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Saturday, August 20, 2011

tentang hijab

so far my first year of being a 'hijaber' had been an amazing experience. an eye-opener.

i remember how the first few days of wearing tudung, i didn't know how to belit the selendangs so that it doesn't move. i remember the struggle and the long process of trying to belit my shawls nicely. it was a challenge even, to make my friends treat me indifferently from before. of course, i understand some of them feel they can't talk about certain subjects with me anymore because of my 'new appearance'.

the thing is, i am still the same person.
maybe i have changed, i don't know. but whatever it is, i only pray the changes are for the better.

anyway, after asyik fail je pakai tudung belit even while watching tutorials on youtube, i've decided to just wear it as comfortably as i can, ignoring the trend then. soon after that, i made that video tutorial.

but i realised after how i was 'bashed' in youtube and my blog, i did not cover my aurat properly.
some comments hurt me to the core and made me depressed too for a while because i couldn't understand ; i pakai tudung ni, lagi ramai nak condemn condemn. bila i free hair bukan main orang suka dress i la, suka rambut la, etc etc. aurat yang i dulu suka nak tunjuk, takde lak orang marah. skang dah tutup, ramai lak nak comment. aneh kan?

that did not stop me from making videos though and after several videos, i admit, i terhanyut. i was noob then. i was overwhelmed with the attention i got from my videos that i got over my head. lagi lagi after the scarflets. we got called for photoshoots, we received invitations to events, and all that jazz. in the beginning, it was very exciting. but alas, it's very misleading..

at one point, dato' gave me a 'reality check'. he made me think, and he made me realise how i've strayed from my intention.
to be closer to Allah SWT.
so i'm taking myself into that direction again. however, some damages has been done.

i notice more and more hijabers are into photoshoots. i notice that photographers have 'muslimah photoshoot' or sewaktu dengannya. i realise there are contests in facebook yang the grand prize mesti ada 'photoshoot'. and then, the participants mesti ada yang gambar memang dari photoshoot ngan photographer mana entah siap watermark kat picture tu kan. and i notice some proudly call themselves 'model muslimah'.

kalau nak ikutkan definition 'muslimah', it means a muslim woman. regardless of the person being a hijaber or not, a muslim woman is a muslim woman.
but for some reason, in this generation, muslimah immediately means a hijaber. aneh.

i myself am a woman, so i know and completely understand the need to look good as a hijaber (especially) because dressing up and being covered from head to toe is not as easy as those who choose not to be covered. so it's like a challenge kan.
don't have to be in denial la..
everyone have that "i nak nampak lawa" moments. even guys (hehee!). so when i said "some damages has been done", i meant that, in one way or another, i had probably encouraged hijabers to think fashion and photoshoots are.. good..

i used to make statements like "who says muslim women can't dress up? who says women with hijab can't model?".
now i feel like slapping myself, because it should be "i wear the hijab, i cover myself up, because i am a muslim". i should respect the hijab for what it represents and not make it seem like its just a cloth on my head like an accessory.
the purpose of hijab is to cover our aurat and wearing it makes it obvious to everyone that we are muslim whereas dressing up, wearing make up, looking pretty basically is only for our self-satisfaction.

and in my opinion, it's not wrong to want to look good. not at all.
it's not wrong to like photoshoots or whatever self-vanity related activities.

fashion is fun to follow too, i get it, but it's making us lose focus.
for example, we go online and we look at lookbook to know what's the latest trends. we get inspired, we hurriedly head on to a shopping mall or blogshop and hang around looking for that piece of clothing we pictured. then we spend money. sometimes distracted punya pasal, solat tak khusyuk. sometimes nak sangat baju tu, sampai solat pun tinggal. the same goes to modelling.

fashion becomes an obsession. modelling becomes a passion.
beautification becomes a necessity.

muka bogel takde eyeliner pun dah rasa resah. dapat gambar photoshoot, rasa bangga sampai upload merata-rata (blog, tumblr, facebook, twitter, etc) expecting people to tell you how good you're looking. parallel to that, jadi riak, and riak is salah satu attributes yang Allah SWT hina.
*slaps myself real hard*

how la like that?

what will happen if the younger generations who wears the hijab terjebak with all this craze and influenced by it, thinking that looking good, being fashionable and photoshoots are more important than learning/improving? how about when they start to crave for fame?
i worry that they will spend more energy on being beautiful and getting noticed, hence become more materialistic and self-obsessed than they should be, forgetting the fact that whatever were given naturally, are blessings from Allah SWT.

then what's the reason of wearing the hijab? what happened to 'modesty'?

nak cantik, boleh. nak fashionable, boleh. nak buat pape pun, boleh.
tapi dalam Islam, it's best to keep everything in moderation.

i apologise deeply if ever i made you think that hijab is a fashion statement..
it's not.
it's a religious statement.

if i can go back to the past, i would give my noob self a good flying kick!

and i apologise if in this post, i offended anyone. it's not my intention to attack anyone (directly or indirectly) but it is mine to share my observations and experiences.

and here's a friendly reminder:

Surah Al-Imran


ps: i hope i made sense throughout this post.. coz i'm writing without planning. straight from the heart la camtu. sedih dengan diri sendiri and sedih dengan apa dah jadi ngan dunia hijab. and again i'm sorry.

pps: those of you who questions my niat, siap nak i prove myself ("actions speaks louder than words" etc etc), know that i don't have any obligation nor intention to prove anything to anyone. i only want to change for Allah SWT to see, for He is All Seer and we, i'm afraid, are not. please don't judge me from what i've written. thank you for your support/encouragement! ='D


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faqihahhusni said...

Nice entry. Suka entry ini. Sabar jelah.

syahirahmohamad said...

kita semua belajar dari kesilapan kan. so, depends pada orang. chill okay!

.apie. said...


amirah said...

its nice :)

Mirashada said...

yerp, i can see it's straight from your heart. it's nice kak Maria. (:

AzreenAziz said...

good kak maria. I think it's definitely true when u said about photoshoot and all that related. lari dah niat pakai tdg tu.

however, it's such a nice post indeed. :)

Nurul said...

very well written! alhamdulillah

JEira Sudarmuji said...

very nice...

izzah zubir said...

there's always room for improvement.jalan menuju pintu Allah itu luas kak maria..hehe.

nice entry. moga jadi peringatan untuk we girls.the real reason why wear hijab. *wink,

Mel said...

setuju. semua yang kita buat bersandarkan pada niat.

nice entry btw! menusuk qalbu. hehe

InaAchik said...

entry ini dibaca dikala diri mula menilik kekurangan diri... thank you maria...

Nisa said...

kak maria ! this entry was so nice..u know people all actually know about the fact of they wearing hijab but actually not wearing it properly but then they just ignore it and come out with that fashion statement..i love how u write this entry..May Allah bless :)

NinaAz said...

Barakallah Maria..the first time i meet you..i like who you are.. Nak berkawan, tapi segan... ingat lagi dalam kuliah time lecture fizik, suka hati you bukak cermin, then pakai lipstik bagai..dah la you duduk kat tengah, semua orang fokus kat you.. i pun sama..hahaha... semoga kehidupan MARIA ELENA diberkati hendaknya... Syukurlah.. DIA berikan awak hidayah agar tidak terus hanyut di dunia yang sementara ini... semoga hidayah itu milik kita semua..AMIN~

lady in braces said...

my dear sissy maria :) it is a nice entry, i can see u r sincerwly write it, no offense , i was a kinda like u before, its just ften tak obvious lah, mcm sis maria and others, which meean by attending photoshoot bagai, but can denied, bila dulu blogwalking seeing you girls, wearing all those fashion stuff, u , noe, am kinda like whoaaa O.o must be like ;em. but in the end, all of the satisfaction, remain temporarily,we di wear hijab fo cover up ourself dari pndngn yg tak sptutnya bukn, and am on my may to the real path balik, kadang3 , bila membe3 lelaki tnya, was it all of those girl or fashionista menganggap hijab itu aksesori? bila dorg tnya, pakai tudung utk ttp aurat or nak perhatian, i was so like, ok terdiam and tak tahu nak jawb ape, cuz, as u said , hanyut, yes i do experienced that,dulu, hailaaa, but sis maria, no one is perfect, sis tahu akan apa betul salah dan ingin memperbaiki diri itu adalah lebih baik dari tahu banyak tapi berkeras untuk kekal di takuk lama, goode luck sis :) <3 ya.

Mek Onie said...

waaaaaa, i like this entry, dari hati seorang perempuan... :D

Jayfarina is i am :) said...

Alhamdullillah Maria, read this thrice.Meaningful thought, what ever that came out sincerely are felt by others, and i believe what u have posted are for the betterment of all Islam Muslimah. Alhamdullillah again, and Allah knows best, to him we shall return all the blessings. The good is from Allah and those bad deed is from us. Seek to repell, insyallah youll be fine.Take care dear.

SHILZ said...

such an aye-opener entry.Thank u.T__T

mummy khadijah said...

very well said.. alhamdulillah.. may Allah gv us hidayah n please never take it back

Azurah Abd.Aziz said...

Salam Maria,

Saya mendoakan Maria akan berhijab mengikut sunnah. Ye..bukan senang tetapi InsyaAllah dgn berhijab secara proper orang akan lebih menghormati kita sebagai muslimah...

P/S : posting yang ini macam rasa mahu peluk Maria..saya gembira. Alhamdulillah.

Adahunny said...

However Maria, u still got one good point. Look, there are more and more muslim women started to wear hijab after the scarflets. Maybe their niat mungkin lari at first. Yeah wanna be kinda such a fashionista just like all of ya...but still..they covered their aurat kan..I mean from terdedah n covered..its a good movement they made. And if u r on of the reason..u pun dpt saham jugak insyaAllah..don't be too down about this.whatever it is..ill support u to the end!!


awesome. may ALLAH bless. keep up kak Maria :D

zuradaa said...

I've alwayz been a silent reader of ur blog,and i read it coz i enjoy ur fun n quirky writing, with very lil interest on the fashion n photoshoot thingy... But this post is by far the best post so far, and i think u've earned ur respect as a true mukminah instead of just a muslimah... Bravo Maria ! u managed to touch my heart thru this post.. tabik spring :)

fatihah azemi said...

indirectly me slapping myself too after reading ur post..

manusia xsempurna..they'll do mistakes all along their journey in this world..and the best person is the one that really can admit he or she did wrong and change..i admire u la kak maria :)

God bless u.

Takamine Iswadi said...


Well Maria this is good because it come straight away from your heart.

Being a woman is so special in Islam.

Islam value you guys very much,you woman are where we guys came from (birth) and when we die,our name will be "bin" or "binti" with our mother name,as for me how Allah appreciate woman and their sacrifices in life.

Woman are the most person who get into An-narr due to the fact you easily commit sin,here I doesn't mean a guy don't commit sin but woman most of them.

wearing hijab as you said and as mentioned in the qur'an is to cover your awrah not only your hair.

but what happen,nowadays many of them think it just to cover their hair,and they fail to cover other part such as their breast and etc.

you wear hijab to make your self less attracted to others attention cause it may cause harm.

as what I know, when a guys fall in love when he see a women at the first sight,the sin also goes to the woman because attract the guy physically.

see how easily and a prophet said,those woman who wear to much of fragrance are like such prostitute because they attract people.

see for woman please don't display so much about you to others as you are not for display only,islam value you more than that.

display that only for your husband in the name of Allah.

but for you maria,it never to late to change,because Allah will always forgive you until you die.

but do not wait,since we do not know when kan,so may He bless you and all of us.

for women,when you wear hijab you dah kena start to jaga behind the hijab tuh,which is you as a muslim as a servant of Allah

all the best

this is just my opinion and apologies if it offend any one of you.


Anonymous said...

Semua orang buat silap sis. Sama samalah kita berdoa semoga berada dijalan yang lurus. :)

FareHa Ainuddin said...

Salam Maria. I also was thinking about this before.. Most likely a same problem. Saya dengan kawan pernah bincang.. Kita muda-muda nie slalu nak keluar rumah and tgk cermin.. aku cantik da nie.. bila kita cantik kita rasa confident but that are totally wrong. sebab rasa cantik tue pun boleh menjebakkan kita kedalam riak dan bangga diri.. Wallahualam..

liyana said...

:) Salam kak Maria , thanks :) , i'm agreed with your entry .. nowadays many people wear hijab for trends and fashion not because of in the sake of Allah and i'm the one :( .. tapi macam yang kita semua tahu sebagai muslim , Allah sangat menyayangi orang yang menyesali kesalahannya .. saya juga mahu perbaiki diri saya .. semoga kita semua kembali kepada jalan yang benar .. InsyaAllah :)

*Mawar Nafastari* said...



suraya asyikin said...

for the first time, after all the entries that u have made, this entry make my heart move,it is a good opinion of yours,n i think this is really a good one..n u realize that,fashion is still a fashion kn? but wearing hijab is not a fashion..alhamdulillah, hope that u can wear hijab properly, u r beautiful, whatever u wear, u still beautiful..i always pray for u

MIMIAZMIDA :] said...

relaks kak maria. we understand your condition now. and we are not pointing you at all. just relaks. and thanks for this entry. iloveyou! :)

LJ Nurhadi Zainol said...

it's not how you start it's how you end it.

we human are not perfect. sentiasa lupa dan alpa dengan kemewahan dunia yang Allah kurniakan tetapi kita tidak sedar bahawa kemewahan itu juga ujian buat mereka yang beriman dan hendak beriman.

memang lumrah manusia untuk buat silap tetapi yang penting kita sedar daripada kesilapan itu dan cuba untuk menjadi lebih baik.

never give up. if you're intention is to be close to god insyaAllah slowly you will. keep on praying. Allah itu maha pemurah lagi maha pengampun.

i wish you all the best and i hope this video will help you better (if dah tengok its okay) =)

Siddiq Mahyildin said...


Fara said...

i really really really like this entry.. i agree with u darling..

Sue Anna Joe said...

Beautifully written. Rasa nak peluk lelama sambil nangis reading this. Definitely what I have been feeling myself.

laila enzai said...

astaghfirullah, saya pon mula tersentak/muhasabah diri bile baca entry ni. terima kasih maria. i'll keep it in mind : "i wear the hijab, i cover myself up, because i am a muslim". insya allah :)

nad said...

couldnt agree more.well written, indeed ;)

cikyin said...

Alhamdulillah ^^. Semakin Allah sayang kita, semakin kuat ujian Dia bagi. Insyaallah, kita semua kekal di lorong yang betul. Pokok pangkalnya, niat Lillahitaa'la. We love u, maria.

Athirah Ahmad said...

barakallah kak maria. (^^)

double thumbs up for this post and you. =)
niatkan hati kerana mencari redha Allah, insyaAllah, Allah akan membalas segala kbaikan yg kita buat wpun kbaikan tu kecik je. =)

May Allah bless you, kak maria. =)

farhan said...

the best post.... by far.... word of advice... ur picture(not wearing hijjab) from the previous post.. still can be access by many.. including guys... so... i think u should do a little bit clean up in ur blog... sebab setiap kali orang yang tak sepatut nye lihat... u will earn a sin per view even after u no longer alive.. so take this chance to remove it.. or.. just unpublished the post...

eightDesigns said...

hi Maria,

kak sue kat sini :) it's good to read something like this Maria, especially when you are writing from your heart. being fashionable and want to look good, for self satisfaction. but posting many photos on facebook to seek for attention is so riak. social media really has changed the way people live. the way we interact, the way we treat people, and the way we represent ourselves. knowing and understanding the real reason for wearing hijab & jaga aurat is the only way to take care of ourselves. people always criticize. dulu maria freehair takde sapa tegur. now bila dah pakai tudung, banyak pula complain kan. same thing with the issue of sanggul tinggi few months ago kan. it's ok dear, take that criticism as an opportunity for you to improve. we always support you.

ilan nur said...

Alhamdulillah. We are learning each and everyday. Baguslah dah fikir macam tu. Perlu bersederhana. Semua poin-poin di atas ada benarnya, especially maria kan famous dan boleh jadi trendsetter, everyone look up to you, jadi bilanya ada entri macam ni, kurang-kurang ada yang sedar. Berhati-hatilah dengan apa yang kita kongsi dan katakan, sebab takut mudaratkan diri kita di alam sana. Apapun, moga sesiapa yang berhijrah ke arah lebih baik ni istiqamah. Mujahadah itu pahit kerana syurga itu manis. :)

super-1 said...

sebenarnya aku nak mention benda ni dah lama. but i dun know hot to put it into words. bagus sebenarnya geng-geng ko ni antara pencetus fenomena hijab ni. di mana korg berjaya menarik ramai gadis di luar sana untuk kembali memakai hijab dengan fesyen2 hijab tekini korang tu. tapi macam ko nak tunjuk dalam entry ni, apa sebab sebenarnya diorang pakai tudung? lebih kepada fesyen ke memang betul nak menutup aurat? so aku rasa ramai jugak yang sedikit terpesong ke arah berfesyen ni. masuk fotoshoot sana sini yang menayang kecantikan wajah dan dress up. semestinya itu tidak dituntut dalam Islam. yang paling kita khuatiri adalah apabila hijab ini sudah tidak menjadi fesyen mahupun trend, mereka berkemungkinan ingin membuka semula hijab mereka kerana dikatakan ketinggalan zaman, tidak up to date. namun, i'm glad kau ada kesedaran sebegini dan aku harap ko boleh sebarkan entry ko ni. it is very nice. indeed.

aku nak tabik spring kat ko. =)

finn asri said...

erm...yes kak maria...this entry really touch my heart....i have been following your blog since last 3 years, and attracted to your hijab style and fashion, but then when i realize about my main attention of wearing hijab,i stop blogwalking too much at all the fashionista blogs..but,still i always scroll your blog and look at you, and how beautiful you glad that you know your intention of wearing hijab now...and you inspired people to wear hijab too, and the most important thing, you have the courage to write this entry admitting your too, i made a lot of mistakes before.but, people made mistake right? hope this ramadhan will bring the 'barakah' to all of us..salam ramadhan (:

saye niza said...

maria elena tak pelik dah hehe

Double A's said...

best entry of all!
congrats sis maria, u hve finally realized.
lots of love from us :)

Ratu Tak Cantik said...

saya......rasa...tersentuh dan bangga.. :') bersyukur yang kak maria adalah antara orang-orang yang Allah bukakan mata untuk berfikir dan kembali sedar sebelum terus hanyut :)tak,bukan maksud saya yang kak maria dah hanyut sebelum ni, tapi apa yang kak maria buat memang ada influenced others, you're an icon, cuma tu lah, mungkin mereka yang tersalah faham atau kak maria yang tersalah intention.. Tapi apa-apa pun syukur snagat2, sis sedar yang sis sekrang sedang mengejar berkat Nya jadi semoga usaha mengejar tu ditersukan!! Saya suka post ni, inspired and honest..its a reminder to me too..tq! besar pahal mereka yang berpesan-pesan dan mengingtakan, apatah lagi menyedarkan :)
semoga kak maria sentiasa mendapat berkat Nya dan terus

SnAfiah said...

yess kak maria. you are so true!
i love photoshoot, but my parents doesn't allowed me to involve that kind of event.
it's too sad, but somehow, it is actually for me too:)
i'm started to think what you said and try to relate to this:)

Kancilbiru said...

Semalam baru diskas ttg topik dgn my friend. Reality nya mmg skrg ni ramai sangat wanita pakai tudung kerana fesyen bukan kerana tuntutan agama. Ramai dah belit2 dan photoshoot untuk show off dan dapatkan pujian.

Kalau kita hayati keindahan menutup aurat, baru kita sedar bahawa semua tu hanya keseronokan sementara.wallahualam. Proud of you. :)

This comment has been removed by the author.

Best in the world kak Maghiaaaaaa
I'M touched! sobss. semoga kita berjaya berubah untuk kebaikan yang lebih baik. Amin :

Atiqah Wadiah said...

nice sis..sama2 lah kita renung2 kan y we're wearing hijab..mekaseh jugak kerna tlh m'buka mata sy :)

Anonymous said...

I like u and ur style. Saya pun pernah terhanyut except for the fashion tu saya tak pakai shawls sangat except with my family. sebab saya memang suka pakai tudung style biasa. Bila saya baca ctataan saya rasa anda sangat bertuah sebab anda dibukakan hati untuk merasa.A true frens macam kakak saya cakap ialah orang yg mbetulkan kata-kata kamu (perbuatan) bukan cuma membenarkan segalanya . tapi ada satu persoalan yang kak Maria kena jawab iaitu : apa yang saya harus buat untuk betulkan setakat yag saya mampu dan apakah perubahan yang harus saya lakukan. because in the end action speaks louder than words but ur words from ur heart and it reaches. People may say that kak Maria that is beautiful post , memuji kak with this post tapi adakah itu kebenaran yang dicari?

syahassan said...

very3x good entry!
u really make me touching..
kalo dilihat mmg rmai yg b'tdg disbbkn trend skunk neh ialah trend wearing hijab.. so kat situ dah lari drpd tujuan sbnr berhijab.. kita b'hijab kerana Allah.. bukan utk b'fesyen smata2.. xslh kalo nk berfesnyen.. aslkan niat kita kerana Allah S.W.T.

alhamdulillah.. now.. u realized it sis.. :))

Aneesah said...

SubhanAllah walhamdulillah. :) Mabruk Maria for this entry and what lead to you writing it. I sincerely hope it would bring many others closer to Allah, just through simple writing from the heart. May Allah reward you and others abundantly especially in these final days of Ramadhan.

I recall one snippet of a video [] I watched, about umat Islam akhir zaman, in general. One bit said, "Dunia hanya tempat persinggahan. Biarlah bukan ratu fesyen di sini. Kita pakai cantik-cantik di akhirat sana, k?"


Wxni said...

i'm glad i read this :') so that i realize the reason i'm gonna start wearing hijjab .

Miszcahye said...

Salam kak maria

sgt setuju dgn apa yg ditulis

bersederhanalah :)

the tea drinker said...

A well written post I can say, indeed it's the best post from you(for me).
at one point, fashionista or the scarflets attracted many girls to wear tudung. which is very good.
but this is what I have been thinking over before (good that you write this post). Wearing scarf/cover aurat is a MUST in Islam,bukan sekadar berfesyen,not to get attention from society by the weird-nice-style tudung. But the tudung scene now is totally diff. Many girls out there(include me) tend to wear attractive style of tudung which sometimes do not cover the aurat properly. I think this is just because of ramai yang dah pakai tudung dengan style belit-belit ni semua, and the individual is trying to make herself looks extraordinary from all the other scarflets. jadi secara tak langsung niat dia dah lain.
This is totally no offend,about the scarflets. Not the group itself, but the fans. this is based on my personal experience lah. Sebab ramai sangat bila keluar je nak pakai tudung belit-belit nak tiru scarflets' girls(padahal diorang sangat tak sesuai pakai mcm tu,I mean they don't really look good in that like the scarflets do) so I decided to wear normal tudung bawal. While I was walking with my rin rin(bf) I terserempak dengan a group of scarflets-wanna be. and they way they look at me macam "hey kau ni pakai tudung bawal je takda class langsung, tengok kitorg sangat stylo milo, see you are 10 years ago dengan tudung bawal and your jeans and your flip flop" . They didn't say it out loud, but its a kind of thing yang you boleh nampak from their eyes.
Btw, a very nice awesome blogpost this time.

Aifaa R. said...

it's a reality check for me too. thanks maria :)

Yuyu said...

Maria,when you said hijab is not a fashion statement but it's a religious statement,buat I pikir balik..

bahawa selama ni I pakai hijab untuk apa..

Nice entry!

Aida Arisya said...

nampak keikhlasan u dlm entry ni..thnks for sharing...alhamdulillah..u bertuah krna di pilih Allah tuk diberi hidayah tuk berhijab..i doakan moga u terus istiqamah....mmg bnyk dugaan & cabaran bila kita nk berubah ke arah kebaikan..jdkn ia sebagai satu smgt tuk menjadikan kita sesempurna insan...jdkn kesilapan lps sbgi pengajaran..kitax sempurna..mesti ada salah & silap..saya yg bhijab dr usia 6 tahun ni pun x pnh lari dr insyaallah akan terus berusaha merubah diri kita ke arah yg lbh baik..moga Allah terus berikan hidayah kpd kita semua..insyaallah

juliet said...

this is what im waiting fe you to write . this is thoughts that ive been wondering if u ever think of as it always stroke my mind, what is it that this scarflet/hijaber/ and so forth want to prove ? being fashionable in that decent piece of thread by neglecting those ALLAH law's and rules?

jazakallah kak maria. dont be afraid in saying truth. we woman need it

alfsfr.ali said...

very well explained. hijab is for islam, not for fashion..

P/S: i'm not ur blog's fan previously but now, yes i am.

keep writing something that make people think twice on what they are doing now. even it is simple:)

Max's bubble said...

The best post ! :')

alquran-Annur : 31

alhamdulillah ya ukhti :))

ground said...

Askm...nice artikel...i shah..boleh berkenalan ngan Cik Elena tak?

ismishahril said...

ya akak bota! good luck! hopefully u jumpa apa yang u nak! =D

-fellow botarians-

miss senyum said...

salam kak maria, nice entry! bt sesuatu krn Allah and you get the meaning what u have done for now :) may Allah bless

Unknown said...

salam maria...

selama ni leen jd silent reader je. bila maria buka topic begini, mmg attract leen utk drop komen. bukan selalu kita dpt menulis yg betul2 dtg dari hati kecuali Allah beri ilham, kan?

leen mengerti apa yg telah maria lalui. biasalah, bila kita cuba merubah diri kita, ujian mmg akan tetap dtg. Allah mahu uji, mahu tgk sejauh mana kita betul2 nak berubah. zaman nabi dulu, Islam itu sesuatu yg asing. now, ia sudah pun kembali asing.

leen juga bukan asalnya org yg konsisten dlm hijab. alhamdulillah. sebenarnya semua kejahilan itu disebabkan diri kita sendiri yg tak mahu menuntut ilmu agama sebenarnya. Islam dah siapkan semua garis panduan, tinggal ikut je. tp kita manusia biasa..

apa2 pun, this really a nice entry. leen rasa, maria dah counter balik if ada yg berniat pakai tudung utk jd fashionista. lepas sudah 'saham' maria utk mereka. leen pun pernah bercerita soal yg lebih kurang sama dalam hal ni.. jemputlah tgk ya..

kita manusia mmg tak lepas dari lalai dan alpa, tp Allah maha pengampun.. rahmat Allah sungguh luas. syabas maria! :)

Kgibs said...

the most entry i like ever...

ask me said...

my beautiful,Maria.

this is the story about Wardina Saffiyah. do watch ok.

eventhough saya ni seorang lelaki, tetapi sangat terharu dan inspiring dari cerita ini.

here the youtube-link


zey said...

betul tu maria...i agree sangat dgn entri u nih.

kita pakai hijab pon one of the cara kita berdakwah. Tak payah nak tunjuk satu dunia kan.

mana taw kalau one day kita pergi pasar, then ada mak cik admire ngn cara kita bertudung, cara kita bawa diri. lepas tuh mak cik tuh pakai tudung. Bukan sebab kita, tapi kita sebagai pemangkin.

papepon, be moderest!

Nuwairani said...

assalamualaikum's not easy to change and to be a better person... setiap orang ada masa lampau sendiri. yang penting skrg kita cuba juga untuk menjadi yang lebih baik drp masa lampau dulu. past is past. setiap perubahan mesti ada ujian...keep it up, okay! just dun give up!

Shahada Fauzi said...

bila ada rasa keinsafan dan tersedar dengan kesilapan sendiri itu tandanya iman dalam diri bertambah baik demi hari ke hari..

good to hear that..manusia memang belajar dari kesilapan..

.miradila. said...

the best entry from sis maria!!!!i can tell it was a sincere're in the right path..InsyaAllah..

pakNgah Teh said...

It's good to hear this!

Moga kita sama2 berubah ke arah yang lebih baik.

Salam Ramadhan- silent reader before this :D

Anna-Maria said...

Oh, I like you even more now after this post! And what i believe in is that Allah loves the one who "sins" and regret their actions.. We are not Islam nor will never be - we are muslims. Unperfect individuals, always learning.
I'm very thankfull for your open hearted post, because it is hard to be a muslimah and it is hard to admit ones fault - maybe even harder on internet.. :D

You should be proud of yourself!
Insha'Allah your second hijab-year will be this reflectfull. :)

Ps: I also think your hijabvideos has inspired a lot of ladies to have the courage to wear the hijab, alhamdulillah!

aeinaa said...

good entry..i've so much from ur blog..n this one..puff..touch my hearts very damn much...:)

haniqasakura said...

nice entry maria elena :)

kesalahan/kegagalan adalah cikgu terbaik dalam hidup kita. utk kita berubah menjadi yang lebih baik dr dlu. ^^

entry nie pun buat sy sendiri tersedar dan fikir blk nawaitu sy bertudung dan berpakaian..heheh.

MerLe said...

tape..bljr dr ksilapn.. yg pnting, kita berusaha ke arah yg lebih baik..

hanabanana said...

yeap. u r right maria. the photoshoots, scarflets, modelling etc makes other girls out there crave for that kind of attention. it shouldnt be like that kan.. :(

SG said...

I am a silent reader.This is my 1st time comment at your blog because.....the best entry ever from you! I feel you.


luvieda said...

dear maria...
I noe definitely what u had felt... but forgive me if i'd said sumthing yg bole sakit kan hati u..

1stly, i think dat what u said in this entry is da best coming from u...i'm ur fan, but not fanatically...i'm just a silent reader. ttp stiap manusia its not perfect...every human will make a mistakes coz kita hamba-Nya yg, with the taubat only we can seek His forgiveness and kesedaran yg dtg dr u, dan usaha utk mmperbetulkan keadaan itu juga slah 1 cara utk memohon keampunan dari-Nya. Tahniah...kebenaran itu menyakitkan..

Ok now, ape2 pun yg kita buat mstilah berdasarkan AL-QURAN dan AS-SUNNAH. Maafkan saya jika mnyakitkan hati sesiapa. Tetapi modelling eventhough we cover ourself from up to toe, islam is not encourage it. it's like we show tu other non-muhrim all our bodies. even penceramah wanita juga tidak dgalakkan kerana suara itu juga aurat wanita. bukan tidak bole beri ceramah, ttp audience itu perlu la dtg nye dr kaum yg sma atau pun muhrim kita. So, if suara itu aurat yg perlu dijaga, jd ape pndangan u dgn mnunjukkan tubuh kita kepada non-muhrim.

Maafkan sy jika sy tersalah cakap, sebaik-baik nya yg cantik itu kita ttup dan tidak dpertontonkan agar tidak mmpesonakan sesiapa kecuali suami kita. i'm also not perfect. i'm alsa made a mistakes. So, niat sy hanya utk mengingati diri saya sendiri dan kaum sy. Islam itu indah, jd cuba hayati nya dgn lebih mendalam.

Lastly, sy mnta maaf lg sekali kepada semua especially u maria, jika sy sudah t'slah ckp dan mnyakitkan hati sesiapa. Assalammualaikum dan slamat berpuasa.

ekincikyn said...

berhijab itu adalah tuntutan agama. bukan tuntutan fesyen atau menunjuk semata-mata.kadang2 kita salah pengertian. hmmmm. thanks maria!

reminder to myself :(

FatinSuri said...

bertuah kak maria to have that kind of sweet guardian.(: yelah,nowadays berapa ramai sgt kn man yg suke tengok diorg punye someone special terbalut sana-sini.1 dalam sejuta. and he even notice any changes about kak maria. (; about modelling tu, about that scarflets,it looks like mcm ade satu level pulak wheres, in Islam semuanya sama rata.And as a teenager i admit yg mmmg penah intention utk jd mcm tu.

Then my close fren cakap, 'u are so precious syg. Even u doensnt need to modelling or those stuff,i still have 'this' heart for u. So,whats the matter huh? u cover ur aurah in the name of Allah,to avoid harms and as ur oride. But kalau smpai u betul2 display diri,for what more u nak berhijab?' And it really make sense.

Apepn,kak maria,sy yakin InsyaAllah kakak boleh menjadi seorg muslim yg baik suatu hari nanti (; Amin, InsyaAllah. Terima kasih kerana menambahkan kesedaran saya (;

Syamin Amira said...

Yes, agree dengan org lain. This is the best entry ever. I love dis piece :)

Hudalatip said...

yeah, me too a silent reader..truely this is a nice entry..Semua manusia berhak diberi peluang dan masing-masing berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri ke arah yang lebih baik, iallah..

Miera Aziz said...

Tulis pakai hati :)
Well done Maria.

Nice entry. Insya Allah kita semua akan sentiasa berubah ke arah yang lebih baik :)

Anonymous said...

well said indeed! :)

hidayahrodhi said...


Please watch this movie : The Joneses.

Amaran : cerita ni bukan pasal cara2 family jones ajar cara nak pakai tudunglah.But really good movie :)

- Nanad - said...

Salam, this is your best post. Hijab is not a trend. because trends changing, hijab's not. Semua manusia buat silap, to realize it means Allah masih sayang kita. Tak jatuh lagi ke istidraj which means "diberi kepada mereka nikmat dan dihilangkan kepada mereka erti kesyukuran". Now that you're covering up head to toe, bersyukur. Now that Allah buat you realize your mistakes, bersyukur. Love this post a lot, and I'll pray things will be better for you and for all of us. May us become a better muslimah. Utamakan pandangan Allah dari pandangan manusia. Don't care about what people say about your hijab, it doesn't have to be fashionable. As long as you cover it right. you're born alone, you'll die alone, in the grave alone and will be judged alone. So ignore destructive comments, be optimist :)

Anonymous said...

i have noticed this for a long time ago but didnt have any courage to do so, i meant this, like what you did, exposing the bad thngs behind this niat of wearing the hijab. thanks kak maria for the very nice entry. love ya!

dania said...

dear maria..
first of all it was a great entry of u...i pon br je "berhijab" and wat make me wanna wear hijab bcoz i said to my self " u knw the do's and the don'ts"...ap yg sepatutnya u lakukan sebagai seorg wanita yg beragama islam. when it comes to aurat for me BACK TO THE BASIC..kita tahu bhagian mana yg patut di tutup, bhg mana yg di bolehkan untuk dilihat rite? ok..
berselendang zaman kini it;s a trend,tp ADAKAH IA SEPERTI YG DITUNTUT OLEH ISLAM?? i do make some "research" and asking the elders..bhagian yg diboleh untuk diperlihatkan adlah muka dan tapak tgn..ya..i knw..ok pakai selendang tp pendek,nmpak bentuk boobs----> BOLEH KE? same goes to u wear a tight(legging) 0r skinny jeans, or event a ordinary jeans it still shows BENTUK BADAN ANDA...jika dah berpakaian begitu, cantik ke?? cantik pd mereka yg x tahu ap sebenarnya yg dituntut oleh AGAMA kita wht is the purpose u wear hujab? u wanna b trendy? mcm gadis2 d luar sana? for me itu suma xperlu sayang..biarlah kita cantik di mata ALLAH.kta ikut ap yg diwajibkan untuk kita..jgnlah nk ikut era sngt smpai cara pemakaian tudung di update ntah jd ap2 ntah..u knw wht i mean rite? this is wht i feel and it comes form my trully sorry if this hurt u,i just wanna share....with love~

xera VORMON said...

Alhamdulillah :)

Nurul Aziz said...

Beautifully written =')

May Allah be with you always kak Maria.

nadia azwani said...

salam sis :) very well said sis :)alhamdulillah, may all ur good intended will remain forever :) u know what, i like ur way very much n i love reading ur blog, or even i enjoy it ! keep it up sis ! hope to know u or more specific, meet u bfore i get back to my college in Indonesia :) n hope to hear from u soon :)

Farahiyah Jasmi said...

alhamdulillah. this is a very heart moving post. u know what maria, u got the ability to inspire n influence people, in a good way. look at how many girls out there started wearing hijab after u emerged out of nowhere. but yeah, as u said, fashion can be dangerous without moderation. i hope that u continue inspire us girls, but stay true to yourself. ur pretty enough in ur own way. :')

lynnlola said...

salam. kak maria. i feel so touched by this entry. tanx for the reminder. and insyaAllah u and i can improve ourselves better.

all the best sis maria. i'll pray for u. congratz sebab Allah da bukakkan ati akak tok bertudung. :)

Anonymous said...

thank you. this is really a good post. it's like a good wake up call for me too n_n

Melin Fork said...

learn from mistakes..
same here..

safiyyah said...

Salam maria,

I started following ur blog since I watched ur video on youtube. Then I read ur old posts, as a silent reader. Baru saya tahu awak dulu free hair. Saya respect awak semakin berubah ke arah yang baik. Alhamdulillah for that.

But then saya juga nampak, The Scarflet and everything, how people get so excited about photoshoot. I was a bit sad then, sebab saya memang tak suka trend yang begini. Seolah-olah photoshoot yang berposing bagai di hadapan lelaki (cameraman) dan juga yang menatapnya itu sudah jadi halal, sebab sudah bertudung. And yeah, saya akui The Scarflet banyak mempengaruhi readers untuk jadi begitu jugak. Pengaruh orang popular memang besar.

Saya tak nak hentam. Sebab manusia ni background dia berbeza. Maybe dia tak faham. Jadi saya hanya memberontak dalam hati. Dan saya berdoa untuk Maria, supaya berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Sebab.. entahlah.. sebab dalam hati saya kata awak nak berubah, tapi banyak awak tak tahu, dan banyak awak perlu belajar.

This post has brought me to tears. Alhamdulillah, bila Allah bagi kesedaran, maksudnya Allah sayang. Moga awak terus istiqamah untuk berubah.

penyisir rambut said...

google translate pliz..
huhu..fhm sket2 je..
sbb tak bape bce sgt...neway,,
biar lah ape yg kita wat tu niat nya betul..
mencari keredhaan Tuhan...

Anonymous said...

awesome!its inspires me.

Nina Ali said...

thanks for this wake up call post.

i always am a firm believer that whatever that is written from the heart will inevitably go to other people's hearts.

much admiration. :)


Paradise Gal said...

wahh.. bnyk nye comments. kerie da berpendapat sebegini lame da. nak jadi fashionable bole. tapi jgn smpi buat bnda yang dilarang Allah. ade yang sampai mengubah ciptaan Allah. Itu kufur name nye.

yatie chomeyl said...

for the 1st time ever after u berhijab, I can say I'm proud with u. proud bukan sbb nak u riak tp proud sbb u berani akui kesilapan diri sendiri dan ajak org lain berubah ke arah kebaikan.

hoping that other fashinoista hijab bloggers like u will spread the same reminder to themselves and to other thousands followers in their blog..Insya Allah.

Semoga Allah beri hidayah kepada kita smeua dan tidak membolak balikkan hati kita selepas di beri petunjuk.Ameen.

..nOWa.. said...


Alhamdulillah, Maria.
Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa beri kita petunjuk dan lembutkan hati kita untuk sentiasa memperbaiki diri kita, hati kita.

Hanya Allah SWT saja mengetahui apa di dalam hati kita. Gudluck yo!

Pika said...

salam kak Maria,it's my first time actually to post a comment on your blog,and first of all,it's a very well-written post that makes me have this urge to leave a footprints hehehehe...Alhamdulillah you finally realized some things..i mean,no harm is done but i know you have received a lot of hate comments before,and i as a reader pun rasa macam sedih and upset when i read those comments. As quoted what you wrote:fashion becomes an obsession. modelling becomes a passion.beautification becomes a necessity.Well said indeed. besides, another thing i want to say is,better kak Maria delete all the videos,especially the hijab tutorial vids or vid that you make a parody semua tu,because without you realize,you actually gaining sins when people watch your uncover neck, lagilah if guys pun know you have a lot of male readers too kan?. But of course, as a human we can never avoid from making mistakes in life. Assalamualaikum kak maria :) I am your fan anyways :D

Tariq Ziad said...

that s what ikhlas mean, congratulation maria, you have found the real light you've been searching before, i pray that allah will always show you the right path and always guide you from straying from it

never give up, every hardness has it own reward in the hereafter :)

Nina Athirah said...

i have a lot to say..

but ijust can say that i'm agree with you,kak maria..

nurnuha said...

Hye Maria. I can totally feel ur writing.sincerely from your you know why, waktu kita tak bertudung orang puji macam2..cantik blablabla..tapi bila dah bertdung..tak pakai makeup mane..orang kata buruk la..pucat..blablaba..its just because..~ semakin kita berubah nak jadi baik, semakin Tuhan akan menguji be fair, its not easy to be nice..lg2 ngn dunia GLAM skrg ni..yang penting,focus on the real niat to wear hijab.or, sbnrnye,its not about the hijab, but the AURAT itself. :) sama2lah kita berusaha..amiin~ insyaallah Ramdhan ni takkan sia2..

sloppey said...

Salam and Alhamdulillah. Nabi kesayangan kita sudah banyak terseksa di dunia, kena hina, kena baling batu, ancaman bunuh, kena baling najis, berdarah sana sini, lapar dan sebagainya untuk memastikan Islam tersebar sampai ke hari ini.

Jangan lah kita lekehkan ajaran Islam dengan meletakkan logik akal semata-mata.. kesian Nabi Muhammad.. nanti di padang mahsyar, Nabi tak akan mengaku umat sapa yang tak amalkan sunnahnya. Allah tuhan kita lagi la toksah cerita.. carilah bumi yang bukan kepunyaan Allah untuk bertindak sewenang-wenangnya. Kalau tak, dibangkitkan di depannya memang tak terjawab persoalannya. Tahukah anda semua kita tak layak masuk syurga kerana amalan kita?? kita boleh(maybe) masuk syurga kerana rahmat Allah.. even imam syafie pun menangis takut tak masuk syurga. Oleh itu, perintah Allah buat lah dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Pakailah tudung kerana Allah. Jika pakai tudung kerana dunia, nescaya dunia yang kamu dapat, bukan akhirat.

Sori panjang kerana rasa terpanggil untuk berkongsi dan memperingati. Ingatlah, Islam itu bukan diambil sedikit sedikit, tapi untuk di amalkan dalam keseluruhan aspek hidup-mu. cehwah!

'sapa yang tak pakai tudung kerana cakap, 'aku tamau hipokrit kerana pakai tudung,' itulah orang yang hipokrit dalam beragama' - sham kamikaze.

buanglah budaya barat yang kononnya modern(yang best gileW GilEwW tu!!), kejarlah akhirat. Semakin kau tahu tentang dunia, semakin meningkat 'wahn', penyakit cintakan dunia, dan semakin serabut hidupmu. Semakin kau tahu tentang agama semakin kau takut mati dalam keadaan yang tak 'sempurna', padahal semakin tenang!!

pehh.. memang panjang..

miss arisa said...

assalamualaikum..oh3 kak maria! sgt suke ini postla..hehe..really22 nice..thumbs up! da lme minat akak..suke bce entry akak..n this one is the best ever!^_^ alhamdulillah,,hidayah tu dtg dr Allah. apa yg dh berlaku itu takdir Dia. itu yg terbaik utk kita insyaAllah. pandang ke hadapan. takyah toleh2 dah. teruskan maju. teruskan berubah kpd yg lbh baik. pedulikan mrka yg kritik. kita hidup bkn cari penilaian manusia,tapi REDHA ALLAH. moga Allah terus bimbing kita.may Allah bless. sayang akak! <3<3<3

Milimilo said...

i'm touched. :') like seriously i wanna slap myself real hard too because pernah rasa nak berfashion2 so that akan dpt attention dr org.why is that. beautifully said and well written because it comes straight from ur heart. thanksss maria. *reality check for me*

"hijab its a religous statement.
this quote is precious. :')

_kalfisyah said...

Alhamdullilah, Allah sayangkan akak, that why dia buat akak rasa mcm ni, and nak dekatkan akak dengan dia.
as blogger yg beribu2 follower,saya harapkan akak terus terus berkongsi peringatan sesama kita-perempuan.insyaAllah

Farah Aiman said...

Alhamdulillah kak maria, you're doing just fine :) you're an amazing person, so keep it up okay? it's okay, slalu doa that Allah'll keep us close to Him :D

Nazrul Ashraff said...

u r lucky sister, u got hidayah. u got caring bf yang selalu ingtkan u bila buat benda salah. ( not salah till die )

but yeah, u sangat bertuah.

from :

budak yang tanya soalan pasal periodic table kat twitter. remember?


Ked said...

well done sis maria!

Mira Kay said...

cantik di mata manusia itu sementara, cantik di mata Allah itu abadi. love this entry :)

TenangSudey said...

Subhanallah.... bagusnya post ni.... mmg tulus dari hati ni.... terima kasih maria atas perkongsian yg cukup jujur dan membuka mata ni.. harap2 muslimah di luar sana paham...

thanks maria.. thanks a lot..

moga Allah merahmati niat dan usaha murni maria.. moga terus diberkati dalam keadaan berhijab.. amiin

Hidayatul Putra said...

best post ever.. proud of you Maria Elena :)

Anonymous said...

Salam ukhuwah,
nice entry,
Redha Allah adalah yang kita buru. :)

ZJ said...

i likeee!

Zawani said...


alhamdulillah..Allah bagi kesedaran pada awak sebelum awak hanyut lebih jauh..mungkin inilah hadiah ramadhan tahun ni daripaNya untuk awak..Allah sayangkan awak dan Dia tak nak awak hanyut lagi jauh..semoga terus istiqamah mencari redhaNya..
may Allah bless is always with you.. ^^,

mai amir said...

salam kak was a very nice and inspiring entry though..really proud of u..i pun hampir2 terpedaya dgn semua ni..suddenly becoming so obsess with fashions and modelling..mmg selalu berangan nk jd model, but bile first time join photoshoot, i realized that it never suits me..mmg rase nk slap diri sendiri kn??

alhamdulillah, Allah still give us the chance to change..He loves us..:D

miss arisa said...

I love zain bikha n prof muhaya. moga akak n yg laen2 dpt amek smthg dr mereka ^_^

Boo said...

satu perkataan je Maria. Alhamdulillah.

I pun senyum jugak baca.

anak enMahyat said...

nice one kak maria..
will always support you..

itu.aku said...

Alhamdulillah maria :)

Anonymous said...

this is just awesome. we are all learning anyway so don't give urself a hard time.. hehe.. and i will take ur words and experience to guide myself. thnks for sharing this post. bkn sng nk admit kesalahan sndiri and i am proud of u kak maria! always pray for the better to Allah. Amin :)

Anonymous said...

TERBAIK! ^^ sukaaa. saya pun tak kisah fesyen tudung zaman skg. x salah muslimah bergaya. but yeah , sometimes they made hijab macam fashion ja kan? but still , kita belajar dr kesilapan kak Maria. btw , saya mmg suka akak da lamaaa. vlog akak pun i subscribe tau? :D love yah! ^^

Nurul Nadiah said...

semoga kak maria di berkati:) tahniah for this awesome post

m.e said...

lurus dan terus dari hati adalah yg terbaik. =) saye suka entry ini

Hana Dalila said...

Kak Maria, I'm so proud of you. thumbs up ! :D

BeYLa! said...

Alhamdullilah~~ no offense. u change for good kak Maria~

I like this entry, sometimes me too terfikir, kecewa dgn dri sndri xleh wat mcm org laen pakai hijab sampai ke dada.

I macam asyik pk what people said, not because ini Allah tak suka.

I just hope my heart pon terbukak cepat, yes like u said.. "i wear the hijab, i cover myself up, because i am a muslim".

Bukan nak tayang sane cni~ i like ur post, and i roud laa dato pon really give u support psl mnde ni.

Mmg sesuai dahh jadii suami, that is how to pimpin and bimbing u nnti. insyaAllah~ (*^_^*)

DS Mazdasa said...

alhamdulillah.... hopefully others can take note about this. sys dah jadi macam ikon among hijabers nowadays. hopefully kalo diorang boleh ikut trend hijab yg sys bawak, diorang jugak boleh ikot apa yg sys katakan nih :D.. peace!!!

Zaujah Miqdad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~belog gadis~ said...

alhamdulillah, kak maria. memang ramai yang dah terpesong gara2 trend. ramai dah lupa pasal ape yang nabi cakap "sesunggunya sesuatu amal itu bergantung kepada niat"

dayah said...

i love this entry, maria.. you're getting matured and be good muslimah ikon of what or any fashion you're doing~

there's no one's perfect and it's good to change fr good kan, ignore the hurts, but learn mistakes..

first time i've seen you at Maysaa event, you look aktif with cameras and cool person i guess (dr pndgn jauh) :D hehe

Nurul Syafiqah Hayati said...

i love this entry...!!!!this is an eye-opener..thanks for posting this..mmg menusuk kalbu..well written kak maria..

Dee said...

I was always jealous of girls at the mall (think mid valley) where they would wear trendy clothes and pandai pakai shawls that made them look 'mahal'. They don't exactly cover up , and they'd always look at me from top to bottom. It's makes me self conscience about my appearance and I'd always try to dress as best as I can.

Reading this, really takes me back down to earth. It wasn't my choice to wear the hijab then when I was younger. But I know what's right and wrong. Thanks for making me see the big picture :)

Intan Syafiqah said...

Sometimes the niat that we put at the first place has been too far deviated. That is why we attempt to do this and that without wisely thinking the main purpose of wearing hijab. Thx maria for the quality entry :) we should spread this thing out :)

Fairusz Kamaruddin said...

Assalamualaikum . Nahhhh , this what actually i'm looking for . Someone to just rethink what hijab is really for .I like this one so much . Alhamdulillah Allah bagi kak maria this kind of thinking . Insyaallah , we all will improve ourselves , amin .

Ema Minami said...

Omigad..omaigad...dems great this article ...shud be published somewhere so that guls or fashionista out there know bout it...salute la kat u maggheyyyaa~~`much love...^^

qtrun said...

one thing i can say about this post, Alhamdulillah. may everyone learn something from this :) Salam Ramadhan, 10 malam terakhir.

gadis said...

kak maria, i hope you read this. even i don't get any chance to iftar and get to know you more, i know that you're a really good person. well i still hope that one day, i'll meet you. i'm really proud of you. wearing hijab needs a really strong will and heart :) stay strong kak maria :)

jiranmafiarussia said...

salam kak maria.

no offense. but im sorry. i used to kinda not like ur fashionista aure before.

but this entry is just nice+great+awesome.
first time enjoying reading ur blog,

may Allah bless u dear. :)

apples and roses said...

Kak Maria, SARANGHAE :)

this is totally an eye opener.
kdg2 kita berhijab, bergaya sampai lupa tujuan sebenar.

a Muslim woman is a Muslim woman, indeed. :)

Hanisah Kamarul said...

salam sis,
alhamdulillah, couldn't agree more. peringatan not only for u, but also for me and other muslimah insyaAllah.

anyway, wanna share with u a really awesome talk about wearing hijab to represent ourselves. seriously, I love the videos a lot, and also check out other videos from him too. he's a really nice speaker. insyaAllah, may it will benefited everyone who watch it. may Allah bless us all.

Zaujah Miqdad said...

btw kak maria..saya ade tulis pasal kesedaran saya kat entry ni..ade sedikit2 macam ape kak maria rasa:)

semoga bertemu jalan yang diredhai:)

aisyahmokhtar said...

i really have to say this.. i really have to. GOOD JOB. teruskan usaha! insyaAllah niat, usaha n cara yg baik akan dipermudahkan Allah.

semakin matang berfikir tentang muslimah n islam. alhamdulillah..

n i have to share this in my FB. izinkan saya ya. TQ! ^_^

khaulah said...

nice sharing sis!

em,btw, its not SURAH Al-imran




na-bi-lah said...

reallly like this post.

Syamira Ismail said...

well maria, few months before i start to wear hijab, i ada rasa teringin nak bertudung tapi i takut. i takut i jadi lebih tua than my age, i takut jadi not-up-to-date punya org but then bila i nmpk you and your friends, you guys changed my mind, my view of wearing tudung.

but still, i pnah terfikir issit i pkai tudung for Allah or for being pretty. tpi my heart keep saying and remind myself for wearing tudung for Allah, keikhlasan utk diriNya since pakai tudung tu kan WAJIB bukan pilihan. menutup aurat itu WAJIB bukan pilihan.

well, kita manusia. banyak kurang nya. tidak akan pernah menjadi sempurna. sekurang kurangnya bila tergerak hati untuk bertudung, itu sudah cukup bagus dari tidak ada langsung keinginan ingin bertudung.

influence you guys bagus, you guys ada "saham" nya sendiri tapi ia akan berbalik pada individu yg cuba berubah tu. utk merasa diorng bertudung kerana trend atau kerana tuntutan Allah..

don't worry maria. this entry pun dah beri you some of 'saham' sbb i prcaya msti akan ada org yg cuba utk berubah dan membetulkan niat diorng "why they wearing hijab"

All the best Maria! i think this is the best entry of all from you!

*actually i dh mula muak memakai or even melihat trend shawl lilit lilit pelik and gantung gantung tuu" =='

Khadijah said...

agreed 100%

kiki said...

kak maria,nk nanges bace..sumpah mmg respek kak maria..dr sumbody yg x pkai tdg,dh pkai tdg..n skang dgn post yg ni plak...mcm nk nages sbb sgt seronok ble bace.
i love u la kak maria..

p/s::saye bukan lesbo^^,

Qistina said...

ignore others i free hair but im ok u with hijab ;) one more thing i tertarik dengan style hijab u n hana beb!yg condemn tu mulut org tak boleh ditutup u olls~ ;)

chiaki05 said...

super like...!!! u rox maghia!!

faiz said...

u make DU students like me proud ! *nak jugak kan haha* ... it's really rare to see DU students talking like this ... good for u !

Syamimi Rafee said...

True, so true. Honestly I myself am like that sometimes, but in the end, it's between you and Allah, and what you do to get his blessings, not praises from the people :)

Syuhaida said...


Rahmat dan hidayah dari Allah..

Thanks Kak Maria sebab kata-kata akak jugak buat saya berfikir semula...

Semoga kita sama-sama dapat menjadi muslimah sejati & mengejar keredhaan Ilahi..


Fatimah said...

nice writting.
berkat ramadhan.
Allah akn tunjukkan jalan untuk hamba-hmabnya yang mencari kebenaran.
kite mungkin tak pernah berjumpa or takkan jumpa sbb bumi allah nie luas, but I'm hoping that we will meet at jannah

puteri cahaya said...

alhamdulillah. nice entry! ^^

Muiz Abidin said...

semoga Tuhan ampunkan dosa kita semua. =)

miRa'e said...

nice writing kak maria.. i love this entri.. semoga bulan ramadhan ni kita sama2 dpt memperbaiki diri.. ^^

Anonymous said...

people will listen to ur voice i hope Allah akn selalu mberi perlindungan pada u dan sentiasa pegang hati u dekat padaNya...supaya u akn semakin dekat padaNya..juga mbawa orang lain dekat padaNya :) semuga kamu diberkati~

oney said...

Alhamdulillah. terima kasih kak Maria, awak dah tolong sampaikan apa yang terbuku di hati saya selama ni, dan ramai lagi yang sependapat.
jujurnya, saya kurang senang dengan penampilan The scarflets dan ramai lagi perempuan berhijab (termasuk saya yg lemah ini juga) yang kadang kadang lebih menonjolkan penggunaan hijab sebagai imej dan bukannya gaya hidup.
tapi harus diakui, ramai yang berubah penampilan ke arah berhijab selepas itu, ikhlas atau hanya kerana imej, wallahualam. semoga lambat laun tujuan berhijab itu hanya satu, kerana Allah s.w.t.
terima kasih kak Maria atas post ini. it is really an eye-opener. i endorse your statement Maria Elena. syukur Alhamdulillah.
semoga kita semua menjadi umat yang lebih baik selepas ini. aminn

Bazilah Kay said...

nice entry :) and it is also good for you to remove the entry that has ur free-hair photos in it . u've changed , letting people to see ur aurat is not good .

art4334 said...

itkun min annaar - bebas dari azab neraka)- the third phase of ramadhan.. May you be blessed with the rightful guide to be a better Muslimat.. Alhamdulillah..

melor said...


mummamiahaha said...


nadz ruslan said...

alhamdulillah. glad u write this. its the best entry from you, i think. ^_^

you are an ikon, a HOT one. :)) so make use of it in spreading dakwah, spreading love, people will follow you, because WE ALL LOVE U ME!

kakshah (: said...

Alhamdulillah (;
Semoga Allah meletakkan rasa insaf atau hidayah itu kepada kita semua muslimah.
Allah itu maha pengampun, berdoalah dan mohonlah keampunan daripada NYA nescaya akan diperkenankan. InsyaAllah (:

cT_nuRizZaTi said...

kak maria!! love this entry....yer...itu lah cabran org yg menutup aurat ni...mula2 2 memang susah n mcm terlari sikit niat, last we realize~~u know wut kak maria, when people around see ur changes than u become a role model~n u got pahala from that~btw...syurga itu indah sbb 2 la kita kena bersusah mcm ni...^^

20 cent said...

well done kak maria. Have you watch a vlog by aimanazlan90 entitled dress for success, muslim style? a very2 nice video.

hanis said...

xpe kak maria. kite manusia kadang2 lalai. slow2 ok :). same2 perbetulkan niat kite :).

Acqua Azman said...

OMJ.. sangat uia..
but its a good thing to be fashionable while practicing the right islamic ethics.. in my opinion lah..

Husna said...

well written kak...honestly, i've been waiting for u to say this and many2 thanks to u who finally realized happy that u have now come to ur senses( i mean in a good way ;p )i really enjoy ur writing n personally i think u hv made d best decision wearing hijab...hope to hear more from u soon...keep on sharing ur awesome opinion n stay humble ok sis??? lots of love~XOXO
wish u all d best on ur blogging n also ur vlogging..may Allah be upon u! PEACE ^^

Nur iman said...

finally... you've open ure eyes... subhanAllah.. =)

Hana RMR said...

Salam Maria...I've been an avid reader of your blog for a few months already but this is my first time commenting on your post. I am not a 'hijaber' myself but I do respect girls who wear hijab properly...and I've got to say that I admire your honesty and courage for writing this post. Very well-written and it obviously came from your heart :) Though you may think that you have 'strayed from the path' somewhat at the beginning but alhamdulillah God made you see the right path now, insyaallah.

p/s: I saw you at Chicpop (mcm stalker pulak haha) yesterday but was too shy to say hello haha.

Nadia said...

good kak. ini first time i comment on ur entry. dah lama i perhatikan fashion flow of hijabers models nowadays. i pn bertudung but i xpndai nak fesyen2 ni but i really like ur perangai gila hehe. and sometimes i pun terfikir bnde yg sama u fkir, kak. cuma i xnak ulas lebih2 sbb i xnak nnt org kata i jealous dgn model2 muslimah ni just because i didnt dress up like 'em. i xmenghalang but i xmenggalakkan. Alhamdulillah u already realized all that. i hope kak, kita sama-sama dapat berubah ke arah kebaikan. Insyallah. kita sama2 belajar jd muslimah sejati, yuk! love u kak. =)

Miss Ff said...

insaf weh!!

Troll Dad said...

Too long. Didn't read.

LAILA said...

this is absolutely a good entry, Kak Maria. a very good reminder for me, myself and I. and InsyaAllah for all Muslimah out there. the actual purpose of wearing hijab is because of Allah. thanks again Kak Maria for this good reminder. I heard this many times in my circle where it is recommended to those people who have the ability to influence people, to actually take that opportunity to spread the words about Islam. and Kak Maria, I believe that you have that ability and I'm pretty sure many people shall be influenced by you. InsyaAllah, your good deeds in spreading the true concept of Islam shall be paid by Allah SWt. :)

sama samalah kita berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. usahlah kita berdukacita di atas kesilapan lalu, tapi bergembiralah kerana masih diberi kesempatan daripada Allah SWT untuk melakukan perubahan. :)

Nana Hussin said...

betul sngat la maria .. i pun kadang2 mcm tu jugak .. punya nk ikut trend sngat smpai belit shawl berjam2 sampai lupa tujuan sebenar pkai tudung tu untk menutup aurat ..

Unknown said...

wow!! well said sis..speechless ble bace.n betol2 terpikir ape yg sis ckp 2 betol. smoga kite sume brubah ke arah yg lebh baik. amin~


kite ni pakai ape pon x ble riak walauape yg kite klu nak ber photoshoot tu nampak beno nak riak diri..perbaiki lah ye.ingat niat tu..tapi klu nak gaya shawl yg senang buat je la fesyen lilitan KAIN KAPAN haa bru insaf cket..cube try wat tutorial..

nurul ain said...

Alhamdulillah in the end ade jgk yg berjaya smpkan this good message. Hopefully this would be a relity check to lots of muslimah out there.

In the end it all came back to our niat.Nowadays semakin ramai muslimah hanyut ke arah tabarruj -> perbuatan berhias atau berpakaian secara berlebih-lebihan bagi seseorang wanita sehingga menarik perhatian ramai, walaupun tanpa membuka aurat. Contoh: memakai gelang kaki,mewarna kuku,memakai solekan tebal,serta apa sahaja perbuatan berhias yg menarik perhatian ramai. Wallahua'lam

ain marz said...

realize after reading this.
sincerely pure from your heart. (:

Effah Mahat said...

chill lah maria.. :)
it's a learning process remember?
insyallah Allah will forgive us. lead us the way and hopefully his guidance always with us. Amin....

Mardhia Yusof said...

this is the best entry ever.

alhamdulillah if u are given taufik & hidayah.
semoga kita menjadi muslimah yang SEJATI and lebih baik.

*hugs & kisses*

HH said...

selalu lah berdoa agar ALLAH sentiasa memberi hidayah kpd kita untk kita menjadi lebih baik dr hri yg sblumnya..hnya dgn hidayah ALLAH kita mampu melihat apa ajarn islam itu sbnrnye..dan sentiasa la berdoa agar jgn sesekali ALLAH tarik kembali hidayah yg diberikan kpd kita..hnya wlaupun sesaat..kita boleh berada diluar landasan kita..semoga kita semua mendapat cahaya hidayah ALLAH..amin:D

HH said...

selalu lah berdoa agar ALLAH sentiasa memberi hidayah kpd kita untk kita menjadi lebih baik dr hri yg sblumnya..hnya dgn hidayah ALLAH kita mampu melihat apa ajarn islam itu sbnrnye..dan sentiasa la berdoa agar jgn sesekali ALLAH tarik kembali hidayah yg diberikan kpd kita..hnya wlaupun sesaat..kita boleh berada diluar landasan kita..semoga kita semua mendapat cahaya hidayah ALLAH..amin:D

Nurul Nurúrú said...

Pada sy kan, the people who're complimenting you now can be the same people yang akan menghina dan mengeji you later. (For a start we neva' know what Future will install for us right?) Jadi under whatever reasons or circumstances sekalipun, please do not lose your true value Maria.I can see that you're improving yourself well from one step to another. Jadi terus cari redha Allah bukan redha mereka yang membaca belog u.

:) Tiada apa. Sy cuma harap kamu dapat lebih menghargai dan memandang tinggi diri kamu more than all those criticism yang banyak di antaranya tak boleh pakai lansung.

amnas! said...

THIS IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, Kak Maria. :) Alhamdulillah, I'm glad you've seen the light and came to share it with us for us to ponder our past mistakes as well. Thank you. May Allah bless you in your future undertakings inshaallah :)

shida said...

lets slap our face together :)

Ky said...

now i might like you :)

~Queen Q~ said...

Kudos. for being humble, brave enough to admit your mistakes. It is important to know the real reason we cover our aurat. Jadi famous ni bahaya, at the same time it can be profitable. if you perform good deed, u gain pahala. and of course dosa on the other hand.

You’re caught up in the middle
Being Muslim and western
Your mind knows that its Allah you should obey and follow
But you’re confused
About which pill to swallow
And you try and follow the middle path
Even though you know their aint no such thing
But you just can’t resist not wearing bling

the poem continues at my blog :)

~Queen Q~ said...

Bashtiah said...

Hi :)
I couldn't find the perfect words to describe this one opinion of yours, but one thing for sure, I liked it. Well maybe because I just started donning the hijab as well.

.pelangi. said...

manusia tak semua sempurna, kita yang ada ni kalau ada orang yang kurang kita tolong, kalau kita lebih kita bantu orang lain. :D

Shahirah Amnah said...

Assalamualaikum, kak Maria.

ni firstime saya komen entry kak Maria. Alhamdulillah, sesungguhnya Hidayah itu hanya milik Allah dan kita sebagai hamba hanya terus berusaha.

berbloglah kerana Dakwah. Setiap manusia akan dipertanggungjawabkan dalam setiap apa yang mereka lakukan.

sebenarnya, blog-blog yang mengajak kepada sesuatu yang tidak baik contoh couple akan memberi saham kepada kita andai si pembaca mengamalkan apa yang kita tuliskan.. saham tu dosa nya sama seperti kita buat, tiada beza.

lebih baik mengajak kepada kebaikan, mendekatkan diri kepada Allah, Menjulang nama Islam, Insya Allah kita akan pahala kebaikan orang yang membaca dan mengamalkannya.. untung kan?

Maaf andai saya terkasar bahasa.

Allah menilai pada usaha bukan natijah. Moga kak Maria terus Istiqomah.

saya sokong! :)

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