMondoq's blog on their experience =D


few days ago, i had time, see. so i thought it'd be a good opportunity to make a makeup tutorial.
PLEASE PLEEEAAAAAASEEEE know that i'm not a professional make up artist, and i'm really noob at this!
but why am i so daring to share it?
sebab i boleh.
no la. because i thought, well, not all of us know how to wear makeup the right way. and there're so many tutorials out there but i know mine's annoying and full of gedik-buatan.
that counts for something. kot.



hope you enjoyed it nonetheless =)

jadi tak berlakon macam Michelle Phan?


Anonymous said...

love to view ur vid kak maghiaaa!

Umie Nadhirah said...

ingat nak jadi 1st commenter.. hahaha..syafiqa dulu..

Asyraf_Crescent said...

cake tue sumpah lawak gile...hahaha...cake cake cake...hahaha...

Nur Aliaa said...


mummamiahaha said...

hahahhahahhaha..annoying gediks tp totap mak lakuuu.suke2

Nina Faressa said...

haha lovee this!

Sue Anna Joe said...

Did you eat the cake after? Patut buat masa dah habis mekap semua.

Asyraf_Crescent said...

and suara ala ala michelle phan tue pon lawak...adoi pagi pagi buta terkekek depan pc...maria maria...*sambil geleng kepala...hahahaha...

norshila ibrahim said...

ahaks...(terlps plak)...bleh dah ni jadi model iklan maybelline...

mira said...

freaking cool ! :D i enjoyed it.

Cik Reen said...

haha. kak maria best sgt2 lah. AHAK

Mr.niklodeon [♂] said...

lawak tahap cicak kubeng~

nce~!! ^^

Fiza A said...

nak cake tu! ahak!

Shazwan Azizan - wanblur said...

haha.. tutorial make up plg sporting, kalah CT mcm nie..

NUN@ said...

lawak sweet!

ayuhidayu said...

best la kak maria..adore u

Mariam Ariffin said...

this is great :) u memang kelakar kan.

Shubiha Yahya said...

kak maria comel!! hahaha~ comel gile nih. gelak habis saye watch vid akak tu. nak share ok?

flying.high said...

i bet maybelline Malaysia will call u to be their model product soon :D nice post! ;)

Aiman Ariffin said...

Believe it or not, I laughed my ass off watching your video eventhough I dont wear make-up. You are so funnieh. Keep it up!

Zulkifli Zahari said...

hahaha =))

amlnafrhn said...

warghhh tak tahan nak gelak kuat2 tapi dh tgh malam. kang org ingat ada misteri nusantara pulak :D

Rawlins GLAM said...

Gediks sgt! I like! Gediks sale! Hik hik hik

yui said...

lepas ni boleh keluar tv plak

Atiqah Wadiah said...

ahakss~gediks yg comel..suka sgt <3

dilakochan said...

Ihik.. Ihik!

Gedikkkss tau! Tapi sukaaa jugak!
Wlaupun pun simple.. ttp sweeeet sis maghia ni!...

Tgk video je dgr BG musik dh start nk tanya sapeee lah punya lagu tu.
Nasib at the end of this vid. ade bgtau nama retiss nya! ;))

Nana said...

enjoy tengok :)

Cikalial said...

gedik taw kak mariaaa. but, I likeeeeeee. hehe. :)

secret lover said...

enjoying it to d bits!

just azura! said...

kellass kau marria! ahaks!

cik ems said...

gedik kiutt xpe. keep it up! haha

NurAfiqahMohdGhazali said...

gaya gedik mmg melawakkan :D

Qutiq Ishanee said...

haha comel lah u :)

kuyam said...

comelness! :D

prinCess.prinCess said...

nice video...comey..sampai tersengeh2 tgk kamu..:)

gds said...

besttttt. ya comelsss. ihik

yaumil hidayah said...

hey! ur best video i think.ahak! :D

azza hazarina said...

gelak sorang2 tgk video ni. hehe
anyway, suara kak maria series sedap. yummy!. hehe =P

Aimifiqa said...

nice video! cool sis! like this video`

Iera Fakhira said...

Hamaagaaaddd! Goodness gracious hilarious!

Part "Good Luck" tu memang sebijik suara Michelle Phan! You are not a make up person but you subscribed to Michell Phan channel eh Maria? Hehehe!

Help meeeee! I can't stop watching this video. Oh manggg! >_<

Tisha said...

klaka klaka aku suka. and pakai foundation tuh mmg nmpk muka lebih halus mulus...

Ana Faryana said...

tetibe suka dengar suara u..

addicted plak..hahaa

fana.akim said...

hahaha...gediks tapi comel!!..ahakz!!

Ct Kamila said...

aduyaiiii.. dia nih..gelak2 sorang2 ak tgok..


Fareha Rahmat (Bos Besar) said...

huhuhu...terbaikla..i like


hehehehe.. cute!

munamuni said...

maria elena, gangster yang gedikss!!! sayang u lebeyh

Paradise Gal said...

gedik-gedik comel.. hahahaha

Cik Lily Putih said...

bestlah kelakar k lily tgk video awak tuh. k lily malas nak anto entry tuh.. hehehhe

Unknown said...

love your video ! a lott

Luqman Zakaria said...

suke part you said "ihiks"..haha

Noor Wahidah Mahat said...

wah!! dah siap video u.. i punya coming soon... :)

Unknown said...

hahha...u dont need makeup la maria, ur skin is so beautiful and flawless. cer citer products ape u guna for ur skin?

faqihahhusni said...

Waah! Comellnyaa kak :)

Ieqahgajah said...

sweetnyee n kreatif vid anda

dayah said...

ahak. thx. hihi mcm duta maybelline..i'm going to learn slow2 make up

Cik Jah said...


lieyana said...

sebijik gila dengan Michelle Phan . wahahha !

Mira Filzah said...

adore you (:

ME CTCT said...

hahahaha.. kamu berjaya membuat sy gelak stelah stress bekerja maria :D

suffiakmal said...

sumpah best gila kot, video terbaru ! HAHAHAH. SUARA DAH LA MACAM JURUCAKAP/ARTIS. habaq hanggggggg

suffiakmal said...

satu lagi gedik ahak! tu best gila


Kak Maghia...
Ada la sikit-sikit macam Michelle Phan...

N'Craft said...

1st time visit ur blog actually. just wanna see whats the makeup tutorial u ups too. But, demm its so funny!! i like it. Your expression and so on..really great~.
Yup, ur video memang ala-ala michelle phan. from the beginning till the end. especially the end!! ahahaha. keep it up!!! ^^

Sya Aimi Khalid said...

ok...sumpah cam mich 1st i was like ape la maria gonna do kan...hamik ko skali agak2 sama la kan..sya slalu gak tgk mich phan video..due to her make up daring gituh..but yeah...nice one babe..huhu

Faz.M said...

suara sedap...suke!!! :)

penyisir rambut said...

i rase nak tampar2 manje je wjh u yg ayu tu taw...
hakksss..klako la!

Puan Eka said...

hahaha..lawak gila ah...


Teacher Koko said...

lol...bajet michelle phan yg xlarat tuh...haha ur voice i can say, "hey really sounds like michelle" haha..nice one..kelaasss kau maria...haha

NC said...

When I watched ur vid, it reminds me
of this vid

By the way, u rawkksss maghiaaa!!! :D

Raihan said...

akak, u r superb but gedik.. hahaha.. so real.. the wat u make up, so natural.. shuke.. :D

Puan Nad said...

hye maria. nice video. 1st time dtg sini rasenyer. i love watching cite Barbie n ur voice like mereka. cute n comel.;)

mFiFo said...

Salam Maria,

I always ALWAYS look forward to your videos! You're so funny and your videos provide entertainment and info for me especially bila bosan during lunch time at work.

Anyways, Im Nurul from Singapore. =)

Perfumes Farm said...

hi..jom join contest Perfumes Farm. hadiah fragrance mist dari Victoria's Secret menanti anda


sya suke sangat tegok kak maria! <3

Ryan Ervan said...

Mantap la kak Maria.. new video dengan jalan penyanpaian yg baru haha.. mmg gedik and love all the jokes like cake and suara 'ahak'..

p/s: do keep vlog more, i know that everyone love it and btw, kak maria makin lawa haha.. *compliment..

Emily Comel said...

jadi doh cam michelle phan..hahahha..cayok2

Liyza Aziz (LA) said...

so chomell... I like the gediks part... weeeeeeeee

Flying Fish said...

maria you are sooooo beautiful *i'm straight though, ahak*

ahh, envy your english :) and your skin flawlessness

pretty sure i'll see you on tv endorsing maybelline (or maybe others) someday hehehe

Naz Al Yahya said...

sukanya tengok...terhibur!

~Nur Zulaiha~ said...

ayunya suara.. ahakk

Syazwan Che Deraman said...

asal kau cool sangat doeh?

suzialfredshin said...

gosh i have so much fun just by watching ur mimik muka tau n your voice is just sempoi giler =)

Mek Onie said...

cool gila babe! i loike cara presentation u <3

Shay Suria said...

hahaahaa..currrrlassss kauu maghiaaaaa....!! dpt isi waktu tghari ku di ofis..nnti wat lagi yer vlog cmni...i terhibur u....peace!!

Husna said...

suara you very commercial la..
sesuai buat iklan..hehehe..
admire u and your voice..

buat la byk2 video lg..

schaficent said...

akaks!!! kitew 'ternampak' muka sis yg hot kat Intrend tu. lain la muka sis!!!!

azalia hjsalleh said...

i think this is the best videyo from maria elena ;)

$oshi Mini0n said...

best video!!!
suara sis maria cool

Nurul said...

amboi amboi..bukan maen lagi hehe..jeles ni..nak freebies maybelline jugak

nurul pun baru buat entry video baru..jemput la singgah ^ ^


Unknown said...

wauu !. gorgeuos. you're so beautiful sys. do hope that i can meet you one day. ahakks ! ^_^

Nurul Syafiqah Hayati said...

menjadi gila!!!ohsem la kak maghia ni :)

Wahidah said...

kelas ko maria.....:P

Anonymous said...

you're soooooo awesome mariaaaa!

mayskitty said...

saye sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ..hahaha

Syf. said...

saya suka dengar maria speaking (: best taww.

Ifwat Syamim said...

kak maria ni suke buat org gelak mcm org gila lah! wat la video bnyk2!

neesa_jun said...

after watch this now i believe i can make up too...thanks maria! =)

merahitujambu said...

thanks...sharing caring

Unknown said...

~Hahahaha....tergelak2 tgk tutorial ni.. Michella Phan tgk ni, kompom dia amik jdk duta mekap dia >,<

bLaCk | maWaR said...

u memang gila ah! ahahaha <3 <3 <3

Unknown said...

I showed your video to a friend of mine (chinese girl) and needless to say she's a Michelle Phan's fan. As the video starts she's a lil bit skeptic but once you 'ahak' she straight burst out laughing. Thanks for making our day. ahak

anNa katoka said...

gelak sorang tengok video nih.

ilanasuhaimi said...

sukak tgk vid nih..enjoy..:)

Nurul Iman said...

memang gila!..saya suka sangat2!!!!

Izyan Masri said...


Reen Tart Nenas said...

serius kelakar!

rasa cam tgk filem ada apa dgn cinta je.

Shue Aida said...

serius i tgk byk kali tak jemu haha tak kering gusi lol.. that tutorial its awesome babe :)
love you maria elena !

PhotoTembak said...

awesome make up tutorial... hai came n check out my blog... i sell some accessories...


adinda awin said...

hi Maria Elena,i am one of ur fan...

pls take a look at my blog..

im writing about u

Umar Kadir said...

haha! nice vids! kenal sangat michelle phan tu!! LOL

Annonymous said...

hi kak maria.. awin ade tag kak maria kat satu contest~ ^^ jom join.. :D

andinairvani said...

omg i love ur blog!

aneez abdul ghaffar said...

sumpah comel gile :)

crazee_tangerine said...

when u gave salam in the end, the tagline 'tak jawab dosa' really cracked me up. Reminds me of mat2 rempit nak mengorat aweks. hahaha!!


syafieyka_ff92 said...

u ar so cool!!!

Nisa_Hardzir said... :)

Jαnnαhツ said...

easy peazie, lemon's squeezy. ahak! (nada gediks)

kak mariaelena yang selalu comey. suara pun mellow ala-ala michelle phan. ahakS!

auwcak said...

comelll seyyy.....

sayakayrulez said...

tutorial make up yg menarik..

cam fyna blog!

kusyi said...

lawak!!! tp video yang menarik! :)

Iwanis A.m.d. said...

you have commercial voice dear :)

Alia Syaza :) said...

hahaa. comel jea, lain dari yg kak maria yg selalu hehe!

nasha sanza said...

suka la tutorial akak...cantik!

mayadebee said...

u r so maria elena..! <3 it!

CUTE ^ VAMP said...

So sweet lorhh...i like the way u make the tutorial...its so awesome and hey..u look gorgeous ..(^^,)

Aqilah Azmi said...

I love the gedik part.


HIHIHI LOL <3 Love you kak Maria n_n

Unknown said...

cute sgt video ni..sempoii..haha

MucangKelly said...

ko ni lawak la akak suker..ilang ketensionan akak ni ha biler baca blog ngko ni ha..keep up the gud works..ceewaahh..hehehe

Natasha Yusof said...

Ena!!! I donno how I stumbled across this video and your blog. My god I gelak kuat gile dekat office (oops kantoi surfing youtube in the office :P)

anyway it was nice bumping into you at Mukha the other day. it's been ages!!!!
