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Friday, April 22, 2011

Jalan Jalan di Johor Bahru

ohhh yeaaahhh~ we went to JB yawww!

meet si depan: Shea and Yana

meet si belakang: mars and lyna

we went to many many shops and honestly i don't remember their names, so see Yana's post about it HERE and Shea's post HERE
all i can say is that i had loaaaaaads of fun! thank you Yana for taking us around! much much loveee!

so here's the story.

1. kami masuk kedai comel, kami bajet comel, maka ini lah jadinya. 

2. orang tanya nak gi mana next. bukan nak jawab. buat muka peliks. memang tak faham motif diorang.

3. bila lapar, start la buat muka huduh yang awesome

4. bila sesat call guna iphone 7611 to ask for suggestions. 

5. tak faham motif diorang kangkang.

7. bila nampak baju, semua excited. especially Shea and Lyna!

8. we got on this cool bicycle ala ala flintstone.
please sing this: i want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike~ (by Queen) 
kalau tak tau that song, korang noob.

9. cycled for an hour, can you believe it? maka muka kami berminyak boleh kalahkan pinggan kat mapley. 

10. as we were about to go back home, Yana merajuk.

11. but we had to go back anyway. so we bade goodbyes and left her and Justin Bieber behind.

see this!

conclusionnya, i had so much fun! can't wait for the next trip, insyallah =D


GaDis eQa said...

look like u had so much fun.nice! :)

Shahiela C said...

Sangat ohsem! And kudos for the video :D

miSs sYiQa said...

hehe must b crazy hang out wit u guys..xp


Suke lak ai Tengok Goman masing2...tapi best ar tgk Maria Elena kat 1tube...sempoi giler

NuReLLe said...

ok fine..i'm noob sbab mmg xtau lagu tu..haha..:D

NisaAdnan said...

whoaa happy giler sume. santai je kan. suka laa. btw, akak gi danga kann?

Azariah Kamis said...

waa...bestnya jalan2..
semua syantik2..

Asyik Izas said...

bestnya jenjalan...dh lama x g johor..he3..

cpfiqa said...

wah . pg danga bay ea ? hoho . sweet la akak sume ni . ade mase lagi turun pontian pulak . hehe .

arek said...

sye dak utm!kan best kalau dpt jumpa,,heee..dah penah g istana garden..danga..naek basikal..juz jln dhobi xg!

Axie04 said...

bestnyer dapat jenjalan

Anonymous said...

Eh eh, lagu FEIST lah! :D

caHAYA said...

sgt2 lawak korang ni...tgok vid pon tersengih2.. ^_^

Unknown said...


IS ALL ABOUT ME :) said...

WOA ! SAYE BUDAK JB , h e h e ^^

Puan Eka said...

hahahaha....muka weird tu yang bes tu..haha..
motif kangkang?

Laila said...

beautiful photos! :) It has to ve a very beautifull day :D

najihahfara said...

cool la sis semua!

Liyana Aziz said...

awesome! like million time video tu... =)

Intan Syafiqah said...

kiteorg katsini pon gumbire melihatnyeee best best!

User123456788542 said...

maria.. npe tak btaw nk dtg johor. kalo tak u bley la jumpe followers u yg dh melambak kat johor ni. *cehh mcm confirm je rmai dri johor*

ishiko said...

hehee.. kesian yana.. kalo ai pn sedeyh membe tinggal nk blk,..

Adahunny said...

so yana is UTM's student? woaaa just know that. she is in which faculty?

Nazrul Ashraff said...

=,= mereka pun happy go lucky! nice..hee

~uǝǝʇɐɟ said...

sis.theres entry include u :)

i.k.o said...

stay kt scholars' inn ke?? ala klu taw da bole serbu c2.kolej sblh je ponn.uu

.: Si BungaKopi : . said...

yana nampak cantik plak 1st pic tu. huhu.
yg len pon cantik gileeeeeeeee.

Aunty P :) said...

welcome to jB :)

Myra Amira said...

awesome !

Mira Marlena said... girls remind me of my younger years...

Fyqa said...

gorgeous .


Kak Maria, the third picture name's at ROOST. ^^

Najlaa 'Aqilah said...

you guys mmg cool lah :)

Najlaa 'Aqilah said...

you guys mmg cool lah :)

RODLOSE said...

Hi, I've just watched your videos recently and omg I loveeee ittt! My aunt and cousin said you talk like me or the other way around, doesn't even matter anyways. lol. but yeah, they were like "omg she talks just like you! both bimbo and normal style" LOL
And I love what you and your friends are wearing :) Very vintage I must say ;)

RODLOSE said...

and and this is my blogshop. feel free to check it out :)

mizzura said... giler tengok korang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Farhanah Mokthar said...

hey maria.
i am johorean.
which part of jb did u go?

hee. teringin kot nak jumpa maria elena.


shafinaz (: said...

Gosh ! bestnyaaaaaa !!

Q. M. said...

whopps. i saw lyna with mulberry alexa bag?

don't tell me....


Nadia said...

ok. next stop harus pegi JB. omg. tak sabar nak pegi kedai comel tu.

Melda Mohd said...

next trip, nak ikut okie? ahaha. seronok~


zansot said...

ok I gotta say, i love YOUR STYLE girls its so ORIGINAL :D and i love the way you match everything you wear, you seem to have the time of your life :D

Maria Elena Zarul said...

oh yes! Roost! lupa pulak. i call it the baldi shop. hahaha! =p

oh qist, she bought it in china! cantik kan? hehe!

thank you all for watching! JB memang best! sorry i didnt tell anyone prior to the trip. i nak jalan2 kan. heee.. next time insyallah we'll meet johorians! =D

Pino said...

yoo! wazup kak maria.assalamulikum,x jawb dosa,klo jwb sayang! hahah~

anyway i org Jb yoo.nice place.i x taw kat mne tmpt tuh. -_-'
klo u infom nk grk JB,i boley jumpe u kat cne. :(

u nk taw x,semlm,u masok dlm mimpi i taw..OMJAYYYY! nk taw x,i mmpi psl ape? u nk pinjm i punye "penyangkot baju". hahah~ x ley blh.:D

myb sebb x dpt jumpe u,sampai termimpikan u.hahah~jumpe dlm mmpi pn jd ler kak maria.:D

Adik Angah said...

macam mana jalan JB must be fun kan kan kan kan... i org JB gak... hope u enjoy masa ade kat JB tu....

Zhi said...

hey , salam ..just dropped by ..and nak cakap yg u cool babe !! ...hhehehe .. u've got ur own personality like when people say MARIA ELENA ...oh that crazy gurl huh???...i mean ..not 'that' crazy ..but....u know wut i mean aite ?? heheh ...go go !

HZQH said...

alaaa pergi city square and danga bay tak cakap.nak jumpaaa you all lahh! but next time make sure bgtau.heheh, mesti ramai serbu.huhu

MasrurahDiab said...

Maria dtg singapore luhh... with your buddies too. nanti you dtg, i nk jumpe, can take photo with youuuu :)) can can?

~fiQranZ~ said...

kamu pegi utm....wargh..miss UTM so much....

Anonymous said...


Cik Buya said...

smart lah video !!1 thumbs uppppp <3

this is a story about a girl... said...

so syok...hahah proud to say i'm UTM-rianzzzzz ok...huhu

The Medical Duo said...

Salam ziarah ke sini

aNNe DyaNa said...

hey maria, leopard skirt tu huhuhu sy ada satu~ from Dorothy aite hehe

oranglidi said...

awat muka hang sama dengan yg krusi depan belah kanan tu? adek bradik ka?

farrafieqa redza ^^ said...

semestinye best. johor bharu negeri kelahiran saye. hehe! said...

mke kak maria mcam sme dgn the other girl yg pkai tudung hitam tu..u guys sisters eh? :D

Siti Noorhafisah Bkhairudin said...

wow! all pretty ladies! :)

Siti Noorhafisah Bkhairudin said...

wow! all pretty ladies! :)

Nurul said...

nice trip! :)

new post:

Misz Muffin said...

bestnye!! =)

dilakochan said...

seronok nya!!

Sissy, biase edit vid guna ape ek?
Mind to share?

Puteri Nurul Megat Shukri said...

sis, nape yg sorg tu muka sama mcm sis?adik ka..?hehehe...~ neway..sonok tgk!tgk je la yg mampu.heheh..~

Maria Elena Zarul said...

hahahhaa!!! koranggggg yang si pakai tudung hitam tu yana from and we're not sisters!
maybe ada mirip but we're not related la.
heheee!! =p

Puteri Iqa Izyan said...

sis maria pun kat kmph dulu??
best kan? matrix plg best atas muka bumi ni. heeee... :D

LittleGurl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LittleGurl said... much fun!friends are awesome!

AimanN said...


Qiel Shuk said...

owh emm gee!! i wish i can meet u! :( why dint tell me dat u came 2 JB dat day? huaaaa. adore u okeh!!

Honey said...

girls.. check out www.keretamayat.blogspot


ChantiqueWardrobe said...

nice ;)

syaja said...

assalamualaikum, maria elena. sis,i used to love the way you are. theres no fake just yourself :) keep it up

syaja said...

assalamualaikum, maria elena. sis,i used to love the way you are. theres no fake just yourself :) keep it up

NSFM said...

lepas no 5,no 6 la sayunk hehehe.

Nur Izzati Kamaruzaman said...

ya allah ! knp la xckp dtg jb??? btw,sy ni org jb. teringin nk tgk kak maria yg lawo ni..peh,,sedih seyhhhh :((((

lizz said...

ok,macam nak terberanak gelak tengok pics korang semue!!hahahaha. seb baik xpreggy -..- awesome!!

Jet said...

may I know what camera brand you're using? is it a DSLR?

scenenseen said...

i'm a johorean and you made the place look like the next best thing to visit in touched!

dieya said...

seriously u guys memang awesome! and not to forget u all sesangat laa gojes ! :D

Eien Mohmad said...

wahh! jb, tempat saya (:

izuur said...

only can say, photos are awesome n cool
