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Friday, June 24, 2011

so 'n double-o b' noob

noob. (n)
- newbie. a person who acts like a newbie at a task. you can say 'bimbo' but 'noob' sounds less offensive.
taken from the minds of Maria Elena. 
ok i suka hati je create the meaning. noob is actually originated from the gaming world. dunno what game coz i pun tak main. but whatever la.
noob is noob. =p

anyway, i've been quite noob lately. here's why.

1. i was looking everywhere for my car keys one morning before heading out of my house to work. i searched everywhere! i even went in the toilet and checked in the washing machine (in fear i washed it with my jeans).
but tak jumpaaaa. punya panic. like where the heck can my keys be! camane nak gi keje!!!! then i scratched my head. pastu sedar.

the keys. in. my. hand.

2. i had an eye infection the other day so i had to wear my glasses to work. i dah tak biasa sangat pakai specs ni and i never quite liked it because i don't like the feeling of my sight being restricted within the lenses. nak jeling pun susah. blur je nampak. mana syok! so i took it off la masa kat office tu. after a while i macam dah penat asyik squint squint tengok computer screen, i reached out for my glasses. it wasn't on my table. punya i cari kat my table tu. depan belakang laptop i check. on the floor. no specs there. aneh! i thought i placed it right next to my notebook.. then i scratched my head.

the specs. my glasses. on. my. head.

3. i always have my phone near me when working. why? because sometimes some supplier or client and sometimes my bosses call me at unexpected times. so have to prepare la kan. anyway, when working kan have to be focused. one time i wanted to change the P&ID on autocad urgently sebab boss mintak. masa tu laaaa my mouse don't work!! punya i gerak gerak kan my mouse, then wonder why the cursor tak gerak. maki maki i kat the poor mouse. rosak ke apa?? tengok je mouse.. oh. patutlah.

i was holding my phone. not the mouse. 

4. now ni kisah years ago, when i was still in UTP. i think this is the ultimate noob la.
dato's hair was quite long then. ala ala indie but he's not indie at all. he's just pemalas nak kisah. haha! anyway, he had a haircut one morning and i went with him. teman la kan. kata awek. haha! anyway, i was with him, i saw his haircut and ok la. habis cerita itu haircut. that night, we wanted to have dinner together. he came to my block to pick me up. as i walked to his car, i waved, buat muka entahpape, i pun tak ingat. when i climbed in the car, i turned to look at him then i terkejut melompat kot!! salah kete!! i felt embarrassed and i wanted to go out immediately, but then i realised; memang dato' la! i was in his car but i thought i wasn't coz i didn't recognise him. ya Allah. imagine, i forgot how my own boyfriend looked like after a haircut PADAHAL I IKUT DIA KOTTTTT!!!



Mushi mushi said...

ahahahaha! macam macam la kak maria nie.

Yuyu Zulaikha said...

heheheheh... yuyu pun dah teruk jd kes yang sama sekarang ni :(


yes that's all sounds noob la dear

Apis Hilton said...

middle age life crisis? makan kismis byk2 :)

Awan Network said...

mcm2 la bila dah remaja belia nie kan..hehe

Amir Aidid said...

HAHAHA . ohh kak maria you are sooo funny okayy . every single thing you did , tak kesah laa noob ke tak , thats sooo cute . HAHA .

the ultimate noob tu , maigod ! how come kamu boleh lupa ? ame gelak kuat kot baca tu . haha . :)

btw , have a good day kak maria . ohh , lama dah tak post something kat Maria Elena Is Greek Helen page tu . ;)

Dhiya Fariza said...

HAHAHAHAHA nice one!

Unknown said...

: HAHA ! seyes noob !!

Ryan Ervan said...

Homaigod, pecah perut baca entry and most hilarious part lupa muka pakwe sendiri hahaha.. *lawak2

Kak Maria kelakar betol, you make us smile and thank you for that.

p/s: even my grandma tekan handset time tukar channel tv, mata dah x nampak so main grabbed ja apa yg ada atas meja haha..

Azmira Yusof said...

kui kui kui . kelakar gilaa kak maria ...

mouse like phonee ..


Ct Hajar ♫ said...

ahakzz mmng noob

cikghah said...

lepas ni ape lak..hehe

bib2426 said...

haha...tu simptom2 nak menikah tu maria elena. *tetiber* KEHKEH~

J said...

byk nye entri psl noob ari ne.. haha

haha..part kat utp tu terbaek..bole lak x recognize.. ahha

Wordless Wednesday #WW : Hanya [1] gambar - xkan tengok je, komen tak?

Pink said...

hakhakhak kak maria ni bit clumsy lah but soooo choomel. you'r funny sis! hahahaahahahah

A'an said...

HAHAHA gile klakaa num 4..
clumsy nyer kat maria..

A'an said...

HAHAHA gile klakaa num 4..
clumsy nyer kat maria..

Khadijah Yusof said...

hahahahaha... kalaka la...

aishaz carleed said...

hahahaha...cute but clumsy
same like me ;))

NyssaSaad said...

haha..cumil je..macam2 kak maria nie..still awesome..

Anonymous said...

haha, lawakla... tp mmg pernah trjadi pun. tpi kalu jdi kt diri sndiri xrasa lawak, rasa noob. hoho

gwen velora said...

hahaha so funny la tak ingat muka bf after cut hair..:) hahaha

Nasuha Mansor said...

hahah !! so funny okeh !! pape pon still kiut .

sekali sekala noob takpe , jgn sampai tahap nyanyuk suda . :)

kekadang saya cam gitu gak . tapi skang masih ley control . hihih .

ansuh... said...

i rase nk glk

cik gojes :) said...

kak maria dah parah ! i think, it's time 4 u to draw some ageLines on ur face =) kidding ~

mira said...

miahahhaha ! :D kelakar la kak Maria nih ! #ROFL

Asmidar Mat said...

ahahahahahahah.. seriously u klakar lah doubt

siti zarizza said...

same goes to me lahh. sumtyms, while holding d pen pun still keep finding kat pencil case :D:D


yg fsal mouse tu..mmg same la..hahah

Didiey Fadhilah. said...

2 words : DASYAT GILA !

.:Wawa Awlas:. said...

this is not hilarious...
this is HIGH-larious okaaayyy~~ ;p

kedinkyst said...

Hahaha.. Thing number 3 always happen to me before la.. skarang dah beware, never letak hf dekat dgn mouse. Probably berlaku tu tinggi. hihihi

kabesya said...

HAHAHA.. hilarious la u maria. i can't stop laughing!

gadis said...

selalu.jadi.macam tu kat saya. noob sangat. btw, the word noob tu drp game dota la kak maria =)

qeef... said...

aha!! then finally i get the perfect meaning for "noob",, coz i xtau cmner nk xplain kt member yg noob nih sbnrnyer cmner.. thx!! (so noob)..

Andrik McVean said...

hi there, i have just followed your blog..i hope you can follow me back..u have a nice blog here..
i will be waiting for you on my blog...see u there..cheers

nsdahlia said...

clumsy~ just like me. huhu~

Izzah | zulkifli said...

kelakar lah kak maria nie..haha

sometimes even i do that.. =.=''

keet said...

so funny la..hahahha
tp, bab spec 2 aku pon sama jugak..selalu jd cmtu..hahahah..

lavenderlover said...

haha..i did that same noob acts sumtime..ngeh3=p

y i e n said...

hahaha~ seyez lawak
but true ... i also same like tat xpecially when it comes to phone ... letak tempat lain, maki tmpt lain, haha~

Wahanawangsa said...

this is fun! bengeng btol cari barang tak jumpa sampai expect kena curi tapi ada kat tangan je

sisdee said...

hahahaha...mcm2 keletah u nie hehehhe..btw...i tot i yg age dah pertengahan jek lupa mana letak brg bagai..eheheheeh..

have a nice day girl!!

dilakochan said...

No. 4!! mmg NOOB habeh!
How come la bole jadik itu mcm. haha

miss senyum said...

haha kak mariaaaa the last one mmg noob, adehh

Pn.Ibu said...

funny :)

cici tembikai said...

ohh is is the meaning ? I selalu dengar tapi taktahu nak explain kat orang and diri sendiri .-.-''

btw, noob dari game Dota kan ? sebab selalu dgr gamers sebut noob. and dengan I sekali kena noob -.-''

hehehe entry you comel =)

Farrah yong said...

maigod . farra paling terkejut dengan the last one . hehehhe . sebab yang lain tuu maybe in hurry or tumpuan da lari . but yang last one memang la buat farra tergelak la ;)

Anonymous said...

ouh...mcm ni ke mksud noob? bru tau. ehhe. :P kdg2 i pn penah jd cmni. tp no 4 tu je yg blom terjadi. :)

pyahnakmat said...

a little bit clumsy . ahahha . act, dis post like 4 me too ,

Koyochan said...

plg hebat yg sala kereta... hahaha..!! noob..!! ~_~

Anonymous said...

Funny gurl!

miss jaja said...

ROFLOL.. seriously... im really rolling on the floor rite now.. maria..maria..

Anonymous said...

okay, yg pasal mouse tuh same! very noob! adekah pnyakit di pringkat umur 20-an. gagaga


LOL:DD that's normal apabila usia meningkat KOT:) hehehe

Nazrul Ashraff said...

haha.. kelakar gila tahap guling2 punya.. UTP gak ea dato' tu? haha

Unknown said...

nice one :D

cikcleopatra said...

hahaha..betol2 noob nie..adess..

Azie Rashid said...

part last tu, xleh bayang muka kak maria terkejut bagai. haha. tapi azie pernah cari klip rambut mana la ni..rupanya dia sembunyi blkg kepala..bile ntah gerak kesana. hek3

Sue Anna Joe said...

Call me a pervert (that I am), when I saw your post title, I assumed it was BOOB


Memang noob. :P

Maghia memang gelavah. I pernah sebelah pegang coklat bar, sebelah pegang remote, sekali I gi gigit remote instead of the choc. Hoh.

_sL19_ said...

mmg klako la entri ni...
gila la. gelak sampai mak bising. hahahahaha. part last paling tak tahan. cemane bley lupa muka pkwe sndiri..

Nadiey Nadine said...

U ni mmg lawak...really enjoy reading dis entry =)

Marina said...

kelakar tak ingat...sometimes it just happen to anyone...

Nuruashia said...

alahaiii tanjat boboy ahahhaha :)

T R ₪ said...

haha . lawak betul kak maria . penah jugak jadi benda sama . punya lah penat cari , last last kat depan mta . tambii betul . haha XD

Safiah Ibrahim said...

seems not funnny.. but, asal cam lucu eh..

tergelak2 bace tau.. ~

liyana aziz said...

haha..kalakar giler akak nie..saya lagi noob=_='

Myra Abdullah said...

sy pun pernah lalui situation cmni but time buat design lar..
pnyerlah cari pensil rupenye kat tepi telinge.hehehe.

afie afiqah said...

memang dah gelak mcm orang sewel.. HAHAHA

Nissa Amrin said...

haha..kak maria, u sooo funny..
seyes noob..hahaha..sometimes happen to me jgkk larh..
so, i pown n-double 0-b(:

Jαnnαhツ said...

hahaha, siyes klaka.

nurulafiQah said...

hahaha!sgt lawak..yg tahan no 3 ngan 4..hahaha

Norhisham Nordin said...

hahaha... sengal..!!

Izzaty Ishak said...

Welcome to the club, sis. Gua pon noob jugak. Haha

BeYLa! said...

Hahahaha! Somtimes tekeluar jugak kan NOOB kite, its ok then! imperfections is beautiful you know!

You know beautiful?beautiful like me!! haha.

Read my entry too. Noob gile.

Idora Qatrunnada said...

Hey it's a psychological disorder actually..but not yang serious one la..I learnt that from my Psch class..I experience the same thing sometimes.So imma noob too...=)

Aiman Ariffin said...

HAAHAHHAHAHAH omagad. You are hilarious lah! cant stop laughing reading ur noob experiences haha

Ghab Van Hal said...

ok.experience kite hampir - hampir sama la..kekeke..btw, saya ada tag anda kat entry saye..:)


hihhi soooo cute n funnyla...

Tisha said...

done all three except no 4. hehe.. mmg sengal

Aimi Rosli said...

haha, cerita no.3 saya pun pernah alami kat rumah kawan. HAHA.

ezaezora rahim said...

kak maria cerita no 4 tu paling best... eheheheh! mesti muke bf kak maria terkances sekejup ehhehehe!

littledolphin said...

serius lawak!

littledolphin said...

serius lawak!

Nia said...

You are so funny! One of the most hilarious bloggers I know :) & also my first time reading a malay mixed english blog. I suke Kak Maria <3

Intan Syafiqah said...

hahahah sumpah bedekah! . . hopefully u tak lupa muka u mcm mana bila u dah bagun tdo ok =p

nabilpotter said...

first time here..superb!

luvpinkja said...

hahah. funny much ! apa lah maria nih :)

Zharif Azis said...

terguling-guling baca bende alah nie :D

fiey ahmads said...

so noob-ita!

Mizz ErMa said...

hahaha..mesti dato' terkesot ati kan, leh pulak k.maria xkenal pakwe sendiri..=P

Fuza Marquis said...

yang silap mouse tu kelakar.
yang tak cam bf tu tak senonoh.

gds said...

aduhh kak maria. you sangat kelaka,


Enna M. said...

tis is funneh k.

fifianggun said...

sometimes it happen to me

ARAYANA said...

funny okay kaka maria. HAHA!

Fasya Mokhidin said...

so funny lahh kak maria elena! :D

Unknown said...

hahahaha...teruknye tak kenal pakwe sendiri

Khumaera Ismail aka Mariam Ismail said...

no 3 maera selalu buat..tapi no 4 tak penah lagi..haha~ takkan tak kenal husben sendri kan..hihi~

Iylia said...

rs cm nk tguling2 bc your entry ni maria. also happened to me esp part car keys tu

SyArfa said...

you really make my day.... after tired with my research.. you make me laugh non stop ok.. :) love ya...

.. said...

lawak kot.ahhahaha..kadang2 saya pon camnih.
nak header blog free??mai singgah blog saya!

Iera Fakhira said...

bahahahaha! this is extremely funneh! ko gila apa maghia? boleh jadi maharaja lawak next season kot! :D

Anonymous said...

haha citer pasal bf to best. if u cari spek mata.tapi mmg dah ada kat mata. mcm mana pulak

Lizzie Chuckguire said...

beb..i da terkena your penyakit ar. today mmg paling sengal gile..i made an entry just for you beb

Ammiey's said...

I dlu ada gk men game n slalu gne pekataan noob ni..
noob - newbie..
tp slalu gne tuk insult org..esp org yg lagak hebat but actually they are =p

Aween Ashlee said...

yg lain xksah psl dato' tuh xbleh blah..hang mmg awesome..ada gila2 skit..sempoi lah kak maria.adore u.ekekekke

MAHLIGAI said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHA klakar la kak maria nih ! macam mane la muka bf sendiri pun boleh tak cam :DDD

Nina Ali said...

hehehehehehehe.... i especially love the 3rd noob episode! :D

darla carolina said...

seriouly the last part make you look damn noob HAHA ta silap I noob tu pkai kat game RO . DOTA pun pakai gak . internet game mostly use that :)