my hair is kept underneath my shawls.
and now, i have bad tudung days.
but today, it's so bad, it's embarrassing!
my tudung didn't stay on my head as how it used to. it kept shifting sides! kejap ke depan sangat sampai tak nampak dahi, kejap ke belakang sangat sampai nampak dahi luasku. aiiiiiiihh!
what's worse, my hair kept creeping out of my inner scarf and manage to find it's way out no matter how i many times i tucked it in. i even tied my hair harder than usual sampai sakit kepala okay!
they come dari atas, dari tepi, bawah telinga side. Ohmagaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
annoying tahap maximum!
and what's worse, my colleague mentioned it.
"maria, apahal rambut kau tu?"
stress ada, kelakar pun ada! i quickly ran to the back, secluding myself from human view (sebab nak gi toilet kena lalu ramai orang. tak sanggup!!!) and took necessary actions.
kalau i baby, rambut keluar keluar tu cute kot.
like this:
cute baby Alya picture from
tapi as an adult, memang tak la!! muka mintak penampar and yang paling tak best, aurat yang nak cover, itu la yang terkeluar.
like this:
photo editting paling noob dalam dunia from
ok perlu ke credit diri sendiri? hehehee! =panyway, tengok that picture. MACAM NOOB KOT! i don't want to show my own picture because my hair is out kot. no wayyy! hehehehe!
so yeah. it was really annoying with my hair trying to get air, when i need it to listen to my command, which is stay in the serkup aka inner, tolong la. and then my tudung, tolong la. dah set like that, stay like that laa! kau nak gerak2 apasal? ish.
Alhamdulillah though that this doesn't happen often.
when those days happen, memang stress.
dah la stress keje, add on stress with my tudung and my hair which sometimes have a mind of its own, and worse, people may see it.
what is the solution to a bad tudung day?
since i'm quite new at wearing the hijab, you all yang dah bertahun tahun pakai, mind sharing some tips? saya baru belajar dan saya mahu belajar =) sharing is caring right? heeeee...thank you in advance!! =D
letak banyak pin to secure it. hahaah
myb aksesori or hijab akk berat kot..pastu x secure elok...
ske akk amek effort utk xbg nmpk jugak rambut akk..lg pon kalau nmpk rmbut masa pkai tudung..mmg selekeh.!
cukup xsuka.. :P
setuju with salimah.. i letak pin byak2 kat rmbut especially yg dat rmbut ta terkeluar..n i penah rse bad tudung day.. n yes! its annoying..hahahhaha..
yuyu tarok pin berguni guni :)
pakai sepit rambut or cekak rambut yg nipis untuk pegang, dia x terkeluar lahh
pakai serum or minyak rambut. :) kepala pom bau wangi je. two in one. :D
nasib baik rambut tak keluar dari blakang. looks idiot dan messy gle macam tu.
sis maghia..pakai je anak tudung..lagi senang..:)
kepala pon berbentuk okey, rambut tak keluar..
ada jenis ikat kat belakang, Jalan TAR banyak..
try la :)
apa kata, amik tali lafia dan ikat buat reben tudung. haha., :))
cute meyh!
hahaha.. mmg serious rasa cm geram gila... apa hal lak.. dok terkeluaq2.. rasa geram cam nak tarik2 tudung tu..tarik2 rmbut pun ada..hadoii.. hahah... tue la kot..kena guna pin bnyk2..w/pun agak leceh.. :p
pkai anak tudung , pin banyak2. haha
pakai circle scarf yuna yg bru tu
biasa i sepit je rambut.takpun pakai inner yang memang ikut bentuk muka.mesti tak terkeluar punyeee :)
sis...pkai anak tdung ja sng...serkup trus pala tu..rmbut xtkuar...
or sis boh pin bnyk2 kt rmbut...huuhu
terbaik !
agree...inner kdg2 x secure sgt
pkai ank tudung...even ank tudung ade yg boleh ikat kt blkg...kemas dan x terkeluar!
inner jenis cooton selamat dan pakai pin berdozen2 kot..keh3
sepit rambut!hehe.
botakkan kepala! hehe...
xla...maybe akak kena kasik rambut betul2 rapi...mcm yg dicadangkan di atas,pakai bg ira nanti pin tue tercucuk...hehe..
xtaw nk cadangkan ape...
ira selalunya pergi toilet n adjust btl2 tudung.. :)
gunting rambut pendek2. hehe.
kak maria,pakai anak tudung de bg geseran utk shawl spy xgerak2 n rmbul sume tersimpan kemas dlm tu =)
what I normally do is I tie my hair kemas2 and then I pakai scarf nipis tu, then lepas tu baru pakai serkup, better if you pakai pin/sepit rambut tu.. ;D
comel la even noob..eheh ;p
xnk kabo
kalau botak kan rambut, mesti takde dah rambut nak keluar2 lagi kan kan? :P
i pun still new pkay tdung ^^ same same lah kite. tdung asek tak betul aje. ahhaha. sabor sabor ^_^
utk rmbut degil cik maria ni,nk kena ltak bende yg advnce skt ni..klu stakat pin,cnfrm terburai punye. so,plg sng, gunala hair spray! cnfrm die dok diam je dlm inner tu. =)
hahaha..ok tergelak part edit picture tuuu..
Blog Aku : ..::ini jacKsky.punya! blog::..
sis , you kerje dekat mane ? btw i got interview UTP (your ex uni ryte ? ) then i dunno nak pegi kr tak ??? what do u think ?
hahaha..ok tergelak part edit picture tuuu..
Blog Aku : ..::ini jacKsky.punya! blog::..
just go to the toilet n basahkan tgn.. ratakan kat rambut..just a little.. xde la nmpak cam baru mndi.. sbb lau basah sgt, nnti kelemumur lak.. always do that when having my bad tudung day :)
pakai serkup je ;D
pakai pin dekat rambut supaya rambut depan tak terkeluar. pin yang ketap ketup tu.
selalu jadi camnie lagi-lagi bila pakai tudung bawal. hilang self esteem kejap. haha.
i don't wear tudung tapi tengok my sister pakai macam senang je berbelit-belit sana sini. maybe if you think you gonna have a bad tudung day, then u should be wearing tudung yang sarung tu je kot..ala people called tudung ekin eh? hah camtu la kot..
p/s:jap, macam mana u nak tau whether u are facing that bad day kan? i'm so sengal!
oh maria i fell you babe....i also new in wearing hijab xsampai pun 6 month lagik nih...i also need the tips lah...benci kan bila rambut tu degil tak nak dengar cakap..very very annoying...masa tu i rasa cam nk letak gel je kat rambut i...haiiishhh
since bukan selalu your hair sgt degil, and only on this particular day dia degil, could be sbb you just wash ur hair kot. sbb mine will terkeluar merata2 bila i baru shampoo rambut. hee. just sharing :)
oh my gosh.kadang2 pon i have the same prob.rasa macam nak pinkan tudung ke isi kepala je.
haha. comel je gambo. letak je pin berbakul bakul. slalunye rambut yg degil nak keluar ni rambut depan. pin kan die.
pakai syria sng. serkup je. hahaaha
pelik, but it looks good
hahah :)
biase nye kn,kte leh ase tau rmbut yg gatall tu tjuntai kuar dr ank,cucuk2 ank rambut tu masok tdung blik.ehehe... n pki pin byk2 la sis... :))
saya cadang pakai pin bebanyak! haha tapi kena kira bilangan pin tu..sebab takut hilang masuk dalam badan..haha!!
bukan pakai inner yg ko salu pki tuh da leh secure tudung ke? ..
ok jer.. ikat rambut elok2 la.
solution plg best. botak jer.
you just have to face it. huhu...mmg pelik sbb something using the same tudung could be ok kdg2 tak ok. but certain tudung mmg problem pon
serkup yg ikat belakang tu mmg sgt convenience.. cotton.. plus kalau pakai betahun2 pon xkan loose.. =)
today is one of my worst too. sakit hati dengan tudung tu dok bergerak2..dah hbs bubuh pin merata masih nak gerak2 jugak..wearing a scarf (cekak getah) before pakai anak tudung tu cadangan plg baik.yg penting pakai yg melekap kat kepala..
i pun baru gak! masih explore cara pki yg sesuai...
ada banyak cara..[cadangan drpd consultant x bertauliah..keh3~]
1. pki inner shj mmg kurang 'selamat' kikiki~ before pakai inner, pkai la skaf nipis yg cotton tu ke, headband ke..
2. utk org yg rambut pendek, secure dgn hair klip yg kaler itam tu..bukan yg klip dawai tu tau...alaa klip biase yg jual kat pasar malam tu.. XD secure kt rambut area belakang telinga (dkat2 dgn cuping telinga bhgn bwh cuping tu) and dkat dgn tepi dahi..err...phm ke explanation tu?
3. kalau yg rambut panjang, pas ikat kmas2 bru bubuh hair clip tu kt area yg di stated kn..
selamat mencuba. tak jadi jangan salahkan saya~ \(^-^)/
kalau kite, kite pakai anak tudung..jd tudung xgerak2 dah..mcm anak tudung yg kite pakai time zaman sekolah dulu, yg murah dlm rm1 satu..mcm mana nak terangkan, kainnya kesat2 sket, mcm kain yang dikait..hehe..
haha,kak maria tudung harok pun lawa kot.tak risau sgt. lalala~
rozana razali punya idea boleh pakai kot.serkup yang ada ikat belakang..
why dont?
hahaha comel . Oke maria u kene pakai serkup yg mcam swimming cap tu..
elena...before pakai inner, pakai dlu anak tudung. pakai kaler hitam je okeh. puteh tu zaman sekolah rendah sahaja. anak tudung lak jgn mcm mak cik2. pakai yg biase2 then pinkan bahagian blkg. sure rambut takkan kuarm dr segenap segi.
skarang dah ade jual yg jenis mcm jaring tu.hehe.sorry.tak thu nk panggil ape.klw pakai tu konpem tak panas.sbb nanti nk pakai inner yg cotton plak kan.:D
ugh. me hate bad hijab day too >.<
kalau no time, pakai je syria sis. hehe. xpun kalau pakai shawl, pakai yang crumple.. ape2 pun still stylo. orang mesti kate, "that's the fashi0n!!"
hello! i have been wearing tudung for years but am always having a bad tudung day.haha.i'm totally serious! in conclusion,saya ni pun mcm budak baru jugak.hehe.some people say just use a lot of pins.but they dont work for me.=.=' haha.i'm always messy and bolok. heeeeeeeeeeeee.........
1st time di sini!! hello maria!! kalao hari2x sebegini biasanya saya akan ke toilet, cuci muka (ape kaitan??), then tarik nafas, followed by untie my hair and ikat semula.. pakai shawl elok2x then insyaAllah ok la ek.. biasanya mende ni jadi kat saya sbb hari tu sgt serabut kusut fenin, so rambut pon jadi kusut bagai.. wawawa.. try it!!
slalo sgt jd kat sy jgk!haha.mgkn sbb rmbt licin.haha.logik keee??
u, i akan slalu bwk tudung sarung ibu arini tu dlm kete... kalau rase rimas sgt ngn shawl or tudung, trus tukar tdung ibu arini tu... hehehe...
but, kalau xbwk, i mmg akan pin byk2 atas pale, mane tmpat yg gerak2 tu, pin je trus... hehehe
i like this entry maria.
cute yet funny ;D.
botakkan kepala..kehkehkeh :P
ikat kemas2 then pakai scarf dlu baru serkup n that die kemas la :) insyaAllah^^
tie your hair dear
then wear your inner
(preferred to use a cotton inner)
and then wear ur hijab
pin it
so that it'll be more secured and tidy
I wear headband. da one yg macam getah tu. dat way, my hair sangat2 susah nak keluar. n now, i cn never wear tudung without the headband or esle, my scarf will be out of place plus i won't feel comfortable :)
hello sis !
on my advise,why u dont maria cuba pakai inner yang ketat sikit?anak tudung pun okay jugak..tak pun u try la headband. ;)
ur totally right....
jemputla follow blog i yg tak seberapa yer..
its okay
you are still beautiful
botakkan rambut.ehehehe..just kidding.maybe u should cut ur hair & then pakai sepit rambut banyak2 especially rambut bahagian depan.then pakai pin tudung byk2 kat shawl not really expert into,just wear express tudung jer.:-)
haha..gila la kak M...but u too cute la...hehe...
ltk pin byk2.haha
sentiasa bawak pin kalau agak2 serabut tu pin je mana2 smpi die dok diam...
i suggest pki plastik as pengeras kat depan tuh..mcm dulu2 femes kat sekolah bebudak pki plastik dalam tudung.LOL
kalau tanak keluar rambut,make it bald.kehkeh
serius mmg kalo tudung asyik buat hal mmg boleh tension..hehe
letak byk pin pastu adjust2 biar shawl xgerak2 dh..hehe
pakai ank tudung yg kemas..;-)
Pakai minyak rambut kot.Muahaha! =p peace!
found this in a hijab tutorial on youtube. The women in the vid actually sprayed a lil hairspray to her palm and add a lil water and smudge it to her hair. don't worry if your hair might rosak or whatever but it won't :)
ala,k.maria comot2 mane pun still comel!hehehe...=) nagn pin or maria ley pkai inner yg alaaa cm hairband ala2 rteo tuh yg salu org ltak kat dahi if nak bersukan and so everr if pkai tu dia akan giv more friction nti xde lah jadi rambut yg sibuk2 nk creeping out tu :)
salams maria,
seriously when im having a bad tudung day and NOTHING seems to freaking keep it in place, the only thing that helps is cream. malas nak do anything so ambek kau! haha sometimes all i wanna do is just go to a corner n cry! switch off the lights in the office cos no one shld see my weird tudung!!!!
salams maria,
seriously when im having a bad tudung day and NOTHING seems to freaking keep it in place, the only thing that helps is cream. malas nak do anything so ambek kau! haha sometimes all i wanna do is just go to a corner n cry! switch off the lights in the office cos no one shld see my weird tudung!!!!
Lyna Zain
(no idea why my laptop was signed in at some ALex21 gmail! aper ni!)
Assalam. ^_^
Girl, that edited pic looks awesome. haha. ^_^
Salam kenal. ^_^
Liyana SCR
hurm, maya jage rambut. bile rambot ok,dan sehat, mood kite ok. hormone seimbang,kite happy. kepala ringan, pakai tudung pon make me happier. *harap membantu yer sis maria !!*
salam...hye..akak include link to your blog in my blog post.hope u're ok with it..thanx for sharing knowledge with others...and akak wants to share with u too...sama macam yang ramai2 komen, akak pun letak sepit/pin/hair clip pada rambut.but, this kind of bad tudung day always will accompany us sometimes...another opt, u can cut your hair short..hehe..that's what i'm doing recently,and it works...really short hair like aishah sinclair now...hehehe...
salam babe,
i guess it comes down to the type of inner scarf you're wearing? what type of material is it made of? is it the slippery kind? (satin or lycra?)
i use the cotton syria inner which is a bit longgar, but i pin it together using a brooch at the nape (back of the neck) so it will stay snug, but not too tight (you can kinda gauge how tight you want it to be). that will help maintain your hair in place throughout the day. beside, cotton inner absorbs sweat like a sponge and stays cool all day. my favorites are the ones you can find at Turkuaz.
keep on rocking the hijab!
walaupun pic edit noob tp lucu gak..hehe..^^
well....not saying i'm xperts in tudung tahu la mcm mane nk manage bad tudung day....pakai anak tudung hitam yang mcm bebudak sekolah pakai tu....memang solve masalah n x tipu k....but ada teknik nk smpan rmbut supaya still stay cun dlm bnda alah tu....sikat suma rambut kebelakang mcm nk wat pony tails then ikat rmbut ngn selesa......pakai anak tudung untuk secure ikat hujung belakang anak tudung biar ketat sket.....solve problem....smpan la ank tudung tu dlm beg selalu...
ahakz..first time dgr bad tudung day..:)
for me, a mummy of a year old child, no time for fancy stuff & of course kne make sure i cover my head securely (lg2 bdk kecik suke menarik tudung mama nye..). So keeping it simple I just pkai inner yg cotton/stretchable material tu yg melekat kt kepala, if rambut pjg ikat dulu. Then I just balut2 shawl over my head , don't like pins much just under the chin and on either side of the shoulder to make sure bhgn bwh shawl cover up the bossom..haa br aurat terjaga..gud luck salam..
tahniah k.maria!!
u really amek berat psal rambut spye org x nmpak ur aurat!
do amek safety precaution ye lpas ni spy rmbut x t'kluar lgi.
ikat rmbut n find the most quality serkup is de best, iA..ngee heee~~=D
don't sanggul it too high.k.maria.
beg youuuuuuu..
it's not a good thing in islam.according to one of hadith nabi s.a.w.
mintak dijauhkan..
maybe u shud wear inner cotton?senang tak gerak2.hehe i am just suggesting~ xoxo
Very recently I started using pins. It helps so much. Short hair is more manageable, masa rambut panjang memang cepat sangat terkeluar. Also depends on the type of material, prefer yang coarse, so it isn't so licin. Anak tudung works well only if you double secure it, with a kerongsang ke apa.
salam maria..bagi diri sy sendri..bile shawl yg di lilit tu x menjadi,sy wat style sendri..haha!! lantak p lah org tgk len mcm ke,asalkan den happy-go-lucky! yg penting dri sendri rase confident bile pakai n selesa..tu da ckup..tgklah nti,confirm ade yg try style tu ;p
last option,pakai instant hijab haje..lagi sonang!! hahaha!!
sy tak pernah pakai tudung, tak pernah kesah pon*wink
gile la, gua first time datang sini, btw, my gf name also maria:) maria sharapova.hahahaha
pin di belakang inner :)
anyway, picture last ehem funny XD
eheee. comel laaa :)
hello maria..
jarang pakai shawl. tp bila pakai, xpakai pin. brooch (bkn pin ke nih dlm bm?) je bwh dagu and bahu. and i find managing short hair is harder sbb mereka berlari keluar dari ikatan rambut seciput.
kalau inner licin, kene pastikan padan dengan saiz muka/kepala. tetas sket kat blkng klu ketat. ketat sgt or longgar sgt pun 'tergerak' ke sana sini. perlu jitu dan tepat. sbb tu malas pakai yg licin. remeh benor.
nak mudah dan yakin sepanjang hari, pakai inner neck cotton. depan, blkng, leher, semua tutup. rambut pun insyaAllah xkeluar :)
all the best!
slm maria, i do proud on you b'cause u the chosen 1 dpt hidayah utk cover ur hair-ur aurat..x nk comment on cara pakai tudung but really interested that u talking about covering aurat..
as alang2 dh pakai tudung, how about how about kt cover the whole aurat which includes tangan n kaki.. Islam x prohibit to be trendy or fashionable tp kene line with verses in Quran- an-nur 31.. mesti rmai yg akn more admire u..
I'm just sharing wut i know.. sory
-luv u, with bona fide- :)May Allah bless~
thank you all for your advices and suggestions!!!
alhamdulillah tak bad tudung day today. hahahaa! =p
i nak cari inner yang betul betul lak skang! honestly, i beli inners tak concern kat da size. rupanya some of them ada size gak.. baru tau..
thanks tauuuu!! =D
you all rocks! =D
haha comel jek kak maria edit tuh!
huaaaa XDD
hai i'm following you!ur blog look preety cool awesome
hai i'm following you!ur blog look preety cool awesome
kak maria! tgk ni!
Maria! Tulah, tudung n anak2 tdg ni mcm2 jnis...mcm western fashion jgk jgk...if we say tops, ade blouson, tank tops, dress and whatnot..
That juz shows that the hijab demands equal respect amidst our modernizations, yo! :p
Oh, neway, here's what i do with my hair :
Bile rmbut pjg - ikat ponytail, take it into a bun using either sepit gergasi / klip bergigi as used in salons (yg sesuai lah) n pkai anak tudung
Bile rmbut pendek - i juz pin tepi2 dahi n telinge using pin ketap ketup
My hair jarang nak terkeluar, i guess,my hair xde prob sgt kot..but yeah, wearing the right anak tdg / inner most def helps!
As for me, i usually wear inner syria / inner awning / serkup kepala sekolah :)
jaga rambut 1st, better x yah pnjang sgt..rimas la..eheee..tpi yg pnting, kalo da slesa even pakai tudung pun nmpak confident jek..;)
salam kenalan ;p
we got a same problem :P
FIND YOUR IDEAL INNER SCARF!!! heee :D do it by trial and error. hahaha
I just find out mine recently. Inner lycra. Even kalau rambut tekelua pun kan, die macam die tak stick out taw. die mcm telipat? hahah I don't know if you can understand that or not. tapi rambut boleh behave lah! Sbb lycra kan die mcm ketat and then die mcm tarik your whole rambut ke blkng.
So try2 la coz maybe rambut jenis lain react with fabric jenis lain ke? :D
This is my first time commenting here btw. I'm aishah and fatimah amin's lil sis and we sisters love you :D
Hmm. Memang stres. Maybe kena always in the mood kot. Bru x stres. Haha mcm org lain kata jugak, letak pin banyak2!
bad tudung days! i know this one. when i first wore my hijab (those days tudung bawal), my sister said i looked like a muallaf. now dah pandai skitlah, but am still new to shawls. anyway, i have all this anak rambut on my forehead and they are all like halus2 so i can't get them all in. just hope orang tak nampak. i don't use clips or pins so thanks for all the tips from all the comments above....
ok.i dunno whether anyone already mentioned this kat comments atas ni coz i didn't read all of them..
tapi one simple magic to stay your rambut in is pakai cekak getah.
u know what am saying?ala,cekak kain tuh..
then baru u pakai serkup.insya Allah,rambut akan stay je diam2 dalam serkup tu.
it took me a while jugak to discover this trick i know what u felt.hehe..
oh btw,kak maghia,i love you!^^
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