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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Melaka lagi!

im sorry.. i just can't help it..

i freaking love melaka!!

one of my favourite tudung from TudungPeople =D

antiques yang awesome

asam laksa and cendol kat jonker yang awesome


Dragon ball yang awesome

souvenirs anyone?

solat jom? hehe!

photographer yang awesome

gaya tidur yang awesome

rumah jack swallow yang awesome

errrrrrrrrrr... yang awesome

makanan di umbai "Parameswara" (thank you people yang tolong saya cari!) yang awesome

looking at jack swallow's house from taming sari yang awesome

saya yang awesome. eh eehhhhh =p

it's only early of the year 2012 and thus my second time going to melaka. i just love it there coz it's just different and fun! different in a sense that it's not as busy as KL, not congested, so cultural and colourful, never boring, and cendol dia best. hehe! though, i miss ipoh's cendol very much.. and nasi vanggey.. roti bakar telur manis.. dengggg!! rasa macam nak gi ipoh lak!! and maybe pay a visit to my darling universiti di toronto. ahakk!!

anyway, this time i went with these awesome girls, my sisters whom i work with. =)
they're really are the best! 
kalau you all nak tau, our workplace are 70% dominated by men. so, being surrounded by guys really takes the femininity out of a girl.. that's why we girls stick together!!! RAHWWWWRRRR! ok tibe tibe nak semangat lebih. motip?

either penang, singapore or ipoh next. where oh where should i go? hahaha! =p

thank you to those yang tolong kami tangkap gambar, and thank you to those yang tegur =D
korang awesome!!
may we meet again Melaka!!

ps: pics tak editted. so nampak kusam sikit. oh well. alhamdulillah the weather was good! i think i shed 30kg walking all over the town. hahaha!! exaggerate siot. =p


FatizahGhani said...

Melaka memang best ! *Btw , love your dress so much !

FizaFizz said...

melaka memang awesome!! Gaya tidor kak Maria td lagi awesomeeee!! hahahahha!

Shazleena fadzlyin said...

melaka bandar bersejarah...

Shawls Lab said...

g singapore for the next trip. air asia ad wat promotion. hehehe -AINA-

Syamimi Hazirah said...

Maria Elena always awesome! Hehe.

Judh said...

pic tidur paling ohsem ! :P

fariha said...

melaka. melaka. melaka. 6hb ni i gi melaka lagi. hehe. melaka panas lagi x? last month panas kot...bahang gitu..

yuyu said...

tronoh = totonto..ok, awesome :)

bel said...

heee..saye baru je balik dr tmpt2 yg maria elena ohsemmm tu pegi..memang ohsem..

yuna icha said...

meh la UTP! kitorang nk jmput kak maria bg talk. tu pon klo x bz. hihihi... i miss melaka so much! rumah rumah kat sana semua cantik cantik kan??. all the kampung style!

redepal said...

mlk always awesome sis.hee.
btw, asam laksa jonker tuh is it oke?i mean halal? dulu pena try once, then i realize yg msk tu chinese.

Lysa said...

pelancong tu tengok je sis tangkap gambar masa kat tangga tu. haha pic tidur tu selamba! sangat selamba :D

LITO said...

Melaka best.. btw kak maria i love ur snapshot...awesome..

nazriismail said...

melaka bndaraya ouuhhseemm :D

farahani husni said...

u also awesome ! :D

nabByla said...

semua pun awesome . hik3! ;))

Unknown said...

wahh sgt ohsemmmm lah!.. <3 melaka too! ngeee~ ;)

aigostan said...

melaka mmg ohsem ;3

raimiaffandi said...

seksay nyer kawan2 maria neh....... =)

Hizatul said...

Malacca alway ohseem :) btw,kak Maria lagiii laaa awesome <3


Melaka yang awesome.

6 Gemilang said...

mai la ipoh, p lost world of tambun. bole jumpe hehehe. :D

Deela said...

maria elena yg awesome!

asyiqin nasir said...


Najibah Zukefli a.k.a Jee said...

kak maghia nampak lain pakai tudung express..cantik..darah manis tuh..hehe :)

KizZ said...

semuanya awesome! hihi..

Cik tikah said...

gaya tidur yg memang awesome! :P

osmhana said...

ahakk ! toronto sangat. padahal teronoh :p
Kenapa lah tak pernah jumpa Greek Helen ni kat Bandar U ke, Sidec ke, dulu2 time study :O

osmhana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Atiqah Ivy said...

Dalam bnyk2 gambar yg awesome ni, gambar yg PALING AWESOME ialah gambar 'gaya tidur yang awesome'
haha...i loike~ :D

Sy yg blaja kat melaka ni pon blom buat tour cam kak maria ni...
jeles tau! :P

Qa said...

alalalaa kepengnye kak maria =='
kurus jep, btw comel gle gamba tdo tu :D

Anonymous said...

dekat sangat dah ngn uitm melaka.
slalu hang out there :)

Adzril Bloggertalk said...

maria mmg nmpak mereng n ceria selalu!

Nuruashia said...


petite A said...

moh ler ke perak.meriahkan tahun melawat perak..

pie said...

sis maria,melaka mmg best and of course asam pedas wajib makan okeyh :) love you la sis...<3

Ms Nebby said...

melaka is awesome sista!

mishnya tht cendol. jonker.
some my fren told me hv awesome small sushi restaurant around jonker walk.(halal)
but I did not have time to go there.sob~ ^_^''

PemilikCahaya said...

amboi kau nok segalanya ohsem tak menahan gamaknyer..btw, tudung biru tu sgt awesome bila u yg pakai..selekah tp cntik

NiGhTiNaNgLe_FARA said...

la..npe tak ajak fa..fa ada kat melaka tuh...

dayanaazhar:) said...

WHAT camera are u using actually. me wanna buy one

P U C A T said...

maria i really love ur outfit..
nice all..
where did u buy ahh??

ainShahajar said...

macam makin kurus je..
jaga makan elok2 k =))

Wany said...

Melaka mmg awesome. Haha. :D

hazirah kasimon said...

kak maria elena memang osem!

Aleen Afifi said...

nampak mcm pelik bila anda memakai tudung awning haaaa...

Sayidah Nafisah Ruslan said...

er.. hampir tiap bulan pergi melaka.. n xpernah muak! :)

fatin farzana hamid said...


Laila said...

I really like all the photos, you all look like having a great time. Your two outfits are so awesom, I like the pants!

Hugs, Laila

Unknown said...

Melaka awesome!

nanti saya nak mengajar kat sana hehe

dariilhamkehati said...

sis maria rely ohsem ! hahaha , sukerr saangaat pos tidur tuh , hahaha

AmirahSM said...

saya suka melaka!!
kak maria awak mmg ohseemmmm laaa, xkira gaya bergambr cmne ponnn..hahah

ble la sy nk tgk gmbr kak maria ayu skittt.time kawen kottt =p

Nur Patience said...

Wah ! Kak Maria is sooooooooooooo lucky ! I never been in Melaka . Kesian sy . I hope I will visit there when I'm grows up ! =D
Good luck in your life Kak Maria =D

y i e n said...

i also go there raya cina lepas ... tp dah 2x pegi, still x dpt naik taming sari, uwaaaa~~

faqeersyada said...

salute u la. even ur friends sume sexy2, but still u keep that simple n nice look. :)

nadi said...

melaka hometown saya :) kak maria memang awesome punn !

Aida Azryn said...

lama xp melaka. :D

Jαnnαhツ said...

pose tidur tu memang awesome. ahahaha!

Anonymous said...

everything pun awesome! ^^ said...

marilah ke ipoh
kita keluar bersama jom

chui ™ said...

wlaupon ko nyer dress up sumtime cm ikut suke . but best wey ! aku suke. xley tahan tgk cara tdo ko yg worse but awsme gile !
love ah

Kayun said...

ipoh k.maria. ipoh! please ipoh! haha

Nazratul Azra said...

semua pic adalah awesome. sebab Maria Elena adalah awesome seperti biasa. dan paling penting kasut u sangat awesome. sebab sama dengan kasut saya. hahahahhahha

faqihahhusni said...

Semuanya AWESOME! :)

dramaqueen said...

hello maria! i'm one of your silent reader :)

my hometown is in Riau, Indonesia (now stay at Jakarta for study) and that's close to melaka, and yes, it's awesome! this post makes me wanna go there again!

btw where's taming sari? looks very cool at your pic! last time i went melaka (around 3 years ago) i didn't think it's already exist, right?

dya zainal said...

hehe..nice dress sis maria..=)

J said...


Jeeha said...

gamabr ke 3 * 10 awesome!

intandayani said...

best bukan balik bercuti kt sane photo sume corrupt...huwaa

ratna said...

First time tgk u pakai tudung awning...

Unknown said...

besnyee dapat gambar camnii hehe

dayah said...

gaya tido maria trukla..haha but funny to see, happy holidy ya :)

ikafantasi said...

alamak..rindunye kat my hometown,melaka...oo parameswara..sedapnyeeee..

Anyway, free visit my new biz blog..

thisisaina said...

toronto eh ? kampung bieber . hahaha

Linda K Wardani said...

mariaaaa... why you always make me laugh with your every post? hahahaha

trialtodelete said... : Gaya tidur yg awesome tu x menahan klakar gile haha

Martika Diyana said...

Maria, kite pun 2-3 menjak neh gile ke Melaka... hahahahah... sebulan boleh 2-3 kali pagi sane.. hee... nnt pg lagi ek ahaks :P

oleen said...

Mlk mmg best...I'm proud to be Melakan =)

Daya Aziz said...

awak yang sangat awesome laa maria ! like your dress , terbaikkk :)

Nisya said...

Come to Singapore! There're many attractions such as USS kat sini!!!

laskar pelangi said...

terbaik lah maria!
gambar yg maria tu tidor tu yg paling ohsem! =))

Mira Maisara said...

wahaha..dah lame tak melawat tmpt pelancngan tu even mira org melaka..wahaa

Umn said...

I would love to hang out with you if I ever come to Malay!

Anonymous said...

you freaking awesome !

krunch2sa said...

byk btol awesome nye! gaye tido yg awesome tu bleh digune pd saat2 emergency XD

aryu said...

T e r e n g g a n u?
jom meh sini.Hee

diANa hARiS said...

gaya tidur yang awesome tuh dah mcm ala-ala 'America's Next Top Model' show dah... hahaha..
semua gambar nmpak marveles! rasa mcm nk pegi bercuti kat melaka skang jgk.. muahahaa...

fatinsyakira said...

haa..that time la i nampak you girls.. nak tegur but haish. customer ramai pulak time ><

Byzura Mj (By) said...

nice picture and dress!

feel free pls visit :

Izyan Masri said...


A.M SuLaImAn said...

i live near jonker street, and it sucks!

Khai_Sol said...

Wah akak gi melaka lagi.. Melaka mmg awesome.. Lepas ni try gi taman seribu bunga dekat ayer keroh.. Best and tmpt tu dekat tmpt Solehah,hehe^^

shat mashuri said...

so cute... :-) smoga enjoy slalu.. assalamualikum...

Kifli Mally said...

u look more ohsemmmm compared to the other girls :)

YouSOF said...

Entri awesome yang pasti mendapat komen² yang awesome! ;D

MilaMalik said...

akaq lain kali datng melaka bagi laa tau..kot2 ade jodoh ley jumpaa..bengang nie --" hoho

atai said...

melaka ada satu tempat makan yg best dekat2 butik hotel belakang tu. u should try one day... makan roti nan cheese with ayam tandoori. restoran pak putra namanya... pernah masuk nst if not mistaken... :))

Zehan Ilyana said...

maria, your pump shoes tu sangat lawa and awesome!
boleh tak nak tau you beli kat mana?
i really love it..
dah jatuh cinta pandang pertama ni dengan ur pump shoes yg awesome tu!!
ouh sungguh cool...

pelangi chenta said...

malacca best place to vacation mode

namasayatihah said...

you seems so bubbly in pictures but when I met u personally u seems reserve n pemalu...heee~

but u are an awesome person...cantik..;D

Sasha KLfaraway said...

wat really so awesome is that.. maria masih menjaga aurat dan akhlak muslimah walau siapa pun disekeliling anda.. insyaAllah.

Afiqah T said...

wa, suka la maria pakai tudung 'ekin' je, yang penting bertudung...right???!!!

loVe puRpLe said...

Melaka mmG best n cantik n pusing2 sure tak sesat (^-^)

Unknown said...

meriah plak dia kesana yerk..

Unknown said...

melaka surely awesome ~ bdw,, meh kelate lol .. hik365

Mama Aryan Rizqi said...

chanteq kak Maria pakai tudung ekin, look simple and sweet :)

Shazwani Ramly said...

kak maria, akak tetap nampak cantik bila pakai tudung 'ekin' tuhhhhhhh. comel. melaka best :D


Saya yg study kat Melaka ni pun, tak pergi lagi melawat. Haha :p Oh btw, Akak pergi la Klebang, kat situ ada coconut shake. Sedap gilaa :D

capt. keon alhan said...

itu tagline batch intake jan 12 di utp...

JAN 12 AWESOME...ttbe trngt orientasi baca en3 ni...

fatin ! said...

kak mariaaa ! pleasee come to penaang ! penang pon awesomee jgak hehe :3

Prof@mri said... hye kak maria elena,,im here ,,ive contact all your social pages,,, just want you to know that my friend here nadyra,,,check out her facebook,,, want s to meet you if possible,,because for her you look like her and she idolizes you,,,if youre not busy gimme an answer at facebook or twitter,, thanks =)

Cik Firus said...

salam..jom baca entry menarik kat sini &

najwamr said...

hari tuh saya nampak akak maria dekat melaka,tapi tak beani nak tegur :> said...

kak maria!!!!ble akak prgi taming sari?

biarlah bL0g berbicara said...

speechless kejap tgk stail tido u..*gaya tido yg mmg awesome!!haha

WH said...

melaka memang sgt awesome.. it was legen........... wait for it...... dary!

Unknown said...

salam :) looking fr paisley shawl that is long enuff to cover ur chest?

go fr medinaa hijab! :D

Cik Syazz said...

"berlakon tourist yang ohsem" -->kelakar sgt statement ni.dan gambarnye!hihi
visit salam kenal:)

million apparel said...

bile nih kt melake?? untung laa berjalan jee :)

Hawa said...

even study kat melaka tapi xsgt jejalan coz nak simpn u akhir bile tgk kak maghia..wase sonok lak...

yana said...

Salam maria,
hari tu ada tgk maria dlm madmarkets dgn hanis.z. itulah pertama kali tgk maria..:) akak nak tanya,hotel yg maria dgn hanis tunjuk dlm tv tu apa namanya ya?nampak menarik nk bwk ank2 bercuti,punyalah cari,tp x jumpa,mcm mana nk jumpa,x ingat namanya,hari tu u all ada ltk add blog/web dia kot,tp x smpt nk masuk dlm minda,tolong maria bg nama hotel tu ya,T.kasih..

Anonymous said...

Which hotel you stayed? Any hotel would you recommend? :)

Miss Naa said...


Unknown said...

Ahaks..cute gile pic tido tu..kak maria oooo kak maria..mmg peliks..but nice..ehehe


pergila kat Kapal Selam Melaka lak ambik gambo...

idasihijab said...

menarik sekali kak mari Model baju muslim terbaru Model kebaya muslim modern