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Friday, March 28, 2014

Ami Schaheera


"Ami dah pergi. Semoga dia ditempatkan di tempat orang orang yang beriman. 26/3/2014. 01:29 - naz-"
- was the last message we received from her on whatsapp.

nak cerita kat blog pun rasa berat..

i've written an entry of her in my diary and it went on for 6 pages. 6!
even my delivery story didn't make it that long.

walaupun terasa berat, i want to share our Ami with everyone.

so here's what i know about her =)

Ami Schaheera was an amazing, iconic woman.
she's (was and still is) a walking inspiration. from fashion, to health.
she was diagnosed with leukemia and she fought on for 4 years.

seriously, tengok dia pun tak tau pun dia ada something like that!
hebat sungguh dia..

i knew sis ami since around early 2011 i think..
her fashion style is super bold and colourful, but she is very softspoken.
when i knew she had leukemia, i was surprised because... come la. see la dia macam mana kan.
she's so cool! i masa tengok (tengok je tau) dia dulu pun rasa malu sangat sebab dia macam terlalu cool.

i was a budak hingusan masa kenal dia. i thought having leukemia was like having a fever everyday. it sucks but meh. life goes on.
ignorant gila kan? ugh. tumbuk muka sendiri.

then, ada one time i had a really high fever, and i thought of how ami is battling cancer.
padan muka maria. rasa kau.

sebab i ni jarang demam, so masa demam tu baru la ingat how sakit demam & lemah sakit tu macam mana.
and to think she had to face "sakit" everyday? she had successfully led a colourful life nonetheless!
hebat kan?

i don't remember how it happened, but we became friends! (so grateful for that fact! kalau tak, kenal dia as a fan je)
she was a few years older than me, cooler than me, had better and maturer friends than me, yet she accepted me as her friend!
dia takde pun that "i'm older therefore you listen to me" kind of attitude. langsung!
she treated me as an equal, listened to my hingusan stories, even took my advice!
*tangisan dalam kerinduan*

she was such a good listener.
also a good story teller =)

alhamdulillah, even though we're not the best of friends, we had our moments together =')

on the 25th of march, we were still chatting in our whatsapp group, as if everything was fine and dandy. later that day, she asked us for a zikir for semput/asma.
kitorang pun apa lagi. share apa kita tau.

i knew she wasn't feeling so well and thought of seeing her at the hospital.. baru ingat nak pergi the next day.

tapi.. Allah loves her more..

imagine how shocked we all were when we got that message.....

yesterday afternoon, i was looking through her pictures in her facebook. i realised how much she cherished her relationships; with her husband, her families, her friends, even her ex-colleagues!

compared to her, i appreciate people like peanuts. depan mata makan. takde depan mata, tak cari.
dalam erti kata lain, i take people around me for granted.
sometimes i boleh la ingat ingat. tapi memang tak sehebat cara ami ingat orang orang dia sayang.

sis ami's passing on to the other side has truly taught me a lot of life lessons.
although.. i feel kinda bad for having to learn it this way.. i mean, i should've learnt them from her when she was still around.. tu la i kata. i ni macam ughh.

anyway, i've decided.
i will start living my life to the fullest!
i will take more pictures of people i care about!
i will print them out and put the pictures in my own photo album! a physical one! not in computer!
i will visit the sick! i will ask for their forgiveness!
i will write about my friends and families in my diary & blog!
i will open myself up to depend on others!
i will start trusting people again!

so can you tell the kind of person sis ami was?
told you she was amazing. =)

this post isn't all sad and sappy because sis ami wasn't like that. she was vibrant, spirited, passionate, and overall awesome like WAH!

she's an inspiration!

please doa for her ya friends?
Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosanya, kasihanilah ia, lindungilah ia dan maafkanlah ia, muliakanlah tempat kembalinya, lapangkan kuburnya, bersihkanlah ia dengan air, salju dan air yang sejuk. Bersihkanlah ia dari segala kesalahan, sebagaimana Engkau telah membersihkan pakaian putih dari kotoran, dan gantilah rumahnya -di dunia- dengan rumah yang lebih baik -di akhirat- serta gantilah keluarganya -di dunia- dengan keluarga yang lebih baik, dan pasangan di dunia dengan yang lebih baik. Masukkanlah ia ke dalam syurga-Mu dan lindungilah ia dari seksa kubur atau seksa api neraka.

Thank you =')

by the way, sis ami was not a perfect person, just like you & i. therefore please, please forgive her if she had rubbed you the wrong way, or hurt you. she's only human. she makes mistakes too.. if dia ada hutang ke apa with you, you feel like you need to tell her something, please leave your email in the comment section, and i will contact you =)

thank you all.
salam =)


My Own Fairytale said...

Thanks for you beautiful post about Ami.

Salam aleykum warahmatullah wabarakatu


Mia Fauzia said...

I never met ami, just knew her from her blog and instagram. You're right, she's such an inspiration. We need to live our life to the fullest and never take anyone for granted anymore

celikmatahati said...


sy tak taw nk kata apa
tp ini byk memberi kesan
simbahan air
simbahan peringatan dr ALLAH
utk kita lebih menghargai mrk yg berada disekeliling kita..

AL-fatihah for sis ami..

Sheila Salim said...

Assalamualaikum.. Innalillahiwainnailaihiraji'un… sheila cuma 2 kali jumpa kak ami. dia memang soft spoken, baik sangat layan even first time jumpa. gonna missed her... Al-fatihah...

Norma NML said...

Al fatihah...semoga allahyarhamah ditempatkan dikalangan mereka yg beriman..1st tahu psl Ami tru rancangan tv...she share about her life fight for her cancer..

Unknown said...

bella kenal die melalui fesyen. tak tahu plak arwah ada sakit teruk mcm tu. doakan Allah perlihara roh arwah =(

Unknown said...

Al-Fatihah...I never knew her in person. I just knew her through blog..still, i feel the lost...

Aida Arisya said...

Alfatihah buat kak ami..
tq maria..sbb mperkenalkan kak ami kpd saya around 2011 masa launch album hunny madu that day..dr situ saya mengenali kak ami & admire how strong she is...she's very kind & nice person...moga dia tenang d sana...ALfatihah

Atiqah Nadhirah Azhar said...

Al-fatihah..i know about her on ur ig..the day b4 ..yeah!and i realize that ,dia la wanita yg kuat!

doremon said...

kan kak maria. sis ami sgt2 superb. tgok dkat insta dia slalu share healthy juice dia. dia sgt memberi inspirasi dkat org keliling. kalau just tgok dia taktau pon dia saket. al-fatihah sis ami, moga Allah mnjgamu. aamiin.

doremon said...

kan kak maria. sis ami sgt2 superb. tgok dkat insta dia slalu share healthy juice dia. dia sgt memberi inspirasi dkat org keliling. kalau just tgok dia taktau pon dia saket. al-fatihah sis ami, moga Allah mnjgamu. aamiin.

DYatie ABakar said...

I never know her till people were keep on sharing and talking bout her after she passed away. But I believe she's a better person that cherished everyone around her.

just azura! said...

she was an inspiration. battling cancer and all. will miss her posts in insta. insyaaAllah semoga belau ditempatkan di kalangan orang beriman.

Unknown said...

as salam maria. no doubt saya xkenal amy secara dekat dan hanya kenal dia tru instagram natasya hudson and ade satu episod dlm wanita hari ini, tp bila dengar berita amy battling for cancer, rase drop heeartbeat woo.

kenapa jadi gitu, sebb saya langsung tak nampak ape2 riak kesusahan dia menahan ape yang dia tanggung. and bila tau berita dia dah passed away, sedikit efekted jiwa ku. maybe sebab soul sahabat dia melekat sikit kat jiwa ku bila kenal dia tru ig. and i believe sahabat yg kenal dia and close dgn dia sgt trkesan dengn pemergian dia. Al-fatihah. semoga roh amy ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yang soleh

Sakina Kushairi said...

salam kak maria
i adore kak ami not becoz of her fashion but she was a real fighter. the way she fought her illness mcm penyakit dia tak teruk. so incredible woman. be friend with kak ami at fb and now i miss her post about healthy food and eat clean. kak ami tak sombong, even she replied my comment at blog and fb. may Allah put her in the highest place in Jannah.

eatloveprayjournal said...

Al fatihah untuk arwah Ami adalah course mate beliau di universiti..yup.semua datang dari Allah dan kembali kepadaNya.

penyisir rambut said...

al fatihah...semoga arwah ditempatkan di kalangan org2 soleh... sy tak pernah jumpe dia..tapi rasa mcm pernah blogwalking ke blog dia.. wajah nye ceria..tak mcm org sakit pon... kite ni,,baru pening kepala sikit,,demam sikit..dah mcm org mati laki je... ermmmm...

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