tak jawab dosa, jawab sayang~
those were the days. ahak!
anyway, haritu our little family went to Kuantan to attend the grand opening of Maleeqa Exclusive, a muslimah fashion house, right behind ECM, in Malay Town.
it was the weekend after we got back from Chiang Mai.
masa tu, nadrah dah sihat alhamdulillah.
tapi.. I PULAK YANG SAKIT! wahahaha best kan nadrah kasi tai chi sama itu penyakit kat ummi =p
kulit hidung masa tu dah terkupas kupas sebab asyik buang hingus, pastu telinga pekak sebab macam tersumbat, tekak pun sakit. sakit pun.. banyak gak bercakap. nyehehehe =p
i'm so surprised on how different Kuantan looks now! the last time i went there was in 2005, masa matrix kat gambang. my friends and i would go to kuantan parade by bus, and then if we're rajin, we walk all the way to kuantan megamall. masa matrix mende sangat la nak buat kan. dari gambang ke kuantan tu dah la jauh, so we all make up for it by hanging out at KFC and terminal bas sebab ada cendol pulut tapai yang best gila. entah ada lagi ke tak sekarang.. a few times gak dapat gi Teluk Cempedak dulu. tak swim pun. just lepak tepi pantai and watch people. good times =p
i thought nak revisit my old lepak places but husband macam penat and stuff (dia pun sakit) so kita hold for next time la kita visit kuantan. please share whatever good places to eat and visit! heheeee
back to butik!
kak Nadia's boys were so good-mannered, mashaAllah! they played with nadrah, and layan her everywhere she ran off to.
tak jawab dosa, jawab sayang~
those were the days. ahak!
anyway, haritu our little family went to Kuantan to attend the grand opening of Maleeqa Exclusive, a muslimah fashion house, right behind ECM, in Malay Town.
it was the weekend after we got back from Chiang Mai.
masa tu, nadrah dah sihat alhamdulillah.
tapi.. I PULAK YANG SAKIT! wahahaha best kan nadrah kasi tai chi sama itu penyakit kat ummi =p
kulit hidung masa tu dah terkupas kupas sebab asyik buang hingus, pastu telinga pekak sebab macam tersumbat, tekak pun sakit. sakit pun.. banyak gak bercakap. nyehehehe =p
i'm so surprised on how different Kuantan looks now! the last time i went there was in 2005, masa matrix kat gambang. my friends and i would go to kuantan parade by bus, and then if we're rajin, we walk all the way to kuantan megamall. masa matrix mende sangat la nak buat kan. dari gambang ke kuantan tu dah la jauh, so we all make up for it by hanging out at KFC and terminal bas sebab ada cendol pulut tapai yang best gila. entah ada lagi ke tak sekarang.. a few times gak dapat gi Teluk Cempedak dulu. tak swim pun. just lepak tepi pantai and watch people. good times =p
i thought nak revisit my old lepak places but husband macam penat and stuff (dia pun sakit) so kita hold for next time la kita visit kuantan. please share whatever good places to eat and visit! heheeee
back to butik!
tadaaaa~ ramai sangat masa opening tu! sebab kak Fynn Jamal pun datang. hehee..
cantik gilos interior butik ni, serious!
simple & classy. oh and comfy!
at first bila dapat proposal untuk jadi vendor kat butik ni, i was a bit hesitant because i don't know if i could afford it, lagi lagi sebab dah join Modvier. tapi sebab kak Nadia Bayu convinced me, saying that it's a good place, kak Nadia owner Maleeqa ni pun sangat baik, so i agreed in the end.
and alhamdulillah, kak Nadia hosts usrah classes in the butik as well, so it made me feel so relieved knowing that a beautiful space like that is utilised fully =')
good job kak Nadia!
ni la kak Nadia! kecil molek tapi berjiwa besar dan sangat berdisiplin
alhamdulillah dapat opportunity to meet the super owners of super butiks!
Pija of Minaz and Kak Huda of Hijriahome.
they're both super humble and super hardworking, that's why la kot diorang super.
nak super gaaaaaaakkkkk =p
kak Huda yang also berjiwa besar and seriously best sangat berborak dengan dia! rasa tak puas nak bersembang kencang. wahahaha!
Nadrah ni pulak dengan kurang sihatnya (hidung sok sek je), ya Allah, memang active sangat! main main with budak lain, and dia baring baring kat carpet ni, where kak Fynn Jamal tengah meet and greet fans dia. ish! talk about trying to steal the limelight! hahaha!
i'm glad i get to meet kak Fynn too. dulu first time jumpa dia, kat hotel kat muo masa raya. tapi kitorang tak borak sembang mende la. just tegur sikit sikit pastu bye!
touch n' go. huhu.
encik spidos suami tersayang, dengan anak muka copy paste bapak dia, dan suami kak Huda, who was husband's senior kat skolah dulu and UTP!
kata husband, suami kak Huda ni penyabar sangat. cakap kat anak anak pun lembut lembut. patutlah anak dia melekat je kat dia. amazing!
so disebabkan kami se-family travelled long and far that day, kita pun balik awal sikit. tapi balik hotel kat kuantan. kak Nadia book kan hotel untuk kita to stay overnight. thank you kak!! =') moga Allah limpahkan rezeki kepada akak and family, in sha Allah~
dah rest kejap kat bilik hotel, kita pun nak cari tempat makan yang best. husband ada kawan yang nak datang jumpa dia. diorang nak sesi catch up la gitu. so we chose a place that's easy for everyone. we went to Malay Town again and went to eat at this nasi kukus restaurant. forgot the name -_-'
it was ok la. i was hoping the kuah tu pedas lagi. but the chicken was good. and i'm not a fan of chicken, so that's saying something!
bila nak makan tu, si Nadrah was so active that husband couldn't eat coz she kept wanting to walk around, and it wasn't a closed restaurant. he took the first shift of walking around with nadrah, and in the meantime, i was eating as fast as i could so i could take over the shift.
after his shift was done, i took nadrah back to Maleeqa (it was just down the road) and crashed in while they were busy closing the counter. haha! tak malu betul =p
kak Nadia sibuk. tapi serious cantik la the butik. can't get over it!
this is my lil' space =')
alhamdulillah the clothes were sold successfully! rasa nak nangis tengok. tapi sebab i malu, i didn't even step into my space. it's because i don't want to count my own stocks (i have a tendency to do that). tak manis la kira stock depan orang kan! hehee =p
Nadrah was so happy coz she had friends to play with. not that she knows what's happening. she was just running all over the place. and tripping all over the place!
here, they were playing pretend. the adik was pretending to be a gorilla, the abang was the 'savior' while nadrah was the 'damsel in distress' (she was holding someone else's phone. ish nadrah nadrah -__-')
it was so funny watching the kids play! i was laughing and observing them play coz it looks so fun! padahal tak paham pun apa agenda diorang! hehehe
we went back to kl the next day.
it was tiring because i wasn't feeling so well, but i'm satisfied that i got to meet people i admire and respect. and of course i was so happy that i was able to meet La Kayena supporters! alhamdulillah!
thank you so much kepada awak yang bershopping baju & tudung dari La Kayena, dan even datang untuk jumpa saya yang kulit hidung terkupas, mata sembap, telinga pekak ni =') terharu tau tau tauuuu! pastu thanks sangat sebab sudi buat saya ni macam best friend korang, berborak santai macam kenal lama. heheee =)
sesiapa kat kuantan atau berhampiran dengan kuantan, pergi la shopping atau berusrah kat Maleeqa Exclusive ni!
follow their instagram @maleeqa.exclusive to see their updates k?
in sha Allah, La Kayena pun akan restock barang sana soon! weeee~~
Hahaha. Waalaikumsalam :)
Waalaikumsalam! :))))
Tudung sis lawaaa, tu je nk cakap! heheheheh :p
ada few tempat makan best! Lilawadi, the panaderia, ana ikan bakar heheh
asalamualaikum, cantik akak lepas khawin ...
Waalaikumusalam kak maria! Tempat yg akk mkn tu nama dia nasi kukus mama 😊😊😊
waalaikumussalam warahmatullah..
dh lama tak bershopping ni... bolehlah nnt jenguk2 jubah la kayena.. =)
dah lama stalk la kayena ni, cantik. moga terus sukses dan jadi super woman jugak
Congrats for lakayena
Congrats for lakayena
Waalaikumussalam :)
Baju lakayena semua cantik-cantik.
wish u goodluck. :)
may Allah bless.InsyaAllah :)
Singgah sini
Jemput singgah2 ye.. Dan subcribe utk promosi terbaru kami :)
As salam
so sweet gitew ;)
nak duit dgn mudah? pergilah ke blog sangat mudah dan simple nak buat duit.
Nadrah dak besar o.o
tudung u cantik... n nadrah is soooo cute!
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