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Friday, January 7, 2011


ok a lot of people have been asking about The Scarflets.
the Scarflets isn't a band, a club nor an organization.

we're just a group of girls who loves to be with each other. and we don't restrict ourselves to our members, we're open to those who sincerely wants to be friends with us!

credits to Shea Rasol!

yes, we're all bloggers,
but what made us stick together isn't because of age, fashion, blogarama or anything like that. it's really because we found that sisterly bond with each other =D

so yeah.
that's The Scarflets! if you dont like us, think you know better, etc etc, then ok fine. be the clever one and get urself a life. jealous much? =p

anyway, we've had a photoshoot the other day, courtesy of ChentaNana, Halmus Rihzan, Chal Siden, Muhd Jais and MNJ aka Babah.

i'm not a model or anything, so i was kinda nervous and excited at the same time about this photoshoot.
and boy, it turned out to be so much fun! the photographers were really chill to work with. 
i was singing here and there, kejap lagu Empire State of Mind, kejap lagu Like a G6, kejap lagu Whip my hair. we were jumping around la, usik usik sana sini, talking, laughing, omg, it was really fun!

here are some of the pictures from the photoshoot! some are from the photographers and some are from Ami's new awesome camera. thank you all!!

now here are my perasan-bajet-model-like-hello-you're-a-noob-kottt pics! 

(how Nana stick them eyelashes on yawww~)

here are sketches of us made by NURAZLIN! it's soooo awesome of her to actually draw us with CHINESE INK!  guess which one is me! *grin* 

here's what she said about us:
okey maybe ada yang macam ‘hello kenapa nak sketch the scarflets’
ini sebabnya..
aku suka lah diorang ni.well,diorang bukan kawan since diapers tapi!!!!!friendship yang terjalin antara diorang melalui kecanggehan IT ni aku rasa sangat positif dan sihat.bagus kan.aku suka friendship yang harmoni cool hip lovely lovely ni.
dear scarflets,alah..peduli la orang nak komen tak elok.u olssss tak rugi.
Nurazlin, not only the sketches have touched me, but also the fact that you appreciate the friendship myself and the scarflets have! not many can understand how we can bond, but you could, and that's why you rock. thank you soo soooo much! =D

i think that's enough of our vainpot pictures yeah? hehee! you can find more at Cik Epal's, Ami Schaheera's, Shea's, Yanny's, Yana Petisuara's, ChentaNana's, Jezmine's and Fira's.

if you're free tomorrow, 8th Jan, do come to Old Blossom Box for their prelove sale! most of us will be there! i'll definitely be there! see you okay! and be sure to be sporting ya! =D

now for the features!
thank you dearies for writing about me!! i really really appreciate it! =D


Mek Onie said...

wahhhhh sis maria memang sweet ...i loikeeeeee :D

lagi-lagi hat pakai bulu mata tuh . pehhhh!vavavoom toi :D

Anisa said...

your smile is the best one i've ever see

the scarflets..gorgeous!!


lavender harum wangi said...

ye, peduli apa org kata. Yang penting scarflets tak memudaratkan mana2 pihak kan? Btw, feel free to visit my blog. New n3 in da house~ :D

nisanasuha said...

kak mariaaa , kak maria nmpak lawa pkai bulu mate tuhh,hee .

keSENGALan teserlah.. said...

suke ini...

Unknown said...

heard bout it.. now i knoww

ayunietahir said...

see you tomorrow maria! :))

sue. said...

darling....u lawa m0del larh...<3 it..


Deba said...

would love to meet the scarflets one day :)

lilysuryana said...

semua cantekkkkk...
tpi kan..maria u lagi sgt cantekk...
i nak badan mcm u...;)

Jαnnαhツ do not dwell on the past (hazan) and never worry about the future (hamm) - just concentrate on the present moment and be happy! said...

maria elena!! you look pretty in those pics. but i bet u'll make it much prettier without the fake eyelashes coz u are indeed naturally beautiful...

alexayussida said...

sis,tang bulu mata tu..aneh la..hee..yg lain dah oki:D

Anonymous said...

pempuan akhir zaman..jgn terlalu bangga menayangkan diri anda dikhalayak...semoga anda di beri hidayah....
jika anda mengaku Islam, terimalah teguran dari saudara Islam yg laen.

Puan Besar Shag Yahaya said...

Tinggi nya U, Maria! Hehe. Alaa~ Nak pergi esok tapi tak ada driver dan kawan utk teman ke sana. Sobs~

Anonymous said...

knp komen2 sume positif ek???xde y negative y negatif dh kena delete ngan admin!!!admin takut POPULARITI JATUH KOT!...peliks ni...sesuai ngan nama blog...wawawawa...

Dr Zaira said...

i nak tinggi tinggi tinggi macam u!

Miera Aziz said...

tinggi u berapa Maria? cabtik sgtt!!

Love to see you girls!

Robot | Sakti said...

panjangnya bulu kening.

stail habes korang.

keh keh keh

Maria Elena Zarul said...

thank you all!!! haha!! the lashes tu just for promotional purposes. the make up artist nak tunjuk skills la kira. heee =D thanks for the compliments!

anon1: baik! thank you for the teguran!

anon2: haha! buat lawak. i tak takut popularity jatuh pun. i lagi takut Tuhan. =) and tolong la. kalau i delete nasty comments, i would have deleted yours. see? so means memang all positive je sini. you peliks gaks. buat la blog nama sayalagipeliksdaripeliks.blogspot confirm meletup!

ainil said...

kak maria! the pictures look SO nice!! kak maria buat la gamba tu jadi header! please please!

Sizzling Suzai said...

salam..hi maria ^^
i suke gle outdoor photoshoot n up, those pics r awesome!
u guys really hd a great time..jeles haku deh~

Sr. Maryam Fatanah said...

cntik gila all the photos ni..gila admire ngn kamu punya eyelashes..stylo gituh

Anonymous said...

really??malas la..selalu y ade blog ni ade beberapa tujuan nk ade blog...
1) mmg minat bloging n just suka-suka nk ade blog
2) nk berdakwah n share information
3) saje nk cari populariti and also nk TUNJUK BAGUS...

so where are u??

cume sekdar nasihat..even u pnya follower pn xbyk u need to watch out wat ever u said and posted(blog + youtube)...xperlu nk tnjuk moden sgt...terutama yg berkaitan dgn islam...sensitif...takut ade yg jd follower plak...bkn nk jd just nk menasihati if rase benda tu x betul...sekian..

Maria Elena Zarul said...

wow anonymous! you stalk my blog ke sampai tunggu i comment balik? nice oneeee =D

anyway, thanks for the teguran =)kan elok you cakap baik baik. nak hantam out of nowhere apahal? chill k? ni my teguran to u.

sorry kalau my modern lifestyle makes you tick.

oh as for your question, i'd like to see what you assume of me about that one =)

Nisa Kay said...

woww maria, u will be there???
i want to meet youuu!!! ahhahahaa~

insyaAllah i'm cominggg :D

imz said...

gojes2 la korang...suka tengok style masing2

Anonymous said...

dont have much time nk stalk u...but u can read again ur post memahami isi kandungnyer...
and also here i post something as reminder for u and me ...

Disebut di dalam hadis diriwayatkan daripada Abu Bakar r.a bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Sesungguhnya manusia apabila melihat kemungkaran tetapi tidak mengubahnya, dibimbangi mereka turut dikenakan azab daripada Allah.” (Riwayat al-Tirmizi).

Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah bahawa Rasulullah s.‘a.w bersabda: “Setiap umatku mendapat kesejahteraan melainkan orang yang melakukan kejahatan secara terang-terangan.” (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim.”

p/s : semoga kite mendapat hidayah and maaf salah silap...teguran dari saudara seagamamu....

jojo said...

anonymous:? takutnye ngn ko..

maria: nice blog la.. love the scarflets tu.. korang cam rilek aje

faith Lee said...

hey maria..
u guys cool..+ rock for u ;)

Mira Idora said...

sis MAria Elena is adorable..!!..

Anonymous said...


to that anonymous:
u cannot reprove other people yg u x suka n u tak sincere.. if u are really sincere for the goodness of our Muslim's siblings, u must have come with good words, good approach, and good way.. be friends,not an enemy..

please kindly refer to book " bagaimana utk menyentuh hati.." *sigh*

to maria :
maybe their words are true but the way they said to you were not really nice..

take the good words,and ignore the person.. k dear?

there's always room for improvement.. for u, for those anons & also for all of us.. everybody is not perfect but we do put effort for it.. right? all the best.. ;)

-a friend-

fareezyusoff said...

dah macam Sorority Row!;) lepas ni nak buat versi lelaki plak! haha

sue. said...

peliks anon. mesti cik bedah ni..

miRa'e said...

u guys is just soooooooo cool ! how i wish i can be a part of it :)

Haute Muslimah said...

Absolutely beautiful, mashaAllah.
Love the lashes :)

drum kit said...


schmellow said...

cantik gila!

schmellow said...

cantik gila!

Fatin J. said...

siapakah yang bertudung polka dot? serious mcm muka Vanida Imran. dlm blog lain2 pun tgk muka dia mcm Vanida. mula2 ingat Vanida join korang photoshoot. seriously saya bukan tgh berdrama. hehe btw, chantekss la u olss!! keep it up! :D

cik lala kismis said...

u terrrrsangaaaaat chantek..i suke!! i suke! i suke!! *oppss terover d situ..ngeee

DOLCEshasha said...

u'olzzz memang cool :)

cik bantal said...

to me, if others x suke ur scarflet frens that is just bcoz they didnt hv such nice frens just like urs.. miahahaha

p.s: x berat ke nk bukak mate with that fake eyelashes.. hehe :)

mahirahkamal said...

perempuan cantiks ^_^

Anonymous said...

maria.. inner yg u pkai tu mane nk dpt ek.. hehe

amOibex said...

cantiklah perempuan2 ini.. ^_*

Syafiq Rosli said...

wow..very stylish kot..

Em said...

dear maria,

if you could check your email and get back to me regarding the video for HFW i would appreciate it.



PS. if you don't know what i'm talking about, please email me:

Flying Fish said...

maria elena !!!!

heee u gojes sangat sangat sangat
maria tolongla jadi kawan i hahaha
dah jatuh chenta la dgn u

go maria go <3

Anonymous said...

apsal CIK EPAL tu baju dia ketat sgt...
bukan nak kate ape lar kan....
Tapi sendat sangat lar....tak sesuwei dengan body dy yg chubby gler tu...
sgt mate i tgk dia pakai mcm tu....
malu pun ade gak

Anonymous said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaah cantiknya n ceria je nampak warna2 shawl n pemakainya

Mari singgah ke Official BLog for Tenangsudey.

MyOwNwOrLd said...

lovin your maxi dress
where did u get it?


princess.dHani said...

Maria.. ur gorgeous and an inspiration.. Keep it up :)

p/s: here's one for you :)

mizztraveller said...

Perempuan melayu terakhir

Drunbella Khoo said...

bulu mata ikan laga.
ini serius.

Ogy said...

memang boleh jadi model....ada gaya...attitud pun ade.... :)

Yuni Aisyah said...

wow..!!cantik2 belaka sume..nice2..:)

popcolours said...

the scarflets..nice name

6 Gemilang said...

u r tall! :)

Anonymous said...

hi, i've only heard of the scarflets recently. my only knowing it recently is thanks to the fact that i am not in malaysia, i am an antisocial and 90% thanks to the fact that egypt is what i would call: ketinggalan zaman.

so, from what i can see, u guys are fun, easy, cool and modern. but that doesn't mean that u forget Him. i think the fact that u are highlighting ur faith in ur appearance is nice enough as it is.

anons: honestly, the only one that can condemn the niah' in a person's heart is Allah SWT. don't take His right and claim it as yours. dalam teguran u guys, there is a hint of (forgive me for being so frank) envy. that is why the little reminder sounded harsh and unkind. our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW did not spread Islam using harsh words. anyway, ibadah serta dosa org adalah urusan mereka dgn Allah SWT.
lagi satu, u guys x patut buat teguran di mana semuorg boleh baca. x baik bukak aib org. dunia ni cermin kita: apa keburukan yg kita nampak dekat org lain, tulah keburukan yg wujud dekat diri sendiri.

maria, sorry for the long comment but i thought someone need to tell the anons their wrongs since they're so fond of finding faults in others.

em said...

korang semua sangat berani.. sangat2 salute korang sebab jadi diri sendiri and nampak sangat berkeyakinan serius ni aku tulis smbil rasa macam nak nangis sebab kalo aku mampoi la nak pakai lain sikit..tahniah each one of you..

NadiaH HusaiN said...


where did u get em dear? :D

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

nice post, nice fotho, nice nice la.....

@_@ said...

sorry kalau my modern lifestyle makes you tick.

modern lifestyle


modern women go to WORK
posing for pics in fancy clothes is sooo... ancient greek.

aaa said...

Hi guys, Salam HB!

Are you a Hijabista (HB)?

Take your camera with you and snap some fun & merry representation of you or those adorable hijabistas @ a shopping mall, flea market, or even in the back garden. Next, email the photos to or
Things to keep in mind when taking pictures:

1.Capture and send a high-resolution image from a digital camera or iphone;
2.Try to capture the entire outfit and look;
3.We love it when hijabistas are cheerful and smiling!
4.Remember to tell HB your name, age, occupation, when and where the picture was taken -what city and which country?

Each month, HB will be featuring 10 or more Hijabistas in our magazine!...just a 'SNAP' away...

Sisters, looking forward to receiving your fab images!

Admin said...

As-Salam ... sekadar singgah, cantik gambar anak-anak dara semua ... :) cik epal pun ada .... hmmm uhh ramai yang nampak macam kenal tapi tak berapa nak kenal.

Bro datang jenguk .. tqvm.