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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

i don't get sick, i get awesome

when you're not feeling well,
you need rest.

but sometimes, rest can be really boring!

i was quite sick the other day, and i told myself to have a good rest.. but i got annoyed at just laying in bed doing nothing.
so i made a shawl tutorial.
and did these!

Scarf: Pastelina
*the "Bodybuilder without muscles" pose*

Top: Topshop (on sale!!!)
*the "Is it going to rain?" pose*

*the "Praying Mantis kungfu tau foo fa" pose*

memang takde rupa orang sakit. hahahaha!
thing is, the more i want to have fun, the better i felt!
i made myself go to the Muslim Exhibition with Shea, and met lovely Ashfi and i went to see my darling Hunny Madu at her showcase! Hunny's music is really really awesome! she's truly an inspiration who shows that you don't have to be just one thing in your life. she's now not just a dj, but an artist. coolness!

after i'm done with the activities, as exhausted as i felt, the rest afterwards was exactly the rest i need. the type yang tido takde mimpi tu. bessttttt! haha! i felt contented. =D

no wonder i hardly HARDLY ever get sick.

here's the tutorial!

hope you find it useful.. simple je styles nya. huhu.. =B

ps: the title of the post is adopted from Barney Stinson's (How I Met Your Mother)

"When i get sad, i stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story."

so thanks Barney! for making me feel awesome =D



sukanya jdi org first.take care maria (=

feyza said...

yess that awsome~

Hana Shafira Hamidi :) said...


Syazwan Che Deraman said...

first gambar tu macam usain bolt..

Puan Eka said...

cntik baju..heeeeeeee

Puan Eka said...

style kedua lawak ah cane maria twist..hahahahaa

SakinahSallim^^ said...

awesome :))

Schubert Serenade said...


sakuraGAL said...

besh ni...ske la

Awan Network said...

pose yang memang mahal dari Maria Elena.. ^_^

Jom Tengok :

sherotpetot said...

i loike the baju :)

fizamansiperoterompet said...

hahahahahahaha. . .
go maria.
nice tutorial yawww

bawal crepe putih said...

wow ! marveles ! huhu

~FaatiNNasreeN~ said...

thanx for the tuto..cOOL!

Yatt S. said...

comelness !!!!!!

gadis said...

suka tengok cara akak. owesemmmm haha :D

Fika Rozaidi said...

Senang gila style shawl gaya akak. thanks for this! =)

ross lizzy said...

wo *_* mcm best jee nk try laa..
thanks for the tutorial kak maria

yuna icha said...

a a a another twist????. haha.. keep repeating that part!!

Sheeq ♂ ♀ said...

haha Barney's gonna be LEGENDARY!!

farhan said...

i thought... barney said... when i started getting sick, i just stop being sick... and be awesome... true story.. ^_^

ika~~ said...

u're funneyh sistah!
oh wait..i love ur wedges!!!!nak p cari!

Ryan Ervan said...

get well soon Maria..
suke pose kung fu tau foo fa haha..
Get awesome!

suffiakmal said...

comel gila kot. walaupon i tk pakai shawl. tergelak je nengok video u. lol

monsterz said...

aaa..another twist?????aaa..another twist???aaa..another twist??????? hamagad !

littledolphin said...

you are a fan of How I Met Your Mother too?same!!! it is hilarious! especially Barney. XD

Atiqah Wadiah said...

pose Maria Elena sume nyer comel2 :)

Unknown said...

cool! ;)

Unknown said...

u never bores me la dik....type2 yang mereng2 sengal ni akak suka...huhu


hehe awesome la kak maria . :) like your style :)

norshila ibrahim said...

awesome la u ur style

TiTi said...

u punya style mmg stylo :)

SaLuff said...

hehe i was laughing to the whole time!

matahari sun said... sewel2 skit..but still nice...:)

ZaRa said...

u r so legend... wait for it...
dary. hehe...

Unknown said...

kalau demam selalunya i tak selalu rehat sgt...kena lawan...tak nak manjakan diri...baru badan kuat kan...nanti dah lali, sakit pon rase tak sakit..haha

fiey ahmads said...


LittleGurl said...

oh sis!you are awesome as well as your style! ;D

fa.ismail said...

cute maria

aishahmanan said...

nice!! :DDD

Aida Arisya said...

laaa x sihat rupanya..patut lama x nmpk..get well soon babe...yeahhh nice video..blh bljr ni

Najlaa 'Aqilah said...

VERY awesome :)

cikyin said...

Hehe, very nice n interesting tutorial :). TQ maria..n semoga cepat sembuh. ;)

Haya_Niya said...

you're so awesome,thank you for making us laugh the way you teach how to wear scarf.thank you so much!!

Merah Laben said...

suka lah tengok anda pose! hehe :)

naja najwa said...

you are so adorable ..

Asyik Izas said...

kelakar muka u dlm video tuh..he3..
tp best:)

.minah sengal. said...

nice tutorial.
i'll try it.
get weel soon.. ^_^

Roslyza Adyla said...

kau gila!!!

SANGAT ohhsemmmm okayyyy

Alia Syaza :) said...

wahh, tq kak maria , best tuto ni, senang je kak maria secure pin tu.. kalau Alia, kena pelan2 takut ter'poke' diri sendiri.. haha sakit !


Unknown said...

ahaaa.tutorial ni kak maria pakai lawa lain buat erk? macam tak seswai sgt :) PEACE

Hayati Hamzah said...

haha . maria xtau duk diam :((

Ainaa~ said...

into ur scaf not laughin to death..hahahhah

shahrul said...

dalam tiap-tiap gambar,takde satu pon ade kereta,orang,atau sesape je yang lalu lalang..

atau pun.... tunggu semua da lalu,da line clear, baru ME pose?hahaha.. :p

terbaek~~ ;)

MyIdeastore said...

awk mmg osem laa...hehehe..

Miss Kira said...

nowadays everbody love barney.. hahaha

btw.. love ur tutorial and awes0meness.. haahaha

songforthelover said...

comel ghila u ni. i mean. comel dan 'gila' literally.
*thumbs up fer the tutorial!*

BeYLa! said...

Yeahhh new style laa.woahh banyak betol belit belit! thank you kak Maghiaa.

Macam tak saket langsung muke!! Bgs!! Msti lps wt tuto ni, trus terbaring atas katil balek kan.hiks.

Unknown said...

aksi berani mati sungguh depan pagar tu. hahaha..

..ain? said...

I think youre awesome! :) hi kwn2, me org baru kat sini!

El Moe de la Rocha said...

its been a while i havent blogwalking, and i saw ur blog. holy shiz, you're famous now! i suppose you probably don't recognize me anymore. :D

keep up the good work. :)

nurzawanie said...

you are awesome! i like ur style =)

SYIRA said...

ur blog inspired me.
i do love it so much =)
btw, i de buat shawl tutorial exactly like urs.
kalau de mase tgk la, hehe.

fushenbetch said... maria check out this blog. kasut cun cun :)

YouSOF said...

Si pelik, nyaris terbelit tangan aku ikut tuto ko ni! (kalau aku buat la) ;D

When i get sad, i dont want to feel it pun!

miss.neeya said...

cam semak je tuto ni..


ika said...

kak, nice blog, ika sukaa sangat, n suka vdeo akak, btw, ika curik gambar akak, tengok lah blog ika thanksss

Unknown said...

cantik ur shawl!! need more tutorial..hehe

SARAH AZIZ said...

nice tutorial shawl ;) tergelak. but its easy and simple direction tengs maria ..


hehe..memang awesome... mcm Barney... :P


lawa gile mata !!


lawa gile mata !!

fara anak abah said...

jom join my 1st GA bole menang hdyah ohsem dr india

Nurul Izyana said...


PepalangDot said...

bocor lagi,gambar justin beiber bercumbu dgn selena gomez tersebar di facebook .

PepalangDot said...

bocor lagi,gambar justin beiber bercumbu dgn selena gomez tersebar lagi ldi facebook.

Aiman Ariffin said...

LOL u r so funny i swear. Ur mind are stronger than ur fever. thats fo sure hehe

Nauzrun said...

You and your tutorial rocks..!! ;)

Love hurt aeNnn said...

awesome.. :))

belogkiter said...

you are really.. something lah maria.. and i like it ;)

zoul said...

ppengaruh rakan sebaya ke pengaruh filem ni...ehehe...:P

Unknown said...

thanks for being true to yourself and proud of it!
I like the part when you "I mmg annoying pon so!"

LUNA LANUN said...

gmbr no 1 santekkkk!!!

Entri terbaru:

1. Rumah Api Kuala Selangor - Monumen Sejarah Lambang Kemegahan Kuala Selangor
2. Malang Yang Tidak Terhidu Baunya

A'an said...

hye!! you inspired me big time!! i lab you!! haha.. :)

NyssaSaad said...

you are so cool..=)

Wani. J said...

maria elena always chantek maa

Hanis Nasuha said...

Kak Maria, you are awesome!
I like the way you are :)

Izyan Masri said...


Tulus Sweet said...

nak kulit akk yang licin gila2 tu...

akk mehlah singgah blog. tgk pcture tulus kat Belanda.hehe

Manis said...

super kinda cool :)

apricot pie said...

ahahahahah..serius elena..suka wt aksi..ahah

~Sya~ said...

penuh dgn aksi...sib baik comel...:)

Axieana Yumi Life said...

azie like ur pose
like a angel...
by the way follow me...
i done follow u :)

mump said...

hi dear! u r cute! just wana point out..pins not needles. the latter is for sewing where u can thread the needle. danger u know if use needles :D

fatdjasni said...

assalamualaikum, tuddia banyak aih comment. dok bawah la comment ni. takpa2 janji maria elena tgk sudah. 2 jam dok tgk blog ni. tak jemu. tudung depa, nalla aih segak. kalau mai kedah habaq, kita pekena laksa cantik punya.hehe

neesa_jun said...

hahaha...cute!nak cuba la 1style no 1! suka gila ur accent on style 2!!hahaha!funny!macam nak it again!again!

aiesya said...

ur just awesomely a good way! love love!

PiekaSahaja said...

sis maria u mmg peliks lah tpi cantek..:)

Yanti Ramli said...

u jeans u pkai ni bli katne?
jenuh cari..

halidaRahman said...

sooo coll :)

Budiman Arif said...


Mumystrawberry said...

kak maria i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! hehhe..muah

Qistina Ayu said...