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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Why I English


Rasa lama je tak blogging.

Anyway, haritu i ada buat video kat tiktok, and it suddenly gained so much traction. I was so flabbergasted sebab i just nak share story i je, pastu sebab instagram cam banyak songeh, i guna je la tiktok…


Whatever la kan…

Comments! While i was talking about a current issue, based on my experience, a lot of people were commenting about:

1. How they had watched my youtube videos back then, and are currently in their late 20s to mid 30s 😂😂

I couldn’t comment to everyone, so in case you’re reading my blog for the sake of reminiscing, Thank You, for your support back then, and now 😄 And let’s grow better together, inshaAllah~

2. How i was using/speaking too much english…

I guess i do. I would say i’m more of a Melanglish (Melayu + english) speaker, and more of an english writer.


Because, i speak mostly to my family; ie my children and husband. Based on my observation, why myself (and my family) are heavily on the english speaking side is because of what we consume visually & audibly.

For example, i read a lot of english materials, like news, novels, articles, and when i want to learn about something, a lot of the videos are in english, whether it’s about Islam, about how to fix something, cooking… not to say there’s no melayu contents that are beneficial. Ada je.

In terms of speaking, my BM ok je, cuma bila dalam setting formal, my english is better. Kalau nak formal-talk dalam BM, mungkin slow sikit sebab kurang praktis. I suka dengar bila tengah drive, average dalam 2 jam sehari, dan cara diorang bercakap tu, i suka. Relax, clear, dan ada pengisian. Hari tu dengar pasal Lembaga Zakat Selangor cerita pasal golongan asnaf, ada pasal Halal, ada cara masak, macam-macam la! Sangat bagus & highly recommended 👍 (tetibe)

Walaupun i more english speaking & writing, tak bermaksud i tak sayang bahasa ibunda kita. Tak langsung. Bila i belajar bahasa korea, i punya appreciation untuk bahasa kita melonjak-lonjak kot sebab i faham kenapa orang cakap bahasa adalah legacy. Bahasa kita sangat colourful, flexible, senang nak faham, dan bolehubah. Air boleh jadi ayaq, keluar boleh jadi kelik. 

It’s my bad la i tak praktis BM lebih. I should. 

So yeah.

Tu je la.

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