amboi kau marz.
tengah in the mood to blog lately ni. wahaha!
layan je.
house chores.
there are so many things i need to do in this house. eventhough our house is just a condo unit, i sometimes cannot understand how it get so messy in a snap.
oh wait.
i can understand. it's just i can't accept it.
i sweep, i mop, i wipe, i wash, i clean, i cook, i hang, i fold, i iron, and still, it's as if the house can never be clean completely.
and sometimes, if i have time to look around and assess, i get irritated.
to avoid that, i do stuff like blogging, reading, and just recently, making a video. all because i need to distract myself from being irritated. which is what i'm doing right now. wahhahaha!
don't get me wrong!
i still clean the house.
i have like a schedule. Wednesdays and Fridays are laundry days. Mondays - sweep & mop, Tuesdays - wipe everywhere and wash toilets, Thursday and Saturdays - iron.
sometimes tak ikut pun. hehee =p
of all the house chores i have to do, i paling tak suka ironing.
i just can't stand standing in one spot and looking down, and stroking the iron back and forth. bosan sangat! i even pasang youtube videos, and purposely choose long lectures so that i don't have to look for other videos once they're done and i still have clothes to iron.
and because i dread ironing so much, i tend to get really... angry prior to doing it.
one day, husbeng asked me "yang, harini kena iron ek?"
"ha ah. cane you tau??"
"you kalau kena iron je, mesti naik angin"
"mana ada!"
of course, saya mesti menegakkan keadilan. hahaha!
the good thing is, husbeng knows he must not disturb me when it's ironing day, so he let's me take my time while ironing and he looks after nadrah. it isn't that bad i guess.. but i still can't appreciate doing it! i lagi suka basuh pinggan and toilet dari gosok baju! wahahah! =p
so what's your least favourite chore?
amboi kau marz.
tengah in the mood to blog lately ni. wahaha!
layan je.
house chores.
there are so many things i need to do in this house. eventhough our house is just a condo unit, i sometimes cannot understand how it get so messy in a snap.
oh wait.
i can understand. it's just i can't accept it.
i sweep, i mop, i wipe, i wash, i clean, i cook, i hang, i fold, i iron, and still, it's as if the house can never be clean completely.
and sometimes, if i have time to look around and assess, i get irritated.
to avoid that, i do stuff like blogging, reading, and just recently, making a video. all because i need to distract myself from being irritated. which is what i'm doing right now. wahhahaha!
don't get me wrong!
i still clean the house.
i have like a schedule. Wednesdays and Fridays are laundry days. Mondays - sweep & mop, Tuesdays - wipe everywhere and wash toilets, Thursday and Saturdays - iron.
sometimes tak ikut pun. hehee =p
of all the house chores i have to do, i paling tak suka ironing.
i just can't stand standing in one spot and looking down, and stroking the iron back and forth. bosan sangat! i even pasang youtube videos, and purposely choose long lectures so that i don't have to look for other videos once they're done and i still have clothes to iron.
and because i dread ironing so much, i tend to get really... angry prior to doing it.
one day, husbeng asked me "yang, harini kena iron ek?"
"ha ah. cane you tau??"
"you kalau kena iron je, mesti naik angin"
"mana ada!"
of course, saya mesti menegakkan keadilan. hahaha!
the good thing is, husbeng knows he must not disturb me when it's ironing day, so he let's me take my time while ironing and he looks after nadrah. it isn't that bad i guess.. but i still can't appreciate doing it! i lagi suka basuh pinggan and toilet dari gosok baju! wahahah! =p
so what's your least favourite chore?
ironing :)))
me too..xsuka gosok baju sbb leceh tambah2 cotton n silk!
hate ironing too! ^^
women in the whole universe hate ironing. hahaha
Iron and lipat baju..
haha.. i pun x suka iron sampai husband ckp takpelah dia iron baju dia sendiri. legaaa... hahaha
i hate lipat baju. in the house, sometimes i'm waiting for a week, till the mood to lipat baju come. still not really a good mood. theehehe
i pon tak suka ironing!!! tapi kena buat jugak so pasrah jerrrr
same. xsuke ironing. plak tu tgk cm dh ok, bila angkt bju tu, tgk still kedut.
Ironing n lipat, my hasben yg buatkan 2 kerja ni. Kalo nk tunggu I buat mmg emo. Hihi
Lipat kain.
Paling x suka lipat baju.
me too! I hate laundry, lipat kain and ironing because it's never ends..
me too! but then after my brother bought "hanging iron", rasa macam best la pulak! i think u should by it kak maria. highly recommended :P
same la kita.. malas iron baju, malas lipat baju.. huhuhu..
saya iron baju seminggu sekali je.. kadang2 2 minggu sekali.. hehe..
and everytime mesti buka radio.. now internet dah laju sikit buka runningman kat hp.. sambil gosok baju.. hehehe..
p/s : done follow. sudi2 la follow balik ye ;) TQ
kak maria, beli lah steam iron phillips, u'll love ironing once you use it :)
haa,ahh kak marz, yg steam tuu senang, cepat hilang kedut2 baju, blh jimat masa lagi. so, takda laa bosan sgt nanti :)
tak suka iron baju sangat-sangat, kadang tetiba emosi kalau ironing ni. rather basuh pinggan as you said :)
i love ironing :)
the rest i hate to do!
Makin hari makin banyak orang invent phone yang power power spec dia.
Ada yang camera sampai beratus mp and ada yang sampai bleh masuk air!
Tapi takde ke orang (read:inventor yang genius genius) yang nak pikir buat machine untuk iron baju eh? It baffles me to no end.
saya paling tak suka lipat kain...gosok baju saya suka...hari-hari gosok baju pun takpe
whatever berkaitan dengan air dan baju..basuh baju, lap dapur, mop lantai, sidai baju, gosok baju :p
Lipat baju... tk suka... tp kene lipat juga... perlu ambik masa...,
me too! ahaaa, benda berkaitan baju- lipat,basuh,sidai, iron. rela masak dr subuh sampai tgh malam atau kemas/cuci bilik air.
tp..kena buat juga iron & lipat-- yg lain husben punye part
lipat baju hahah
hahahaha kak maria..kita sama la..sepp sikit..
serious tak suka iron baju, tudung n etc.
kdg2 tu keluar rumah tudung berkedut seribu..
buat donno je org pandang..
malas punye pasal
same with me...but have to sbb tak nak nampak komot dan comot..
samalah, nak gosok baju akak n suami sepasang sorang pun dah makan sejam. apakah? baju kurung biasa je pun, pttnya 10 minit x sampai. huh xsuke
i love ironing as the only clothes that needs proper ironing is only mine coz my hubs where collar tshirt to work.. i only drag vacuum n moping because when u actually 1 to only sweep the kitchen n suddenly u discover new dirt,u end up cleaning the whole house..
I dont like mopping
ok nak nangis baca komen korang!!! kelakar!!
and ramai nya gang!!!!!
maicher, it baffles me too why they can't invent something that can simplify about a washing machine that does the ironing as well? now that's an idea! hahahaha! =p
I hate all those mentioned. Hahahahaha!
Lipat baju opkos!
same here~!!..kalaula ade mesin iron baju..(i wish...ting~!!..mesin doraemon)
ohmygoood me tooooo. hahaha. paling benci iron. I enjoy all the chores but ironing. walaupon belum ada invention of iron machine whatsoever, saya tetap bersyukur for all those non-iron clothes and shawls huahuahau
i ;ove to iron..
sebab suk tengok bila baju tu kedut dengn sekali je swipe dah hilang kedut
hehe..tapi kerja yang paling i tak suka buat ialah lipat kain..tak suka..tak suka..
Smua pong I xsuke marz oiiii..haha
Samalah kita. Iron tak best. Cuci pinggan lagi best.
Me to..lagi2 zman skolah,dulu uniform skolah skung uniform keje.
aha kak mars, moga Allah kira gantikan syurga atas kepenatan seorg suri rumah.
cuba akak try google sirah tentang Saidatina Fatimah mengadu kat Rasullullah tentang penat buat kerja rumah then Rasullullah ada ajar satu zikir
and masa iron baju, akak boleh doa 'Ya Allah, jadikan suami aku suami yg soleh', 'Ya Allah jadikan nadrah anak yang solehah' or 'Ya Allah jadikan aku isteri yang solehah' ^^
I love ironing! I usually watch k-drama marathon then i can iron for hours :p
and I hate cuci pinggan the most hahaahaa..oh and mopping! :p
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