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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"Nadrahhh!!" is almost always all i have to say


i have to make this a quick and brief one, because hubs left the laptop charger at his office, and it's on 5% power.
thanks sayang.
i lebiu, like, so much.

you know what they say. "don't let a man do a woman's job". i don't really like that saying.
because i want you to do all my job.


Nadrah and i went on a vacation recently to UK and Italy with my mom and two elder bros.
It was really.
faham tak, EVER!??!?!?!!

the 4 of us could not compete with this lil girl. i kid you not.

we reached manchester all groggy and aching everywhere, but little energiser bunny was on the go!

imagine that on land.
now, imagine that, IN THE PLANE!

it was so tiring, my eyebags were about to break out of pressure. hahaha!
ok that's too much. =p

the steward & stewardesses had mixed feelings about nadrah. they liked her, but they're also annoyed.
you know when kids, biasa la kan, they don't like to be strapped in and stuff.. eventhough we all memang put her in car seat since the day she was born, till today, she still hates it - being strapped in.
so when the stewardesses (yes, more than one person, and more than once) told me "excuse me, please wear your seatbelt with your child." and when i told them, "yeah, i'm trying" while struggling with a pro-wrigler and high-pitched screaming girl, they just don't get it.

so as a mother to a child like nadrah, i have to dress like i'm ready to sprint.
sport shoes, shawls that don't move much, clothes that is thermodynamic and aerodynamic to help me withstand the cold and provides ease of movement, and pants. definitely pants.

i can't help but feel scrutinised when people look at me everytime nadrah cries or screams.
being overseas meant less freedom for nadrah, and she didn't like it.
what to do babe?
you can't go into a bag shop and run out with an unpaid (and expensive) one out as you like!
you can't just run into a train track, are you serious?!?
you can't just jump into the canal just because it has water! it's not swimming pool!
ahhhh.. jantung aku.....

being in UK and Italy made me realised something.
i have to puasa travelling out of malaysia for... 5, 10 years? maybe?

takpe la. demi my own health and child(ren)'s.

i could not go through those mini heart attacks anymore!

*the decoration on the stage looks really nice! except for that green thing. it's a bit.. off..*
*oh dear. that's nadrah.*

would you like me to blog about our holiday?
(yay or nay, imma do it anyway. yay, i rhymed!)


Araqa said...

Yay :) excited :) can feel ur adrenaline rush ....

Unknown said...

I really think she took after you Kak Mars :p the behaviour part :p

Emma Rose said...

yayyyyyyyyyyyy . hihi *over

HaFizaH aYu said...

Haha nadrah2 nakal sgt nih..sian kat mummy hehe

Zatil said...

yes yes please do (about the holiday post) and soon pleaseeee. hehe. i'm off to london in 2 weeks so really want to read about your adventure with nadrah as i will bring my 1 and a half year old active toddler with me too. just like nadrah she is! oh i can't imagine being in a 13-hours flight with her. just thinking about it makes my stomach shrink.. if you know what i mean hehehe. hugs and kisses for nadrah xoxo.

Hafiz Hafizol said...

hahaha apa yang nadrah buat tu? pura-pura pengsan ka pa? hahaha..-.-

Dreams Land said...

hahaha so cute la nadrah.

of course la yayy haha

Mommy's Diary of Life said...

kids mmg kuasa kuda dorg ni xle nak lawan. haha. x caye, u beranak selang setahun. hahaha. adeh deh.

sayaidaydotcom said...

Baca ni pon macam bateri tinggal 5% jugak. Hahahaha Baca laju2. Ya allah aktif betul Nadrah. Alhamdulillah sebab dia sihat :)

Comel betul part dia baring tu. Hahaha

Unknown said...

I feel uuuuuuuuuuuu...sekarang Ammar is 6 and don't feel like going back to that moment..haha..

Anonymous said...

seronoknya hidup dgn telatah anak sendiri kan..Tak sabar menanti ni..
Harap segalanya dipermudahkan Allah S.W.T..
Maria tolong doakan Fida sama yer..

Puput Utami said...

ahaha Nadraah.. comel sangattt

aTuL said...

Yeeayy. feel so fun taking care of your own child! hihihi

Miss Sakura said...

aha.. i experienced that 2! omaiii...

my thoughts said...


ZueZulaikha said...

pity you kak mars... hehe

Beloganatano said...

Sweet Nadrah :)

Felis Domestica said...

Cool.. mmg mcm mcm ragam, n mesti percaya setiap baby lain. Yup, tangguh dulu plen luar malaysia.. tp takda la 5,10 tahun. 2 tahun lg ok la tu... kalau belum ada adik lg. Selalu tgok org jerit kat anak kita mcm ewww... tp, bila dah masa kita.... sama...u will miss time tu bila dia dah duduk sopan as "anak dara" u know...

writtenby said...


Kniedaz said...

would love to read about your holiday and Nadrah of course... ^_^

iman.nurina said...


ireminisces said...

Hi excited Come and have a look at The Meaning Of Iman - Faith over at ireminisces, and share some words, would love to read your comments everyone, thanks. Anyone feel free to add my "I Love Islam" button to your site its free!

Take Care

FadMN said...

dont worry.she is normal.hahaha. bcos mine is also same as yours.muka tebal jer la kan. :)

syalinda johari said...

hahhaaa.. Nadrah cute sangat.. I dapat bayangkan perangai dia...

I ada 3 kids, 7 years, 5 years and paling kecik 6 months...
sangat2 memenatkan..walaupun di rumah..
rasa macam hari2 jadik hulk kat rumah..kalau kat luar lagilah bapak hulk..hahhahaa...rasa heart attack ja

tapi anak2 kan... nanti bila diorang dah besar sket..kita akan rasa cepat sangat masa berlalu...
time tido pun selalu tenung muka diorang...rasa kesian jer...bila marahkan diorang jegil2 mata kat diorang..kahkahkahkah..

Unknown said...

Yayy :)

balqisfz said...

Salam alayk kak mars :)
hehe gambar nadrah is the most epic! hehe. yayy! for ur holiday experience :) kak mars, gmbar pemandangan sekali ya ;)

Syahrita Herlin said...

kak...buatlah book....i nak jadi mom ni

Unknown said...

i love ur writings... it seems so real. pay a visit to mine puloks girl..

june said...

I feel u Maria. Tobat don't want to travel with kids, but you'll see. Haha. Mesti xtahan punya nak pg travel

Syafiqa Hatta said...

Haah. Budak budak memang sentiasa energetic.

Banyak pengalaman jugak sebab tinggal dengan kakak yg ada 4 energetic kids. 4 kali ganda Nadrah.

Haha. Infinity energy.

wan muliani said...

haha comelnyaa nadrahh...

Anasyg said...

sama macam @norhidayahmohdnor. baca laju2 sbb ingat bateri laptop ni yg 5%. oh and u got me at *the decoration on the stage looks really nice! except for that green thing. it's a bit.. off..*
*oh dear. that's nadrah.*

haha. oh dan sokong @syahritaherlin bout write a book. maybe not now, yknow with sprinting Nadrah and all. maybe later. haha.