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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to Berzakat

assalamualaikum =D

i just want to share with you about Zakat.
some people don't have a real understanding what zakat is for, why we have to pay zakat, and more.

ok so firstly, zakat pendapatan is wajib for all working muslims. whether you kerja kat rumah or kat office or whatever, if you dah dapat gaji, you are entitled to give zakat. even if you dapat allowance, you are still entitled to berzakat.
'Give' zakat, not 'pay' zakat.
big difference.

to give zakat, means kena berniat untuk membayar zakat atas nama Allah swt. if you've been giving zakat through counter PPZ (Pusat Pungutan Zakat), you lafaz akad depan officer tu.if online pun ada je lafaz tu =)  papepun lafaz tu cuma sunat hukumnya, yang penting kita niat zakat.
next, the amount to give zakat is only 2.5% of your pendapatan.
say you have RM1000 allowance monthly, so RM25 je zakat perlu diberi. tak banyak pun kan? but this much pun you can feed a person for a full day! and bila seorang tu yang dapat your share of zakat kenyang, pahala goes straight to you!

but if you're in doubt as to berapa kena give to zakat, can always call PPZ at 1300 88 5757, just go to the nearest PPZ, or go to their website =)
oh, they also have Facebook! so tanya je la pape kat sana if you happen to be on fb kan =)

i've mentioned earlier about giving zakat either through PPZ or online, well i have been informed that they would prefer to have us to berzakat online.
coz it's easier to sort out that way. and for those yang ada habit berzakat at the last minute, better la buat online sebab kalau kat maybank2u or cimbclicks or whatever online banking, you can set dah monthly deduction terus to lembaga zakat negeri.
payment can be done through PFX (debit card) and credit card from islamic banks. the resit will be given to you within 7 working days.
for those yang nak guna Skim Thohir (skim potongan gaji zakat), all you need to do is fill up a form called Borang Kebenaran Potongan Gaji (PPZ 052) online and PPZ-MAIWP (MAIWP - Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan) will follow up with you on the rest. this process will take about 7 working days.

efficient kan?

giving zakat online pun senang for us nak check our zakat records. whether our zakat given kat counter or online, still can track back. senang kan? =)

zakat ni pun boleh dapat rebate on income tax!
siapa2 yang kena bayar income tax, with all the zakat given throughout the year, including qadha zakat, boleh ditolak dari Cukai Pendapatan Individu according to Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 seksyen 6A(3) for that year.
fuuhhh!!! rasa sungguh lawyer sekarang =p hahaha!!

but if you're the boss atau you best friend ngan boss, tell them to remitkan partial or all PCB (Potongan Cukai Berjadual) to PPZ-MAIWP according to pembayar zakat nya rate =)

for example,
income tax (PCB) = RM 100
zakat bulanan = RM 80
balance = RM 20

sonang hidup yo!

btw, worry not about where the money will go.
PPZ mmg ditugaskan to cari sumber, collect and give to Baitulmal, who will agihkan all the zakat to golongan asnaf yang layak menerimanya. they have a system for this, and they do it Lillahi Taala =)

so i hope this is enough info for the time-being!!
i punya knowledge pun tak banyak mana and i'm still learning.
if you have some knowledge pasal zakat to share, please do!! sebab i cuma belajar through online je. heheheee =p
sama sama kita menjadi muslim yang bertanggungjawab & berilmu, in sha Allah =D

jazakallah khairan!


zaty said...

bagusnye! skrg memang tgh mencari2 mcm mane nak buat zakat. nice entry btw!

Nur Atiqah Azahari said...

Owhhh baru tahu ! Thanks kak Maria :)

krunch2sa said...

saya belum memenuhi kuota utk bayar zakat slama ni agak ignorant....tanx kak Maria!!!

Unknown said...

maria elena rocks!!! we love you

Anonymous said...

good info. thanks for sharing maria :)

Mira Amirudin said...

dah boleh jadi lawyer dah rasanye...hehe btw, very good entry :)

Anonymous said...

trims infonye

Anonymous said...

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Ayumieka said...

saya pilih potongan gaji... :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Maria dearie for the zakat tips.. saje nak tambah, kita boleh juga menderma melalui PERKIM kepada mualaf, anak yatim, ibu tunggal, mangsa bencana dan OKU.. refer website PERKIM utk nombor akaun k..

P/s: Hai, kawan2 pembaca blog Maria the peliks ;D, jemputlah LIKE page saya.. ini link page saya: tq semua.. ;d

Cikgu Ma said...

thanx for sharing...maybe next year dh bleh bagi zakat...

Daeng on duty said...

Salam Maria, betul tu zakat sangat penting untuk menyucikan harta kita..takut kita termakan harta anak yatim sebenarnye tu hak mereka..dah kira termasuk dosa2 besar..

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Unknown said...

Nak + sikit..KETAHUI HAK ANDA.kalau berzakat mlalui potongan gaji,automatik majikan akan kurangkn potongan cukai (pcb).kalau bayar zakat sendiri (online/kaunter),lpastu bley pergi HR mmasing yg uruskn gaji,ada borang lhdn punye tuk diisi yg boleh mngurangkn potongan pcb mmasing.harap x jadi kawan bos pun xpe..ngheeee

outbound malang said...

kunjungan gan , bagi-bagi motivasi
semoga menjadi semangat .. :)
Jangan berusaha mencari kebahagiaan karena kamu tidak akan menemukannya. Kebahagiaan itu sudah ada di hatimu dan pikiranmu. said...

thanks sis sharing

Anonymous said...

hai Maria thx for the tips! :)

.. said...

semak harta. pendapatan kena zakat, wang simpanan kalau ada lebih rm12k pn ada probabilities kena bayar zakat.

Unknown said...

mari bayar zakat. alhamdulillah. tq maria.

LilYofDaPond said...

just wondering, kalo simpanan anak camne eh, kene zakat juga ke? tq