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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Girl talk Part 2


ahak ahak ahak!!

ok ok. mars, leklu.
last few weeks, ada 2 kereta awesome ni datang rumah.
my parents and i sambut la these awesome guests. =D

so Asfirdaus's family came over to our house and our families met for the first time!
jauh gak their journey to come to our place. =') 
so their purpose is to menjadi perisik. haha! joking joking.

untuk merisik.

heheee!! =p

ni berlakon je ya. =p

after discussion between our families, it's sarung cincin timeee!

tokmak memang suka mencelah dalam gambar. hehehehe!!! comel tul!

after the whole discussion, we proceeded to the dining area and had some food prepared by my dear tokwan. tokwan memang best!

the men talked about serious stuff, while the ladies just talk about almost everything else. my cat ni suka menyibuk and fatin, pantang nampak my camera! hahaa!

my mom and asfirdaus's mom dah best friend too, alhamdulillah!

all in all, alhamdulillah syukur that everything went well. im glad that we're finally taking that step (eventhough this is just one small step) towards, insyallah, marriage.
and i'm sooooo glad that his family can accept me to be part of theirs. ye la, saya ni takde la perfect mana. still a lot to improve on myself. syukur.. =')

i don't think it's common for people to talk about risik time kan. but i'm sharing this part of my life because i truly appreciate your support and prayers for myself and asfirdaus to be together. insyallah, kalau Allah SWT izinkan, kita akan go towards what we prayed for. =)

please dear friends, pray that Allah SWT dapat permudahkan perjalanan kami semua dan sekeluarga.
thank you all so much! 



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June said...

congratz maria wishing you a smooth journey towards the next step =)

Athirah Zaradi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dilakochan said...

kak maghiaaaaacongratssss!! Im happy for you.. and doakan cepat2 dpt naik pelamin.

both family nampak sempoi n serasi sgt! :)

Dila Donghae said...

waahhh.... congrates maria elena.. :D

nOOr shAfIqAh said...

wow..congrates to u
have a nice next journey!!

Tengku Iji said... sweet..btw,congrates!

Athirah Zaradi said...

wow ! congrats maria elena ! hope the best for you and dato' :)

shizmeya :) said...

comell la akak :D

Nur Zaheera said...

congrats kak maria. praying the best for you guys. you guys lookss so sweet being together. ^^

Nana Said said...

happy for u Maria!truly happy for you!anyway, i'm ur silent reader... ;)

Sayidah Nafisah Ruslan said...

tahniah! :)

sayakayrulez said...

cantik la rumah ni.
n kek skali..jeles2

sayakayrulez said...


faziana ARahim..... said...

wah..kak maria dirisik...tak sabar nak tengok kak maria kawin!hehe

kathy said...

tahniah ^^

2345 said...

wah wah, lepas ni jadi datin peliks pulak la kan ? semoga cepat naik pelamin !

Nora Afiqah said...

kak maria those all was awesome.good lucck dear. :)

amy said...

congratulations , kak Maria :)

amy azuha said...

c0ngrats kak Maria..!

cik violet said...

tahniah sweetla :)

Leeya Azliyah said...


adinda awin said...

tahniah MA,ur future hubby -dato- sgt hensem plus u sgt la gorgeous hehe....

looking fwd for ur E-day n wedding...

Myra Abdullah said...

OMG!! akak!! congrat! finally..
cepat-cepat naik pelamin yee...^-^

cherry_ijau said...

tahniah ! happy for u ..

Mek Onie said...

FL nanti jadi family kak maria la eh?wow ! eh,adik beradik eh dato dengan FL? *kepastian,haha* tahniah kak <3

AsyRaF is VeRy HumBLe said...

congratsss kak maria. cepat2 naik pelamin :)

Unknown said...

OMAllah...kak maria tak lama lagi bakal kawin..nnt msti ank comel!!ahakz!!

xxx ooo said...

tahniah kak maria! smoga kekal ok? amin!!

syabab said...

congrat..t nk kawin wat kad jemputan tuk blogger...hihihi... wish u all the best n hopefully everthin goes smooth n ok..

zera said...

sweetnyeeee... jelous laa.... =D

Qyla Azhari said...

Congrats Kak Maria Elena . Hope be more happy after this :) I always follow your story !


congrats kak maria :)

Syira Lokman said...

Ya Allah! best nyee ^_^

Aneesah said...

Mabruk Maria & Dato'! :D It's amazing how much you look like your mum and he looks like his mum, comel je bile the future besans bergambar together. ^_^

Many prayers heading your way. <3

Cik Kentang said...

Waaa sweettt , hope u guys happy . tahniah kak maria :)))

::dAuZsHaNLeY:: said...

finally..congratz maria and Dato'..

cici tembikai said...

sweetnye =)

nanti kahwin invite readers and followers you tau .


cici tembikai said...

sweetnye =)

nanti kahwin invite readers and followers you tau .


hananishikido said...


cumigd said...

Congrats kak maria... Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu...OOOPS!! awal pulak..hihi

cumigd said...

Congrats kak maria... Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu...OOOPS!! awal pulak..hihi

Miss Ff said...

Congrats Maria! You have everything dear... so lucky :)

Umie Nadhirah said...

syukur alhamdulillah. dato & fatin liyana adik beradik ke?

Sesopie said...

Congrats Maria!! Kahwin nanti mesti meriah gituuu..

zey said...

i am so happpyy for u,sis!
congrats lah!

Asyik Izas said...

InsyaAllah apa yg you hajatkan akan tercapai..Amin..:)

FayZ - said...

tahniah di atas upacara nie.. semoga dirahmati Allah..


Unknown said...

congrat miss maria elena!

1 step more:-)

AthyraaLee said...

Congretz sis maria <3

Anonymous said...

Congratulationsssss! One step ahead :)

amira afiqah said...

congratulationssss kak mariaaaa. <3

Unknown said...

congretz kak maria,semoga jodoh sampai ke jinjang pelamin and hingga akhir hayat

dayah said...

wahh...besaunye umah...hee btw sweet nye...best2...

Unknown said...


Atyn Roslan said...

Congrats Sis Maria. You look so happyyyyyyyyyyyyy and i'm happy for you both. :')

Nak gambar lagiiiiiiiii!

Kenapa sikit sgt? =')

Jαnnαhツ said...

tahniah!!! at last bertunang jugak... suke nyer korang dah tunang...

cik RaRa said...

wooww, congrats sis. i wish semua bejln dgn lancar n naek pelamin cepat2 taw ^^

Apis Hilton said...

bagai pinang di belah belah..congrats kak maria!!!

cik gojes :) said...

sumpah rasa sweet giLa tak hengat...hopefuLLy kak maria wiLL stay giLa tak hengat dunia even Lepas tunang, kawen, beranak pinak pon !! =)

siti zarizza said...

congrats kakak !! sangar sweet. semoga segalanya dalam rahmat ALLAH (:

leafareesya said...

congratulation sis ^^

Anna-Maria said...

I somewhat does not understand some stuff in this post (when will I learn malay?!), but congratulations, insha'Allah you guys will find love, loyality and support in eachother! :)

Husna.Ma said...

gosh.sempoinye majlis merisik! hehe.congrats kak maria. moga dipermudahkan perjalanan hidup selepas ni. can't waiittt :))

aamalinaazman said...

dirisik suda
gembire je die


i'm hepyyyyy for u!

dayah said...

tahnah, tawen thn depan ke..insyaAllah sume boley :)

dayah said...

tahniah* :)

Unknown said...

ok this is my first time comment , congrats kak maria ! :) inshaallah Allah permudahkan semuanya

As-Salahuddin Smart Tahfiz School said...

oh, i really like the propose cake! All the best for both of you in all future undertakings :)


congratulation kak maria~~hope cpt2 to the next step..hehe

Elie Lily said...

congrats sista! cepat2 kawen tau! :)

zana said...

nice big happy family... =) congrats k.maghia... hehe ;)

Ainn Rahman said...

Awhhh ! Kak Maria ! tahniahh . whoopss ! So excited bc pasal niy . hehe, moga ke jinjang pelamin yarh ! AMIN :))

Syeera Sulaiman said...

congrats kak MAGHIA.ngeee. :D
btw u'r house veli veli near to my house.even jalan kaki pun bole.tak sangka u duduk area situ.

A said...

oh my congratz sis!! klw boleh pegi ur wedding lg best heheee

gwen velora said...

congrats Mariaaaa!! happy for you.. jawab la tweets i sometime kay. @GwenVelora. :)

Anasyg said...

tahniah kak Maria -semoga Allah memberkati hidup anda ^^ dan go on to d wed ! Tahniah skali lg

E. R. said...

aww congrats Kak Maria! harap segalanya berjalan lancar. congrats again! <3

Intan Syafiqah said...

awwww suwitttttt!! cogratz maghiaaaa

Wanybunny said...

wow congrate kak maghiaa :)
cpt2 kawen k

Liyana Iskandar said...

so sweet,congrats kak maria elena! insyallah emuanya akan berjln dgn lancar, amin..

robowtasmara said...

Alhamdulillah, awwww congrats~!!!

Pieyqa Norsyafiqah said...

congratz kaq. maria. smoga kekal ngan dato'. akaq ngan dato sangat comel n sepadan sangat. congratz once again. i'm happy for u. :)

saya slalu follow cite ka maria. smua best n fresh :)

Ked said...

sis mariaaaa!! congrats!! smoge berkekalan la hendaknye ek..aminn..

syafieyka_ff92 said...

congratzzz!!!!!woot woot....tibe2 teringin nk brtunang lak kannnnnnn....

Farah Azurah said...

ahakkk..upss..hehe..kak,kita pon nak cept khwin laa cm gini..ahakkk..hehe :D BTW,TAHNIAH KAK..jap,fatin liyana adik berdaik dgn boy akak eh ??

Ayu Am Odd said...

homaigadd ! so sweet laa you guys. heee. btw, congats ahh (:

diANa hARiS said...

semoga akhirnya nanti to a beautiful wedding, insyaAllah!

Nurul said...

O.M.G! like seriously?? k.maria nak kawin da? huhu congrats ^ ^ semoga semua berjalan lancar..amin

Anonymous said...

ok... pic awal2 tu lawak. haha.. btw, tahniah for both of u.. hopefully semuanya jalan dengan lancar dan dipermudahkan... hurm, i wonder... mcm mne la pic uol kahwin nanti. sure awesome gilaaa! cant wait! :D

Ana Filia said...

Hey there, love from Singapore! =)

nn said...

congrats! :D

Rean said...

congrats! jaga hubungan elok2 ye :)

.miradila. said...

sooo sweeetttt la korang!!!

ROSSA said...

waa.. congratss.. hope the best for both of u :D

nasya-AB said...

congratz :) may Allah bless both of u :)

SJ said...

congrats korang... sweet mse dgn kek 2... act so naturally uols...

laskar pelangi said...

dear! congratsssssss


nnisa azizan said...

Always pray for you kak maria,InsyaAllah .. Amin :)

MM said...

I am happy for you and congrats ;p
(this is actually my 1st time comment on ur blog ;))

MM said...

I am happy for you and congrats ;p
(this is actually my 1st time comment on ur blog ;))

Efa Manaf said...

congratulations! memang sama padan, sama cantik. :) ehh yg sebelah kanan fatin tu, itu younger brother dorg ye? rugged gila, hahaha :D

Billa.Bel said...

wah ! :D

MM said...

I am happy for you and congrats ;p
(this is actually my 1st time comment on ur blog ;))

loVe puRpLe said...

congraT sis bestnye... lup it also =D

Fifah said...

wah..thniah la kak maria.sweet sgt korg! :)

mAdA said...

wahhhhh!!congrats kak maria!

desague said...

best of luck for ur realtionship! happy merisik btw! heh..

nnati nak kahwin jangan lupa jemput!

ieqa zulaica said...

a big congrates k.maria !!!
semoga sampai ke step seterusnya..
happy ever after :)

zoeLa said...

akak, tahniahhhh :)

Huzniey Saad said...

congrate kak maria!! :D

Sheqynne Hotloverzs said...

congrate kaq maria .. hope naik pelamin cepat 2 erk ..

Syamira Ismail said...

congratss kak maria :') happy for you

pAri-ParI tErbAng tiNgGi said...


fana.akim said...

wah!! so sweet!! congratz kak maria!!

Ruwaida Ridzwan said...

hi! i am your silent reader..Happy sgt tgk you dgn dato'.

hope ur relationship everlasting =)

Noor Hazimah said...

omg kak maria!congrac!!aww!

IM TYPING said...

too sweet :)

please dear friends, pray that Allah SWT dapat permudahkan perjalanan kami semua dan sekeluarga.
thank you all so much!

- amin~

LydSunshine said...

Tahniah Maria. Sempoi habis. Sarung cincin sambil berdiri ramai2. Hehehe.. Sweet.

LydSunshine said...

Tahniah Maria. Sempoi habis. Sarung cincin sambil berdiri ramai2. Hehehe.. Sweet.

pink said...

Congratsssssssssssssssssssss kak mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! :D

Farah Aqilah said...

congratulation kak maria! wee hapie for you :)

mr dongibab said...

congrats maria & dato..hihihi..

cik fadh said...

tahniah kak maria . majlis merisik yang sempoi, suka !

Unknown said...

gambar memula nampak cm memain jerk!

btw, congrats!!

Unknown said...

perempuan yang baik,utk lelaki yang baik,dan lelaki yang baik utk perempuan yang baik.

congratez! :DD

J. Hass said...

congrats.. :)

Unknown said...

sama cantik sama padan

Syaby said...

sweetnye. congrats yaww

DYatie ABakar said...

huhu. baru tahu yg fatin liyana is ur future adik ipar. oh-sem! btw dear, congratulations! it must be a very great day of yours. :))

Shahada Fauzi said...

simple..but it's look so sweet..

tahniah maria..happy for both of you..

semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya..^_^

ibuhebat said...

congrats dear! Alhamdulillah first stage dah selesai n berjalan lancar.. moga dipermudahkan segala urusan selepas ini... eh, ni dah kira start darah manis la ye? biasa la tu gaduh2.. byk2 bersabar ya.. take care!

Mira Filzah said...

awww happyyyyynyaaa tengok gamba gamba nii :D

Unknown said...

congrats !! <3
i pray for your happiness till the end :)

Anonymous said...

I pray for you.

u.l.a.m.r.a.j.a. said...

congrats!!!! hpy ea... nice pics and nice fmily.. :)

♥niknuranisSyuhada♥ said...

tahniah kak maria

Nia Ridzwan said...

congrats sis. semoga beroleh keluarga yang sakinah ;)

najihahfara said...


NurHanis said...

congrats kak maria :)

msfit said...

wow! congrats! so sweet. so simple. the kind of majlis i like. pray that everything goes well till the big day.
i m new here so i dont know much abt ur b/g. but fr ur house and the future family's cars..both of u come from well to do families..yet u did not do the elaborate engagement. congrats! i like very very and it's this kind dat i always dream of.

msfit said...

oh n i wana ask. u did know abt him coming to propose? n u were makeup less? oh so cool!
and this the 1st time the parents meet? and then straight to the point!
Is he the eldest son?
Are u the youngest daughter?

Fatin is sweet!

btw this is girl talk part 2..where is part 1?

TeQah Khaire said...

awesome ! congratz lah (:

xsabar nak wedding you nih mesty

chantek kan

Alia Syaza :) said...

whoaaa, congrates sis <3
cocok sangat nihhh :D

♛RaRa♛ said...

congrt kak maria!!^-^ sepadan sweet,next.. weeding plak.:D tuh yg rara xsabar nk tgk kak maria ngan baju pngantin...mesti lawaaa..^-^ anyway happy for u ^_^

Cik Amni said...

wahhh.. seronoknyaaaaa... so sweet ada kek macam tu lagi.. hihi.. kat blog saya pona da cerita bab risik ni.. cuma tak letak gambar je.. yey! Doakan semuanya lancar sis.. amin..=)

Zharif Azis said...

congrats maria =)

shuhadah Zainol said...

tahniah maria elena...:)

Nurul Liyana said...

congratss sis maria.. happy for u. doakn supaya semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.. :)

korang sangat sweet! <3

cimöt said...

waaaaaahhh..congrats la sis!!

bau nasi minyak dah ni..

Unknown said...

huwaaa so sweeeeet! kak mars dah dirisik <3 lub lub. semoga lps ni kak mar dgn asfirdaus berjalan dgn lancar atas izinNya. insyaAllah ;)

^DyaNnaPandA^ said...

Wahhh! bestnye! kak maghiaa dah dirisik..congratZ! =)

ainul.zmrs said...

omaigod! finally! happy tgk you. semoga berbahagia:D

Hidayah said...

sooo sweet!! congrats Maria , hepi for u >.<

Hidayah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
adeq said...

congrats kak maria.hope everything berjln dgn lancar dan dipermudahkan.Amin.

ANILZA LINA ! said...


cik ems said...

bestnya korang.

congrets maria. :)

Fuadah said...

As salam,

This is the best news ever. Congrats!

Syafiqah Sabki said...

sukenyee dia dah nak kahwin,me heppy too..semoga everything dipermudahkan maria=)

My territory said...

congratz maria! hope you and dato will last forever. i love to see both of you. :)

Unknown said...

congrats n i'll pray 4 ur happiness. xoxo :)

Asmaa' Adnan said...

cake tuw mmg sweet gile.r.. congratz!!

Anonymous said...

congratulation for both of you ;)

Hafiza Yunus said...

sweetnyaaa.tahniahh ;DDD

UmiQaisara said...

Tahniah untuk kalian berdua... ;) Pray for the next step.. Insya Allah.. amin~~

Sarah Syamimi said...

congrats sis maria. :)

Cik Puan Tim said...

kak maria, i'm so happy for u.....=)

NadyaBubble said...

Whoaa, congrates sis :D

Wawa T said...

tahniah mariaaaa.. :)

F said...

congratuz!! uhukz. semoga berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu oki :D

p/s : jgn lupa jemput majlis kahwin oki :P

zuwaidah said...

congrats, moga dipermudahkan segala urusan, insyaallah.

nuhaz said...

congrats maria!!

leeyanasir said...

congret kak maria..:)

lynnlola said...

congratz kak maria!!! ur mom same sgt muke ngn kakak! eh silap. muke kakak laa same mcm muke ur mom. hihi. happy3 for u!! semoge Allah memberkati hubungan kalian :D

Anonymous said...

congrats kak...semoga hubungan korg berpanjangan...x sabar nk mkn nasi minyak...;)

shidaidris said...

congrats dear, u n dato memang awesome partner.

sofa rumah u cantik. boleh? happy for both of u

Kayun said...

wah, congrats sis.

wish 4 ur happiness :)

E y r a a Atiqa said...

suke nye ! tahniah. kak mars cumell. :)

Cik Puan Tim said...

just love u both together =)

Miss A said...

kak mariaaaaa. congratsss!! sob sob. bergenang air mateee. comelll la koranggg!! ^^

Siti Nurhuda Husna Zulkarnain said...

Tahniah sis! Gambar kelakar la. Huhu.

Shurazirah Sukhur said...

congrats maria!sweettt..

syahassan said...

congrats sis .. :) hope jodoh berkekalan hgga ke akhir hayat..aminn

eika said...

congrats...sweet + simple = i like

Paradise Gal said...

congrats... :)

HaFizaH aYu said...

tahniah dear!!cpt2 kawen tau hapy tgk korang berdua

Anonymous said...

congrats!may ALLAH bless both of u!amin


congratzz sis...^^

simaasyamimi said...

congrat sis maria=)

farhan said...

tahniah!!! Alhamdulillah..... ke jungjung pelamin n ke anak cucu.... ^_^

Nurul Syafiqah Hayati said...

sweet gila! congrats kak maria :)

The Medical Duo said...

do it simple and it become much mo better...Islam pon x suke berlebih2. Ape yg korang buat ni alhamdulillah dh ok dah...semoga cepat2 naik pelamin :P

Agintha said...

Congrat kak Maria :)
Salam tuk datok kau :)

Ain said...

kaK MariA congrat...

hopr cepat2 la naek pelamin msti mase 2 meriah giler... said...

Congrates kak maria! =)

p/s:fatin tu ur future sister in law ke?

Khai_Sol said...

congrates here=)

rarizzar said...

alhamdulillah... tepuk-tepuk utk korang berdua. majlis simple tapi comel. congrats!

Ryan Ervan said...

Dear Kak Maria~
I'm happy for you and I pray for your happiness. Since from the 1st day u post that cute innocent video with dato and now "merisik".. hoping for a happy ending to both of you..

ashela said...

tahniah maria. (:

hareez mad isa said...

Congratulations :)

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